sistersiren · 4 years
You Have Been Beautiful This Whole Time
Today's meditation is on joy. That joy is something that comes first and foremost From our Being-state. You could call this God. Those moments when we're filled with bliss and we can't name it But it's there; When we've peeled back the layers so much and we find it: Joy. ** I had a realization the other day that shook me. A thought. The thought was: "Wait, have I been beautiful all along?" I followed the trails of this thought, Looking back on the patterns in my life, I never fully allowed myself to believe "I Am Beautiful." Not entirely sure why, but maybe it seemed dangerous. There was fear there. Fear that someone would prove me wrong. And I'm really not beautiful.
But the other day, I confirmed it. Not just for that day, but every day. Every day I have lived, I have been beautiful. I have been "attractive." I have been desirable.
And now, when I revisit memories, I do a rewrite. I cover the memory with, "I was beautiful then. I am beautiful now. How wonderful to be seen as beautiful." Douse it, bathe it, wash it: I am beautiful.
Baptize your memories in the truth. Look at the vision of yourself that was once Covered in doubt and Baptize it: I am beautiful. ** Today I had a moment with my naked body. Curled and cozy as I was, As if I was in the womb. I couldn't capture this moment with a camera. But through my eyes, I saw something new. A landscape.
I looked at the ridges of my legs, The gentle rise and fall of my tummy, The little translucent hairs in the afternoon sun; And I touched my skin, Caressed it with love and appreciated As I would a work of art hanging in a gallery.
And started laughing... And soon that laughter turned to crying. And I held myself.
I saw my body as a beautiful landscape. I connected my body to the beautiful landscape. I realized my body is a beautiful moving landscape. The waves of my tummy like a lake, The break of it pushing in and out on the shore. I heard the ocean of my breath and believed. I saw birch forests, evergreen dense forests, in my hairs... That this world would lead me and has led me to chop down. The little dimples and creases, Heights and depths, Soft, rough, ridged, sharp, squishy - All the unique details That make this landscape its own. This beautiful landscape.
I laughed with joy at the realization - Thank God I don't have to qualify this body As good, or bad. Like I wouldn't try to qualify, Maim or emaciate, vilify or condemn, Big Sur. It just is. And it is beautiful. Therefore, the landscape, This body, As it is, how it moves, How it creases, and grows, and stretches, It just is. And it's all magnificent.
Then I cried with sorrow at the lateness of this realization, And for the world we've made that looks at bodies And tries to manipulate all of them to be the same; As if all our beautiful landscapes should be the same. Now that's tragic.
But in the crying, there was laughter. In the sorrow, there was joy. And I couldn't tell you if the tears Were mostly of one or the other. But I do know I felt bliss and relief. ** This was my joy today, and I found it In freedom. I found it "in the unlocking and the lift away..." Ah, hmm... "Your love will be safe with me."
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sistersiren · 4 years
He said, “I’m down with Jesus”
He said, “I’m down with Jesus”
And I replied the same
Then put his teeth on my lips
And we challenged the rain
My fingers found him warm
In the creases of his sweater
His fingers moved some more
Towards the creases of my tether
My legs laid over his own
He cradled me in his palm
Our wild oats had been sewn
To the tune of a psalm
He asked to marry us for the night
And brought me in so close
But knowing my morning flight
I couldn’t take off my clothes
Our little altar we abandoned
And took to the pale dusk
With nothing much to stand on
Save a serendipitous trust
A rush of something sweeter
He painted me the dream
Intertwining our fingers
In the center of the street
Within his little apartment
He reassured me of his pace
Millions in small allotments
Silently asked me for my grace
I mentioned something of wealth
About greatness in garages
And saw a vision for himself
In blurry kind of collages
The time ticked on before us
As we realized this was it
And doing what we must
Had us wishing we were kids
I left him like a cloudburst
With him down on his knees
Dripping with the proud thirst
Of a soldier stripped to bleed
But he took me one last time
Pinning me on the door
In that moment he was mine
And kept us wanting more
Shutting it all behind me
Escaping through the night
He held onto me so tightly
As we whispered goodbye
Maybe it’s as he predicted
And one day we’ll meet again
When we’re both not so afflicted
With the grip of impediments
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sistersiren · 4 years
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sistersiren · 4 years
Honey on my tongue
Tasting so sweet
Has glitter running
Down to my feet
The world wakes warm
A song lifts the air
Everything is golden
And I’m moved to stare
Something catches me
A contrast of color
A child interpreting
The eyes of their mother
The coolness of wind
Slips through the frame
She caresses my cheek
And whispers my name
It is the music
This orchestra plays
These ancestral chords
Transfix my gaze
She is the first flicker
This seed long ago
Life’s first whimper
Beginning to grow
Bursting through earth
A cry from the womb
And so it began
Flooding the flume
A pillar through ages
Her seasons weaving
She offers a dance
That ceases our grieving
So the birds converse
High above my head
I drift in their comfort
And there make my bed
I am nothing but she
Who first gave me breath
This tune in my lungs
Shall not end with death
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sistersiren · 4 years
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pride and prejudice (2005, dir. joe wright)
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sistersiren · 5 years
Take Two. Action.
Biting our fingers in the car
Shift not to hit my nails
Lips and tips and moving stars
Still worried that you might bail
Taking and grazing your perfect teeth
Until we said it was too much
Feeling the skin down to my feet
Laughing at the jack off stuff
The moon is full and lights the street
My battery never died
The glass is coated in both our heat
All the things we would’ve tried
Two hours or so of breath to please
We wanted us satisfied
Slow time taken to touch and tease
Generous, good, sanctified
The look of your eyes closed to me
As you move your mouth over mine
Your hands take free to torturing
As my brain debates the drawing line
My arm reached out as you went to leave
‘I’ll miss you’ was what I defined
My shoulder arched released the sleeve
The anxious truth I keep confined
How much is too much honesty
With the courtroom of my mind
What is right and what is frightening
The language I cannot find
The hope I hold is still a game
Bouncing between wrong and right
The future I feel I cannot claim
Yet it ties me ever so tight
To wait feels strange down in my gut
The decision seems out of my hands
Who in this thing can we leave it up
This incision a contraband
But bleeding is something I left behind
I’m too sewn up now to leak
Yet opening stitches to let them unwind
Could never make me weak
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sistersiren · 5 years
why do they always
feel the need
to hide me?
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sistersiren · 5 years
All of Us Lovers, Romancing
It was by accident I had come to observe two sets of lovers on Signal Hill canoodling. I thought I just meant to nap and read with a grand view in front of me.
I got my view indeed.
But the couples were a bit more of an intrigue, you see. One beneath the sun, the other beneath a tree, both bathing. And embracing. And kissing. And reaching. Touching one another tenderly. Looking so similarly.
“But, what about me?”
And in that moment of lonely, I looked beyond them at the glittering. The vast divinity. I realized I was embracing. I was kissing. I was reaching.
This landscape in front of me. Arms stretching wide, holding me. The cranes, the clouds, Long Beach and the sea. It was always there, offering. And so I curled up atop its vista and breathed.
This book in my hands. Arms stretching wide, holding me. Fitzgerald, the French Riviera, Dick Divers and Rosemary. It was always there, offering. And so I nuzzled my nose in its chest and breathed.
These are my lovers. We are touching each other tenderly. Giving and receiving. We are romancing.
“But, Christ, will it ever be enough for me?”
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sistersiren · 5 years
he’s fading out...
and I should let him.
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sistersiren · 5 years
your lack of remorse
- your indifference -
that’s what still hurts.
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sistersiren · 5 years
Self Defense
Blood down my fingers
Blood down my mouth
Falling to the floor
Was the only way out
My body gave in
Though I reassured her
“You’re okay” “you’re okay”
She could not concur
She heard the sirens
In the side of her head
Then everything crumpled
When she saw the red
A thousand dreams
Came through in a flash
A million conversations
As she collapsed
I woke up wet
And covered in fear
Blood in my throat
Ringing in my ear
Face to the floor
Hard under my cheek
Cold and alone
I couldn’t speak
I had failed again
Overcome by the sight
I cried half naked
In the middle of the night
My body is mine
Yet she is also her own
My primal subconscious
Protects her throne
Yet I’m bruised and battered
And still so alone
What did she do
But break up my bones
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sistersiren · 5 years
Within Me, Without Me
I should know better than to go back there
In the quiet light of night
That place where there might be answers
Whether I’m wrong or I’m right
Some days I find the pleasure
Others I find my pain
I’m just doing my best alone out here
Giving my missing home a name
Love has been the ghost in front of me
Shadow boxing all my life
Sneaking past me with a whisper
In a forest full of light
I’ve felt its wind upon my neck
The hairs standing up on end
With a sucker punch to the sweet spot
Will I break or will I bend
She’s within me and without me
When he’s dancing miles away
I’ve had it but never felt it
Or been enough for it to stay
Can you look me in the eyes now
Can you say it face to face
That all you did was use me
To fill your empty space
It’s getting easier as time goes on
It was just as they had said
The feelings are foreign to me now
Or they’re finally gone and dead
But the memories still linger on
They’re not things that you just feel
Though you may not have loved me then
I know that those are real
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sistersiren · 5 years
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Ziegfeld Girl, 1920s.
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sistersiren · 5 years
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sistersiren · 5 years
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David Seidner, Ballet, 1979.
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sistersiren · 5 years
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sistersiren · 5 years
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Berenice’s tresses, 1878; Ambrogio Borghi exhibited in the Exposition Universelle in Paris.
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