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skinny-serendipty · 14 hours ago
Day 2:
Today was a better than yesterday but still not as productive as I could have hoped. I did use the treadmill for an hour at 12 incline and 3.2mph for 65minutes. I also did 10k steps but I didn't do the daisy keech workout. I did not revise to do apart from a 10 minute quiz that doesn't really count. I also didn't do the lessefarim workout cause i was soooo dizzy. My weight has dropped down to 53.25kg but this was right after breaking my fast.
For context, I'm fasting for Ramdan so I normally eat suhoor and iftar but my parents make me eat loads at iftar so I don't really know my deficit. Hopefully, I'll be able to either skip iftar or make it fit into my defecit. Also I made my Tumblr blog look a bit better so at least that's something.
Goals for Tomorrow:
65 minutes on the treadmill at 12 incline and 3.2mph (oddly specific I know )
Daisy keech hourglass abs routine
10k steps
90 minutes of revision
stay in a 1300 deficit
I hope tomorrow is more productive.
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skinny-serendipty · 2 days ago
Day 1:
Today was an unproductive day. I am genuinely so disappointed in myself because I didn't workout, or even stay in my deficit I just ate at my maintenance. BUT I did revise maths for 45 minutes and science for 15 minutes so at least that's something.
My weight today dropped to 53.75kg, I think I'll weigh myself everyday at 7:30pm to make it fair.
My goals for tomorrow are:
Use the treadmill for 65 minutes at a 12 incline and 3.2mph
Do the lessefarim workout
Do 10k steps or an hour on the treadmill at 3.7mph
Do the daisy keech hourglass abs workout
Revise maths for an hour
Revise science for an hour
Wash my hair
stay in a 1300 deficit
I really want to learn how to make my blog and profile pretty so that's my extra goal
Learn how to properly use/ make a Tumblr blog.
That's it for today 💗
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skinny-serendipty · 3 days ago
I have unfortunately gained 5kg and am trying to gaslight myself into thinking thats not THAT bad ( it is my bmi is in the 20s)
cw/hw: 54.5kg gw1: 48kg gw2: 45kg ugw:42kg
ill be posting dailly wied/ what i did/ weigh ins.
im aiming for 5kg this month. If anyone wnats to be moots lmk
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skinny-serendipty · 3 months ago
I feel so skinny everytine I say no to high calorie foods. I'm the skinniest bitch alive fr
Tumblr media
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skinny-serendipty · 3 months ago
+ Abs
Some things I look forward to:
No ”love handles”
Slim waist
Strong arms
Muscular thighs and calves
Thigh gap
Feeling light yet powerful
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skinny-serendipty · 4 months ago
Need this motivation
working out is boring and restricting is annoying and skipping dessert is annoying and counting cals is boring and fasting is annoying and constantly weighing yourself is boring? all true.
but guess what! IT'S WHAT WORKS.
being uncomfortable works.
being annoyed works.
being bored works.
struggling, waiting, trying, IT'S WHAT WORKS.
if you don't want to go out of your comfort zone, you will never get what's on the other side of your comfort.
and your comfort is what got you in this situation.
every ounce of fat in your body was achieved by you being comfortable with comfort foods, leisure and inactivity.
want to change? CHANGE.
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skinny-serendipty · 4 months ago
I have made a plan to lose 7kg in the next 5 weeks by water fasting every other day and eating less than 800 cats on the days I am not water fasting. But the problem is my parents are forcing me to eat and I acnt throw up my food. I NEED A FLAT STOMCHA AND THIN THIGHS SO BAD. I am not allowed to eat in my room so how do I do this.
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