Shuja Baqai
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shujawrites · 4 years ago
"Fear. It's the most basic, the most human emotion. As kids, we're afraid of everything. The dark. The boogeyman under the bed. And we pray for morning. For the monsters to go away. Though they never do. Not really."
Forsythe “Jughead” Pendleton Jones III - Riverdale
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shujawrites · 4 years ago
"Sometimes, we are solution of some problems. But, most of the time, we are a problem of many solutions. Think wisely, which category you belong in."
Shuja Baqai - Sardonic Solutions
Source - sardonicsolutions
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shujawrites · 4 years ago
"Whether you believe in order or chaos, in the end, it's the same. We are either in control of our lives, or merely think we are."
Forsythe “Jughead” Pendleton Jones III - Riverdale
Source- sardonicsolutions
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shujawrites · 4 years ago
This word is enough to cause turmoil at a place of peace, and with the situation of the current world, it exists everywhere, like literally EVERYWHERE! In sports, social media, fashion world, Trayvon Martin, Yvette Smith, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Laquan McDonald, Tanisha Anderson, Akai Gurley, Tamir Rice, Jerame Reid, Natasha McKenna, Eric Harris, Walter Scott, Freddie Gray, William Chapman, Sandra Bland, Darrius Stewart, Samuel DuBose, Janet Wilson, Calin Roquemore, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Joseph Mann, Terence Crutcher, Chad Robertson, Jordan Edwards, Aaron Bailey, Stephon Clark, Danny Ray Thomas, Antwon Rose, Botham Jean, Atatiana Jefferson, Michael Dean, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and add to these names a 16 year old Makhia Bryant. These are just some names who have, well sacrificed themselves for a long-waited justice, which in majority cases never comes. Let me ask you all a question now, ‘What was their fault’? Its another one which can be added to the long list of questions that are still unanswered. 
Let me answer this for you, their fault is that they thought the people that they were living around are as nice and sweet, as they themselves were. Well, there’s this old saying that, “It’s darkest before the dawn”, but sometimes there is just darkness. Believe me when I say it, that darkness is Racism. That stillness when you feel like time and almost everything has stopped around you and you find yourself helpless knowing that the people you trusted have turned there back on you. These people who died, it wasn’t any of their fault they were just way too nice to be a part of this, cruel and ‘eat you alive’ world. They are only the ones who suffered this fate through the law reinforcers around them. If you talk about victims of racism in other fields, they all separately have a very long list to show for it.
Since we are talking about it, let me mention about a new kind of racism that has emerged outta nowhere, “ASIAN HATE”. This kind is a bit dangerous, because this one is not just about colour. It’s about caste, it’s about religion, it’s about ethnicity and it’s probably about everything that makes you asian. Like for example, at this very point of time , every asian who is present in any corner of this world is responsible for spreading the coronavirus, like as if its in our genes. Every ‘brown’ person in this world, and yeah by brown I mean asian, is deemed to be coming from a family that has probably has a lineage of people who never deserved to be part of this world in someway or another. Like WHY?
I’d hope you give me an answer about it, but before I end, I just want to say that we are all the same. It does not matter what our caste, colour, creed, religion, ethnicity or continental roots are, at the end of the day we are all the same. We all have two eyes, a nose, two ears, a pair of lips, two arms, two legs and a healthy body given to us by one almighty. So be THANKFUL and yes:
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shujawrites · 4 years ago
Having A Degree Will Make You Successful In Life. No!
The title of this blog is enough to start a big controversy, as it is seen in today’s world of delusion, that you only become successful in life when you, have a proper education or if nothing else than just or at least a degree of some famous college to show. 
Now I would take a moment and quote one the most successful men of our generation, MR. ELON MUSK, the CEO of Tesla & and the owner of SpaceX who once said that, ”Don’t Confuse Schooling With Education. I Didn’t Go To Harvard, But The People That Work For Me, Did”. So, guess that’s enough to tell everyone and especially those “book bugs”, that a degree doesn’t make you successful, but your knowledge and talent does, even though you are a drop-out. 
Well, just in case you didn’t know, there’s this old cliché saying that “A Single Piece Of Paper Cannot Decide Our Future”. Now, just take time out and think about those people who actually became successful in life when they had really bad academic years in their lives. For them, this saying is a 100% appropo*, because they were not really worried about the things that they wrote in their papers, they were more concerned about what they did outside of that exam hall. Some of them made their garages their start-up office, some decided to stay alone until the crowd recognizes them for their work and some just became successful by just doing what they loved & were good at.
So, I guess that its..., kinda clear that this delusion in which we all have been living for all these years that “Having A Degree Will Make You Successful In Life” is nothing but completely untrue. Its the efforts made outside of those examination halls that make you a good, happy and yes, a SUCCESSFUL person in life. 
(*appropo - american slang for appropriate.)
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shujawrites · 4 years ago
COVID 19 PART 1 (Origination, Details & Causes).
Covid 19, an abbreviation for Corona Virus In December 2019, has been more-less of a phenomenon than just being a pandemic, which came into our lives more so an year ago now. But, how did this happen? Well then, let’s find out where, when and how it all began.
Date is 19-Dec-2019......, when a globally renowned news channel had a report about a deadly virus that is spreading in the Chinese city of Wuhan, which..., I guess makes it clear that this deadly virus originated in China, or specifically in the city of Wuhan. This wasn’t any other normal virus but it turned out to be quite a serious thing. By new year’s day, the virus had spread in the whole of China. But the world outside this country from the Asian sub-continent, was going as normal as it should be. It wasn’t until February when this virus had attracted global attention and had already affected many other asian countries than just China. By March, every country had it’s own daily data base about the active cases and fatalities caused by this virus. Come Mid-March the whole world was in complete lock down...., or well, at least let’s just say some major countries of the world like India, USA, Brazil, France, Russia, Italy, UK, Turkey, Spain, Germany and many more shut their countries completely in order to stop the spread of this virus.
It’s causes....., well its probably a topic which is still greatly discussed upon. Like at the start there were many things that were deemed to be causing this deadly virus for example; it is caused by bats (animal) and the germs that they carry on themselves, another speculation was it can be spread through mosquito bite, and many more speculations were made, but just like the ones mentioned above all of them were proven false and erroneous. But recently, the main cause was found out as it was discovered that COVID-19 itself is caused by infection with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus strain, which as it stands is still enough to infect a person to death. 
COVID-19 PART 2 (Symptoms, Precautions and Aftermath).........coming sooner rather than later.
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shujawrites · 4 years ago
"Life is not an Agatha Christie novel, its a lot messier".
Forsythe “Jughead” Pendleton Jones III - Riverdale
Source- sardonicsolutions
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shujawrites · 4 years ago
"When our emotions start to drain out in a way they should not, we let the whole world look right through us. So that they can judge us, for who we actually are, and not for what we were pretending to be, this whole time".
Shuja Baqai,  Sardonic Solutions
Source:- sardonicsolutions
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shujawrites · 4 years ago
What is PRESSURE? According to some people its, just an eight letter word, for some its just a way of excuse to escape from something that they... are, probably afraid off, for some nerds...., its still the 5th chapter in their high school Physics textbooks, and for some......., its just LIFE. 
So what does this word exactly mean. Well according to me, its just that weight on your shoulder when you actually have nothing on them or its just that pain in your heart when you are not even a heart patient. But “How does it happen?”, is a question that probably will remain unanswered. Its causes are so simple that we can see them in our day to day lives. In a nutshell the causes are:-
1:- Forcing someone to do something or probably anything.
2:- Comparing a person full of dreams and desires to a person who’s got it all.
3:- EXPECTATIONS! Probably the most extreme type of pressure. Where we expect people to do what we want rather doing what they like.
Fulfilling desires and needs is a part of typical human nature..., but doing that by almost victimizing someone is a crime which happens everyday that no one wants to talk about. Take the most simplest example of a fish. It lives underwater, but there are some people who take it out of its comfort zone to see how long it can survive out of water and some minutes later the fish dies.That’s exactly the mental situation of a person who feels that he/she is being pressurized by someone. 
‘How do we get rid of it?’, is also a question that hasn’t been answered yet,.... well at least not in a proper way. So, if you’re reading the ways to get yourself out of this victimization, only if you’re going through one are:-
1:- Stop talking and hanging out with those who you feel like are treating you the same way, which is to use you to fulfill their desires and wishes. 
2:- Stop discussing the things that you have planned for yourselves with others because the more you tell them, the more they will try to take you off the track you’re on. 
3:- Take in whatever the people have to say about you through one ear and if it is useful then keep it inside your head and if its not then just take it in from one and let it go out of the other. 
4:- ‘’KEEP WORKING ON YOUR GOAL’’ no matter what with a positive attitude.
I hope this blog would’ve helped a lot to whoever is reading this right now and is going through a situation like this. I hope your life sees a new sunshine from today and it becomes more beautiful,.... just like you are. 
Hey Guys ! I am just getting started, this is actually my first blog I actually hope to write more like these and I would be happy if you people could give me some more ideas on which I could work on.
AND! If you have any questions just ask! Sardonic Solutions are here to help! 
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