shutterbugren · 2 years
A Very Pretty Kitty
Visited a cat cafe with a friend and met this cutie. She is very playful and hung out with us the entire time we were there.
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shutterbugren · 2 years
A Walk in the Park
From last autumn when I went walking in Meijo park. I meant to post it much earlier but December came and I got too busy. It continued though January, so I’m posting it now.
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shutterbugren · 2 years
The littlest house
This year, many places cut back on their illumination displays. And those that did have them, ended them earlier than in the past. Normally, they would be up until the end of February or even into March. This year, however, many ended on Christmas day.
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shutterbugren · 2 years
Happy New Year
Hope it’s a good one.
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shutterbugren · 2 years
Shock of Colour
The leaves are changing. Autumn is here. Soon enough the year will end and we will begin anew. Today is a good day for a walk.
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shutterbugren · 2 years
In Deep Thought
… about what, I don’t know.
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shutterbugren · 2 years
Sunny day
Today is a lovely day to go for a walk. After going to the doctor, I decided to go for a walk and do a bit of shopping. Although I live in central Japan, there are a lot of places that look a lot like what I imagine Europe to look like. Especially older buildings contructed around the turn of the 20th century. Zoning laws are also vastly different than what I grew up with in the US. You can have…
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shutterbugren · 2 years
An experiment using a candle and a flower before bed.
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shutterbugren · 2 years
Like a Diorama
It almost doesn’t look real.
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shutterbugren · 2 years
The Little Waterfall
Just big enough to get a few handfuls of water to splash your face with.
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shutterbugren · 2 years
Be Careful!
Try not to slip. It’s a long way down.
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shutterbugren · 2 years
Let’s walk.
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shutterbugren · 2 years
Rainbow in the Water
Rainbow in the Water
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shutterbugren · 2 years
Mitaki Temple in Hiroshima
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shutterbugren · 2 years
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shutterbugren · 2 years
At Peace
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shutterbugren · 2 years
Nagoyan Evening
Spent doing nothing in particular…
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