I just think they're neat
40 posts
Overall side blog of things I don't want on main. Also an amalgamation of all my previous side blogs that each had like two posts
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sidefrog-of-all-kinds · 1 month ago
I can't explain it, but I feel like main characters are becoming an invasive species in some new media?
They're not being given natural predators (filler episodes that let their flaws and strengths be revealed over time). Instead they're just being thrust into a new environment and then taking over (using all the spotlight and not leaving time for side characters to have character development)
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sidefrog-of-all-kinds · 1 month ago
I think that in G3 it would have been really cool to give Ghoulia a prosthetic with Frankie. Since she's a zombie, it would make sense if she decayed over time, and therefore had to replace body parts sometimes. And it would be especially cool because she could probably design her own prosthetics as well!
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sidefrog-of-all-kinds · 2 months ago
Just came up with an answer to the "how did Velvet and Veneer know they could just take the essence of the troll?" Question
What if Bergens (when they first started eating trolls) had the idea to try and just use pieces of them like mood boosters, since that'd be easier than just carrying around a troll to eat later (they wouldn't be quiet). Except they realized all it really did was make them good at singing and dancing.
Since singing and dancing would make them happy, they started draining trolls like that (it also made the trolls last longer) except they had to stop because it left an inedible body behind (as opposed to eating the whole troll). Trolls turned grey at the sight of so many corpses, and grey trolls tasted bad, so they stopped.
But it was still written about in books. So if Velvet or Veneer happened to have read about it in a history book, and then seen a troll...
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sidefrog-of-all-kinds · 2 months ago
I love imagining JD having his brother's partners revealed to him. Because you know that he just kept slowly losing faith.
Bruce- A giant. He is the size of her eye. How do they have that many kids? Why? Its better not to ask, but surely this is a one time thing, right?
Clay - Okay, so he's dating the lost princess of the pop trolls. Yeah. That's fine, she doesn't even have any royal standing at the moment and so he's pretty much just dating a normal girl! This is great!
Floyd- I've seen him shipped with so many trolls I'm just going to say he briefly dated all of them, for comedic effect. (A lot can happen in 20 or so years). A bounty hunter that hypnotizes people? Okay, starting off weird. ANOTHER bounty hunter, who was partnering with his brother as they pretended to be one guy to kidnap the current princess of pop? Yeah, okay that's a bit worse. The guy who sold out the whole village to Bergens? Yeah. Sure. Why not, at this point. One of the queen of rock's (who very likely killed a ton of trolls and almost killed others) right-hand- men? Okay, at least they're reformed?
Branch- Okay that is just the queen of pop.
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sidefrog-of-all-kinds · 2 months ago
Imagine someone from one of the troll tribes (probably funk or techno, they strike me as the most likely to use slang) saying something like "Well, i am a snack"
And all the pop trolls around them immediately saying things like how sorry they are that happened, or running away
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sidefrog-of-all-kinds · 2 months ago
Headcanon that no one was afraid of the Bergens or other creatures because they'd never seen one come into pop village, so they assumed there were none. Except they'd never seen a creature come into the village because Branch had traps and would fend them off before anyone else could see them, since no one would tell him not to
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sidefrog-of-all-kinds · 2 months ago
bring back cartoons where the girls were girly and also kicked ass
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sidefrog-of-all-kinds · 2 months ago
What if pop trolls were actually supposed to go grey?
Cause when I was rewatching the first movie, I noticed that Branch blends into the shadows really well, whereas everyone else is really bright, even against the scenery.
So what if going grey was actually a defense, like lizards shedding their tails? Except every time it happened the trolls would just freak out, so it was discouraged highly and trolls shamed for it
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sidefrog-of-all-kinds · 2 months ago
Does anyone else wonder if Gristle and Bridget saw that Velvet and Veneer were using Floyd as a performance-enhancing drug the same way they had for generations and immediately got hit with the soul-crushing guilt of what they had really been doing?
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sidefrog-of-all-kinds · 2 months ago
So personally I think that James would always get way too into disguises
Just like-
Jessie: James, we're only going to wear these for 10 minutes.
James, curling his eyelashes in the mirror: And I will look great for those ten minutes!
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sidefrog-of-all-kinds · 3 months ago
I think that the best way to beat any organizations grunts (Team Rocket, Team Galactic, etc.) is to just punch them
I think that the world would be so focused on Pokemon battles as a way to gain and hold power that physical fighting is usually for dedicated trainers (not grunts) who want to grow with their pokemon, or fighting type trainers.
Self defense classes would fall out of popularity for non-league trainers and personnel because of how popular pokemon are, and how easy it is to access them. So throwing a punch at a grunt? They'd be too distracted to actually call moves, and your pokemon can destroy theirs.
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sidefrog-of-all-kinds · 3 months ago
Imagine being the poor soul who has to repair gyms and pokemon battlefields at the end of the day
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sidefrog-of-all-kinds · 3 months ago
I found these while looking through an old sketchbook, and decided to share them
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sidefrog-of-all-kinds · 3 months ago
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This is Sturgem
Type: Water/Rock
Ability: Swift Swim
Sturgem, the Sturgeon Pokemon-A Fossil Pokemon that was thought to have gone extinct hundreds of years ago, the gems on Sturgem's back fall off every few months. When they wash up on beaches, they are used in jewelry
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sidefrog-of-all-kinds · 3 months ago
Constantly thinking of how terrified Ukyo must be of teenagers now. (Using everyone's starting ages for comedy and convenience purposes)
This man spent the entirety of the Stone Wars going "wow I can't believe I'm about to watch a teenager fight a bunch of- YOUNGER TEENAGERS?!"
Yuzuriha: 15- Can create any kind of clothing in a matter of minutes, can continue doing this for hours, probably knows just about every crafting technique
Kohaku: 16- Freakishly good at... Everything athletic honestly. Able to pick up and carry just about anything, amazing eyesight, and a tendency to keep fighting through concerning injuries
Senku: 16- has reinvented gunpowder, cars, guns, regularly works with highly toxic and acidic chemicals without a flinch and minimal (if any) protective equipment
Taiju: 16- Seemingly limitless power supply, has a scary long endurance that I'm not sure if we've seen him hit a limit for, additionally doesn't seem to realize how terrifying either of these things are
Homura: 17- Has no qualms about setting an entire village on fire and possibly killing everyone inside, a professional gymnast before the petrification that probably could have made it into the Olympics
Tsukasa: 18- Can kill a lion with his bare hands and rule over an entire empire of people, has seemingly no problem with what he knows is a sort of mass murder
Gen: 19- Concerningly good at lying and manipulating people, follows a moral code that benefits him and (thankfully) his allies
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sidefrog-of-all-kinds · 3 months ago
Yuzuriha: Yeah so I can make just about any clothes what do you want?
Hyoga: Thigh highs and a miniskirt
Yuzuriha: I- okay? You don't want like... Pants? Anything else? No shirt?
Hyoga: Hm. I suppose you're right.
Yuzuriha: Okay great! So I'll work on a shirt and-
Hyoga: I want a miniskirt, thigh high boots, gloves, a facemask, and a coat with a giant fluffy collar.
Yuzuriha:... Yeah okay why not.
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sidefrog-of-all-kinds · 3 months ago
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Small Shiemi drawing
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