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Nate’s back was hunched, almost with his back turned to her. And he knew better to turn his back on anyone. But he already knew what was going to happen. Still, this wasn’t the end of their growing problem. It was just going to get worse. But he didn’t have anything much to say to her. At her words, it stung because of the fact that she had trusted him, but he wasn’t one to get close to people, it just wasn’t part of him anymore. Instead, he had to fight back. He had saved her from the demon, lest her still getting hurt. A life for a life. Nate breathed out softly, knowing he would have to think fast or that arrow would hit him in the back. He knew what she meant, as he was once a hunter as well. It wasn’t too long ago he was in this position, set to strike his target. But he didn’t have time to reminisce. The hybrid let out a roar to throw her off for a moment before he ran, and leapt up onto one of the trees, using his enhanced speed to his advantage.
The young huntress was rather surprised at his lack of a response. She’d expected him to say at least something to her about this whole thing. He’d just found out that she was a huntress and she’d just learned that he was a supernatural - it would get messy and lines were kind of blurring for her now. She’d thought that Nate was a good guy. She’d had a good time with him at the event, not knowing he was a supernatural that fed from innocent individuals. That was exactly the part that bothered her. It wasn’t that he was a vampire or whatever he was, it was that he hurt people in order to get what he wanted and it was her duty to keep those people safe. Mystic Falls was dangerous enough already, she didn’t need someone she knew, a potential friend, to make it worse. When he jumped up into one of the trees, Allison adjusted the bow in her hands, keeping the arrow aimed upwards as she slowly rounded the tree Nate was in. She felt tricked and betrayed, like he’d been toying with her all this time. “Was it all just a joke to you? Or a game? Being nice to me so I’d think you’re a good person, making me think that maybe, just maybe, I found a new friend, only to stab me in the back when I’m not looking by hurting people like this? If this is who you truly are, you should tell me now, before I actually start to care.”
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Ryder smiled a bit more at her. “It does take some patience and practice like most things,” he chuckled a little. Biting his lip, he paused for a moment, almost feeling hesitant about talking about himself. He knew he had to open up, make more friends, be less shy about himself. “I have an older sister, Sam, who actually works at Caroline’s store,” he said. “Um…” His eyes shifted for a moment before moving back to the girl’s face. “It’s complicated,” a pained expression fell over his face before forcing a small smile. “I don’t see either of them often, honestly.” He wasn’t really sure how to explain that his father was the reason he was a hybrid in the first place.
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“Complicated family, huh? Seems like everyone has that in this town.” Allison let out a small laugh. It wasn’t that she thought it was funny, but it was just that everyone had one of those - a complicated family. It was pretty much a rule in Mystic Falls because if you didn’t have one, you weren’t normal. “Have you ever been to her store? They have really nice clothes, so maybe your sort of girlfriend would like something from there. I’m sure Caroline’ll give you a nice discount if you asked her to.”
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Nate sat up in his fighter’s kneel, with one fist one the ground and his forearm resting on his upper knee. He took a moment to catch his breath. She seemed surprised that he held his true form a secret. Didn’t everyone in this town have secrets? He thought she would have figured out his hunter past first. His skill with weapons would have spurred something, but as Nate looked at her again, he knew she would want to stay away from him as much as possible now. He looked up at her. “Not exactly,” he said quietly, as his eyes returned to their normal hue. She was a hunter, and if she didn’t know him, she’d have caught him by now. He licked over his retracted fangs, trying to think of what to say now. “Just… leave me…” he said, slowly getting up again.
Allison held her bow in front of her, still using it as a shield. She thought Nate was a potential friend, but she could never be friends with someone who fed from innocent people. And that was exactly what she’d just witnessed him do. It was Allison’s job to protect those who were unable to protect themselves and with that thought in mind, she swiftly grasped at another arrow from the quiver that was strapped to her back. Allison pulled it back against the string and aimed it at the hybrid, wanting him to know that what he’d just done was wrong and that she was here to keep him at bay. “I can’t. You were hurting an innocent person. I can’t let you walk.” she commented, her tone of voice nothing short of deep and serious, her brown eyes blazing with the determination that was coursing through every fiber of her body. Allison pulled the back of the arrow against the string a bit more, as far and as tightly as she possibly could. “This is my job.”
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“I’ve heard about that, but I never really thought it was true… Or I never actually thought it about myself,” Ryder admitted and shrugged. He never thought of his brains as an asset in his life. He knew he had it and he got through school easily, but his father had always thought differently. He couldn’t remember when he stopped trying to impress the man and mold his own life instead. But eventually he got the hang of it. “Better you than me, though. I’d probably end up poking myself in the eye,” he laughed, shaking his head.
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“You’re probably way better with a microscope than I could ever be.” Allison knew that everyone had their own specialty and this happened to be hers while Ryder’s was something else. “So tell me about you. Are you an only child? Do you enjoy spending time with your parents?” she questioned, not meaning to pry, but she was simply trying to make conversation and maybe make a new friend eventually. It wasn’t like people were lining up for friendships in this town since they tended to disappear or get killed, so Allison would take what she could get.
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Nate’s eyes were on the female figure that he still didn’t recognize as Allison. He wasn’t thinking and he would have jumped forward and attacked right on the spot. His feet were already in position to move. When he saw her pull up her bow and arrow to him, seeing how the arrow hit the tree instead of him, he started moving faster towards her, only hearing his name as he pinned her to the ground. Nate growled, staring down at Allison and didn’t realize it until he took a few moments to stare at her. He growled, and his eyes adjusted to the outdoor light, his claws retracted and her familiar scent hit his senses as he backed away slowly. It took a few moments for his head to return to the space they were in. He didn’t say anything to her as he pushed himself up on his fists, turning his head cautiously.
Allison’s back hit the ground with a loud thud, turning the bow in her hands around so that she could use it as a shield and push it against Nate. To say that she was shocked was an understatement - she didn’t know that he was a supernatural being. Hell, if anything, she would have thought he was a hunter or something since she’d seen him using that plastic bow and arrow at the Valentine’s Day dance. Nothing he’d ever said or done in the past proved that he was a member of the undead community, but as he realized who she was and got off of her, the brunette pushed herself up as well. Allison slipped the bow beneath one of her arms as she rose to her feet, looking Nate over with a horrified expression filling her eyes. She clearly hadn’t seen this one coming and she also wasn’t prepared for this kind of situation. “You-- You’re a vampire.”
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Ryder’s eyes went wide and he found him grinning goofily. That was something he hadn’t thought of before. He and Malia hadn’t talked about that. It was also more complicated than he cared to really explain right now, or to anyone. Even talking to his sister about it was already hard. But he was working on that. Still, he knew Allison was only joking so he didn’t think too much of it. He found himself wrinkling his nose a little bit. “Maybe they wouldn’t be so intimidating,” he said, shaking his head with a soft laugh. He was the type of person to get overwhelmed easily, if it didn’t have to do with science or books or random facts of trivia that no one actually cared about. “I wouldn’t doubt you could protect me, Allison.”
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“You do know that intelligence is also pretty intimidating, right? And from what I can tell, you have a lot of it.” Allison commented, but she was sincere when she made that comment. She admired his level of intelligence and she knew that guys like Ryder tended to feel intimidated by and less than muscular men. She herself never thought that they had any reason to - their strongest weapon was their mind after all and knowledge is power, right? “Well, with a real bow and arrow. Not with that plastic thing I played with at the Valentine’s Day dance.”
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Nate looked around, following a scent that he had picked up. He didn’t really know where he was heading at this point–he was moving along based on pure instinct. When he heard more footsteps and a familiar voice. Familiar, yet it didn’t register who’s voice it belonged to. He turned slowly and backed away from his feed to look at the person who was speaking. He was hungry, and that was the need to take in more blood. He didn’t know who was there, and he would fight them if he was stopped. Maybe he needed to take a step back. He had learned not to hold back–Katherine really had gotten under his skin. Slowly as Nate’s eyes found Allison’s face, his fangs were still out, eyes yellow and ready to strike. It still hadn’t registered just yet that she was on his side, but instead he stared down at her. “What?”
Allison’s breathing hitched, the sounds of the hybrid feeding from the person who was with him making her feel kind of anxious. It wasn’t that she was scared - she’d been doing this for a long time by now, but it never stopped making her heart pump whenever she was about to lay her life on the line to save another. The huntress released another breath as the large male turned to face her, preparing herself for battle. But it was then that she realized who the person before her was - despite his lips being smeared with his victim’s blood, his fangs still extending from his gums and his eyes blazing an amber shade. Brown eyes became wider with every passing second, with her head lifting from the bow as she released the arrow from her grip on accident. “Oh, my god.” Allison was able to redirect it just in time however, watching as it punctured the bark of a nearby tree. She was shocked to see who was in front of her. This was someone she knew, someone who was apparently a supernatural and not a good one. “Nate?”
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“I do, yeah.” Tegan said bluntly without the need for hesitation. She did think this town was completely insane, and now knew the reason why Jeremy had strongly suggested she come with him here. The town needed hunters and huntresses desperately. Demons running rampant, apparently someone had enough magic to make the whole town fall asleep and dream a reality? “But I figure if no one else is running, there’s no point in me doing it. Besides, I gave up running a long time ago. Figured it’s best to face things head on.” 
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“Yeah, it is.” Allison had the same mindset. People always told her to run, to not stick around in a town like Mystic Falls, but what kind of person would that make her? If she just abandoned it without trying to salvage it? She needed to at least try rather than being a complete coward. “So listen, I never said thanks for helping me out the other night. If you hadn’t found me, I don’t know what that thing would’ve done. Probably killed me like it did with a lot of other people. I appreciate what you did. Not like you had to. I mean, especially not for someone you barely even know. So I just wanted to say thank you.”
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What Ric wanted to say was quickly bitten back. “Not like it worked anyway,” he joked, doing his best to not think of his least-favorite (and only) sister. She’d grown cruel, harsh, as monstrous as those they hunted. Biology didn’t make them family. Letting on appearances would have to do. “I know you do.” He reached over and squeezed her shoulder.
Allison soon focused back on the road ahead, pulling up at the lake after a short while and switching the engine off. As she pulled the keys out of the ignition slot, the brunette held them out to Alaric so he could take them back. Slipping out of the car, she popped the trunk to reveal the variety of weapons that laid out in front of her. Brown eyes went over every single one, trying to decide just what she wanted to gear up with. “Maybe I should try something new. Any ideas?”
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“Right,” Plump lips pressed together in a thin line, words at a loss on her tongue. Thankfully, somehow, Tegan had been able to save Allison from the demon, managed to get her out of the cemetery. A miracle in itself, since Tegan still had no clue what the hell she was doing. “I’m doing better–little traumatized, but glad that you’re walking and back to normal.”
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Allison was taught that hunters had to be strong - both mentally and physically. If she allowed people to toy with her mind, that was a weakness that could be used against her. And while she knew that supernaturals were physically stronger than her, especially the undead ones, she never stopped training and patrolling. Things being that way only made her strive to be more powerful, to protect the people she loved as well as the town she had been calling home for such a long time. Being a firearms dealer also came in handy - it meant that she knew things about a wide variety of weapons and knew how they worked. “You must think this town is completely insane.” she let out a humorless laugh since there was nothing funny about it, New girl, trying to make this town her home, constantly surprised by weird things that happened around here. It surprised the brunette that the other woman hadn’t headed for the hills just yet at this point.
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Isaac wanted to tell her it wasn’t okay, but it was Mystic Falls. There was a constant ‘whatever’ attached to everyone’s struggles. It just happened, and they couldn’t feel sympathy each time or no one would move. “Fine, I won’t, I’ll just do it when you’re not looking.” He grinned. Isaac hung his head letting out a bellowed out sigh. “I want to believe you would be too stubborn for that, but we both know I’m also way too lazy to pull you out.” He joked. They both knew if she called him, he would rush to her side. It’s just who he was, loyal to a fault. It was something he was working on. The headlights weren’t flickering, “Nope,” He replied, “You can stop.” Isaac buried his head back into the hood of the car checking some things out. “I think your ignition switch is shot,” It was a lot easier than he thought if that was the case. “This should just take about twenty or so minutes,” He told her. “Think you can hold off for that long?”
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“I think you chose the wrong career then because I don’t think that being a mechanic and lazy go hand in hand.” she joked once more, pushing herself out of the car once Isaac said that the lights weren’t working. Allison sighed, closing the door on the driver’s side, leaning against it with her back and loosely crossing her arms over her chest. She was glad that her car had made it to the mechanic shop or she would have had to call Isaac, which would have been more of a hassle and she’d hate to have to bother him like that. “Yeah, sure.” the brunette nodded, looking the hybrid over with a curious expression swimming in her hazel eyes. “Do you need me to go somewhere else until you’re done?”
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“Because you would give me that Argent look if I didn’t eat something,” Ric grumbled and made quick work of the sandwich, just to get the damn thing out of the way. Blanching, he took a deep drink of coffee, which helped. “Begin at the lake. We’ll track around it, go to the woods for most of the night, then circle back to the lake for another round. Tomorrow, the opposite.”
“Sounds good.” the huntress nodded in agreement, giving her uncle a playful smile because of his other comment. “You mean, the look my mom used to give you if you wouldn’t eat something?” she questioned. Thinking back to her mother and the memories she had of the woman made her feel better because Allison tried to focus on the good ones and not the bad ones. Sure, her mom wasn’t the most warmhearted person like Melissa for instance, but Allison still loved her regardless and she knew that her uncle did as well. “I miss her.”
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Happiness wasn’t something Ryder had exactly expected being here. His experiences prevented him from having more happiness but he managed to move forward with that and he knew that he’d have be careful. Now that Malia was in his life, and he had his pack, he was pretty content with his life. Ryder smiled again at Allison. “Thanks,” he said. It was nice to have friends in town, that was something that he never had much experience with growing up. His sister was the popular one, not him and he really did care for other people. Being a hybrid, he never really thought about what could actually happen. “Sounds good to me,” he grinned a little bigger. “I’ll look forward to it. Hopefully they won’t be much taller than me and like science too,” he laughed a little, before hiding his face.
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“Do you have any plans to eventually meet the family?” Allison wasn’t aware of Ryder’s relationship with his parents, especially his father. She didn’t really talk to him all that often, so the brunette didn’t know that the man had been the one who’d killed him. “Would that scare you? If they were taller than you? I mean, if they liked science, that would put you at ease more?” she couldn’t help but tease, a small laugh leaving her as she watched the young man hide his face. Truth be told, she wasn’t quite sure what her type was and Allison wasn’t one to actively go looking for a relationship. If it happened, then it happened, “Does that mean I’ll have to protect you if it did scare you? Because I would, you know.”
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