oh wow I’ve really neglected this blog, I’ll try to fix it up today and get some of my info up!
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Medjedra from puzzle and dragons… This cat egyptian ghost thing?? So cute?? How does it eat?
Maybe sucks food up like a UFO under its “cloak”
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New Puzzle & Dragons commercial animated by Studio Colorido.
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First clear of Satan Descended! Also probably one of my luckiest descend runs yet
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Pretty productive week for me on my main this week, I managed to make my first hypermax and was finally able to fully evolve and awaken the Ra I pulled in the PCGF thanks to the Friday dungeon.
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Current box after rolling in the PCGF(the present egg is the light snowglobe), still getting used to the limited box space but it’s nice being able to play with out waiting too long for stamina to refill.
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