silivrin · 7 years
My links should work again!
Uh... hello!
Wow it’s been a while hasn’t it? The most important info first
my download links should work again!
I reuploaded my stuff to simfileshare a while ago but I finally had the time (and motivation) to fix the links today. So yay I guess...
Please let me know if I messed up and the links still don’t work!
For those interested why I suddenly seemed to have vanished from tumblr, well there were/are a couple of reasons but the main ones probably were that posting pics on tumblr felt like work and that is never good. Plus I started to work as teacher last autumn and definitely didn’t have enough time to play/post, even had my computer not broken. I don’t think I have even opened Sims 2 on my new one yet... been too busy playing Sims 4 and the various Dragon Age games I guess...
I’m still on tumblr from time to time, mostly looking up my favourite TV shows (all those pretty gifs!) or downloading stuff for sims 4 but since I’ve got neither SimPE nor a meshing programme installed on this computer I don’t think I will start posting new stuff any time soon. But who knows, maybe I get a sudden urge to play/create for Sims 2, weirder stuff has happened before!
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silivrin · 9 years
Hi again, thank you for the quick answer. Now I know the name of the mesh I´ve found a retexture done by Lilith for Voleste CiJ2013 too, perfect! And your own retexture looks really great! Maybe I should retexture hairs by myself sometime... you inspire me! Wish you and your family a good start in 2016 and Happy simming!
Thank you dear nonnie! ^^Retexturing hair can be a lot of fun, but be careful it can be addictive ;)I hope you had a great start to 2016 too! ^^
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silivrin · 9 years
Hi Silivrin, I love your BaCC! Can I ask which hair texture you use on your Sims, Remis or Simgaroops? And can you tell me where Graemes teen hair is from? It suits him perfectly! Thank you!
Hello dear nonnie! ^^First of all, thank you! I’m happy that you seem to have as much fun looking at my little BaCC as I have playing it.Now, let’s start with the easier part, Graeme’s hair!
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It’s a FtM conversion of Chazzhay’s 3t2 Killer Curls by Trapping/Jedpie, but my google-fu has left me and I couldn’t find the original conversion by Trapping. I did however find a recolour by simflake/olivespecter in Remi’s colours/texture which can be found here: FtM Killer Curls (Just scroll down a bit to find it).
The texture one is actually a bit more complicated as it sounds… So short answer first, I use neither Remi’s nor Simgaroop’s textures. Long answer would be, that I use my own texture blend I made from Poppet’s and Lilith’s textures. I think it looks very similar to Zeusar’s texture blend (found here) though, so I won’t share it. When it comes to the actual hair colours I use Remi’s black, Pooklet’s incendiary for blonde and mail bomb for grey, and Poppet’s v1 red and brown. Hope that answers your question nonnie! ^^
Proof of how similar they look:
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silivrin · 9 years
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silivrin · 9 years
Hello everyone! I'm just quickly stopping by to wish you all a merry Christmas! ^^
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silivrin · 9 years
My queue has run out today. I’ve got lots of pics to post left (about 1 1/2 rounds) but even the thought of queueing pictures has me go “meeeeh”.  Maybe I won’t queue them at all, maybe I’ll just post pics whenever I fell like it, maybe that’s the best option for now. I just don’t know, because I love playing my BaCC  and it’s lots of fun. Even the taking the pictures part. And I definitely have a story/lots of commentary going on in my head while I play but setting up a queue and making sure I don’t run out of pics to post and writing a commentary down just feels like a chore right now *sigh*
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Meh... sorry, just ignore my stupid rambling. I’m probably just tired because I haven’t slept well the last two nights...
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silivrin · 9 years
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A normal evening for the Owston/Morley family. Rhiannon working out and Alton spending time with Porter. Cody is still at work.
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silivrin · 9 years
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Let’s try and guess what Porter’s favourite game is! I’ll give you a hint it starts with “Peek” and ends with “Boo” ;)
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silivrin · 9 years
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Alton has brought his cousin Novalee home from school. He normally spends more time with Tristan but it was nice to hang out with Novalee for a bit.
Rhiannon met her sister Sharleen in front of the house, but the two sisters did not really know what they should talk about, and the conversation ended soon. Too bad the sisters used to be really close before they came to the settlement...
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silivrin · 9 years
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Alton had to go to work but both Rhiannon and Cody wee already out patrouling the neighbourhood. Thankfully Darion was able to babysit his nephew for a little while!
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silivrin · 9 years
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silivrin · 9 years
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Cody isn’t really thrilled to be in the military career, but I have to say the uniform suits him extremely well!
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silivrin · 9 years
OMG *_* I wanna pinch his lil cheeks, he's so adorable!!
^^ Thank you! Porter is definitely one cute toddler! Although I still think that his big brother was a tiny bit cuter!
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silivrin · 9 years
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Birthday time for little Porter!
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silivrin · 9 years
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Further proof that baby Porter is the centre of attention at the moment! ^^
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silivrin · 9 years
23 Questions
I was tagged by @frottana-sims, and because I’m quite bored right now I’m going to answer them ^^
1. How tall are you? 1.78 m (I think that’s 5'10") 2. What color and style is your hair? Natural hair colour is a really dark mousy blonde, the kind of colour without any real highlights, that can be mistaken for a very boring lightbrown in the wrong light. But I’ve been dying it a honey blonde with light blonde highlights for about two years now (that would be  pooklet’s incendiary with volatile highlights in the sims world). Currently it’s shoulder length and that works really well for my slightly curly  read fuzzy and annoying hair.
3. What color are your eyes? I’ve got grey green eyes, but sometimes they have a blueish tint. It depends on the light and what I’m wearing that day. (Fun fact, they used to be blue when I was little) 4. Do you wear glasses or contacts? I wear glasses since I was about 13. Current ones are two toned, black and red metal frame ones. 5. Do you wear braces? Nope, never needed them! 6. What’s your favourite fashion style? I think I dress rather casual on most days. Although I really love blouses and elegant clothes, so I guess smart casual is my favourite style ;) 7. When were you born? In the middle of January in the mid 80s. 8. Where are you from/live? I am from Austria (link leads to the unofficial Austrian anthem, seriously more people know how to sing parts of this one and not the real one!). Carinthia to be more exact (that’s in the very south of Austria). 9. Do you have any siblings? A younger brother (can’t say little although I want to, he is about two inches taller than I am!) 10. What kind of student were you? The lazy, leave everything to the last possible moment tpye of student. At least in school. Never studied for a test or exam more than three days in advance, not even for my Matura (the Austrian equivalent of A-levels). I was a bit more commited in University though. I acutally did study three weeks for my final exam! (Which I passed, you can call me “Frau Magistra” now if you want! Oh, and the academic titel “Magister” is equal to a M.A.) 11. Did you like school? Kinda. It was fine. The getting up early part and the tests and exams I did not like. I really enjoyed the learning new stuff thing though. I went to a business oriented school type  and the business subjects I did not particualrly like, even though I definitely do not regret choosing this school type, I learned some very useful stuff there. I really liked University though, plus I must have liked school well enough seeing as I’m going to start working as a teacher next school year XD 12. What were your favorite subjects? In school, history and geography. I love to learn about how people lived in the past or how people live in another country. For my teacher training I chose English (Foreign Language) and History as subjects though, so I guess English is in the top three subjects I liked! 13. What are your favorite characters? That’s a difficult one. Donna Noble, Jo Grant and the Doctor (3rd, 10th, 12th) in Doctor Who, Amelia Shepard in Private Practice (don’t like her as much in Grey’s Anatomy), Eric Northman in The Southern Vampire Mysteries (I like his book character more than his TV series one), Henry Fitzroy in both the TV-Show and the Blood Ties books. Brianna, Roger and Young Ian from the Outlander book series, Willow and Spike in Buffy, Phoebe in Charmed, and honestly I could go on so I’m going to stop now! 14. What are your favorite tv shows? In no particular order: Doctor Who, Grey’s Anatomy, Call the Midwife, Being Human (UK), Horrible Histories, Elementary, Sherlock, Nashville, Gilmore Girls, Charmed (mostly when I was a teen, thoug I’m sad to say it hasn’t aged all that well :( ), Buffy, Emergency Room. Basically these are the shows I either watch right now or where I am not annoyed when I catch a rerun on TV.
15. Favorite past times? Playing Sims 2 (and creating CC and defaults for it), Reading, Netflix, Crocheting, Listening to Music, Photography (really need to start that one again!) 16. Have any regrets? None that I can think of right now :) 17. Would you like to get married? If the right one ever comes along, sure why not! 18. Do you like shopping? Depends what I am shopping! Shoes and bags big yes, books or DVD’s/Blu-Rays oh yeah. Walking through IKEA, sure lets go! Clothes... not so much XD 19. Do you want children? Yes. 20. What countries have you visited? Croatia (Istria and Dalmatia), Italy (Venice, Tuscany, Umbria), Germany (Berlin, Rügen, Saxony-Anhalt), UK (various places in England, Wales and Scotland, plus I’ve lived in Leeds/Yorkshire for about 9 months). I don’t think Slovenia counts as visited even though I had to drive through it to get to Croatia ;) 21. What’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? I think our house burining down and not getting down the stairs when I was really little. I don’t have many nightmares, only highly confusing dreams that make absolutely no sense at all! 22. Do you have any enemies? Seeing as I’m neither a Superhero or a Supervillian, nope. I have people I don’t like to spend time with (because they annoy me or I think they are fake) but no enemies that I know of! 23. Do you believe in miracles? Not really. I have seen a lot of these 23 question posts already and I’m not sure who has and who hasn’t done it yet, so I’m not going to tag anyone. Feel free to do it if you want to, you can even say I tagged you ;)
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silivrin · 9 years
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Rhiannon has roped Cody into joining the military, which means training sessions in the living room. And while Alton enjoys sport he enjoys a quiet and peaceful evening in front of his easel a lot more!
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