sillybaekgu · 3 months
So I went on a two month hiatus (I actually don’t know how long it was but yea) because a lot of things happened. So, first I celebrated my birthday so I needed to plan things 🥳, then back to school season started and since then I’ve been busy with homework and school stuff but I’m pretty sure I can finally start posting again. So I hope you enjoy Jungwon’s short story and the rest of things I’ll post in the future!!
Clauki out!!
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sillybaekgu · 3 months
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Dizzy in love
☆ Jungwon x reader, dizziness at an amusement park, fluff, Jungwon being a total boyfriend and more…!
You were wondering how you ended up in this situation, the loud fireworks didn’t allow you to think clearly and you followed your heart’s desire for once.
Let’s rewind to understand what’s going on.
The wind is piercing your skin, you’re holding on to your friend, Jungwon, tightly. You’re eyes are shut but for a moment you feel the necessity to look at him, so you take a glance, even if it was incredibly fast you registered every single detail, form the wind blowing his hair in all directions to the bright smile plastered on his face, you felt your face heat up. You tried to convince yourself it was because of the adrenaline rush but deep down you knew it was all because of Jungwon. As the ride finally stopped and on your way out you felt heavy and suddenly very dizzy, Jungwon, who was walking next to you noticed and immediately held you softly to help you keep your balance—Oh! Yn, are you okay? You seem dizzy.— As he pulled you closer in case of you collapsing—I’m just a little dizzy, perhaps I enjoyed the ride too much!— You said holding your head from the side while letting Jungwon guide you to a place where you could take a little break. —Sorry Won, at this point we’re probably late for the last ride you wanted to get on.— The guilt overflowing in your eyes. Jungwon took your hand and said—It’s okay, I wanted to enjoy it with you but we both need to be okay for that and if you need time to feel better, I’ll wait with you here.— His eyes had a glow that made your heart skip a beat, his soft touch and the way he just sat there making sure you knew he was there for you in case you needed anything. Suddenly the power went out, Jungwon immediately grabbed your hand and said—Stay close to me—He held your hand softly yet decided to make sure you couldn’t let go. Suddenly the show started, the sky lit up in thousand colors, the noise made you both jump slightly as it was so sudden, the dizziness faded as your eyes focused on the firework show and Jungwon. You both stood up and watched closely. You turned to look at Jungwon, your eyes meeting his instantly, now finally facing each other you slowly approached him, reducing the distance between your lips. The kiss was so loving and sweet, his soft tender lips against yours, you pulled away just a little bit, you smiled and everything was perfect. The way the fireworks lit up his face, how it was just you and him and how his hands held you close to him. You hugged and sat again to finish watching the show. Your hands were placed on your thighs and slowly you felt his hand sneak to hold your hand, placing a soft kiss on your knuckles he put your hand against his chest and said—I love you.
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sillybaekgu · 3 months
i’m just a teenage dirtbag baby ( like you. )
based on this edit !!
pairing. troublemaker!nishimura riki x goody-two-shoes!fem!reader
summary. nishimura riki was infamous for being handsome and also quite the character. he’d purposely throw papers everywhere, bump into people without a care, and ditch class like it was nothing. you were the complete opposite, but deep down, nishimura riki knew you were just like him
warnings. cursing, smoking, riki destroys someone’s private property 😭, riki is your typical teenage dirtbag, he also calls her sweets
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Nishimura Riki slides onto the seat right next to yours, blinking twice as much as he should be. You knew it was one of his teasing habits, meant to make you shift uncomfortably under his gaze.
“What do you want Nishimura?”
He puts his hand over his chest, pretending he’s wounded by your words. “Nishimura? We’re on last name basis sweets?”
“Shut up,” you say, pushing his face away with your index finger. “I have exams to study for.”
“Let me see.” He ignores your protests, flipping your textbook to his side as he eyes the papers. “Ew, mathematics? You’re a bigger nerd than I thought sweets.”
“Don’t call me sweets.” You say, sticking out your tongue in annoyance. “And get out of here.”
He lifts both hands in surrender, “alright, alright, I’ll leave sweets. Gotta meet Jungwon anyways.”
You thank whoever above was listening to your pleas of making Riki leave. Turning around to face the desk he was in, you realize he hadn’t pushed in his chair.
“Nishimura!” You groan out loud, pushing it in with your foot. This earns you a shush from the librarian, which only fuels your hatred towards the Japanese boy.
“Y/N! Is that you?” There was Nishimura Riki’s annoying voice again, the one voice that you dread to hear everytime you entered school.
“Don’t you have anything better to do than annoy other people?” You ask, face clearly unimpressed.
“Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed.”
You glare at Jungwon’s unneeded input in the conversation, which makes him snicker and look away.
“You guys are ditching again?”
Riki and Jungwon shrug, making you roll your eyes. Of course the two were ditching, why did you even ask?
“We were gonna stop by the cigarette shop and get a pack or two.”
Jungwon elbows Riki, as if he wasn’t supposed to say that out loud.
“What? We can trust Y/N, isn’t that right sweets?”
“You still call her sweets?” Jungwon groans. “Gross dude. Let’s go.”
Jungwon starts walking, Riki closely following behind him. Just before they exit the school corridors, the boy throws you a wink, one that you roll your eyes at.
“You’ll love me one day sweets!” He shouts.
“In your dreams Nishimura!”
It seemed like nothing was going your way. The next week had approached and even though it was barely Monday, your teachers decided it was a good idea to assign a bunch of exams on the same day.
With quivering hands, you tried not to get the tears that were currently coming out of your eyes onto your physics paper, which was marked with a 68.
How on earth did you get a 68? You were so sure you knew the formulas that were needed for the exam, but what was on the test looked completely different from what you expected.
You could barely find it in yourself to walk home, legs practically dragging across the concrete floor as you wipe your tears away with your windbreaker.
Although your normal self would snarl at the nickname and the voice it belonged to—you found yourself too tired and miserable to care at this point.
You wipe your eyes again, vision clearing in enough to make out Riki leaning against one of the large trees a few meters away from the school.
“Hey, what’s wrong sweets?” He takes the cigarette that was currently dangling on his mouth out, squishing the head of it on the dirt floor beside him.
“Are you smoking again? That’s bad for you and you know it.”
“Geez sweets,” he laughs, finally standing up. “You looked like you just bawled your eyes out yet you still have enough energy to lecture me?”
“Shut up.”
“Ah, there she is again.”
Riki makes his way closer to you, head peering down to reach your level.
“Don’t cry.” He says softly, and it’s the first time you heard him in that tone. “Makes your eyes all red and scary.”
He laughs when you hit him on the shoulder, sound that used to make you frown but you were weirdly enjoying it now.
“I’m kidding sweets!” He slings an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close to him. “You’re pretty, even when you have tear stains all over you.”
The two of you continue walking, you not too sure where Riki was even taking you.
“Where are we going?” You sniffle, looking around the area.
“This new arcade, cmon, I’ll drive us.”
The two of you are in front of his beaten down Toyota, although it looks pretty clean from the inside. You thought Riki’s car would be an absolute mess, but it seemed like he was a clean freak when you opened the door to the smell of vanilla and cinnamon.
“You actually clean your car?”
“I’m offended you thought I didn’t sweets!” He says, frowning. “Thankfully, I don’t hold grudges.”
He puts the key in, hands tapping against his leather seat. “Wanna tell me why you’re so sad?”
He places a hand on the head of your seat, body twisting back with one hand on the wheel to pull out of his parking spot. He looked incredibly handsome doing such a basic task that it almost made your ability to speak go away.
“I got a 68 on my physics test.” You say, shoulders defeated.
“No way.” He continues driving, eyes glancing back and forth from the road to you. “Mr. Yuji’s class right? Fucking hate him.”
“Yeah well, I do too.”
Riki takes a road that you’re unfamiliar with, and he suddenly stops the car in front of a house.
“What are you doing Riki?” You say, watching as he opens his trunk and leaves the car.
“Doing something I should’ve done a long time ago.”
He pulls out a bat, and your eyes widen when he smashes it against a mailbox, crushing it in completely.
“Holy shit!” You shriek, eyes widening as Riki throws back the bat into the trunk, closing it with a loud bang.
He runs back to the car, slamming the door behind him.
“And that’s for Y/N motherfucker!” He yells before driving off, his boyish laughter could be heard from a distance.
“You’re crazy.” You breathe out, body still in shock from what you witnessed. “Who’s mailbox was that?”
“Mr. Yuji’s.” He smirks, eyes still on the road. “Let’s just say—this isn’t the first time I’ve been to his residence.”
“Wow.” You rest your head against Riki’s cold windows, still taking in what just happened. “Thank you?”
“You’re welcome sweets.” He smiles, teeth practically shinning like the movies. “Now how about that arcade I promised you earlier?”
After hanging out with Riki at the arcade on Monday, you realized the boy wasn’t as bad as you thought.
He had won you a gigantic brown teddy bear, a cliché that you never thought would have happened to you after failing your physics exam.
He made you name it James The Third, and made you promise that it was your child and you had to take care of it while he was away.
“I heard you hung out with Nishimura this weekend!” You swore nothing could go past Byeol, who was currently geeking at the sudden news of you and Riki being so close.
“Shh, keep your voice down!”
Byeol wiggles her eyebrows, giggling at your stressed state. “You two are so cute! Opposites attract!”
You start to walk away from her, using the excuse that class has started. Sure Riki was handsome and weirdly—nice—you weren’t sure what your feelings about him were yet.
You basically flinch out of your seat when you see him right next to you. He had a can of soy milk and a slice of chocolate cake with him.
“I brought you soy milk, hopefully you like it.”
You give him a small smile, not trusting your words enough to actually speak. Thankfully for you, the teacher entered right after, starting her lesson on trigonometry.
“Nishimura Riki, do you really have to eat in my class?” The teacher stops writing, placing her chalk on the board as she stares directly into Riki’s eyes.
He looks up from the bangs poking at his eyes, giving the teacher a stupid smile.
“Yes Mrs. Park, I’m very hungry.”
“Very well.” She wants to scowl at Riki, you could tell by her furrowed eyebrows. But she doesn’t, instead, picking up her chalk again to continue the lesson.
3 minutes don’t even past when Riki’s chewing gets incredibly loud and obnoxious, making you place a hand over your mouth to prevent yourself from bursting out laughing.
“Is the chocolate cake that good, Riki?” The teacher asks, trying not to completely snap at the boy.
“It’s sooo good.” Riki says, smiling fully with his teeth.
The class blurts out in laughter and hysteria, making Mrs. Park practically crush the chalk that was in her hand.
“That’s it! Go outside Nishimura Riki!”
He rolls his eyes, standing up from his seat. “Fine, but I was just eating cake.”
He looks over to you, who was currently giggling underneath your breath. He gives you a small smile, flicking your forehead softly before leaving the room, leaving you a blushing mess.
You turn around, already knowing who was on the other side.
Of course Nishimura Riki was there.
“I’ve got two tickets to see Arctic Monkeys, come with me Friday night?”
You shake your head softly. “Oh I don’t know Riki, I have to study.”
“Don’t say that sweets,” he groans, head slumping into your shoulder. “Have some fun!”
“Shhh!” You look around, thankful the librarian wasn’t here to scold you guys. “Okay, okay, I’ll go. Just be quiet.”
“Yay!” He cheers, and it’s the happiest you’ve ever seen of the boy. “I’ll pick you up, okay? Friday night, 8pm exactly.”
“Okay Riki,” you say. “I’ll see you.”
Friday comes by in a flash, and you weren’t sure what to wear to the concert.
Despite it being your last year of being a teenager, you still haven’t attended one. So you were in a real struggle to pick what would be perfect.
You decided to go with a plain black top and cream colored cargos that hugged your waist, one without straps so your shoulders could be out. You were sure it’d get hot in the concert with all the people that would be attending.
“You look cute.” Riki says as he rows down the window. “Get in.”
The stadium is only 20 minutes away from your house, and you’re starting to get nervous when you realize how many people were attending.
“Hey,” Riki says, taking ahold of your hand when he notices it shaking. “It’ll be the most fun night of your life. I promise.”
And he was right. Although you were sure you weren’t going to enjoy it all that much, you found yourself singing and swaying along to the music.
The stadium was dim, making the music hit even ten times harder.
When I wanna be yours started playing, your vision was focused on the band whereas Riki’s eyes were focused on you.
“Hey!” You giggle, catching him staring at you. “Focus on the music dummy! You’re the one who bought the tickets.”
“Yeah yeah,” he says, smiling ear to ear. “The concert’s great and all but you’re even better.”
You don’t get to question his words before he crashes his lips onto yours with the lyrics wanna be yours blasting in the background.
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sillybaekgu · 5 months
Rosy cheeks and sunsets
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Pairing: non-idol!Sunoo x gn!reader
Genre: Fluff, friends to lovers, love confession, cute
Warnings: Mentions of rooftop, not entirely proofread
Summary: The warmth you’d usually feel from the sunset was nothing compared to what two people in love irradiated.
Word count: 0.5K
a/n: I WAS IN THE TRENCHES WRITING THIS. I wanted it to be perfect but I just couldn’t get it right! But finally it is here!! Hope you enjoy! You can always reblog with feedback, commentary or anything you’d like to say!! Also, while I was writing this all I could think of was Sunoos short golden hour cover so pls have that bgm in mind for this scenario!
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This was your last year of high school, the nostalgia washed over you as you hung the decorations for your last carnival at school. Within seconds a voice broke the little bubble you were in, turning your head immediately following the sound you encountered Sunoo. He had his backpack over his shoulder, handing yours to you with a warm smile like he always did. It was a little past five and the sun was soon setting, decorating the sky in beautiful orange and pink colors, the warm sunbeams sneaking through the windows painting the classroom in a beautiful orange tone, some of the light reflecting in your eyes. Sunoo couldn’t hide his feelings anymore, the way he stared and saw the world in your eyes made his heart weak, he finally gathered the courage to break the silence “Come with me, there’s something I want to show you!” He smiled and held your hand without warning, you could feel the warmth of his hands in your cold ones. To you, this was exactly what Sunoo represented, the warmth to your coldness, the light in the dark; he was warm, he made you feel warm and loved, it was hard for you to understand if it was just his personality or the fact that you were head over heels for him. As you made your way quickly through the empty halls, you tried to store every second of this in your memory, Sunoo’s warm touch, the sunlight shining on him only seemed to make him look even more ethereal, the way your heart skipped a beat every time he looked at you and smiled. Fast forward you finally reached the school’s rooftop, Sunoo turned to you “It’s beautiful, isn’t it? I love sunsets as much as I love you” you froze, you couldn’t have possibly heard that properly, right? He just confessed but it was just a friend coded <<I love you>>, right? You looked at him, eyes wide open, heart pounding in your chest, your words trembling as they left your mouth “Do you mean it?” You looked at him, you felt as if your chest was opening up and showing your most vulnerable form to him, your vision got blurry because of the tears forming in them. You looked at him, an intense stare and asked once more “Sunoo, do you mean it? Do you love me more than you love a friend?” Your heart was about to escape out of your rib cage. His eyes deep into your soul, he came closer to you, grabbed your hand and put it on his chest “I mean it, every single word.” He then pulled you into a hug, a tight hug. He fixed your position to rest his forehead against yours as he wiped the tears escaping your eyes “I love you and I would never forgive myself for not telling you how I feel. Every last cell in my body is smitten to you.” You held him tighter, resting your head against his shoulder while staining his shirt with your tears “Thank you…thank you for brightening my life, for being my sun and for making me feel warm.” You faced him and saw his tainted cheeks being illuminated by the last bits of light from the sun set, you couldn’t hold back anymore, at this point you were agonizing and just had to have his lips on yours. You gently cupped his face in your hands, admiring his features you pulled in and finally connected your lips sealing your love under the beautiful sky.
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sillybaekgu · 5 months
HEY GUYS!! ITS BEEN A WHILE ALREADY AND I’M SORRY!! I really wanted to post what I’ve been working on for Sunoo since last week but unfortunately I faced my first struggle as a writer. I HATED EVERYTHING I WROTE OMG 🙈 I kept changing it, rewriting it and I even switched ideas. But finally, it’s almost done!! I should be able to post it later today or tomorrow!! Sorry for the long wait!!
Clauki out!
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sillybaekgu · 5 months
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Hey guys! It’s been a few days after my first post and I’m so grateful for every person liking it! I’m currently working on something fun and youthful for Sunoo and something a little more romantic-ish for Jungwon so expect either soon. That’s all!
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sillybaekgu · 5 months
Drenched under the moonlight
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Pairing: non-idol!riki x gn!reader
Genre: fluff, extremely sweet, friends to something, awkwardly cute, very cringe too
Warnings: none
Summary: As raindrops kissed their skin, words flowed quickly into the night, confessing your love was never easy but midnight rain gave you the courage to do so.
Word count: 1.4K
a/n: FIRST POST OMG I’M SO NERVOUS. Hope you like it, I feel like it’s very cringe but I really didn’t expect to do better since it’s my first post,I tried my best so yea, enjoy<3
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It was just another regular friday night for you and Riki. Since you two lived in the same neighborhood you’d usually walk together back home after spending the afternoon with your friends.
As you walked calmly through the dimly lit streets, Riki decided to break the silence “Are you doing anything later tonight?” He asked looking at you. “Uhh…besides sleeping? I don’t think I have any plans” you answered, not really paying attention to the strange question. “Oh…cool” Riki answered quietly. There was a strange feeling in your chest, a hunch telling you to ask more but you decided to brush it off. As you reached your house you faced Riki and said “Thanks, Riks, I appreciate it! You know, since it’s late and walking at night…alone…can be dangerous” you gave him a warm smile “Anytime..” he smiled back, you couldn’t help but feel like there’s something he wanted to say, and even if it bothered you, staying silent was your best choice or your cheeks would burn up anytime. It was no secret that you had developed a crush on Riki and no matter how hard you tried to hide it, you had this loving gaze towards him that gave away all your feelings. As both of you waved goodbye, you entered your home, greeting your family in the process and immediately going to your room.
Time passed by quickly and before you noticed it was almost midnight, you sat quietly on your bed wondering if you should’ve said something to Riki when you had that strange feeling, wondering if he’s ever felt the same way you do right now. The atmosphere you created in your room wasn’t heavy but it made your poor heart uneasy at the thought of being entirely wrong and mistaking his kindness for something else. The more you thought about it the heavier your chest felt until a weak sound pulled you out of your trance.
You stood a few inches away from the window scared to see what’s on the other side.
You slowly approached the window, carefully looking through the glass only to find a familiar pair of brown orbs and a soft smile accompanying them.
You opened your window hurriedly “Riki? What are you doing here? It’s very late and it’s cold” your voice came out immediately, he giggled softly and stared back at you “Yeah, I know. Remember I asked you about what you were doing later today?” He asked looking at you expectantly, you clearly remembered it since it’s what has been occupying your mind the last few hours “Yeah I do remember” he gave you a mischievous grin and asked “Do you wanna go get some snacks? We can eat them at the park, it should be empty right now” you felt the adrenaline rush coming to you, after all, it’s not an everyday occurrence for your crush to come ask you to hang out in the middle of the night.
You couldn’t give your feelings away that easily, that would hurt your pride, so you stayed quiet pretending to think whether to accept or not. After looking inside for a brief moment you smiled and said “Let me grab my coat” You ran to your closet and grabbed your warmest coat, knowing that it could never compare to the warmth you felt when you were with Riki. Silently walking down the stairs you fixed your hair before quietly grabbing your keys and opening the door meeting finally the boy who made your heart skip a beat ever so often.
As soon as Riki saw you his face lit up with the brightest smile ever. “Took you long enough, I thought I was gonna freeze out here” he said teasingly, you rolled your eyes and started walking towards the store “Are you just gonna stand there? Let’s go” he smiled once more and started chasing after you, soon it turned into a race to see who could get to the convenience store faster. Unsurprisingly, Riki won and you, out of breath, accepted your defeat. As you regained composure you looked at the sky hoping to find a beautiful starry night, instead all you saw was heavy gray clouds, your face immediately tainted in preoccupation alarmed Riki “What happened? Why do you look so worried suddenly?” His expression concerned “Oh it’s just the sky looks a little too cloudy tonight, I wonder if it’ll rain…we have no umbrella” you quickly changed your expression to a more relaxed one, you looked at him and said “anyway let’s not worry about that right now, what should we get?” And soon enough you two came out of the store with snacks and drinks on your way to the park. Arriving to the empty park was definitely unsettling at first, wondering if you’d encounter something paranormal but as you settled on the benches the atmosphere soon became much lighter while you talked about everything and nothing at the same time. Being with Riki started a fire in your heart, the warmth you felt when you were with him was unrivaled and you just wished time would stop and stay in this little moment forever. After a while, ending your perfect moment, a few droplets fell from the sky, you immediately noticed but letting go to find somewhere else because of the rain wasn’t something you felt like doing, so you ignored the rain and hoped it went away. Riki also noticed, he wanted to stay but he worried about you, he didn’t want you to get sick because of him, unwillingly he finally said “we should get going, I just felt some droplets from the sky” your heart screamed telling you to stay put but you knew better and said “yeah, we definitely should” as you cleaned up and threw the trash away the weather had other plans for you as it immediately started pouring down heavy rain and puddles forming everywhere. Riki swiftly took your hand and started to walk looking for shelter until you suddenly took his hand between both of your hands, you felt bold and this whole situation felt just right to confess your feelings. The way his blond locks stuck to his face due to the rain, the dimly lit park, the warmth of his hand, it seemed like true love possessed you as you looked at him “Riki, I need to tell you something. I know right now it’s not the best moment but I need to get this off my chest” Your heart pounding so hard you could hear it from miles away, slowly looking at him you felt how he now held both of your hands. He looked at you expectantly, a shine you could only find in his dark eyes. You held him tightly and said “I have never felt this way before, the way you make my heart flutter, the time we spend together, it all slowly became part of who I am. Without me noticing you became a part of me that’s so precious it makes me feel overwhelmed” You were right here, right now with him, holding his hands and confessing while getting drenched under the moonlight. Riki’s cheeks quickly tainted with a rosy tone, he held your hands even tighter and said “I was supposed to confess tonight but it seems you were ahead of me. Every day we spend together makes me realize I love you, I hated the idea of confessing, I thought you’d never feel the same way but now that we’ve come clean about us I want to be with you, discover this something together” He pulled you close, even if it started getting colder all you could feel was the warmth of his embrace. You slowly pulled away looking at him before saying “I love this but we’re so catching a cold if we stay under the rain for longer” Finally your chest felt lighter and everything seemed a bit more colorful, perhaps it was the rain or the midnight euphoria but this was the beginning of something special.
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sillybaekgu · 5 months
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Heyyy!! I’m Clauki and I created this blog specifically for writing. I dared to do it because I saw so many cool writers expose their works and since I have always loved writing I thought to myself omg why not, I literally have nothing to lose. So I hope I can get along with fellow writers and be part of this nice community! I guess I should talk abt myself but I think I’ll do a separate post on that. But I wanna write mainly for enhypen and I think you can tell who my bias is seeing my layout. So yea that’s all for my first post! Bye!
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