siriusbleak · 7 years
“Mess?” Sirius took another look at his common room. Sure, to the sane mind, the living room seemed as if it had been ransacked by a family of wild erumpents. But for Sirius, the mysterious mess in his living quarters looked like any other ordinary day. “What mess?”
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siriusbleak · 7 years
“Always a possibility – you’ve only clarified what it isn’t. Even if it was, though, I couldn’t very well have it now. ” 
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“You’re right. I only considered that if it was yours, I might as well apologize for taking it. But I guess that’s unnecessary now.”
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siriusbleak · 7 years
‘‘That theory definitely makes sense…’‘ Frank pondered it for a moment. ‘‘Well to drink alone in an almost empty pub I’d say you have to be in some kind of mood..’‘
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“You could be right. As long as you aren’t the type of person trying to avoid a crowded room of noisy Ministry workers. In that case, that mood would be more like a general setting.”
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siriusbleak · 7 years
“As long as it has alcohol in it, my friend, there is minimal room for complaint.” He went on to sip on his own beverage, feeling it relax his muscles as he let out a tiny sigh. Definitely wasn’t his preferred drinking, but after a long day at work, just about anything would do.
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“I knew there was always a reason why we got along, Bones.” Sirius chuckled, as he took another sip of his new drink.  “Now what or who do I have to thank for having your presence here today?”
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siriusbleak · 7 years
Marlene stretched out her toes, as she rested her head on his chest. ‘’i know it’s too early, i’ll be quiet, i just feel like i’m dreaming and i’ll wake up any minute.. ’’ she mumbled, wrapping one of her legs around his as he squeezed her closer to him. She pressed a kiss to the hollow of his neck as she listened to his breathing, her fingertips drawing lazy patterns on his chest. Her mind drifted back to the night before, she went over all the details in her head, over and over. It all seemed so far away, like it had happened long ago, or maybe it was just how right it felt to be lying in Sirius’ arms. She moved up a little so she could see his face and watched as he lay eyes closed. Her fingers moved from his chest, to trace the planes of his face. The outline of his stubble and the curve of his nose. She pressed another soft kiss to his jawline before burying her face in the crook of his neck. ‘’Definitely real..’’ she whispered against his skin.
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Sirius’ mind had caught up to his body at this point. His eyes finally opened as he felt her fingers trace the line of his jaw. His head slightly curved so the first thing he noticed was her in all her vulnerable beauty. Sirius couldn’t help but smile. He had missed these mornings with Marlene - moments where it was solely them two, lying in the peace they had created for themselves. However, today was so different than all those moments in the Gryffindor dormitories. This time there were no emotional walls between them. No secrets. No unspoken baggage. They were free of their insecurities and finally able to just lie there without care. Or at least one of them was. “If you focus too long on whether it’s real or not, you’re going to forget to enjoy this.” Sirius kissed her forehead, as a reflex to the cheeky thing he was about to say next. “And missing out on the pleasure of my presence? It’s criminal.”
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siriusbleak · 7 years
Running her hands down his arms, drawing tiny circles as she went, she let out a soft chuckle at his comments. ‘’Don’t worry, not forcing you out your bed yet, I’m much too comfortable.’’ Marlene smirked, stifling a yawn and letting her hand rest against his chest. ‘’I’m still sleepy, I don’t make sense this early..’’ she let out a breathy laugh. ‘’What time even is it?’’ she asked curiously, however not making any movement to actually look at the clock. ‘’I vote its too early..’’ Marlene peaked out one of her eyes up at him. ‘’Do you have any plans today?’’ she asked him, moving up slightly so she was nose to nose with him.. However, seeing the sleepy grimace that crossed his face she smirked. ‘’Sorry sleeping beauty..’’ 
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“Ah, good. I wasn’t ready to work this early.” Sirius’ face subtly turned toward Marlene’s head, until his cheek gently leaned against her forehead. His fingers trailing up and down her back. Marlene was wonderful, but Sirius could never keep up with her in the morning. A soft grunt came from within his throat. “... So many questions ...” He squeezed her closer into him, hoping they could just fall back to sleep.
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siriusbleak · 7 years
‘‘Whats got you in the drinking mood? Or is that just your regular mood? I guess I haven’t got a choice but to slum it with beer now..’‘
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“Do you need to be in a mood to drink? If so, I might be a sociopathic drunk or whatever. That would explain a lot.”
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siriusbleak · 7 years
“You do know you don’t have to consume what you didn’t order, don’t you?”
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“Eh. It’s actually better than what I ordered. It isn’t yours, is it?”
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siriusbleak · 7 years
“It’s pickle juice and vodka, you’re really gonna drink it? I’ve GOT to see this, then. Where’s my camera when I need it, really.”
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Sirius looked Lily straight in the eye while taking in a large sip of his odd drink. “I’m sorry. All I heard was vodka.”
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siriusbleak · 7 years
‘‘That’s because it’s the shot of firewhiskey I just ordered. Guess I’ll have your butterbeer then. Saving me from myself really..’‘
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“Oh such a shame - having your shot instead of my beer. You’re asking so much of me - but eh, if you insist!”
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siriusbleak · 7 years
Sirius was never a morning person. Even if he’d simply watched muggle telly the night before, every part of his body would ache - begging for the next day to never assign its responsibilities. Sirius subconsciously responded, “Morning.” He realized the events of the night before - how he had shared his bed with her. His eyes would not yet opened, but a soft smile crept up the side of his mouth. “Me, not in my own bed? Now wouldn’t that be odd?” Both his arms mindlessly wrapped around Marlene and gently squeezed her tight into his chest.
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Sunlight bursting through the blinds woke Marlene up, letting out a sleepy groan she rolled over away from the offending light straight into the chest of her companion. She rubbed her eyes, the memories of the night before breaking through her sleepy haze, smiling she draped an arm around him, and curled into his chest. ‘’Morning..’’ she mumbled into his chest, not even sure if he was awake. ‘’I was half expecting you not to be here, that I imagined the whole thing..’’
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siriusbleak · 7 years
“... Yeah, I don’t think that was butter beer. But that will do.”
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siriusbleak · 7 years
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url edit for @prongsfoots​ (previously pdfcct) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀↳ “Come on, you can do better than that!”
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siriusbleak · 7 years
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Marlene slept soundly, the events of the previous night, nothing but memory. She could hear Sirius stirring and feel the sun rays on her back, but she remained asleep.
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Sirius gently tilted his head, slightly peering his eyes open to look down at the beautiful woman he had somehow been lucky enough to care for. He whispered, “You awake?”
awakening // open
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siriusbleak · 7 years
Marlene let out a giggle as he threw his hands up. ‘’So long as it’s not something ridiculous like Beatrice or something.’’ she teased him, playing with a strand of her hair. ‘’So go on then? what is it?’’ she asked raising an eyebrow at him. ‘’My middle name is Skye, my parents liked the idea of giving all their children names of the Hebrides.’’ Marlene rolled her eyes. ‘’You’d look weird, it’d be like me with black hair, it doesn’t work.’’
Marlene pulled a mock offended face, placing her hand over her heart. ‘’I’m hurt, truly I am, here was me thinking I was right up there and there you go knocking me down a few pegs.’’ Marlene smirked at him, swatting his arm, her teeth running over her bottom lip as her eyes met his. 
Saying the words had been so hard for Marlene, forcing the truth past her teeth. She tried to read his face and she couldn’t decipher what was happening behind his dark eyes. She could feel her palms getting sweaty and her heart started to race. ‘’You don’t have to say it back.. I just thought I should say…’’ she started to babble before she heard his last sentence. ‘’What?’’ her eyes opened wide as she looked up at him, pushing the hair out of her face. ‘’You…’’ she paused, taking a step towards him so they were pressed together. ‘’Trust you to make it a bloody competition. In any case, I win.’’ She reached her fingers to entwine with his.
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Sirius’ hand mindlessly ruffled through the hair at the back of his neck. “No. It’s - uh - it’s actually Orion.” He spoke with a straight face. He didn’t want to worry Marlene and bring up a conversation he wasn’t in the mood for. Instead, he continued on, with the voice a professor would have during role call, “Marlene Skye McKinnon.” He smirked. “I like it.”
Watching Marlene’s insecurity dissolve and progress into a joyous relief made Sirius unconsciously sport a silly grin. He walked up to her as did she, closing the last remaining space between each other. “Yeah. Me.” His hands held her waist and slowly trailed towards her lower back, holding her close. “Ah, strange. Seeing as I feel like the bloody winner.” Sirius’ hands now moved up to her face, gently cupping it as he stared deep into her starry eyes. “Marlene Skye McKinnon, I love you. I always have.”
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siriusbleak · 7 years
The hotel room wasn’t planned. Neither was Sirius planned, but when he found Sirius before, he lifted his brother’s body with magic and brought him to a bed, hoping not to disturb the peace. His jaw was tense when he originally found Sirius and was tempted to leave his body where he found it. The month had made him cold. Cold with the understanding that people were full of decieving liars and he wasn’t willing to be fooled again. Yet, when he heard Sirius woke up, he turned. “I was hoping you wouldn’t wake up. Drink too much last night with your friends?” The words were cold and so was he. After the near death experience with Kreacher— he had let himself turn to stone. If this was what his parents wanted from him, they would receive it. He would remain stone until he could get his revenge. Let people think he hardened, when he was actually a boy of clay who was forcing himself to mold into something harder. 
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Sirius recognized the voice, not immediately but as his mind adjusted, his eyes open to look back at someone he’d only seen from a distance and exchanged few words with. His only brother, the new heir of the noble House of Black. He adjusted his posture to sit up, still wearing the clothes from the night before. “... Regulus. What happened?” Last thing he remembered was stalking a couple Death Eaters as a dog, trying to eavesdrop on some information to take back to the Order. Sirius could feel his heart pound a little quicker, anxious at the thought Regulus knew his illegal animagus form and had some sort of agenda to use the information against him or his friends. He couldn’t see Reg as the blackmailing type - but what other reason would there be for him waking up in a hotel room with his brother?
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awakening // open
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siriusbleak · 7 years
“You know…you used to at least send a message before you showed up at my house, are we past that?” Christine had been waiting for his cousin to wake up, she offered him some coffee and sat down.
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“What?” Sirius slowly opened his eyes. Hearing Christine’s voice answered all his questions. However, he still didn’t exactly remember how he got there. “Sorry. Damn. I didn’t-” His mind drifted, seeing as he was still half asleep.
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awakening // open
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