simbar4lifelol · 3 years
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simbar4lifelol · 3 years
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simbar4lifelol · 3 years
Simón: who hurt you?
Ámbar, snorting: do you want a list?
Simón: yes actually
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simbar4lifelol · 6 years
Ámbar: Nice party. You know that’s get me back memories.
Simón: Which ones?
Ámbar: In my 18th birthday, I asked you to sing for me and… I think that that was the first time that I really look at you, you know?
Simón: *smiles*
Ámbar: I mean I was listening to you, and for a moment, the all world stop. But when I realized, I just turn back to the normal before someone else noticed.
Simón: Well that was the first time that I sang for you bonita. And I think that that was the beginning, like you said, the first time that we saw each other.
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The dialogue that we all deserved.
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simbar4lifelol · 6 years
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simbar4lifelol · 6 years
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simbar4lifelol · 6 years
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“Dos cosas: la primera es que ellos están tramando algo y la segunda y más importante es que me encantas”
Fun fact: in the version for Brazil, Simón says “I love you”
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simbar4lifelol · 6 years
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Mi plan es que sigamos riéndonos juntos mucho tiempo más… [ 2.53 x 3.56 ] 
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simbar4lifelol · 6 years
A huge Soy Luna S3 rant lol
Im not complaining about simbar rn, they've been the best. But i honestly cant believe the show is gonna be over on friday. Like what even happened in s3?!?! I always payed more attention to my ship obviously lol but since they would only come out for like two minutes each episode, I have to admit i was bored out of my mind with everything else that was going on:/
The flow of the story was so odd and i cant help but feel like this story is incomplete now. I know several people have pointed out that the story was over s2 and i have to agree. The real plot ended in s2 and we had a s3 with no direction of what the show was going to be about next. It literally was just about boys and revenge.
Of Course a show could be just about that, but since this is disney the way it was all presented wasnt interesting enough, especially with how long they dragged everything with just that. They definitely did not know what to do with their secondary characters and they just came across(well at least to me) like a waste of space. All the characters could have done more. And i feel this is why s3 doesnt feel complete.
Luna had nothing going for her but thinking about relationships. So, since she is the protagonist no one else was allowed to do anything else. These characters had so much potential and this is where i get disappointed with how s3 turned out. When they would do something outside of relationships, for example skating or the open musics, absolutely nothing would happen afterwards. The characters werent further explored and they just never grew. When you would think they would do something different, they would just go back to exactly how they were before. Like when the girls formed their own group for about 3 episodes and then they just broke up. And nothing came from that but one performance.
Nothing happened with the roller band either. Didnt they have a bunch of fans?!?! Nico is not even missed because he didnt contribute anything. Nina only ever wrote something in her blog thingy to blackmail gary and she was just put together with erik for her to do something else aside from just asking luna who she likes the whole season. Jim and yam started off trying to figure out what to do after graduation but ended up in the shadow of what does luna need. Ramiro went to the red sharks then nothing. He leaves the red sharks, hes forgiven then nothing. Jazmin, oh jazmin we know nothing of her only that she loves creating content for social media. nothing else happened with her except her meeting that guy. Pelfi although cute they also didnt do much but react to either lutteo or simbar. Delfi's only arc was the fight with jazmin. It was pretty entertaining so points for them. But this is my point when theyre not revolving around luna they had great content.
The downfall of this season was the writers forgetting their other characters and just constantly repeating storylines with the main characters. And everyone else just reacting to them. All of season 3 was so predictable that my only joy was simbar lol They were the only ones not just reacting to lutteo. which is why they were a breath of fresh air. Individually, simon was just reacting to lutteo and ambar was just reacting to luna. But as simbar they had their own thing. They were trying to figure the other out with the new dynamic of ambar going full "rebel".
It was different and new and exciting. To see these characters tease each other and seeing the tension of wanting to be together but both being stubborn. Simon knowing damn well ambar was in a path of self destruction but still trying to find a way in. Ambar telling simon he needed to stop lying about his feelings for her. My only issue was when bembar became a thing. Those episodes were so messy that they actually made me less enthusiastic about simbar because i didnt get ambar, but i feel it was needed to make ambar finally snap out of it and officially leave that behind her. These past 15 episodes had ambar in her own arc as her best self not worrying about luna and thriving as a character because of that.
But of course i understand the show is called Soy Luna. I like luna. The first two seasons revolved around her being a happy girl with loving adoptive parents starting a new life away from home. She eventually gets curious about her origins and sets out to find out where she came from with the help of her best friends. While every other character did their own thing.
The problem came about when in s3 they didnt know what to do with their protagonist. The first 5 episodes were her feeling overwhelmed with finding out she's Sol Benson and remembering a bit of her past. But that's it after that shes okay. "She's the same luna except now she's rich." Thats the whole story. Oh and she has three love interests. Oh and shes gonna bring the jam&roller team together but no one gets to shine except her and all the opportunities will go to her only. They're gonna have rivals and theyre just gonna go back and forth forever without any consequences till episode 40. The open music will have cool singing and dancing numbers and they will serve no purpose but to fill in things in the episodes except episode 10 when luna will confess her feelings for simon but jk nevermind she doesnt. Nothing ever changes.
The main focus was her love life and honestly that could have worked if it wasnt the exact same formula as season 2 with matteo. The hot and cold relationship yes no yes no. Ugh i dont understand how lutteo fans have survived for so long. I wish they had given her something more to stand for. A different character arc that wasnt just about her and matteo. Because thats what the whole season has been about. Everyone else are just there getting 1 or 2 episode arcs that really don't matter because everything will go back to normal. Simbar was lucky to get a continuous arc however they only got one or two scenes per episode and that was the highlight. Soy luna comes to an end in two episodes. And this whole week has everything revolving around luna and matteo realizing their dreams in the last 5 episodes. Just them. Jk we still have two episodes and im sure theyll show the rest "realizing their dream too" but i just cant believe they made 60 episodes of nothing.
The adults took up a lot of screentime in a storyline that just sucks. The only thing sharon's been good for is to give luna nightmares. Again everything has only been a huge plot device for luna and things a lot of times felt forced.
Well all of this was my main issue with season 3 and i wanted to share my personal opinion. Im sorry this is so long. Season 3 had its great moments but as a whole was really disappointing. I hope no one takes offense to this and although im here complaining soy luna finishing is still bittersweet. You can love something but still recognize its flaws.
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simbar4lifelol · 6 years
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simbar4lifelol · 6 years
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Eres el regalo más hermoso que me dio el mundo. 
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simbar4lifelol · 6 years
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simbar in 3x56 ☆ “Ríete. Porque quiero que nos riamos juntos siempre.” - “Yo siempre me río con vos. Y mi plan es que sigamos riéndonos juntos mucho tiempo más. Que viajemos, que conozcamos lugares, paseemos. Te quiero conocer más.” -  “Yo también, yo también. Esos también son mis planes. Esos. Quiero…” - “Yo quiero lo mismo.”
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simbar4lifelol · 6 years
Disney: Let’s dress Ámbar with white clothes, let’s put white roses, that represents purity and innoc—
Disney: oh for God’s sake
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simbar4lifelol · 6 years
I like how the forehead kiss killed me more than the actual kiss lol only my otp😆😆
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simbar4lifelol · 6 years
Best episode ever!!! The simbar we deserved jaja better late then never. And better now then later. Uffff im glad we get to see more the rest of the week. I died during the forehead kiss and resurrected in the discreet hand holding scene.  
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simbar4lifelol · 6 years
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simbar4lifelol · 6 years
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