sidera-caerula-blog · 9 years
... Everything? 
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Just for that, @justletmetakeasips, I’ll have Xephos irradiate a jug of blood and bring it to the party. :(
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sidera-caerula-blog · 9 years
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Just for that, @justletmetakeasips, I’ll have Xephos irradiate a jug of blood and bring it to the party. :(
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sidera-caerula-blog · 9 years
“You have an AI? I would like to meet it!” Xephos could barely keep the excitement out of his voice. AIs were commonplace in his fleet, and if there was one thing they could do well, it was track down and communicate with others like them. Perhaps this one could send a signal to the mothership, and then the invasion could begin at last...
Xephos chose to drop the thought before he got too caught up in a daydream. He graced Sips with his most recent attempt at a smile. 
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sidera-caerula-blog · 9 years
“No offense taken,” he replied. The vampire finding his blood unappealing could only be a good thing.
 “I do not know where I am going. To find an engineer, perhaps. My ship is destroyed and I cannot fix it myself. Do you know of one?” It was a long shot, but if this man was the “local celebrity” he claimed to be then there was a good chance he’d have the contacts Xephos needed. 
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sidera-caerula-blog · 9 years
As Xephos waited for the approaching footsteps to reach the door, he tried to remember how Minecraftians generally greeted each other. Did they smile, or was that too familiar? He’d seen some offer handshakes, though how exactly you were supposed to initiate one eluded him. 
Whichever option he gave thought to at the time proved to be useless as the building’s presumed owner opened up conversation with a question. It took Xephos a moment to speak, as this stranger bore a striking resemblance to one he’d already met. Was grey skin common here?
“We have not met, no,” he eventually replied. “I am new, I arrived a day ago. My ship crashed and I cannot repair it.” He stopped there, a little unsure of how to ask for help. Instead he made a face of despair and hoped the other man would pick up on his awkward hints. 
Dirt Trek
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sidera-caerula-blog · 9 years
Dirt Trek
Minecraftia was technically one of the smallest planets Xephos had been stationed on, but that did not make walking from place to place any less time-consuming or arduous. Along his travels he’d met a handful of people, each one less useful than the last. It could safely be said that he was at his wits end.
With his ship obliterated he needed an engineer or fifty, preferably more of the spacefarers he knew had to be somewhere around here. So when the looming outline of SipsCo appeared on the skyline, Xephos at last thought he had struck gold. 
Really it should have been obvious that this was not the place for him, but unable to read Minecraftian all the signs that clearly advertised dirt might as well have been deep and profound poetry, 
Blindly he ventured onward, coming up to the door and knocking lightly. 
( @apricktoremember )
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sidera-caerula-blog · 9 years
Xephos felt the blood drain from his face, briefly terrified that the vampire had read his mind. By some miracle, though, he had been joking. 
“Yes, I am an alien. I am just here to explore and learn,” he replied uncomfortably. Lying quite so directly did not always come very easily to him. Nor, apparently, did enduring these friendly backslaps the Minecraftians seemed so fond of. He lurched forward, steadying himself before face-planting on the ground yet again. 
“Sips... hm. I cannot say I have heard of you.”
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sidera-caerula-blog · 9 years
“I suppose that is sensible,” Xephos replied, though he wasn’t too sure about why experiencing others die was such a bad thing. He put it down to one of the many cultural differences he had yet to comprehend. “The sun is rising, I assume that means the Minecraftians will be waking. I am going to set out to find others and gather supplies. You can accompany if you wish.” 
"Amico et inimico?" {Friend or foe?} blue eyes poked out of the shadows. Remington was curious about this man who just seemed lost for the most part. {I hope this is alright, I can't navigate through your theme as it doesn't seem to work right on Microsoft edge.}
(Ah, there may be a problem with the code, I will look into it.)
Xephos turned to the source of the voice, cocking his head. The speaker’s words had not been in the standard Minecraftian tongue he’d been told to use. This worried him somewhat; good communication was essential for survival, and if he could not speak they might perceive him as a threat.  
“Excuse me?”
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sidera-caerula-blog · 9 years
The alien could already predict the direction this conversation was going in. So this Minecraftian was a vampire, was he? That shed some light on the situation. But much like other creatures of myth and legend, he’d observed countless other “vampires” which exhibited very unique characteristics. Already this grey one was a far reach from the majority, since he had not attempted to attack him yet. Some sort of peaceful variant?
“I know of vampires,” he replied. “Blood-drinkers, yes?” 
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sidera-caerula-blog · 9 years
“I will keep an eye out for others with a technical mind. It will take much more than two people to rebuild a ship like that,” Xephos said, thinking of the sheer wreckage it had become. Many sets of hands would be necessary, though he did not relish the thought of having to explain the specifics of how his ship worked to so many people. But such things would likely be necessary. 
Xephos watched the sun peek over the horizon, turning the morning clouds pink. Minecraftia’s sun was such an odd one to him. It would take a while to get used to it’s color. So very different from the one at home. 
Speaking of home, he looked back to the other alien. “Do you have a place to be?” 
"Amico et inimico?" {Friend or foe?} blue eyes poked out of the shadows. Remington was curious about this man who just seemed lost for the most part. {I hope this is alright, I can't navigate through your theme as it doesn't seem to work right on Microsoft edge.}
(Ah, there may be a problem with the code, I will look into it.)
Xephos turned to the source of the voice, cocking his head. The speaker’s words had not been in the standard Minecraftian tongue he’d been told to use. This worried him somewhat; good communication was essential for survival, and if he could not speak they might perceive him as a threat.  
“Excuse me?”
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sidera-caerula-blog · 9 years
“Yes. I came here to explore and learn, but my ship was destroyed on landing. I have no way to get back to or communicate with my home.” It wouldn’t hurt to reveal that information. Perhaps she’d know some engineers or other spacefarers. If there were truly that many aliens on Minecraftia, some of them must know how to repair or rebuild a ship. 
"Amico et inimico?" {Friend or foe?} blue eyes poked out of the shadows. Remington was curious about this man who just seemed lost for the most part. {I hope this is alright, I can't navigate through your theme as it doesn't seem to work right on Microsoft edge.}
(Ah, there may be a problem with the code, I will look into it.)
Xephos turned to the source of the voice, cocking his head. The speaker’s words had not been in the standard Minecraftian tongue he’d been told to use. This worried him somewhat; good communication was essential for survival, and if he could not speak they might perceive him as a threat.  
“Excuse me?”
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sidera-caerula-blog · 9 years
“I think I should give this back to you,” Xephos said, closing the book and holding it out for her to take. “You made a generous offer, but I believe it would be best for me to continue alone. Though if our paths meet more I do not mind speaking with you. So far you are the most reasonable of my encounters.” 
Her question thoroughly perplexed the alien. “Why should I be scared? I am much better off with my life in their hands than having it in mine. However, if I am truly stranded here perhaps I will find out how long I would live naturally. Hm. Either way, it does not scare me.”
"Amico et inimico?" {Friend or foe?} blue eyes poked out of the shadows. Remington was curious about this man who just seemed lost for the most part. {I hope this is alright, I can't navigate through your theme as it doesn't seem to work right on Microsoft edge.}
(Ah, there may be a problem with the code, I will look into it.)
Xephos turned to the source of the voice, cocking his head. The speaker’s words had not been in the standard Minecraftian tongue he’d been told to use. This worried him somewhat; good communication was essential for survival, and if he could not speak they might perceive him as a threat.  
“Excuse me?”
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sidera-caerula-blog · 9 years
“I’m not sure I could read it,” he admitted, scratching his neck rather sheepishly. Literacy was yet another subject he flunked, and if this person wrote in the same tongue she spoke he doubted he stood a chance. “My name is Xephos.” 
After a moment’s hesitance he took the book, holding it upside down as he opened the cover, muttering as he squinted at the contents. “Our superiors choose when we die. I have never seen one of my kind die of old age. Sickness and injury, yes.”
"Amico et inimico?" {Friend or foe?} blue eyes poked out of the shadows. Remington was curious about this man who just seemed lost for the most part. {I hope this is alright, I can't navigate through your theme as it doesn't seem to work right on Microsoft edge.}
(Ah, there may be a problem with the code, I will look into it.)
Xephos turned to the source of the voice, cocking his head. The speaker’s words had not been in the standard Minecraftian tongue he’d been told to use. This worried him somewhat; good communication was essential for survival, and if he could not speak they might perceive him as a threat.  
“Excuse me?”
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sidera-caerula-blog · 9 years
“I will have to get used to these new stars,” Xephos muttered, casting a doleful look at the sky. This place was so inconceivably far from home. It hadn’t really hit him until now. 
He nodded along with her explanation, beginning to understand. Other species would die once their bodies deteriorated to a point that could no longer sustain life. Surely his race did too, but there was no way to tell how long their natural lifespan should be. “I understand, but I do not know my lifespan.” 
"Amico et inimico?" {Friend or foe?} blue eyes poked out of the shadows. Remington was curious about this man who just seemed lost for the most part. {I hope this is alright, I can't navigate through your theme as it doesn't seem to work right on Microsoft edge.}
(Ah, there may be a problem with the code, I will look into it.)
Xephos turned to the source of the voice, cocking his head. The speaker’s words had not been in the standard Minecraftian tongue he’d been told to use. This worried him somewhat; good communication was essential for survival, and if he could not speak they might perceive him as a threat.  
“Excuse me?”
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sidera-caerula-blog · 9 years
“Ah, demigod, I understand.” Xephos had met a few demigods in his times, each one wildly different from the last. Many worlds seemed to have their own variants, and prior to starting the mission he’d been notified that demigods were known to exist on Minecraftia. 
Xephos frowned as he considered her offer. “I am sure there is much I could learn from you, though I prefer to do my work alone. It makes it less awkward when I lose my way.” Again, not really a lie. He was an appallingly bad navigator. “But that is not a definite no.”
“I... do not understand the question?” The concept of a life span was frankly alien to him. Birth and death he knew of, but each of his race simply expired when they were no longer useful to the cause. No one knew how or why. One day they simply turn in their last mission and are walked into a back room from which they never return. No one questioned this. 
"Amico et inimico?" {Friend or foe?} blue eyes poked out of the shadows. Remington was curious about this man who just seemed lost for the most part. {I hope this is alright, I can't navigate through your theme as it doesn't seem to work right on Microsoft edge.}
(Ah, there may be a problem with the code, I will look into it.)
Xephos turned to the source of the voice, cocking his head. The speaker’s words had not been in the standard Minecraftian tongue he’d been told to use. This worried him somewhat; good communication was essential for survival, and if he could not speak they might perceive him as a threat.  
“Excuse me?”
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sidera-caerula-blog · 9 years
“I see. Me? Oh, I like to explore and learn about many places.” It wasn’t wholly a lie. Scouting tasks involved a considerable amount of exploring and documenting any facts that were relevant to the mission at hand. Although Xephos had lost all of his equipment for said mission and was relying on memory alone. 
He raised a brow. “Semideum? My Minecraftian is not good.” 
"Amico et inimico?" {Friend or foe?} blue eyes poked out of the shadows. Remington was curious about this man who just seemed lost for the most part. {I hope this is alright, I can't navigate through your theme as it doesn't seem to work right on Microsoft edge.}
(Ah, there may be a problem with the code, I will look into it.)
Xephos turned to the source of the voice, cocking his head. The speaker’s words had not been in the standard Minecraftian tongue he’d been told to use. This worried him somewhat; good communication was essential for survival, and if he could not speak they might perceive him as a threat.  
“Excuse me?”
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sidera-caerula-blog · 9 years
Xephos was taken aback by the change in the other’s demeanour, but confident that she meant him no harm he supposed he could entertain her for a while. Kneeling down, he peered at the stars in search of his own. Not that he had much intention of revealing that information to a complete stranger. Instead he drew a circle with his finger around an area of space that had been conquered for his people millennia ago. It was a reasonably uninteresting place, mostly residential and without a sizeable military force. It was very different from the more contested territories his race held tenuous dominion over.  
“These,” he said. “And others. Which one is yours?” 
"Amico et inimico?" {Friend or foe?} blue eyes poked out of the shadows. Remington was curious about this man who just seemed lost for the most part. {I hope this is alright, I can't navigate through your theme as it doesn't seem to work right on Microsoft edge.}
(Ah, there may be a problem with the code, I will look into it.)
Xephos turned to the source of the voice, cocking his head. The speaker’s words had not been in the standard Minecraftian tongue he’d been told to use. This worried him somewhat; good communication was essential for survival, and if he could not speak they might perceive him as a threat.  
“Excuse me?”
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