3 posts
Will likely be a place where I repost my wattpad stories in case they are deleted since my account is very small.
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shus-whore 2 years ago
sometimes I want to make fun of monotheistic religions for having such an overpowered OC
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shus-whore 4 years ago
SUMMARY: You鈥檝e had a crush on Reiji ever since you met him, but maybe you were being too pushy. WARNINGS: angst, smut, mentions of anxiety and depression, reader is insecure about her size/weight, Reiji calls reader a whore a couple of times, not really public sex, but he fucks you in a classroom WORD COUNT: 4k
Seeing his raven hair and gloved hands from behind, a smile adorned your features. Running up to him, you began walking beside him.
"Reiji-san, need help with any experiments today?" You questioned eagerly.
"No." He stated coldly.
"Well, are you hungry?" You bared your wrist to him.
"Mmmmmm....... Is there anything you'd like me to do or help with...?" You stared up at him, a wide smile on your face.
He sighed.
"Leave. Please, leave. Honestly, I don't even know why I'm trying to spare your feelings. Stop annoying me, stop following me around, and stop offering to do things for me!  You're a bothersome woman. I mean, can't you take a hint?" He glared down at you, watching as the smile fell from your face.
"I- I-..." You looked down at the floor, swallowing your tears.
"He really said that to you!?" They slammed their fist on the table causing everyone around to look at you guys, eyes wide. You let out a sigh. "Please don't make a big deal out of it, b/f/n. Everyone is entitled to their own feelings and opinions of me."
"Tch. Like hell they are! Who would say that to such kind, beautiful person like you. Tell him to bring his ass to the front of the school so everyone can see me kick his undead ass!" They slammed their other fist on the table, a crack emerging.
You jumped, looking up at them with wide eyes.
"Please... please stop." You looked down at your wrist, sighing. Reiji wasn't the only one who wouldn't bite you, they all wouldn't, except for Laito. Maybe... it was your appearance...?
You frantically pulled clothes from your drawer as your searched for your favorite hoodie. It was the most comfortable one you had, black, and it was baggy as hell on you. You loved it. Finding baggy clothing with your body type was difficult and annoying. Honestly, you hated shopping. It left you feeling self conscious and you never found anything that you really liked.
Pulling the hoodie from your drawer, you changed into some comfortable shorts, and that hoodie, then you cleaned the mess you made.
You fell back on your bed and stared up at the ceiling.
What were you supposed to do now?
You didn't want to cry, you were stronger than that. So what? His words were harsh, and you weren't feeling the most confident in the moment, but you'd get through it.
Usually, you'd be following Reiji around, asking if he needed help with anything. You sighed and placed your arm over your eyes.
You weren't going to cry.
You weren't going to cry.
You weren't going to cry.
So, why were you crying?
Glancing at his doorway, Reiji quickly looked away and back down at his book. Where were you? Wait, what? What did he care you were? Anywhere but near him was perfectly fine.
He crossed his arms over his chest, sparing one last glance towards the door before continuing reading.
The rest of that day, you made sure to keep your distance. Not only that, but you didn't even show up for dinner. Were you... avoiding him..? Usually, you would be all up on him, forcing him into hugs and never leaving his side.
Not like he missed it though!
The ride to school was awkward to say the least. Even his brothers could feel it.
"Tch! Would you guys just make up!! The tension is so thick, how the hell am I supposed to breathe in this damn car!" Subaru was ready to kill you two.
"Pfffffft! Even Subaru the clueless noticed! That's how you know it's bad!!" Ayato was hunched over laughing.
Reiji popped him for this causing Yui to tense up. If Ayato was mad, she was collateral.
"Reiji!" He was ready to throttle the man, but Yui grabbed one of his arms.
You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest and glaring at Reiji.
So now  you were paying attention to him.
He immediately looked down at his book in hand, glancing up a few seconds later to find you looking out the window.
Your eyes were puffy and red. Had you been crying because of him..?
"He what!? I'd pay money to see that!" You're friend laughed.
You knew they were trying to lighten the mood, but honestly, thinking about it made you feel worse. You averted your gaze to the floor.
"Oh no, Y/n, you're not gonna cry over that bastard, are you!?"
"Can we just drop this..?"
They smiled at you,.
"Sure, did I tell you about-..."
Honestly, you hadn't felt this bad in a while. You felt like you were on the verge of tears every time someone glanced at you. Being this insecure was unlike you. Of course you have insecurities, everyone does, but it never usually affected you like this.
You kept your head down in the halls, messing with your hands, or sleeves, anything to calm your anxiety. Your heart was beating at 1000 miles a minute, your hands clammy, and you were working up a cold sweat.
You were literally trembling. It's just a fucking hallway. Why couldn't you walk down the hallway?
You knew they weren't watching you, you were probably forgotten in their minds, but that didn't matter.
You were on the verge of tears, your breathing unsteady. They were probably talking about you. No they weren't- but they could have been.
If they weren't talking about you earlier, they had to be talking about you now. You were walking funny, you could feel it. Actually, you looked funny too, huh? This uniform doesn't flatter you, does it? Your hair looks funny too, doesn't it?
No it doesn't. But it could have.
You speed walked to the bathroom, stumbling inside. Your legs were shaky, your nerves going crazy.
Crouching down to the floor, you held your face in your hands.
How did it get like this???
You crouched there in the bathroom for a few seconds before collecting yourself and going back out into the hall.
You gripped onto the strap of your bag and made your way to class, trying not to stand out.
You could feel your hands clamming up again, and the cold sweat coming back.
You kept your gaze glued to the floor, trying not to trip, and watching to make sure you weren't walking funny. You were going to make it to class, and when you did, you were going to stop acting like this. That's what you repeated in your head as you walked through the hallway.
That was, until you collided with a broad figure, your bag flying onto the floor.
"S-Sorry !"
You crouched down, beginning to collect your stuff off the floor. You watched the feet of the person you previously collided with as they backed up and began to crouch down. wait... those looked like Reiji's shoes.
No, he must like a popular brand.
You looked away from his feet, praying to every god you could think of.
Please don't be Reiji!
The person crouched down and began to help you collect your fallen items. That's when you saw it, the glove.
Jumping back, you stood abruptly and grabbed your bag from the floor.
"Don't bother, I can do it myself." You glared down at him, e/c eyes burning into the hand that was reaching for one of your papers.
Ouch. "No need to be so harsh, Y/n. I caused you do drop your possessions, so I should help you collect them."
He collected the rest of your papers, and stood to hand them to you.
"Throw them in the trash, I don't want them anymore." You crossed your arms over your chest, turning to leave.
All he could do was stand there, mouth agape.
The trash?
You skipped the rest of your classes that night, opting to sit in an empty science lab.
Reiji doesn't skip, so you're fine, and the only other empty room was the music room that Shu liked to be in.
You'd rather not go near that perverted man. He scared you.
Though, if you were being honest, you were hoping to see Reiji. Maybe just in passing, once, or maybe he'd come into the room. Maybe he'd apologize to you. Maybe he'd tell you he missed you.
Wishful thinking, you guessed.
It's not like you were dating, why should he care if he hurt your feelings? I mean, seriously, y/n. He practically told you to fuck off.
You probably weren't his type anyways.
You pulled a chair up to the widow and gazed out at the moon.
You felt weak and stupid. I mean, he's literally never even showed signs of interests.
What were you expecting?
It's better that he told you straight up. Yeah. If you think about it, anyone else would lead you on in some sort of twisted kindness.
I mean, yeah, he waited a few months to do it, but he did it. Plus, who's to say he didn't figure out the day he told you. Maybe he thought you were just being nice to him at first.
"You know, Y/n, if you keep skipping classes, you'll end up like my good for nothing brother."
Your eyes shot to the door, red eyes meeting yours.
Should you jump out the window?
No. You're too high up.
"Can't you take a hint?" You stood, your chair dragging against the floor as you did.
Why couldn't you be the vampire?! He was blocking your one and only exit, and you couldn't even jump out the window!
"I think I was too harsh that day." He began walking towards you, and you cursed yourself for getting excited at this.
Despite your attitude, you really wanted him to be sorry. You wanted more than for him to apologize, you wanted him to realize he liked you. No matter how unrealistic your fantasy was, you so desperately wanted it to be true.
"You think??"
You started backing up, and he began to inch near you, grabbing your wrist before you could even genuinely consider jumping.
"You're not really going to jump out of the window because of me, are you?"
"Yes, I am." You pettily turned your head to the side.
Damn, you really hated him that much?
"C'mon, Y/n. Don't be so dramatic."
All the feelings previously were coming back and you just wanted to cry.
"You're a real asshole, you know that."
That's when he leaned forward, engulfing you within his arms.
You were going to faint.
He really wasn't trying to be a piece of shit. He was just not good with expressing himself.
It's not like he was trying to be insensitive, but he had hoped if you were going to jump out the window, it wouldn't be out of spite. Not that he wanted you to jump out the window. Fuck! See? He can't even express himself in his head, how could he to you?
"I'm truly sorry, Y/n. I regretted what I said as soon as I saw the look in your eyes. You know what they say, you don't truly realize what you've lost until it's gone. It seems I underestimated your importance to me. I was annoyed by my good for nothing brother that day, and I took it out on you. I dearly regret it, too. Please, forgive me."
Now this, this was unexpected.
"I-..." You really didn't want to be that person. You didn't want to forgive him that easily. You still remember the pain, your chest tightening. It felt like your heart was constricting.
You pushed his arms off and jumped away, looking back at him, his red eyes meeting yours.
His mouth fell open, the most emotion you'd ever seen him display to anyone.
"What did you expect? Did you think you could just come here, sweep me off my feet, give me some lame ass excuse for treating me terribly, as if you were ever nice to me, and expect me to forgive you? I'm just some bothersome woman who's feelings you don't know why you're sparing. I'm not going to be some product of your pity. You very obviously didn't want me not even a week ago, why the sudden change of heart? Just leave me alone. You know better than anyone how annoying it is to have someone continuously pester you after you've so obviously shown your distaste for their presence."
Your stomach hurt, your eyes burned, and your throat throbbed. The worst part was the way everything in you was screaming to forgive him, but being the stubborn person you were, you couldn't.
"You don't truly mean that, do you?" He took a step forward, eyes locked on yours.
Tears welled in your eyes, but you refused to let them fall, refused to say anything.
Each step he took forward, you took back until you were sandwiched between the wall and the person you least, yet most, wanted to be in this situation with.
He slammed his hand on the wall beside you, preventing your exit. "I suggest you calm yourself, Y/n. If your heart rate quickens at this rate, you may... well you get what I'm saying."
You let out a small squeak, more in fear than anything else. "Mind your ears, it's none of your bus-siness. Also, m-move your arm so I can leave." Fuck. Why are you stuttering Y/n!?
He leaned down, his hot breathe on your ear. "I can help you calm your nerves-" His right hand moved to rest on the small of your back. "If you would like."
You shuddered.
"But you have to ask." He smirked.
"Hah. You're so quick to forgive me now, even though I knew you were dying to earlier. What? You just want me for my body?" He teased, his mouth falling upon your neck, marking it.
"I- No! I h-haven't even forgiven you yet!" You protested.
"You haven't? Well then I should stop." He pulled away from you, turning to walk away.
It was now or never Y/n.
"W-wait a minute!" You called out, reaching out to him.
He turned to you, hiding his smirk as he did.
"Why, what is it?" He chuckled under his breath.
"Y-I I forgive you," You looked down at the floor, the tiles glowing with the reflection of the moon, nearly full, though not quite.
"You do? Thank you." He then turned again, beginning to walk away once more.
"Wait. Where are you going?" You called out.
"To class, where else?"
You blinked once. Then twice.
Did you read the situation wrong?
No way, what else was he trying to do?
"W-what about..? I..."
He smirked at you.
"Y/n, while I may be a vampire, I cannot read minds."
"Well... it's just... earlier you..." Your face lit ablaze, heat spreading across your cheeks.
"Earlier I?... He took a step towards you.
"You- you know..." You trailed off, hoping he'd get what you were trying to say.
"I seem to have forgotten, please, enlighten me."
"Well... y-you said you would help me calm my nerves..."
"Might you... try to once more..?"
He let out a dry chuckle at this. You were so shy.
He caged you onto the wall once more, his breath on your ear once more.
"How do you suppose I do that?"
His hand was back on your waist, but this time he slid it underneath the fabric of your shirt. He licked at the shell of your ear, causing a surprised sound to leave your throat.
"Well... Like this, I would think."
He looked up at you, red eyes upon your e/c ones. Then, he pulled away once more, a smirk adorning his features.
"I don't really know what you mean by, 'this.'"
Grabbing his hand, you pulled him towards you.
You grabbed his tie, pulling him down to you, "You're teasing..."
He chuckled.
"If you'd answer me, mayb-"
Before he could even finish his sentence, your lips were on his.
Though he had nothing to compare it to, he was pretty sure you were a terrible kisser.
He could teach you, though.
Pulling away, he leaned in, whispering in your ear, "Quite sloppy, even for your first time."
Your face flushed.
"As if you could do any better."
He smirked, leaning in, his lips ghosting over yours.
"I think I can prove you wrong"
His glasses knocked against your face, causing it to scrunch when he leaned in.
You both laughed for a second, before your lips met once more.
With Reiji leading the kiss, it was 10x better. He seemed so skilled, and you couldn't help but wonder if he was actually experienced or just good at everything.
"So pretty."
He pulled away, beginning to trail kisses down your neck.
His hand trailed beneath your shirt, groping you beneath it.
You gasped, your hands curling in fists at your sides.
Were you seriously about to do this in an empty classroom at school? What if somebody walks in..?
Reiji let out a dry chuckle, his forehead meeting yours.
"Nervous, yes? I won't do anything you don't want me to. Except bite you, of course." He added playfully.
You reached your hand into the nape of his neck, grasping his hair there.
He groaned when you did this, which was definitely not your intention, but also definitely hot.
"You're not doing anything I don't want. It's just..." You glanced at the door.
"Oh? You want to be watched, don't you?" He smirked.
"I- No! Definitely not! W-Why would I-" He was teasing you again, wasn't he?
His lips met yours again, his cold hands meeting the skin beneath your shirt. He helped you out of it before removing your bra to stare down at your breasts.
Before you could cover them, his hands were on them, squeezing and pinching.
Your hand fell upon his wrists, tightly gripping them.
"R-Reiji-san," Your face felt hot, you felt hot in general. You rubbed your legs together ever so slightly in hopes he wouldn't notice.
You couldn't help yourself.
"Impatient, aren't we?" He chuckled before shoving his knee in between your legs.
"I tend to you so patiently with no worry of myself, yet you're ungrateful. That's fine. I'll just tend to one of my needs to make up for it."
"Eh!? I- No- I'm not- Ouch!"
Large gulps were taken from your neck, your knees slightly weakening. You honestly expected him to bite you, so you weren't quite mad. Just surprised.
Your hands fell from his wrists, one reaching into his hair, a strong hold placed there, and the other clenching into a fist at your side.
Pulling away, he smirked down at you.
"My my, how erotic."
The sight was quite pleasing to his eyes at least, your neck dripping blood down your shirtless torso.
He was really having the most difficult time holding himself back.
He sighed, reaching behind himself for a chair and pulling it forward. He sat down, reaching his arms behind your back and pulling you onto his lap.
"W-wait! Reiji-san! I'm too heav-" You choked on your words at the sight of his erection straining against his pants.
Reiji reached his hand into your hair, grabbing a handful at your scalp and puling your head back.
He began kissing and (softly) biting your neck, marking it as much as much as he could and licking up the blood dripping from your wound.
You let out a little gasp, grinding down onto his growing erection.
He sighed, releasing his grip on your scalp.
Sliding his hand beneath the edge of your panties, Reiji helped you remove them leaving you in just your skirt.
The fact that he hadn't removed any clothing made you feel even more exposed.
He grinned and ran his hand up your slit, teasing you.
He shoved two fingers against your entrance, his fingers disappearing within you.
"Ah... Reiji.." You gripped onto his shoulder harshly.
"Beautiful.." He sighed and began thrusting his fingers, your liquids dripping down his hand.
You clenched down on his fingers.
"Mmm... I don't think I can hold back anymore.."
His fingers pulled back, a lewd sound emitting from your heat.
He groaned at this, unfastening his belt and unzipping his pants.
He lined himself up with your entrance, an arm wrapped around your back, reaching around to the other side to grip your waist.
Pushing inside you, he let out a huff of air.
"Fffuck, don't clench so hard." He breathed out, his hand squeezing your waist tightly.
You clenched harder at the sound of his voice causing his grip on you to tighten, definitely leaving bruises.
"I-I-I can't. Not when you sound like th-at!" You squeaked out, falling against his chest to bury your face into the space between his shoulder and neck.
He smirked at this, thrusting up into you harshly.
"Oh~? You like it when I talk to you?"
Reiji held onto your hips, directing your movements. He had more length than girth, but still managed to stuff you full.
He leaned into your ear, "You like being fucked in the classroom, huh? Like that anyone can walk it at any moment? You want them to, don't you?" Reiji watched his cock as it disappeared within your cunt, pulling out all the way, only to be slammed back in.
You shook your head, tears wetting his neck at the intensity as you clenched and unclenched on him.
He chuckled, "Look at you, getting excited just at the thought."
You wanted to deny it because, really, you didn't want to be watched, but all you could do was let out muffled moans into his neck.
Grasping onto your hair, Reiji pulled your head away from his neck, your neck bared to him and moans unmuffled.
"Fuck, look at you. Such a whore for my cock. Bet you've been daydreaming about this, huh? Been thinking about this everyday? Trying to seduce me by throwing yourself at me?"
His thrusts increased in speed as he leaned forward to lick up your neck to your mouth, which he sloppily kissed.
His hand dropped from your hair to your heat, his thumb and index finger pinching at your most sensitive spot, causing lewd moans to leave your throat, increasing in pitch.
He lifted you up, laying you back on one of the lab tables, the temperature causing goose bumps to rise on your skin.
He pushed your right leg up to your chest, relentlessly thrusting into your cunt, enjoying the squelching sounds being produced.
"Mmm, I'm gonna cum. Spill it all in your tight little cunt. Fill you up with my seed. Mark you as mine. You'd like that, wouldn't you." Reiji reached his thumb down to your small bud once more, rubbing in slow, tight circles.
Your breathing became unsteady, arms curling around his back to pull him close to you and moans growing louder once more.
"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm gonna cum!" Tears welled in your eyes, you back arching off the table and your toes curling.
Your cunt spasmed on his cock, your vision going dark for a second as the most intense orgasm you had ever experienced racked through your body.
Reiji let out a groan before spilling his load inside you, riding out your orgasms.
Your arms fell limp to your side, exhausted.
"I must say Y/n, you're far more risky than I had expected." He let out a little huff, helping you sit up on the desk.
He fixed his pants before helping you get dressed.
Reiji grabbed your hand, and in the blink of an eye, you guys were in his room.
"H-huh..?" Could they teleport or something? And why his room? Didn't he just pity fuck you or something?
"Uhm... should I... leave?" You stared down at his feet as you questioned him knowing the answer was probably rejection.
"Well... If you'd like. I don't want to force you or anything. Though, I was sort of hoping you would stay."
This was requested on my Wattpad.
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shus-whore 4 years ago
Made a tumblr :)
I鈥檓 not a new writer, but I鈥檓 trying to get good, so pls don鈥檛 be too harsh.
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