sikandarkhan67 · 3 years
Dear Sir,
Thanks So Much For Giving Me Your Valuable Wishes On My Birthday , Thankful To You For Your Kind Blessings And Giving Your Valuable Time To Do So.
My Love And Prayers Always With You ❤️
Plz Take Care n Best Wishes For The Release Of #Chehre With Great Success As Always n Much More .
Sikandar Khan
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DAY 4768
Jalsa, Mumbai                  Mar 20/21,  2021                 Sat/Sun 2:15 AM
Birthday EF - Meenu Gupta  ..  Sikandar Khan ef  .. Sunday, March 21 .. greetings and all our love and wishes for your birthday .. may it be safe and protected .. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Your wishes of congratulations keep me company in the layout of the entire day and most of the night ..  and for this I have only my 🙏🙏 folded hands and the hearts desire to be able to acknowledge this personally .. but the conditions of the day permit me to give just this and no more , though it does reek of a sense of ingratitude .. for which I seek an apology .. 
The ceremony itself was a feat of the technology now so prevalent in the times of this CoviDamaein curse of the most infectious .. and keeping not just us but the billions of others at bay , with no say and away ..
There is now the fear of another strain getting free box office results and that is unnerving .. the vaccination has become mandatory and soon there shall be the conditioning for yours truly to be one such in queue .. 
Well as soon as the work in progress eyes get settled .. till then its a wild world ain’ it .. 
BUT .. work of the other faculties can be produced and executed and is done without hesitation :
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Opinions can differ .. viewpoints have a view of their own and the final response brings in the reality and the truth of products and material .. so does it say in most operational operations .. nothing is sacrosanct , nothing close to the finality of the result and the time allocated for its development is ever in short supply .. so ..
So .. buddy , wear it flaunt it decorate yourself in it .. flash it about in the mirror and be in the limelight for the moment .. it shall be here and here alone with thyself .. after it, shall be governed by the Ef .. their opinion matters and is supreme .. don’t object to it stupid !, thou shall be the one ostracised and driven into the ground, stuck in the mud of stuck .. !!
the importance of the ‘see’ is the most .. once done it sees no more the seeing .. it has seen and passed by .. 
this is the lesson of life .. be within oneself .. speak when it is required to be spoken of and to .. for the input from a Pod Cast is fascinating .. it talks of the nature of politicians and subjects us to this  :
IF .. if you wish to remain in the field of service .. service to the nation .. is not that which forms fascination and conventional, greatly more appropriate than any other ..
Its the season and decade of the young of the youth of them that populate the land greatly more than any other .. and they are WOKE ..
so the WOKE and the CANCEL CULTURE , abounding above all the young and the nexG .. unknown to me but known now from one of the entire universe ..
And you glance through the latest dated magazine of the times .. of an EXHIBIT of the GQ, and the fascination of youth is immensely more fascinating and lasting and one that requires another read, another look, to wear what they wear to think what they think and put it down on platforms giving them the look as though it were yours .. exclusive and singular .. that is the cheat of the day .. of today .. for tomorrow there would be quite certainly , the cheat of another and another and another .. with no reprisal .. nothing at all ..
we are a special species .. 
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Amitabh Bachchan
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sikandarkhan67 · 4 years
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This Is Sikandar Khan A Performing Artist Specialising Voice Of Living Legend Shri Amitabh Bachchan Ji & Multi Voices Of Bollywood For Live Performances & Voice Dubbings.
Also A Director Of Star Beats Entertainment An Event Management Company Doing Top Celebrities Concerts, Appearances,Performing Artists For Any Ocassion You Name.
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0 notes
sikandarkhan67 · 4 years
Dear Sir
Pranaam Aapko ,
Firstly let me congratulate for the marriage anniversary of Babuji & Maa , my deepest respect n prayers for them .
My love , prayers & good wishes for your good health and long life always.
Sikandar Khan
DAY 4712
Jalsa, Mumbai                      Jan 23/24,  2021                 Sat/Sun 12:14 AM
Birthday - EF - Vijay Kumar Joshi .. Sunday, January 24 .. greetings and wishes on your birthday .. love from the Ef family … 
.. past the midnight of the 23rd and the 24th has begun .. the Wedding Anniversary of Ma and Babuji .. 
24th January 1942 .. a marriage that broke barriers, systems created the acceptance of the name Bachchan , beyond caste and creed .. and brought me into this wide World 
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.. the meeting of the two , their resolve their description in the autobiography by Babuji and the moment all captured now in tune and recite in an attempt by me, which shall hopefully be soon before you in the AbsoluteAB .. till then ..
Happy National Handwriting Day ..
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my love and care .. 
.. and the strains of the genesis persists .. it has value some how later in the night .. perhaps the wires that bind the Heavens with the strain of music wake up in the acceptance of the beauty of this connect ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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sikandarkhan67 · 4 years
Good Morning 🌹
Dearest Amit Ji ,
It's so nice to read this lovely informative post from you.
My endless love,respect & prayers for you always with a big tight hug 🤗
Best wishes for the new season of KBC.
Sikandar Khan 😊
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DAY 4562
Jalsa, Mumbai                    Aug 29/30,  2020                 Sat/Sun 1:37 AM
.. the rain it raineth profusely .. its alarm time for the leakages and the flooding at the properties  .. monitoring through CCTV in progress  .. low lying region in JVPD is the dread .. when the base of the house is below the sea level, the dread is material .. add to that a heavy downpour timing it self with the high tide and there is mayhem .. the exit drains into the sea are met with the forceful tide coming in .. and, its time for rubber dingy’s , shifting furniture , gum boots .. the lot .. 
.. rehearsal times are done and now its tech rehearsals on set .. and within a few days the recordings for KBC .. the world changeth .. regulations and conditions need adherence to .. but the will rises .. humanity has fought centuries to drive itself away from adversity .. has found unique ways to overcome the trials and tribulations that nature tests it with .. we succumb to some we gain victory over the others .. and we continue .. alternatives are found .. humans bear the test and deprived as they are of what they had been accustomed to , they find that little window of survival and breathe again the fresh air of existence …
.. oh .. a sharp crack of lightening  💥💥 .. and the mind travels to a recent input given by the Son, on the mathematics to decipher where the exact spot is where lightening fell ..
.. the lightening comes first because light travels faster than sound .. and the thunder is the sound of lightening .. so where did lightening fall .. and the calculation is as follows .. 
If you count the number of seconds between the flash of lightning and the sound of thunder, and then divide by 5, you’ll get the distance in miles to the lightning .. 
5 seconds = 1 mile, 15 seconds = 3 miles, 0 seconds = very close. Keep in mind that you should be in a safe place while counting…
SO .. as soon as the lightening flash is seen by you .. start counting ..
1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005 .. thats second counts .. and they are 5 .. now you hear the thunder .. so divide the number of seconds you counted by 5 .. in this case the math is 1 .. so lightning fell , 1 mile form where you are standing .. !!
CAUTION : if the number of seconds is zero .. err .. you need to get out of that spot IMMEDIATELY .. or get to a safe place before counting as I just said .. to a lightning conductor building .. inside a car on rubber wheels .. 
Materials that have low resistance to electric current are called electric conductors .. many metals are good electric conductors .. materials that have high resistance to electric current are called electric insulators .. wood, rubber, and plastic are good electric insulators .. 
.. here is one example where ‘good’ is actually ‘bad’ and ‘bad’ is actually ‘good’ .. if you know what I mean .. 😁
.. the joy and satisfaction of getting down to managing aspects of domestic running, is a learning most desirable and needed .. in these times of the pandemic .. in these times of the absence of desired staff .. in these times of social masked distancing .. it has been a most necessary exercise to ‘do things on your own’ .. and it has been most rewarding .. 
.. apart from being able to monitor the checks and balances in an order that needs your desire .. it educates not just the self , but at times provides the correct education to the staff that could have been operating in a fault .. 
.. personal supervision .. why ..?  the adage ..”ख़ान  पैसा खाता है “ 😁
Good night .. shubh raatri .. shabba khair ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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sikandarkhan67 · 4 years
Greetings 💐
It's Great To Know You Are Back Home Recovered 😊.
Plz Take Good Care n Trust Me All Will Be Well With Abhishek Too , Don't Take Tension He Will Be Home Soon With A Smile N Hug You.
My Best Greetings For Raksha Bandhan A Festival Of Security n Protection 😊
Regards,Love & Prayers 🤲
Sikandar Khan 😊
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DAY 4533
Jalsa, Mumbai                    Aug 2, 2020                Sun 11:31 PM
Birthday  EF - Manoj Ghanatsala .. Monday, August 3 .. and our wishes for a lovely day ahead , of celebration and tradition meeting together - birth and the power of the brother sister bond .. raksha bandhan .. love ❤️
.. and tomorrow be the festival of protection and security for the sister by the brother .. a pledge to be by her side, to hold her hand in times of trouble , to safeguard her from all evil that may erupt about and to let her know that no matter what he shall ever be by her side .. 
Raksha Bandhan : ‘raksha’ to protect ; ‘bandhan’ to tie to bond to hold together
Our ‘samaaj’ does possess centuries old traditions that make us all valuable .. in the essence of behavioural convictions .. such convictions that can never be betrayed or dissolved .. they are the crafted genius of writings on stone .. forever ..
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.. and tomorrow when the little one shall in virtual distance and world as would Abhishek and Shweta due the pandemic , colour the wrist of Agastya in that string of eternal strength, then shall the festival in all its glory be celebrated .. all be it in keeping with the norms set by the authorities re., CoviD !
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.. we live and exist for them by them .. in their affection and love , in their togetherness ..
It has been heartening to be back from the Hospital after the ‘mukti’ from the Corona virus .. but a sour taste in the mouth when Abhishek has to still be in the medical care .. 
.. the medical conditions, tests, lab reports, clinical and physical and visual evaluations are all there in the minds of the qualified specialists that work day in day out to battle with this unique conditioning, and each hour through consultation, through the sharing of information,  and experience with their fraternity from other parts of the World give us the hope of repair .. assuring us each minute that ‘all shall be well’ , when in fact they themselves struggle to find that confirmed patent that can be used delivered executed to save lives and conditions from the virus .. 
.. when I had addressed them as ‘angels in white’ I had never imagined that I would be supine in their midst to savour their angelic presence, as they give us hope inspiration and the strength to fight .. they are quite quite remarkable .. my gratitude shall never fail for them .. 
.. I went away for a while to look for a comment that someone had made about my release on FB .. I had responded to it .. some what at length .. I had wanted to publish that conversation here but I have been trying for hours to retrieve it and have failed .. does any of our Ef computer genius, or the ‘bhaj’ on computer have an answer .. please help me I wish to put it up for general viewing .. its part of the initiation title ‘Thok do ..!
But let me introduce you eminent journalist Shobha De and her column that she has written : 
.. this ‘movement’ seems to have found its feet ..🤣🤣
My love .. 
.. feeling bad for Abhishek .. prayers he comes home soon ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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sikandarkhan67 · 4 years
Good Morning 🌹
Hoping you are fine and sound Sir.
It's so nice to read your post on the virtual world we are living in and making the most of it to maintain social distancing.
On the other hand I must say Agastya is as great as his grandfather (You) in his interest of what he does n did as u mentioned that he created the Star War Ship which looks so great n salute to his dedication and patience to do so to join them all from 4000 pieces to make it look one.
I'm so happy to share that after 100 days today I'm going for a dubbing in your voice for a corporate AV (Audio Visual) from various clips of your movies like Sholay,Zanjeer,AAA,Namak Halal,Shahenshah,Kala Patthar.
My deepest love n prayers for you and your family always.
Plz do keep me in your Blessings n love as always.
SIkandar Khan
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DAY 4497
Jalsa, Mumbai                      June 28,  2020                   Sun 11:27 PM
Birthday Ef - Jani Bhai ..  Nabarun Ghosh ..  Monday, June 29 .. happiness always on your respective birthdays .. be safe and in protection ..
A Sunday celebrated virtually per kind favour of Zoom .. my gratitude to all approx 40 members to have connected and celebrated the day .. love ❤️ ..
The World has found it .. and it works .. and the fear is that , that is what shall become the future .. the paperless, pen ink less world .. the World of voice .. the World that has the value of the virtual touch .. just a gesture .. an eye contact .. and yes the VOICE .. 
It shall command the doors to open .. to write the mind spoken .. to robotic cook .. and ..
Well .. before we get into complicated territory it would be prudent to shift the conversation to the other side of the fence .. where the grass is greener ever ..
Agastya  .. the grandson that has been here since College shut in the US, due Corona .. spent time today .. well .. several days .. in accomplishing what seemed impossible to perform .. he built a Star Wars Space craft The Imperial Star in Lego .. 4000 parts  .. put it together .. REMARKABLE !
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.. it looks easy when seen in this finished form .. but the cockpit detaches itself .. the two triangular flanks , open up to conceal an even more complicated interior .. its just such detailed work that its a marvel to have the patience and the guile to make it .. 
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… man that’s like serious stuff .. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Ok .. so back to the grind ..
We live in alternatives .. if not this then that .. if not here then there .. if not now, then how .. if not then, then when ..
We knew they existed but were never tested or put into practice .. they have been now .. and it is a revelation .. 
Documents .. papers .. from learned minds have begun to erupt and are being given due standing importance , that they have been deservedly attracting .. 
So what does this new world , this new horizon hold .. 
It did become a buzz word some hundreds of years back when a certain terrain called North America was accidentally discovered .. but since then , the inventiveness has, quite ironically, been developed to a large extent from its shores .. the Land of the Free .. 
Would be wonderful to get some insights from our rather learned Ef .. 
Continued exposure diminishes the effect of its presence .. what remained in the understatement .. what remained in the dignity of its reveal .. goes rusty and foiled by time .. the reality reveals and it is not always the best to observe or experience .. 
In those moments does the mind begin to wish that the original was better off .. perhaps .. which is why the grass gets and feels greener on the other side ever .. does it really .. or is it just the proficient and erudite form of the adage that keeps it in circulation .. 
Adages I presume were made or constructed after assiduous research, and practical observations .. and the fear in the coming years is that they are beginning to wear away .. 
Technology takes over .. there are meticulous answers to many unknowns that decorated philosophical utterances ..
‘Fly me to the Moon’ .. was the famous start up of that popular song .. it was never possible then when it was written .. it has diminished value now ..
‘Ol Blue Eyes .. honey sprinkled his tonal chords on a dream unachievable .. which is why its romance was so endearingly powerful .. 
Now it just has nostalgia .. and soon, they that feel the nostalgia, shall be absent from that world , to give it the due it had generated then ..
.. and many more such ..
Mankind had one unbreakable belief in the divine .. is it being challenged now !
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Amitabh Bachchan, in sublime gratefulness to the creativity of its Ef ..
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sikandarkhan67 · 4 years
Dear Sir ,
Plz Correct The Year As You Have Mistyped 2010 Instead Of 2020
Plz Take Care n Love.
Sikandar Khan 😊💐
DAY 4486
Jalsa, Mumbai                  June 17,  2010                 Wed 11:39 PM
Birthday - Ef Nitin Churiwala  ..  Chennai ABEF,  Thursday, June 18 .. birthday greetings to you from the entire Ef .. love and happiness ..❤️
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.. a plea for mercy for help, to save in these trying conditions .. when in the solitude silent moment of the night .. in the loneliness of the mind and body .. the poet in his distressed voice , doth caress in an entertain, his disturbed mind 
.. then life does cry out for mercy and help to save ..
.. when you do weep in the hurt and pain of the heart .. and then in some consolatory understanding you do stop the cry .. the ‘birahi’ -  the one who gets separated from his or her loved one or the person they love - with its own hands does remove the tears it has shed 
.. then life does cry out for mercy and help to save ..
.. when the traveller in his continuous walk does tire .. and sit upon a rock en route .. when he with his tired hands doth pres or massage his own tired feet ..
then life does cry out for mercy and help to save .. 
traahi traahi kar uttha jeevan .. त्राहि त्राहि कर उठता जीवन  .. be the opening title of the poem of Babuji .. of dr Harivansh Rai Bachchan , my Father .. 
.. a plea a lament call , a cry for mercy  … 
.. when in the doubt of distress .. or in the seek of answers .. or to condition the condition .. stay not too far away from they that gave birth to you .. 
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.. his life his works his words lie beside me at my place of work .. the place of the writing .. the place of that complicated and unruly desk , that none can understand but the writer .. that ..
.. his inspiration and his labour relented not .. his exceptional mind and his thought genius ever with me .. in physical presence but more in its psychological realm within ..
.. they gave him not what he deserved .. they rebuked his achievement .. disregarded his hard years of his disertationed doctorate .. his multi talented writings and thought .. in poem in prose in the study of thesis in the converse from the epic of one to an epic of another in his translationed words in Russian, in German in French in Polish and so many more,  and in the languages of the Country his translate in the graph and tonal of the Bard and his major tragedies .. and so much so much more ..
.. but this Son of his shall make effort to relive that which the other never gave life to .. 
.. but I defeat mine own :
मैं  कह के कुछ नहीं करना चाहता हूँ  । मैं करना चाहता हूँ ; कहें या ना कहें दूसरे, मैं नहीं  ।
.. I do not want to say to what I do .. I want to do , let the others say or not say , not I .. 
for them that has been done , do know the done .. oblivious they may be .. heedless and unmindful .. but they with conscience be conscious , and do know .. not to express to me or any other .. just the know , I know is all ..
.. but really in time even that ‘know’ gets obliterated .. it does .. for .. it was never to be remembered in the first .. 
.. give express acknowledge in the presence of the self .. from the belief of your own .. in its receive whether it expresses or not has irrelevance ..
.. that instant of the ‘give’ was mine own .. in my realm .. in my palatinate .. you traverse or not from the LAC .. the line of actual control .. is your fenced barbed protective insulated sharp edged wire .. cut it break it cross over it , at your own will and rush .. embrace I shall if you reach me .. if not, my fond wave shall prevail ever .. 
.. these be my deformed states .. they be with in birth , in genes , in genetic DNA’s  .. in my unit of heredity .. in my congenital characteristics .. 
.. ever tried breaking that unit of information inside a cell .. 
.. you would still find similar as the unbroken .. 
.. characteristics of resistance .. resilience , not to be the inform , to hide to abstain from, to keep aloof to protect the embarrass, if it embarrass be .. to fear the uncertainty of perform .. to be in uncertain failure .. yes .. the last .. the laughed at .. singled out .. made timid insecure and self effacing .. 
.. which why in the make belief the upturned parabola in the other direction , away from the flow of the natural graph .. complete in the corner of the opposite .. a cover perhaps .. a shield on display for what the actual hides and how .. 
fine .. find me then , you Geheime Staatspolizei .. 
.. there shall be obliteration  !!!
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Amitabh Bachchan, in word express intoxication
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sikandarkhan67 · 4 years
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Today We Lost One More Gem From Bollywood Wajid Khan Of Duo Music Director Sajid-Wajid .
My Condolences & Prayers .
DAY 4468
Jalsa, Mumbai               May-June 31/1,  2020            Sun/Mon 6:31 AM
Birthday - EF - Barun  .. Manish Ef .. Monday, June 1 .. greetings for happiness and joy and all the wishes for the birthday .. be safe and in precaution ..
Clarity .. it rules .. it gives strength for opinion and deed .. guides you towards a thinking that may have been stored somewhere in the depths , but never given reason or opportunity to step out and express itself .. 
It has its beginning in the smallest of features in the living .. an uncluttered desk where work is conducted .. that shelf filled with ages of collected material, now of realisation that most of it was never needed .. or if needed to be put away in some order .. disposal is a trauma .. what to keep what to let go .. 
Not just in that book shelf .. but in life too .. what needs to be let go, what needs to be disposed .. living breathing abstract planted decorated reserved unreserved .. all .. clear it .. make room for the better .. give the space that was unheard, unread, undeclared .. feel and see the difference .. allow difference to percolate those manufactured barriers .. we manufactured them, we shall dissolve them, we shall create the space that was warranted , needed .. 
Unknown to us .. but when done .. the realise .. gosh ! .. this is what was being missed out .. and so much time and life has been allowed permitted to pass ..
Do not close the doors barricaded by the elms of ulterior motive .. or limited motive .. or deliberate intent .. or unconcerned gesture .. your culture , your aesthetics have been depressed and weighed down by limited capacity or lack of knowledge of the ‘other’ permanent ..
Know then that nothing nowhere anywhere is permanent .. it shall pass, this too .. the light of the brightest sun shall never be witnessed until that ‘third eye’ be given the opening .. yes it is the opening of catastrophe .. of plunder and destruction .. of ‘pralay’ ( प्रलय ) .. the end .. the end of a world .. seemingly .. the opening a symbolic philosophy .. but one that shall bring in the adventure of change and the presence of …
A troubled disposition gets limited vision .. better then to succumb to its whims than to fight to see beyond when you cannot .. allow it rest .. give it the required time to discover the ailment .. and it shall repair .. bring in the fine fettle …  back in normalcy or the normalcy that is desired ..
Discover then the burden of despair that had weighed upon you .. how limited the sight for the ahead had been blurred ..
Impressions are impressions .. the word is formed by the ‘impress’ of ‘ions’ .. ions shall impress yes .. but you built them to perform .. so they stayed .. languished .. festered .. became purulent , a septic discharge , poisonous and destructive .. 
The need for the ‘biotic’ the biotique, the biōtikos .. a result from the living organisms .. to be fed with the ‘anti’ .. to rid the disease, the spread of the dread , the harvesting of the cultivated impurity ..
.. the AntiBiotic ..
Complete the course .. it generally is for the days of the hand extensions .. the elements that us survive on in its functioning - the fingers 5 .. 5 be the number of prescribed days for its completion .. 
.. 5 days in the lifetime !!!??
too long a period ..???!!!
you are not God .. you did not ‘build the World in a day’ .. 
.. so what is 5  ..
I was in forced slumber .. the thunder of awakening and lightening .. awakened me .. and I wrote ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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sikandarkhan67 · 4 years
प्रिय अमीतजी,
सबसे पहले आपको और परिवार को बोहोत मुबारक की आपकी नाती ने परीक्षा में सफलता पा ली है और मुझे भी दिलसे बोहोत खुशी हुई है,ईश्वर उनको आगे बोहोत सफलता दें यह दुआ करता हूं ।
आपकी बीमारी के दौरान किं बातें पढ़कर दुख हुआ कि आप किस दर्द से आप गुज़रे , ईश्वर आपको हर बीमारियों से बचाए यही प्रार्थना करता हूं ।
अपना खयाल रखीए यह विनंती करता हूं ।
आपका अपना
सिकंदर ख़ान 😊
DAY 4453
Jalsa, Mumbai                       May 16/17,  2020                   Sat/Sun 1:41 AM
परिवार के सब जन हुए एकत्रित , स्मरणीय एक दिवस पे 
पोती Navya हुई graduate , TV के द्वारा कार्यक्रम मे
New York से प्रसारित किया , ये कार्य हुआ था virtual 
वहाँ नाम पढ़ा , यहाँ जश्न मना , मिल गया  उसे परीक्षा फल 
जीवन चरिया क्या ऐसी ही होगी , आने वाले दिनों में 
घर बैठे हो लिखना पढ़ना , औ  मिलें वरिष्ट डिप्लोमें  ? 
 … the graduation ceremony conducted formally in New York in the College premises tonight our time, was the moment of the day .. broadcast on a TV link it gathered the entire family together as Navya’s name was read out to celebratory cheer and celebration .. family that was in different parts of the world were all simultaneously connected , and ne’er was it felt that we were hundreds of miles apart .. for all about , it became a moment of great achievement for the girl in the house .. the pride of educating her .. the lessons to learn of schooling the girl child .. all went so wonderfully well for the evening .. emotions ran high .. as brothers sisters mothers fathers grand fathers and grand mothers cousins and aunts , all toasted to the little one , who was just born the other day here in this very house as a baby in a cot .. 
.. time has flown by .. this one perhaps more speedily than any other .. 
..  educate a girl  .. and you educate a family  .. 
.. sleep evades .. as one sits in the silence of the night .. the odd dog barking .. a plane takes off somewhere .. just a single jet noise .. the odd car passing by .. and the heart beat , heard as loud and clear as never before ..
.. just before, the little ones and those not exposed to my films, were given a tutorial of some of my songs .. and there was laughter and gay abandon and screams of the odd dance moves .. innocent fun, genuine happiness and the laughter heard after long .. life moves on and another day comes to an end ..
… there is no desire to rest the head .. to search that personal pillow .. the duvet to cover .. the mind to dream .. all seems without purpose .. so you look at thyself and snap it .. nothing of merit , but just ..
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.. the skin and face ages .. the scars of surgical relevance show up deeper .. that line on the nostril .. a reminder of the days  spent in the ICU at Breach Candy Hospital after the Coolie accident .. the pipes, well some of the many that were then inserted for survival , would be pulled out by me in my stupor and semi coma condition .. it irritated me .. so they found a permanent solution .. they stitched it to my nostril , so I could not pull it out .. and it, the scar has remained .. that scar below on the neck .. the tracheostomy  .. in those days the neck was cut and the life saving apparatus was inserted there .. the machine connected to it breathed for you .. you lost your voice till it was there .. if and when I was in a condition to say something, I had to either gesture or seek a paper to just about be able to write a few shaky scratchy words .. mostly surreptitiously to Jaya in broken Bengali, asking her to give me a sip of water - forbidden by the doctors ..  so the nurses and doctors would not understand .. it never worked .. they would find out .. 
.. o dear this is getting too graphic and depressing .. cut .. no more , not after the graduation celebrations .. 
… got a lovely video of a kid laughing and just unable to put it up .. tried several methods , and my incapability with technology is so desperately unqualified that I dare not seek help at this hour .. 
SO .. one ends the day .. with love and wishes ..❤️🌹
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Amitabh Bachchan
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sikandarkhan67 · 4 years
मेरे प्यारे अमितजी ,
आपकी खामूषी आज बोहोत कुछ कह रही है ।
कभी कभी बिना कुछ कहे ही बोहोत कुछ कह देते हैं आप ।
आपकी यह आदा भी बोहोत प्यारी है ।
शुभरात्रि शब्बाखैर🌙
आपका अपना
सिकंदर ख़ान 😊🙏
DAY 4552
Jalsa, Mumbai                        May 15,  2020                  Fri 11:31 PM      
There is nothing to write .. so it is imperative to write that there is nothing to write .. for a write involves writing a write that writes a writing written in readable write .. hence there is no write ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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sikandarkhan67 · 4 years
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My Prayers For All Globally To OverCome This Pandemic Crisis At Earliest n Heal The World .
Till Then Plz Stay Home 🏘️ Stay Safe .
#prayers #blessings #stayhome #staysafe #sikandarkhan #sikandarkhanbigbvoice #voicebigbachchan #mumbai #india
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sikandarkhan67 · 5 years
Dearest Amitji,
Thanks So Much For Wishing On My Birthday 🎂💐 Your Love n Blessings Means A Lot To Me Ever n Ever.
Plz Take Care Of Yourself Too n We Support The Curfew on 22nd March For Betterment Of Our Society n Human Beings To Have A Safe n Healthy Life.
Regards n Love 💕
SIkandar Khan
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DAY 4396
Jalsa, Mumbai                     Mar 20/21, 2020                  Fri/Sat 11:32 AM
Birthday - EF - Meenu Gupta ..  Sikandar Khan .. Saturday, March 21 .. greetings wishes blessings and safe tidings from the Ef for the birthdays .. be in precaution and in isolation as much as possible .. faith and care prevail .. love from the Ef ..
In the times of isolation , the mind , accustomed to the mindful routines of the daily , dithers .. wanders about in search of .. and finally withers .. 
Somewhat in similar vein be the conditioning of the Blogomeister .. it wanders about in realms of the constricted environ and gets busied in the million and a half recommendations thoughts ideas suggestions of how this CoViD needs to be dealt with .. 
Thus in the similarity of the moment, and in the traffic jammed lanes by lanes and street signals of the cranium, it creates a pause .. a pause for all that would and should have been done and executed in the stipulated time period of the night before .. 
But in these extraneous circumstances, when we as a humanity suffer and conduct ourselves in a most needed homogeneity, I seek forgiveness ..
So, we, here in the City of Mumbai , that has recorded the maximum number of the affected in the entire country, has been conditioned to operate from home .. no stepping out and remaining in isolation .. 
More tomorrow there is a Country wide curfew .. #JanataCurfew .. the entire nation shall remain indoors from 7 am till 9 pm .. and at 5 pm step out to our balconies , roof tops, doors , windows and applaud , clap, ring bells blow the shankh , to acknowledge appreciate and honour those brave hearts that continue to give their time and effort for the essential needed services for existence to the country .. for at least 5 mins .. 
I shall be doing that .. in my respect for them that sacrifice their own safety for the safety of others .. ..
Most of the Do’s and Dont’s are now so well know , both colloquially and through formal sources that it would be futile to expand on them any further .. but suffice to say .. 
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Amitabh Bachchan 
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sikandarkhan67 · 5 years
Foot Tapping Musical Blockbuster movie Song From YARAANA By Living Legend Shri Amitabh Bachchan Ji & Late Shri Amjad Khan Ji 😊
Plz Use Earphones 🎧 For Best Auditorium Effects 🎶
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sikandarkhan67 · 5 years
My Endless Love For The One N Only Living Legend Shri Amitabh Bachchan Ji With This Beautiful Song From The Film 🎥 MAHAAN 🎥 A Film To Remember With Triple Role Played The Legend Himself 💕
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sikandarkhan67 · 5 years
Dear Sir 💕
Just to say so nice to see the lovely pics full of positive energy which makes me feel so good.
You look so cute while u do all the Masti with the contestants and love the concern that appears on your facial expressions. Always be the same 😊
My endless love to n hoping to see you very soon IN SHA ALLAH ....AAMEEN .
Plz have a great relaxing night n take care of urself plz.
Regards 🙏
From Your Maddest Fan 🤗
Sikandar Khan 😊
DAY 4211
Jalsa, Mumbai                    Sept 17/18,  2019                  Tue/Wed  12:59 AM
Birthday - EF Viral  .. Wednesday, September 18 .. love and wishes for the birthday from us all at the Ef brigade ..
The mass .. the audience  .. the power of presence .. the strength of their greeting and the voice of their appreciation .. all have ever gone to make the moment of creativity reach its maximum energy of performance ..
This gets demonstrated in the entire presence of them at the points of their interact .. they invigorate, they compel, they build within you, they occupy an entire space .. and inject that vital pill of performance at any given time ..
The personal presence before them is most intimidating .. the unpredictability of their attitude and behaviour .. the temperate vibrations that reside within them and their thoughts .. would they be in the affirmative or not .. would they accept .. would they ignore and let your presence be unknown .. would they instead lift you up and build you on a pedestal .. 
One never knows .. and that is the eternal fear for them that exist about them ..
On most occasions the lift is from oblivion to the peaks of possible heights .. but on most occasions the reversibility of the means also occurs and occurs instantly and in some rapidity .. 
For them then that could have tasted even the honeyed sliver of success and prosperity  .. the drop to ambiguity is astounding and in most cases causing grave consequences ..
It is the harsh reality of public presence .. it is the test of great individual strength .. it is filled with the largest caused destruction on the minds of them that matter on this .. and it has the ability to either make you up or make you down in one swift felled blow ..
The figures of the public shall ever need to know this and contend .. to face reality of public truth .. and cover yourself in the harshest moments, from the cold and stinging pierced stings ever ..
If you have the gall to become the figure of admiration .. know then that you must have the gall to unforgivingly accept its reverse .. 
BUT ..
blessed are they that face either and both and still find space in their time and life .. they be the truest examples of regeneration .. to relive .. to regain ,composer contentment and courage , and lead finally into the joys of accomplishment ..  
I do not know why I say this or what prompted me for it .. but I guess when the taste in the mouth prefers to remain oblivious of its master’s presence, then all other tastes take over ..
My taste has been driven away .. driven away by the contents of sincere and severe medication .. they leave me undulating in the corridors of my work .. mechanically counting the steps to be taken to express resolve and connectivity .. that is all that matters for the moment .. it is difficult and filled with endeavour in extension, but there all the same …
When the wearing shall occur .. when the buds of taste shall reappear .. when the quivering hands shall recover .. then shall we all meet again .. to deliver what it feels like to propel against odds in the commitment of our responsive work ..
So till then .. the faked imagery of the body in supposed normalcy ..
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Good night dear Ef .. remain in continued happiness and joy and may there never ever be reason for grief sadness depression and dejection .. for .. these are elements that belong to you alone .. and you alone , if they be yours , then you alone have the ability to overcome them ..
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sikandarkhan67 · 5 years
A Song To Love The Romantic Versatile Actor " RISHI KAPOOR Ji " ...... Jeevan Ke Din Chote Sahi ..... 💕 Bade Dil Wala 💕
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sikandarkhan67 · 5 years
@srbachchan #amitabhbachchan
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