sindriasgenius · 7 years
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“Behaving is totally overrated. Doing what you want is better. That’s how this all started right?” Indeed it was. Judar was the master of a silver tongue, and had slowly worked the witch to relax about the need for each other and dare he say it, the magic. Nothing he would complain about since he found himself, very interestingly, enjoying it.
“Really? You missed me? Mark it in the calender.” He smirked against her lips, settling against her and let his own arms drap lazily around her waist. “Mmm…” The kiss he admitted was sweet and nice at first, but he pressed a little more and let his hands slide down to her backside to give a gentle squeeze.
She wouldn’t bring up that annoying little detail, knowing all too well following her selfish desires had led to this and whether or not it was a blessing or a curse seemed to fluctuate from time to time... depending on the magi’s mood that day.  Yamu was about to lose herself in the kiss when there was an obvious shift in direction from wandering hands.
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She jolts at the touch, flushing after a second before giving an unhappy huff, “Another rare moment I was about to make a note of.... you managing to be a gentleman for a few seconds.  Here I thought it’d be new record,”  The magician pouted, before hearing footsteps and squeaking at the realization of Kou’s magi groping her ass in plain sight, grabs Judar by the shirt and shoves both of them through the nearest door which is a random storage room.
Yamuraiha listens for them to pass with her heart pounding, “That was too close...”
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sindriasgenius · 7 years
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“I do know, how do you think I ended up like this? I was with him from a smaller age than you.” Judar pointed out, grinning slightly at her frustration. He was a bit surprised when she reached out to brush against his bangs, but smiled and leaned into her hand as she touched him.
“Mm… worry you? About what? Teaching more kids about sex?” He teased before taking her hand in his before kissing it softly.
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“Trust me, I know...  Just play nice, or as nice as you can.” She shook her head, giving a squeeze to their joined hands and settling an arm around his back to tug him in closer.
“C’mere, I’ve missed you, mischief in all,” Yamu hums, standing on her tip toes and planting a kiss on his lips.
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sindriasgenius · 7 years
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Well sometimes he did, but Yamu doesn’t have to know that.”No…. pfff…. never… But I haven’t seen Sharrkan in a while tho. Maybe he still has a headache of yesterday night.”
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“Mmm... that’s worrying... I might have to go check on him,” Not that she’d be sympathetic if he drank himself stupid last night, knowing how emotional he got when he did, same as her.  “I’m just surprised it wasn’t me this time... You think he’s in bed?”
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sindriasgenius · 7 years
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“Oh noooo….” He says while his cheek is getting pulled, looking down at the smaller woman. “He probably deserves that to be honest, he probably sinned or something…. pretty sure…”
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“Hehe... yes usually, that’s always my logic,” She beams, letting go to spare him a quick pat on the head.  “But you’d never do something like that... that’s why you’re my favorite~”
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sindriasgenius · 7 years
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“Chibi was never corrupted from the start. He just went for them. Not that I could really blame them, since they are really nice.” Judar wasn’t much of a boob man but he could at least admit that. “You weren’t kept in the dark. Look how you turned out.”
She was a respectable woman with a pretty great boy friend toy. Who wouldn’t want to be in her shoes?
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“It’s hard to be in the dark when you’re around Sinbad at a young age... you should know that well after all...”  She sighed, giving up pestering him in favor of running a hand through his bangs idly and catching his eyes with a little smile, “I guess I do have it pretty good... don’t make me worry about you, okay?”
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sindriasgenius · 7 years
*Boops cheek*
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“I’m the cheek booper today..”  She grins, reaching up very high to give him a cheek pinch of his own, “Since you’re good you get a small one but if I find Sharrkan he’ll get a full on cheek tug,”
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sindriasgenius · 7 years
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“Yeah so? Kids have to learn sometime right? Sex is pretty great so better to learn early and not fuck up as much. Plus it’s not like you don’t like it.”
Juju sees right through you Yamu.
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“No it’s not!!  Look what happened to Aladdin!!  If he’d just been innocent minded, he would have made a far better impression at first rather than to go straight for my breasts!!!  Children need good influences,”
Quiet Judar, don’t you bring that up and ruin her point.
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sindriasgenius · 7 years
“What are you doing that for? I am being on my best behaviour!”
As good as it could get for a trouble maker like him. At least he hadn’t tried stabbing someone yet.
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“When are you ever on your best behavior...” She squeezes again, “Be decent, there are children around...”
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sindriasgenius · 7 years
*during important meeting*
Yamuraiha: And so I decided that-
Myers: Did...did your hat just...bark?
Yamuraiha: *sweats nervously*
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sindriasgenius · 7 years
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Guys this is it. This series has led to this. Forget everything else this is the best thing. Look at this doggo. This quality pupper. Look how happy they are. This is so beautiful I could cry.
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sindriasgenius · 7 years
Too Shy To Reach Out?
Send A Symbol To Explain Why We’re Not RPing Yet
♔- I can’t think of a plot for us and I want to figure that out first! ☃ - I’m not sure how our characters would meet. ☁- I’m worried you only RP with a certain group of people. ♛ - I wrote you a starter and you haven’t replied yet… ★ - I’m intimidated by how much you write ☂ - I’m intimdated by how often you post ☾ - I don’t know how to approach you ☄ - I’m super anxious about EVERYTHING ☀ - I keep hoping you’ll message me first…
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sindriasgenius · 7 years
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sindriasgenius · 7 years
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Busted. “I-I don’t want to be your guinea pig anymore, Yamuraiha!” Cue he’s bringing up his last big of courage he has to speak up against his own teacher.
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“So ungrateful.... I thought you’d be thankful to be involved in my experiments, thus letting you enjoy the bounteous knowledge we create together...”  She sighed in disappointment, reaching out to pinch his cheek, “You were the chosen one to help me... and yet now you’ve given up...”
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sindriasgenius · 7 years
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sindriasgenius · 7 years
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“I think you’ll find you do need me, Sphintus....”
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“I’m a strong and independent student that don’ need no teacher to tell me what to do-  I’m a strong and independent stud-” 
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sindriasgenius · 7 years
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sindriasgenius · 7 years
@sword-of-saiqa  @nisiwohuo
King by Lauren Aquilina (x)
“You’ve got it all You lost your mind in the sound There’s so much more You can reclaim your crown You’re in control Rid of the monsters inside your head Put all your faults to bed You can be king again.”
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