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Sai | They/Them | 22*Very Neurotic*
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silverv0id · 1 day ago
The sun never had time for me
Too busy lighting the world for the rest of humanity.
So I'm a creature of the night
Never to be seen, never to be heard, never to be anyone's delight.
The dark is not despair for me
It is a home, void of expectation and bathed in true tranquility.
I worship not the sun but the moon
In my time of strife and despair, it was there at my side while I despaired at my doom.
A silent, loving and embracing solidarity
The moon was there with its silver shine protecting me from my insularity.
No the sun never had any time
Too bright, I could never look past its shine.
What good was a star that I could not see
Every time I tried, it hurt me and I could not perceive.
But the moon was there, its brightness brought no despair
It's comforting shine brought me hope in those desperate times when I was consumed by my nightmare.
So yes, I'm a creature of the night
You're total ignorance of me brings me delight.
I seek not attention but solitude
As I drift through my life with a calm kind of attitude.
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silverv0id · 2 days ago
“If you could do it all over again, what would you do differently?”
The gound was smooth as ice when June awoke. His thin flannel now wore large gaping holes all over its front and back. The badges he had sawed onto his flannell were half ripped out, some loosely hanging in surrender to the elements while others were missing entirely.
Where pain should have been, June felt nothing at all. In an instant his throat narrowed, a gaping black whole forming at the bottom of his chest. He knew, however, the futility of his fear. He had nothing to lose. It was over. It was too late now. Too late for tears, for fear, for anger. The feeling surrendered at the merciless nihilsm which reigned in this new world.
Dropping to his knees June stared at the distant horizon, the sun was setting and a white mist hung just above the endless sea before him. He was on a cliff overlooking what seemed to be an endless expanse of dark blue water.
What would you do if you faced death? No not charon. Death as in an endless expanse of nothing at all. An infinity with no up or down. What would you think? June thought of coffee. Coffee with heavy cooking cream and brown cane sugar. It was a sweet combination, just the right consistency. Way to start the day. It was like hot chocolate but with coffee, he reasoned. It was also a warm embrace on a cold winter night. When no one else was there and he could only think in shades of blue because quite frankly when you're cold and you don't realise just how heavy your satchel is but you carry on regardless because you have places to be, well you get kind of tired then. And June was tired. And despit the numbness, he was cold.
It is not that it was a bad life. It just wasn't a complete life. No, no picket fence dreams. June wanted warmth, recogntion, understanding and care. Try as hard he might the place the so loved and longed for remained firmly rooted in fantasy. Now at the edge of all eternity he had only coffee and a quaint fantasy in mind.
Well yes he should probably have spent more time with his parents and applied for that internship he so longed for but at the edge of all existence is that really what matters? What does actually matter when everything even remotely important vanishes and you fidn yourself on a desolate plane with no conceivable way out? His cat.
Nox was a mischievous black cat with an attitude. She also aodred him. Maybe it was the catnip and the tuna but during those heavy winter nights and even summer nights, she refused to leave his side. What would she think now? She would have known. June doesn't exactly know how but he just kind of knew that Nox got the message. If he could only go back...he would give Nox the longest cuddle he could muster.
Well he was lying, June knew there were other things he would have liked to do too. When Nadine asked him if he felt alright, he wanted to say no. June wasn't quite ure but he thought that she did care. Not for any particular reason but because June was human. He remembered, with a pang of icy regret that shot up to his throat, how he coldly dismissed the enquiry. He did not want much more than, well, the attention. He wanted someone to worry. To show real concern.
Maybe that was all drama though. He was a threatre kid at heart. Maybe what he really wanted to see were the trees swaying in the wind. Or maybe the green meadows and valleys thsat stretched all across the country. This new place didn't have any. Neither did the scenery right outside the train. Oh yes, the train. He would try and lose that interest if he could. As much as he loved trains, well, you can only love something so much and when it kills you that becomes a tough obstacle to overcome in your relationship.
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silverv0id · 2 days ago
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silverv0id · 2 days ago
does anybody else have a discord server thats only yourself and nobody else exclusively used to send images from your mobile phone to your tablet or computer
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silverv0id · 2 days ago
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A Bunnet of Plums 🐇🌸
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silverv0id · 2 days ago
the generational gap between me and the people my age who use chat gpt
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silverv0id · 2 days ago
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Crossing the river 🐈‍⬛🌿
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silverv0id · 2 days ago
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silverv0id · 2 days ago
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Fantasy 🍄
Tip jar | Wallpapers | Prints | Twitter | Bluesky
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silverv0id · 3 days ago
There's a special place between normality and a mental breakdown. It is what I define as the friendzone of mental breakdowns. Blocked from a true breakdown but not quite normal either.
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silverv0id · 4 days ago
A Convocation in Vain?
So it was that as the living dead raged on outside, the council lit the great pires which cirlced the monastery. Death itself shrieked anxiously away at the sight of those divine blue lights. The acolytes assembled and chanting their songs drew the attention of even the most weary and tired traveller. The melody echoed, transmitted ever further thanks to the power of the divine yet capricious eduroam. This night the acolytes were lucky, eduroam felt particularly benevolent. Thus it was that the melody reached the terrible necromancer. In a matter of seconds a thick and slimy mist assembled and dissolved only to reveal the shape of the conjurer himself. With great pain the conjurer watched as the acolytes dismantled his magic and sent death back down beneath the earth it crawled up from. The land was stript of its corruption yet the necromancer stood unimpressed. He agreed to all the conditions the acolytes demanded, yet he could also see the rifts that widened in the congregation itself. Sure enough not even hours after the meeting did some of its members break their holy promises. Melodies were sung throughout the darkest hours, the holy texts and register left neglected and all the while the necormancer watched, a smooth and easy smile creeping upon his face. Eyebrows narrowing, he knew it would only be a matter of time until they caved.
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silverv0id · 4 days ago
Beauty and the Beast has a whole opening song about bookish introverts being a mystery to the rest of society and honestly that is not appreciated enough.
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silverv0id · 4 days ago
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silverv0id · 4 days ago
The Shroud of the Necromancer
A spectre is haunting Europe. The council predicted a great calamity would befall the plywood halls of the monastery. The mist appeared at the dead of night, consuming vegetable and fruit alike. When the acolytes assembled in the morning they found the land tainted by the living death of carrots and potatoes. Crawling across the land were the remains of once living produce, now green and spoiled by corruption. Across the great expanse stood a mighty tower where the necromancer made his layer. Enclosed and surrounded by living death no one could make entry. It was thus that a brave young acolyte made his way across the monastery to rid the place of that dripping corruption. While the mist cleared a little, the acolyte did not return. No one dared to follow. Instead the council called for a meeting, the necormancer was a member afterall.
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silverv0id · 4 days ago
No seriously I just realised my name rhymes with the Spacer's Choice Jingle.
I am Spacer's Choice? Why does this make so much sense? Just after preventing my complete transformation into Saltuna? I'm Spacer's Choice. It's not the best choice. But...It's Spacer's Choice.
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silverv0id · 4 days ago
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silverv0id · 5 days ago
Waiting for my comet
It's exhuasting if one can be honest.
He said my heart would blossom
Yet I fear this new life is not so awesome.
Where do I go now?
Not to pay call,
Like a dog at the stars I howl
Confused and lost I fall.
I wait for my comet but maybe it's a star
I don't know, it seems quite far
I watched as it blinked off my radar
The void left a scar.
So I wait for my comet,
It seems to me, Pierre, you broke your promise.
Then again I'm no florist
Neither is my wisdom the oldest.
Oh Pieree, I hope you were honest.
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