Siow's Holocron
15 posts
You have access to siow's personal holocron. As you go through the data, you feel a sense of peace. You then hear a voice... "What is is you seek? Do you require guidance? Or perhaps you require certain knowledge that I have obtained?". You notice tiny stars, do you decide to touch them?
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siowholocron · 2 years ago
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siowholocron · 2 years ago
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siowholocron · 2 years ago
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siowholocron · 4 years ago
Jedi Occupation Lore Series
Hello there! I run a YouTube Channel where I make lore videos about Star Wars, particularly Jedi related topics. I've recently finished a series I'm calling the Jedi Occupation Series which covers various occupations a Jedi could take up.
A lot of the information was derived from FFG's Force and Destiny books I have on-hand as they're just filled with great information and art. I hope you enjoy them!
Intro Video explaining what I'll be covering and my sources of information are in this video:
And below are links to the various playlists
Jedi Guardian Occupation Playlist
Jedi Consular Occupation Playlist
Jedi Sentinel Occupation Playlist
My channel is small so please, hit that reblog button so more people can become aware of my YouTube Channel and Lore Videos! I would greatly appreciate it if you do!
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siowholocron · 4 years ago
Jedi Occupation Lore Series
This is the introductory video for a Lore Series I'm making, overall there will be 36 videos to this series each of which average around 2 mins a piece. These provide concise, bit-sized bits of lore derived about what the Jedi would do as their primary occupation.
I hope this series aids you in some manner!
Here’s the first batch of Lore Videos, I’ll have a trio of 3 lore videos of this series coming out every other day (Sept. 27, 29, Oct. 1, 3, etc) at 12 am PST.
Peacekeeper - Jedi Guardian Occupation
Lore Keeper - Jedi Consular Occupation
Watchman - Jedi Sentinel Occupation
Check them out and subscribe to my channel, Siow’s Holocron!
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siowholocron · 9 years ago
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Even a few years after the planet’s discovery, the rocky, lightly forested planet remained absent from many star charts. Two distinct cultures inhabit the world, both at pre-spaceflight stage of development.
The first culture, known as the Gorma, is a xenophobic and violent species that dominates most of the planet surface. The second culture, known as the Voss, has been amenable to contact outsiders and welcomes visitors to the countrain city of Voss-ka. The Voss have a highly ritualistic society and are notable for their unusual aptitude with the Force.
“I find this planet quite interesting due to the Voss’s use of the Force. To them, there is no Light or Dark, just the Force. For the most part, they use it for ritualistic purposes, healing and governing their society. The Voss are easy to differentiate from one another as the males have blue skin with orange eyes while the females have red skin with blue eyes. Their eyes remind of of honeycombs.
Some Voss have a unique ability to see the future, however what these visions mean are not up to them but to Voss Interpreters. For healing, strong volunteers will sacrifice their strength as a mediator transfers their energy to someone who is injured. There is also an exiled sect of Voss that use the Force to enter a different plane of existence where they can interact with others in the plane regardless of their distance from one another.
The Gormak for the most part, have no connection to the Force. Such a connection among their species is excruciatingly rare and those who are Force sensitive are ejected from their society. They do not seem very open to negotiations or peace offerings, they’re a very war driven society.” -Siow
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siowholocron · 9 years ago
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The desert planet of Darvannis meant little to both the Sith Empire and the Republic. When the Eternal Empire invaded the remote world, only the Hutt Cartel’s hired mercenaries were present to fend them off. The Eternal Fleet easily drove the Hutts away and claimed the planet.
Now Darvannis is home to one of the largest factories in Zakuul’s possession, manufacturing ships, weapons, and countless Spire droids. Located beneath kilometers of tunnels and heavily defended, the Darvannis factory has been impenetrable since it fell into the Eternal Empire’s hands. Even the Hutts grudgingly admit the Empire has done extraordinary things with the desolate planet. When asked, however, the Cartel insist they presented Darvannis as a gift to Zakuul, desperate for the galaxy to think they still hold a measure of power.
“At the time of this log entry, I only recently had access to Darvannis. It’s very reminiscent of Tatooine however it has a different feeling on it. Perhaps its the quaint villages and the flowing water that sets it apart?
I’d go off an explore more of Darvannis but the presence of the Eternal Empire makes that rather difficult.” -Siow
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siowholocron · 9 years ago
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Once a lush tropical swamp, Quesh’s atmosphere became toxic after a series of quakes released dangerous chemicals contained below the planet surface. Most of the native wildlife died off, and Quest became poisonous to virtually all higher species. 
Quesh’s toxicity is also its source of value--the chemicals that poisoned the atmosphere are usable in the most powerful adrenals and stimulants.
“I don’t have much to add to this log other than the recommendation to bring a gas mask.” -Siow
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siowholocron · 9 years ago
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Nar Shaddaa
The so-called “smuggler’s moon” is best known for one thing: anything can be bought here if the price is right. Nar Shaddaa orbits Hutta, homeworld of the Hutt Cartel, but exists as a power in its own right. Criminal organizations and legitimate enterprises operate side-by-side, regulated only by the Hutts’ whims. Gleaming skyscrapers house corporations, casinos, technology shops, spice houses and every other type of business imaginable.
Although no other world offers Nar Shaddaa’s unique services, the city has a notorious murder and disappearance rate. Gangsters, pirates, slavers and worse crowd the streets. Strangers should be extremely cautious.
“Master Kosokahn would take me here so I can learn how to deal with the scum of the galaxy. He would gather information on criminals here which we would later track down.
I don’t go here as it’s far too noisy for my taste. You can’t walk that long without trying to get mugged so when I do come here (assuming I’m not on a mission), I make sure my saberstaff is visible. It will keep away most thugs and thieves.” -Siow
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siowholocron · 9 years ago
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Beautiful, serene and abundant in resources, Makeb has grown to become one of the greatest resort destinations in the galaxy. For a time, wealthy executives and socialites flocked to the planet to enjoy its remove locale, comfortable climate and exotic vistas without any need for concern over political entanglements. Even the more frequent occurrence of groundquakes in recent years could not place a dent in Makeb’s prosperous tourism, banking and mining trades.
“I can no longer see how this was once a resort planet. The pure greed of the Hutt Cartel has nearly destroyed this planet when they discovered that a rare element, Isotope-5, was in great abundance here. 
The land is now broken apart, deadly cliffs are around every corner and this planet barely held on when Toborro the Hutt tried to take down Makeb with him. This planet is now disputed between the Republic and the Sith Empire as it still holds many precious metals and minerals.” -Siow
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siowholocron · 9 years ago
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A harsh desert planet off all major trade routes, Tatooine is known for its heat, its sand, its dangerous wildlife--and little else. Only a few settlements dot Tatooine’s endless wastes, inhabited by handfuls of traders and moisture farmers. Tatooine’s obscurity has also attracted a small but significant criminal population, here to hide from galactic authorities.
Tatooine lacks any central government or allegiance.
“This planet is not for everyone. The Sand People are both sneaky and savage and have killed Jedi in the past. You are to trust no one on this planet as it harbors many criminals. Also keep an eye on your electronics and speeders as Jawas tend to break them apart for parts or scrap metal.
If you don’t like sand because is rough, coarse, irritating and gets everywhere, then avoid this planet. You’re not missing much if you decide to pass by it, there are better planets to visit.” -Siow
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siowholocron · 9 years ago
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Belsavis is a sparsely populated Republic world dominated by arctic plains. Its only notable feature is the rare tropical rifts that break up the expanses of ice, heated by natural geothermal vents and home to a surprising diversity of plant life.
It was home to the Republic’s most dangerous criminals, however this was not common knowledge as the fact that this was being used as a prison planet was kept a secret until the Sith Empire discovered it.
“This planet has gone downhill since the arrival of the Sith Empire. They released the prisoners and armed them as well, now they cause trouble for the Republic once more. The prisoners never venture out too far due to the wildife.
Should one go further into the depths of Belsavis, they’ll run into ancient Rakata ruins and perhaps some of the Esh-ka they imprisoned. Keep away from the Esh-ka, the majority of them that remain on Belsavis are hostile. There are peaceful Esh-ka however they have left the planet in search for a new homeworld.
Belsavis is also home to the Mother Machine, a device used by the Rakata that could augment beings down at the DNA level. It was made when their connection to the Force was weakening and they were merging themselves with various species in hopes of regaining their connection. The Mother Machine is also responsible for the creation of sentient species such as the Twi’lek, Zabraks and Esh’ka, or so the machine claims. Do not interact with this machine as it will attempt to persuade you to free it.” -Siow
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siowholocron · 9 years ago
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For a very long time, Rishi remained ignored and untouched on the fringes of the Outer Rim. Its dominant species--the intelligent, avian Rishii--lived a simple and mostly serene existence on the island-flecked world. But when a pirate crash-landed on Rishi around 3750 BBY, all that changed.
With its plentiful fossil fuel reserves and close proximity to a large unexplored dwarf galaxy, this tropical pearl of a planet has become a favorite hub for underworld types in search of riches, refuge from authorities or just a good time.
“This planet seems to be a favorite among my colleagues. Not too long ago there was a celebration for the end of a term on the Jedi Council. With the calm beaches, fresh air and abundance of pubs, it can leave many occupied with relaxation.
I myself, don’t join in on such festivities. I prefer to observe and keep an eye out for potential trouble makers. After the previously mentioned party, a Jedi got drunk, harassed another Jedi by flirting with her and when I was asked to deal with the situation, he hit his head against a dock knocking himself out cold.
It’s things like this that make me drink only on special or formal occasions. In my line of work, you can never afford to drop your guard.” -Siow
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siowholocron · 9 years ago
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Few life-forms can survive on the ice planet Hoth. Between its subzero surface temperatures, shearing winds and frequent whiteouts, the environment should be considered extremely hostile even to properly outfitted individuals; mechanical equipment and communications technology are prone to freeze and malfunction as well, making a minor setback potentially lethal.
“There isn’t a whole lot to Hoth. The only wildlife worth noting are the Tauntauns and Wampas. The tauntauns I can tolerate, I have a couple that I bring with me to cold climate planets. In the past, I would help tauntauns by protecting their nests from wampas.
However, it’s not completely frozen, there are some areas with volcanic activity. However, any volcanos are just small protrusions coming from the ground slowly releasing magma. These areas are inhabited by pirates, most likely using them for geothermal energy and to keep warm.” -Siow
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siowholocron · 9 years ago
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Odessen is a remote, unsettled planet in Wild Space with a strong connection to the Force. Unlike with Tython, Korriban or Yavin IV, Odessen’s affinity with the Force is balanced. Covered in lush wilderness and mountains, the planet is a hidden oasis with a mild climate and a variety of wildlife.
“While the planet itself is quite beautiful, I am not eager to venture out into the wilderness. At least not alone... The predatory wildlife here are Force sensitive and can shroud themselves with the Force. To make matters worse, they can sense other Force sensitive beings, leaving my Force Cloak ability rather useless.
Besides that, the calm forests at night would make an excellent place for a walk and for some meditation.” -Siow
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