endless epiphanies
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skaiser. female. pan. frequently pulls shit out of ass and calls it 'writing.'
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skaiserbleu-blog · 5 years ago
How to become a disciplined student?
Hi guys! As promised, here is a simple, three steps method (packed with additional tips) that will help you become more disciplined.
If you apply these tips consistently a bit everyday, I promise you’ll see positive changes in your daily routine and that your study sessions will get less tedious.
1. Get yourself a planner
Or an agenda, or a bullet journal,… anything that will help you organize your days and schedule your activities.
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Use it to keep track of all the things you need to do.
Additional tips :
- Use a color code to distinguish between your various activities
(For instance, here’s mine : Red = law school papers/compulsory activities ; green = sport ; pink = compulsory things that are not college related (doctor appointments, vet appointments for my pets, etc.) ; pink = domestic chores (laundry, cooking, etc.) and blue = spare time).
- If you opt for a bullet journal, decorate it as you wish, but do not lose time doing too elaborate things (not everyone is Picasso, right?)
Below, you’ll see the kind of bujo that I love! It’s neat, simple and straightforward.
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- You can opt for a digital agenda and use your phone/computer/iPad to manage this BUT, do not forget that there will be times when you’ll need to switch ALL your electronics device off (= when you’re studying). So this might not be the more useful tool, but if you enjoy it, don’t hesitate using it.
P.S.: @emmastudies​ printables are just awesome to use on a daily/weekly/monthly basis! If you haven’t done it yet, check her studyblr and use her printables to build good, disciplined habits.
2. Know your rythm
As for anything, discipline requires that you know your rythm.
- Are you more productive in the morning or in the evening? - Do you feel drowsy after meals?
Always plan difficult subjects of demanding activities on the moments when you feel at the top of your capacities.
(For instance, I’m more productive in the mornings, so I always study a more difficult subject during my morning sessions. I feel sleepy after lunch, so I always plan some compulsory readings or some research at that time of the day and get back to “real” studying at around 2 p.m. And since I’m usually totally fed up with my books at around 6 p.m., that’s when I plan 30 to 45 minutes of sport).
Additional tips to become an early riser (if you’re more productive in the morning):
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- Change your rythm step by step It’s no use trying to get up at 5 a.m. when you usually get up at 10 a.m.! Try to do it step by step and get up half an hour earlier every three days. Also, if you want to get up earlier go to bed earlier too. YOU NEED SLEEP to study and memorize effectively, so go to bed early if you need it!
- Have a shower in the morning and keep baths for the evening Showers will wake you up ; bath are more relaxing and will help you go to sleep.
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3. Be gentle with yourself, but also learn to force yourself!
Of course, students need to be gentle with themselves. It’s no use blaming yourself because you “only” studied for 5 hours a day instead of 8 on your weekends –> progress is progress, no matter how small!
But sometimes, in order to overcome procrastination, we really need to force ourselves.
I’m sorry if you don’t want to read this, but if you want to become disciplined, there will be moments when you won’t feel like studying, but you will have to sit behind your desk, take your notes and books and start studying them.
There’s no miracle recipe here: sometimes, we HAVE TO be stronger than our feelings.
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It’s hard, of course, but the result will be worth it. Don’t forget that success is at the other end.
Additional tips:
- Start at once Start studying as soon as you are showered, dressed and have breakfasted, Do not think about it: just go to your desk, check your planner/agenda, and start working on what you planned for the day.
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The bigger the “gap” between your breakfast/shower and your study session will be, the more difficult it will be for you to start what needs to be done.  So, it’s better to start at once, without even thinking about it. 
Do that a few times, and it will become a real habit! 
- Take care of your study area
a) Clean and tidy your desk every night after you finish your daily work By doing this, you won’t lose time cleaning and tidying the next morning.
b) Prepare everything you’ll need for your next study session the night before Same objective here: everything will be ready for you to start studying at once! Do not forget to put an empty glass on your desk (this will remind you to stay hydrated) and to pack your fridge and kitchen with healthy snacks (fruits, veggies with hummus, almonds, etc.) that you’ll just have to grab when you want to take a break from your desk.
c) And don’t forget to make your desk area as appealing as possible Pin some motivational quotes on your wall; make a moodboard that will remind you why you are working so hard and what are your goals; put some pictures of your friends and family and imagine how proud they would be if they could see you right now!
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- Try to avoid computers and phones when you do not need them
Of course, we need computers and phones to study. Most of universities and college make the study material available to students online; and some even organise online courses. Plus, many of us take notes with computers rather than with pen and paper.
But do not forget that computers and phones are the best way to procrastinate: you need to do some research on the web –> you end up spending an hour on Instagram.
So, use these devices carefully!
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And if deep down into you, you know that you should avoid your computer/phone at all cost (because the temptation to do something else than studying will be too strong), then DO IT!
Instead of using your computer, take a pen and a sheet of paper and draw diagrams or mind maps with these, instead of using Free Mind (which is great, by the way, but “hand made” mind maps are too).
Same with flashcards: write them with a pen rather than with Quizlet (I love Quizlet too).
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Besides training your discipline, you will train your hand. You will need this, since you’ll have to answer your exam with pen and paper (sometimes for 4 hours in a row, so your hand needs training, believe me. Otherwise, you’ll cry with pain once the exam is over).
This is my personal method for developing discipline. I’ve been using it for the past four years, and it never failed me, so I hope this is helpful to as many of you as possible!
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skaiserbleu-blog · 5 years ago
Ok look I’m not going to tell you not to compare yourself to others because we all know that’s just not gonna happen, we’re all human here and it’s absolutely normal to do that. BUT. PLEASE. REMEMBER: what you’re comparing yourself to flourished in another environment than yours. yes, that person and their accomplishments may look like the most beautiful and enviable garden you’ve ever seen, but those flowers grew in different soil, they were differently watered and the sun kissed them differently than yours. your flowers are growing in your own time and under their circumstances. you’re allowed to admire someone else’s, but they don’t make yours any less beautiful. give them time. water them as best as you can. appreciate them. appreciate yourself.
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skaiserbleu-blog · 6 years ago
Advice for people in their 20s from someone who’s just entered their 30s....
1. Don’t waste time being fearful: go for that job that you’re certain you’re not gonna get. What’s the worse that can happen? You are rejected, but you gain interview experience. Self-doubt is really a waste of time.
2. Live in the present. Yes, it is important to plan for the future, but it is easy to put off living until it is too late. Make sure that you have no regrets about what you should have done. Do one exciting thing per year.
3. Know your worth. This applies to both work and relationships; never sell yourself short. No job or romance is more important than your self respect. Also, charge for any unique skills/services that you can offer. 
4. Don’t be afraid to leave bad situations. I left a stable but draining teaching job in order to protect my mental health. Even though this was a big risk, it was the best decision I ever made. NOTHING is more important than your mental health. 
5. Most 20 somethings feel that they are underachieving. This is normal - especially in today’s financial climate. Don’t feel bad if you are still living at home and cannot afford to rent/buy. I’m 30 and still living at home, saving to buy.
6. People will disappoint you, but most of the time, it’s not about you. Everybody has their own demons and traumas that make them behave in certain ways. If somebody disrespects you, assert your boundaries and keep it moving. Also, examine if there was anything you could have done to avoid the situation. But DO NOT let it eat away at you.
7. In love, nobody owes you anything. Even if they made a promise, they are their own person…Everybody has the right to change their mind and to leave a situation which is not beneficial for them. This is hurtful and hard to accept, but it is the truth.
8. Learn to enjoy your own company. Your 20s can be a lonely time as your social sphere narrows, due to employment, finances and exhaustion. Use this time to find out more about yourself and do the things that you enjoy. There is something liberating about eating at a restaurant alone. 
9. Be kind, don’t gossip or overshare. I am still working on this one. It is really difficult to be kind and positive in a world full of annoying people. However, your attitude will influence how you are being perceived. If you are unkind, people will laugh at your jokes but they will never trust you. They will never trust you not to treat them as you treat other people. Remove yourself from toxic people, and only share negativity (sadness/anger/depression) with a therapist and one other person that you trust. If you overshare negative feelings, you may be stereotyped as being full of drama. Furthermore, people will want you to stay in a negative place because it’s entertaining and makes them feel better about their own lives. Just don’t do it.
10. You cannot win every battle. Within conflict, it is tempting to try to force others to agree with your perspective. However, most people are set in their ways, and find it difficult to change their views and behaviours. This is especially important when dealing with toxic family members. You may never get the apology and empathy that you seek, so it is important to accept that every battle cannot be won, and gain validation internally, rather than externally.
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skaiserbleu-blog · 6 years ago
writing can be . . .
. . . one of the hardest things someone can do. it is the expression of one’s imagination in its most complex and genuine form, and we all want to share it with the world in one way or another.
unfortunately, sharing one’s passions and ideas to the world is difficult and often times disheartening; the imagination isn’t as celebrated as society often claims it is. writing has become a competitive field in which only the lucky ones may become successful, but that “success” is not a measure of one’s worth.
if one becomes too absorbed in the idea of modern success, their thoughts will no longer be their own. they will be influenced by the demands of others in an attempt to appeal to their wants and needs. in our writing endeavors, we all want to be liked. we all value the opinions of others, but we must remember that whatever we create needs to be ours.
so if someone ever tells you that you are too “amateur” or that your ideas are “dry,” do not let it deter you from your own imagination. allow yourself to thrive in the realms that have been authored by your heart and soul.
no matter what point you are at in your journey, no one can ever take away just how endless and wonderful you are. so as you share your stories with the world, don’t forget the one who wrote them.
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