sidknee23 · 5 years
“There is no peace, I’m sorry to say. We find it. We lose it. We find it again. We lose it again.”
— Kurt Vonnegut
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sidknee23 · 5 years
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Ms. Moody. Port Charlotte, Florida, USA.
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sidknee23 · 5 years
Today. I did not exist. I was the invisible thread in the lives of others. Never my own.
Driving from one other to two other, radio roulette slapped me awake with this familiar, favourite ditty. Damn I needed it.
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sidknee23 · 5 years
Making me giggle far more than it should.
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What we’re reading, Paperback Paradise (@paprbckparadise)
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sidknee23 · 5 years
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Maggie Vandewalle (USA)  A Preponderance of Pips, watercolour
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sidknee23 · 5 years
Is “missing” just nostalgia?
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Art and Science
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sidknee23 · 5 years
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Good morning !
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sidknee23 · 5 years
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flowers + the sea are two things I will never get tired of.
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sidknee23 · 6 years
Jules, Jules, Jules. Every fucking day for over 28 years. Don't honestly know how I'd still be alive without him and his sense of humour. Or as his mum still "mis-states" it - "sense of human". I adore her interpretation of this trait... Why should humour and human not be interchangeable? But again... Yes, The Silverback has pulled me back from the edge so many times with just the right turn of phrase - not even to giggle outloud - but at least lift me from the darkness long enough to carry on.
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sidknee23 · 6 years
Some rousing Ukrainian music by second-generation lads from West Yorkshire, just like my Jules (aka, Yuli within the family), seems as appropriate as any way to ring in this new year. Gets the blood pumping and all that rot.
Even though I feel like crap today. Just my regular crap. With bloody prednisone added to the mix to stave off an on-going IBD flare. There was a day when I only took meds for my crazy head... Now my whole flippin' body. As predicted, no overnight changes in my immediate state of so-called well-being. A little worse, actually. It's all day-to-day. I get tired of my own complaints. People expecting my chronic conditions to be "better". Wanna slap those folks and hand them the OED! I loathe a lazy brain.
Probably good that women are not "allowed" to dance the Hopak. Or so tradition abides. I'm sure there are many women dancing it today. But I shall just tap my foot to the increasing tempo and rest the remaining bits of my too-early-dilapidated self. As Jules would warn me - "No spring chicken moves, Bean!" Repeated every time I jump up into dance mode these days! Ah, it can be hard to keep a crazy redhead down... Even if she knows she'll pay later!
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sidknee23 · 6 years
Timely. Not just New Years Eve. In the States, any Eve for the past two years... Yes, more covertly for ages, but a different, innate, reptilian fear has griped me tightly with the current administration. Running back to England isn't looking too good right now either.
Eve of Destruction - The Pogues
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sidknee23 · 6 years
Welp. Another year counted down. This past year has pretty much sucked as much as it could on every front. But we've survived. Me and The Silverback, aka Jules. Yeah, he has a proper name, and I'll be using it more often here. Far fewer letters to type.
The passage of time in any manner is so arbitrary. I'm not a big New Years person. Or New Years Eve person. First, I do consider Rosh Hashanah to be my New Year. It just makes so much more sense to celebrate a "fresh start" in the autumn, at harvest time. So forth and so on. Not in the dead of winter.
Wintry New Years Eves in Boston were usually butt-arse cold... And the epitome of amateur hour for binge drinkers. Only rivaled by St. Patrick's Day! As a non-drinker, being surrounded by drop-down drunks by 9pm... Not a lot of fun. Even with friends, babysitting everyone. Not a lot of fun. Rather certain Jules and I have not gone out for New Years for close to 20 years, maybe only 15. Sprawled on the comfy sofa, him with his cider and me with summat, tellie tuned to PBS, watching the Boston fireworks. That's the way we've done it. In Florida this year, not sure we'll catch the Boston show. But we're sure to be in and mellow.
And, yes. Wishing all good health, happiness, sweetness, and all that rot in 2019. Just can't help but wonder how all our lives are going to majorly change in the next 24 hours. Oh! Wait! The Dems do take back the House! I guess that's summat... Although I've always been rather down on all politicians. It's amazing how Trump has motivated me...
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Myrna Loy Happy New Year
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sidknee23 · 6 years
Add something... Nope.
““You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.””
— Winston Churchill (via jerzee55z)
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sidknee23 · 6 years
"Radio Roulette #2" of yesterday... But not from the radio, from the closing credits of a film. But still a surprise. And I'm not sure which film it was we were watching, because we were doing a bit of film binging. I wanna say "Isle of Dogs" but I could be so wrong. So there. So potentially wrong. Like many things in life.
And yeah, I know all The Stones controversy to do with this song, but I still love it all on its own. It happens to be one of those very rare songs that I probably like watching even more. I love his stride/sway down the pavement, knocking folks left and right. There is no prejudice - total disregard for all people. Deep down, I am certain I have days I wish I could partake in such a cavalier swagger.
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sidknee23 · 6 years
Aha!!! This was one of my Radio Roulettes for today!!! Delivered through a reblawg! Thank you, tumblr, for summat!
I’ve waited for a long time. Yeah, the sleight of my hand is now a quick-pull trigger. I reason with my cigarette And say, “Your hair’s on fire, you must have lost your wits, yeah.”
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sidknee23 · 6 years
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sidknee23 · 6 years
Today's Radio Roulette. I only learnt of Beethoven and Tchaikovsky thanks to being schooled in Berry as early as a toddler.
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