simperingsoul-blog · 12 years
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秋コトネ [autumn Lyra] by  はれこ
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simperingsoul-blog · 12 years
Woah, really? I didn't even know they made those. Those sound really cute! You should keep them, though, especially if they were a gift from your Mom. I know you said you had extra, or whatever, but who knows! Backups come in handy, right? Besides, I don't think any of my Pokemon can sing me to sleep, so I'm pretty sure I'll be ok.
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You know Professor Oak? Woah, isn't that guy like world famous, or something? I mean I think I've met him once, but I'm not too well acquainted with him. Not as well as everyone else seems to be with him, anyway! That's pretty cool, though. You should definitely check out Johto some time, though! I think it's a pretty great region, but I guess I might be kind of biased, too since I live here and all!
Hehe, yeah. I try to keep everyone sort of even, but right now I think Marill's a bit stronger than everyone else. I've had her most of my life, though, so I guess that makes sense. I'm not sure if I could ever evolve her, though. It would seem sort of weird, you know? I mean I've known her as a Marill ever since I was a little girl, so seeing her as an Azumarill might be sort of strange. Not in a bad way, of course, but you get the idea.
Oooh, yeah!! I’ve got a pair of earplugs with lil’ Pokeballs on ‘em. They’re super neato! I got an extra pair if you ever want it. Ma was expecting another child and bought everything before I was even born. But all she got was me. Which ain’t too bad I guess!!
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New Bark town? Ooooh, I’ve heard about that! Professor Oak told me about that guy a couple times I think. But I don’t think I’ve ever been to Johto. Maybe once I become the Kanto champion I’ll consider it! I mean, a champion’s gotta expand their horizons right? And darn- that sounds rad as heck! You should totally go someday. Victory Road’s a great place. Or so I heard. Heard trainers have a heck of a rootin’ tootin’ time there. You could probs meet some cool persons there. A raft? Woah, tops blooby man. Just get a bigger water Pokemon- or wait ‘till Marill evolves. She’ll be hella’ bigger.
Yeah! Don’t want one on level 50 and the other on level 14. That ain’t good, no siree.
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simperingsoul-blog · 12 years
Hey guys- got a joke for you!
Why did the Wailmer cross the road? 
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To get to the other tide!!!
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simperingsoul-blog · 12 years
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Platina, huh? That's kind of a cool name. Platinum, too, but I think I like your nickname a little better. It's a lot cuter! Not that there's anything wrong with your full name, either. You get the idea. Anyway, you can just call me Lyra! The Miss stuff makes me sound like I'm some sort of princess, or something, and I'm pretty sure that's not the case, even though it'd be pretty cool if it were.
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Hello there too you as well. You’re very welcome, of course. It’s lovely to meet you Miss Lyra. My name is Platinum Berlitz, though I usually just go by the name of Platina.
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simperingsoul-blog · 12 years
Hehe yeah, that sounds like it might cause a few problems. Maybe they should just start making everyone wear earplugs whenever anyone puts a Pokemon that knows sing into battle! Like woah, look out, we don't wait the trainers falling asleep, too! Although I guess that might cause some other problems, too.
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Anyway, I'm from New Bark Town! It's in Johto and I guess it really isn't all that big, either, but Professor Elm lives here, so we get people passing through to get starter Pokemon and things like that, sometimes. I really like it here, though! There's this river that you can surf down to get to the Kanto region. People go down it to get to Victory Road sometimes. I've never been, but I think I'd like to go someday, even if I'm not all that great at battling. I could ride there on Marill's back! Actually, she might be a little too small for the job, but I'm sure we could find a way. Maybe I could build a raft. That would be kind of cool, right?
I guess you've got a point, though! I'd love to meet up, too! I have a lot of Pokemon, but I should probably train them a little more before I get too serious about battling anyone.
Definitely!! Every time I try to battle Misty Jiggly ends up putting us both to sleep! 
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But I still love ‘er.
Basically! I think it was just the little kids though. The adults were more so just supportive. It does sound fun! I’m from Pallet Town, ain’t that big, ain’t that small. Kanto’s not a big region to begin with, actually!! Why- where you from? Is it a cool place? Got a bunch of ankle biter’s runnin’ amok? That can get wee troublesome at times, huh?
Silly is cool, what got your brain all thinking otherwise? Oh heck nah- that sounds TOTES wicked!!! Hey, maybe we could meet sometime too. Have a little Pokemon battle! After I catch some more. Only got three as of now.
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simperingsoul-blog · 12 years
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theberlitz-heiress started following you
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Oh, hey! Hehe, this is probably sort of late, but thanks for the follow and all that fun stuff! I don't think we've ever met before, have we? My name's Lyra, by the way.
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simperingsoul-blog · 12 years
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Sounds like someone's a little full of himself! That's ok, though, I bet you ARE pretty great at that stuff! I know you're pretty good at breeding at least, right? I could be like your student or something! Or maybe your apprentice, because that sounds a little cooler. Anyway, it is sort of lame, but it's just sort of nice and easy for a change, too! Mom said that if I wasn't off trying to catch Pokemon, I might as well stay at home and help out with a few things here and there, so.
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You know, as someone great at Pokemon breeding and Pokeathalons, I could show you a thing or two about them, if you want. Who better to help you learn about them than someone who pulls off both flawlessly? I’m practically a legend already. And that sounds pretty lame, to be honest. How’d you get stuck doing stuff like that again?
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simperingsoul-blog · 12 years
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Oh, yeah! Maybe I could try out Pokemon Breeding, that would be cool, right? Or I could try to get really good at Pokeathalons! Maybe I could even get my picture on the wall at that place. That would be pretty cool, right? I'd be like a legend, kind of! But yeah, that sounds pretty great. I'm never TOO busy with the stuff I help Mom out with, though. It's usually just running a few errands here and there because she's too lazy to leave the house.
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I still think you should give it more time, but okay. At least now you can give other things a try, I guess. We’ve never really done anything like beat Team Rocket together, but hey, we’ll get a chance to. In the meantime, we can do something else sometime. When ever you’re not busy helping your mom out with what ever it is she does.
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simperingsoul-blog · 12 years
Hehe, I don't think its singing is bad, or anything, but it can definitely be a little troublesome sometimes! Not that its Jigglypuffs fault, or anything.
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Really, though? That's sort of cool! It's like an entire town that raises people who want to become Pokemon masters, right? Or maybe it's not REALLY like that, but that concept still sounds sort of fun. Where are you from, anyway? Is it some place really famous? I mean I think there are a few towns like that. My hometown is sort of one of them! Ethan talks about wanting to be a Pokemon master sometimes, too.
I don't really think I'm too cool, I'm probably more on the silly side, but yeah! This'll be nice, I think. Maybe we can even have our Pokemon meet each other sometime! Or not, if that's too lame for you. Just an idea!
Aw, poor Jigglypuff. It totes deserved a second chance, y’know? Not our faults’ it’s singing is so… um. Good? Yeah, that’s the word! Nah, he ain’t much of a talker- or from what I can tell anyway. We don’t talk much anymore. 
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Doesn’t it though? It’s been my dream ever since I was a wee little ankle biter. But I think it’s just about everyone’s in my town. Used to be neighbors with this kiddo who would always chuck a sickie- way more than necessary lemme tell ya’, and he would always tell me stories ‘bout how he was gonna become the champion. Think he ended up not even becoming a trainer, ha!
I guess I am sorta cool. But hey- so are you! Yeah, friends. Don’t think I’ve ever gotten myself a friend before- too busy with my Pokemon lately, y’know? This’ll be fun. 
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simperingsoul-blog · 12 years
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I guess you've sort of got a point. That's alright, though, I don't think I was ever too good at battling, or anything, anyway. I always got too worried over the silly little things, you know? I think that sounds pretty good, though! Just call me up the next time you notice one of them doing something funny and the two of us can take them down together! I was going to say just like old times, but I don't think the two of us ever really did anything like that in the past. Oh well.
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Well, yeah. If you give up like that, then you’re definitely not cut out for it. You have to keep trying and put your best effort into it until you reach your goal, but if you can’t do that, then you won’t be able to pull it off. Anyway, maybe next time Team Rocket shows up, you can give me a hand kicking their asses. Not that I need it, I just figure it’ll give you something fun to do.
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simperingsoul-blog · 12 years
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That's ok! I have a feeling it's not the last time something like that'll happen, right? Just make sure you save me a front row seat for next time, alright? I haven't been too busy or anything, though. I don't think I'm too cut out for any of that Pokedex completion or gym badges stuff, so I've been helping Mom out at home. It's been kind of boring, but I don't mind all that much, either.
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Hey, Lyra! I was wondering where you went. It’s been a long time. You missed watching me kick Team Rocket’s butt again. That’s pretty much the only thing you missed though. What’ve you been doing?
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simperingsoul-blog · 12 years
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o8sessive started following you
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Ummm, I don't think I know you, do I? At least I don't think I do! You don't really look like someone I know, not with all of that gray skin and those things on your head? Did Halloween come early this year, or something?
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simperingsoul-blog · 12 years
takingthegold started following you
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Hey Gold! Long time no see, right? Hehe, I think it's been a few months sine we last talked. More than a few, I think! What have you been up to, anyway, I think I've kinda missed having you around.
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simperingsoul-blog · 12 years
That sounds fun! Hehe, my friend Ethan had a Jigglypuff for a while, but I think he released it after it made him sleep right through dinner, or something like that. But yeah, that's where Red was the last time I saw him! I don't think he's much of a talker, though.
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A Pokemon master, though? That sounds awesome! I mean I used to think I'd like to try to go for the Elite Four and all of those things, too, but I don't think I'm very good at all of that battling stuff. I know it's all for fun and all, at least usually, but I don't really like seeing my Pokemon get hurt, either. I haven't even got any gym badges yet.
Oh, and yeah, it's a pleasure to meet you, too! You seem pretty cool, we'll probably grow to be great friends someday! I hope so, at least.
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Why, I’m doin’ just great! Just got finished training with lil ol’ Jiggly. But all she wants to do is sing so that’s not very good on my part. Ended up falling asleep for, oh… a good 3 hours or so? Oh- so is that where he’s taken a liking to hiding out? Been wearing out my peepers on that fella! Geez louise. Aaaanyway-  a pleasure to meet you Lyra! Name’s Leaf. I’m gonna be a Pokemon master someday.
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simperingsoul-blog · 12 years
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Yeah, hey! How's it going, and all that stuff? I don't really think we've been properly introduced yet, have we? I mean I think I heard about you from that silly Red guy that hangs out on Mt. Silver all day, but that's hardly an introduction, you know? The name's Lyra, by the way!
simperingsoul started following you
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Woooowee check out this one! My very first follower! You came faster than a Sharpedo. Hey chickadee.
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simperingsoul-blog · 12 years
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simperingsoul-blog · 12 years
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