axelover06 · 2 years
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axelover06 · 2 years
Might aswell flex
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axelover06 · 2 years
New season men
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axelover06 · 2 years
okay so havent updated this in awhile
i know no ones listening this site is dead as fuck but regarless i like keeping track of stuff thinking someones actually listening to what i have to say
the garden is going fine the potato plants are fucking huge now minnie my lil dog is not so little anymore shes a saint bernards life is going okay-ish no complaints enjoy my summer break from work school and everything else you can imagine im enjoying making music made a couple of tracks mostly just experiments leading up to a bigger project that is huge so far maybe im pushing myself too much even in summer break i dont have much time to play bass i got alot to worry about but thats how i like it i guess
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axelover06 · 2 years
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axelover06 · 2 years
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axelover06 · 2 years
''pe pe po po'' these words changed my life
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axelover06 · 2 years
My garden has been infested by weeds recently and a very bad and rapid one i was gone for a couple of days due to affairs of friends and family travelling aswell to the capital of my country Copenhagen or København til alle de andre danskere som læser det her
but my potatoes are okay so are my rasins and strawberrys sadly the peas got the worst of the infestetion from these hell-spawn plants i have been considering digging them up and trying again but that would be a waste of time considering i could use the same ammount of time taking care of the weeds
this is the current state of my garden
sincerely Axel N.
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axelover06 · 2 years
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axelover06 · 2 years
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axelover06 · 2 years
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axelover06 · 2 years
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axelover06 · 2 years
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axelover06 · 2 years
can i axe you a question
im going to Axe you to leave
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