The name is Hannah but I go by Skitter. I'm 16 and horse obsessed. Falling Skies and Teen Wolf are the name of the game at the moment. Newsies side blog at
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Ok like I agree that Jeff was a nice guy BUT you just know he broke someone's heart somewhere along the line. No one is perfect. All are assholes some of the time.
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I ship Charlie from Perks of Being a Wallflower and Jessica Davis
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At the end of the day Hannah was the 13th Reason Why.
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Dark at the End of the Tunnel
I'm in a tunnel with only one way in and no way out. It's a horizontal hole, where the damp has soaked deep into the cinder block and my skin with it. There's only the light on the end that I'm walking further away from. I can still feel the warmth on my neck, even as the cold raises gooseflesh, tiny hairs standing like soldiers at attention. This tunnel is one way. There's no turning around. But that's not true. Every day I catch myself searching for something in the rearview, I look so hard and I look so long that I convince myself there really was sunshine to begin with. I look back at this artificial light I've convinced myself existed as it draws away farther with every mistake. Every mistake, every person that I give too much of myself away to, every friend that I trust a little too much. The grass is always greener, the sun is always brighter but there is no other side. There is only my past and my future. There is only the past that I try to run my way back to. But there is no going back, so with every step back, it's really a step deeper. Every step, the warmth shrivels away, it was always warmer one step before though even then I told myself it was warmer the step before, even then I told myself it was warmer the step before, even thenI told myself... I catch myself dreaming that the past was this perfect reality in which I was this person that I've manipulated myself into believing I wanted to be. I've convinced myself that I was beautiful, that I was strong, that I was happy. If I really could turn around, step backwards through my memories as if I was flipping through some scrapbook that showed instead of photographs with their plastered jubilance, as if I was skipping stepping stones over water that reflected the truth instead of the lies I've made real inside my head. I would see what I've worked so hard to cover up. There's a sort of loneliness that soaks in so deep you can feel it in the bend of your elbows, the back of your throat. There's a loneliness that sits like stones tethered to your eyelashes, weighing down your eyelids like rocks tied to your suicide attempts. It pervades through my existence like some shadow I can't lose, Peter Pan should be so lucky. Sometimes I am a train hurdling toward some inevitable conclusion, in which repercussion becomes percussion, in which commas become periods. Every time I give myself away to someone new I leave a piece of myself behind and expect the next person to put a little bit more of me back together. But I am not a puzzle. My pieces do not fit the way that I wish they did. My pieces are not simply left behind, they are obliterated. My pieces are destroyed beyond recognition so that my only point of action is not to reconstruct, not to rebuild, but to synthesize my brokenness. Turn the past into Disney Land, and the people that hurt me into Mickey Mouse. So welcome to my amusement park, my puzzle, my tunnel. You can leave, you will leave, any time you like but I'll still be here when you're gone, leaving nothing but a specter for me to twist into something you never were. The past is a tunnel with one way in and no way out. Where every step back is a step deeper.
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Fun Fact
Tick Tick... BOOM is not only a favorite catch phrase but a broadway musical written by Jonathan Larson. The same man who wrote Rent.
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I would love an episode where the characters had to deal with the deaths they feel responsible for. Having Jimmy appear to Weaver for example...Weaver being forced to deal with his belief that he failed the boy...
Ben--Jimmy Anthony/Hal-- Dai Tector--Boon Maggie/Hal--Karen
I can't think of more but I'm sure there are others.
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Wait how many episodes has there been???? Three or four?
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Okay but what is it with Ben stealing Hal's girlfriends?
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That one extra with the camo cowboy hat that's been in this show since like episode one :')
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I had a really busy crappy year but I'm back. About to watch episode three :)
If you don’t ship Tom/Pope/Weaver you’re lying to yourself…
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Did someone say razorback mountain :)
nikolagriffin replied to your post:Somebody (Nik?) that Ben/Jimmy is a thing. …
/laughs nervously…
That means i’m right, right?
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Ight head canon accepted!
What hurts the most is knowing Jimmy could’ve been Matt’s awesome side kick in that creepy ass concentration camp reeducation thing.
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During my stay at the hospital there was a boy who was completely crippled to the point of being unable to speak in my group and whenever he was feeling worked up or frustrated with his inability to communicate he would make these amazingly complex origami structures. It was just really cool to see.

There are a number of students in my GCSE class that have behavioural issues and if they feel uncomfortable they can do anything from storm out of the classroom to throwing chairs and punching their tables. They’re great kids, they just dont always see the light at the end of the tunnel and when they are in stressful situations they dont know what to do other than lash out sometimes. They are 10 months away from their final exams and the pressure is being mounted on them in every aspect of their school lives.
Last week one of the students saw me making little origami stars. Its something I do when I’m feeling anxious to help me focus on something else. He asked if I could show him how to make them. He had been clenching his fists all lesson, which I’ve noticed is a tell that he is struggling to retain composure. I gave him a strip of paper and talked it through with him. Soon half of the class were asking me to show them. They all picked it up really quickly.
After about five minutes and about 8 stars later, the student sat back down and was in a much calmer and motivated mood for the rest of the lesson. Our next lesson I placed a box of paper strips on my desk and when I saw anyone getting worked up about their work I silently placed a strip in front of them and let them get on with it. The lesson after I was amazed to see that students would go up to the box of their own accord, pick up a few strips and head back to their desks to continue working after calming down.
Yesterday I brought a large jar into the classroom and placed my anxiety stars in there. The boys put their strsss stars in there too. When they fill the jar I’m going to bring sweets into the lesson to celebrate them working hard and working through their problems in a positive manner. I know I’m not the teacher they deserve just yet but I feel like I’ve made a big breakthrough with them.
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What hurts the most is knowing Jimmy could've been Matt's awesome side kick in that creepy ass concentration camp reeducation thing.
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If you don't ship Tom/Pope/Weaver you're lying to yourself...
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Wait did I miss the premiere.....shit....
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