shortcakecuties · 28 days
I'm gonna start writing again after I get more requests!! Send your requests pretty please with sprinkles on top 😇
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shortcakecuties · 1 month
Madoka magica x Twisted wonderland! (And reader >u<)
Summary, In which the madoka cast stumbles upon a mirror, leading them to somewhere unknown...
I will write a part 2 to this or make hcs to this !!
Ask by @themoshi666 ♡
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The quintet was on daily witch patrol, just like any other evening. As they all entered the entrance to a labyrinth, they were greeted with a sweet lullaby.
"I thought these labyrinths were supposed to be scary, this witch is definitely is gonna be a cake walk." Kyoko commented confidently, her voice echoing in the elegant halls. The halls looked similar to a castle from a fairy tale, having huge windows showing fake scenery.
"I feel like a princess in here! Whoever turned into a witch definitely had taste." Sayaka mentioned, completely captivated by the beautiful architecture.
They finally arrived to what seemed the entrance to the main part of the labyrinth. All of them prepared their weapons to attack. Homura pulled the giant wooden doors and there it was, the witch. The majority of it was a mirror, with a face? Some of the quartet was distracted by the strange coffins levitating and the paintings of famous childhood stories decorated all over the strange patterned walls. "Its like someone's childhood here..." madoka mumbled. Sayaka agreed, "I kind of feel bad trying to kill this witch." Homura quickly interjected their conversation. "This is a witch, it's not human anymore. let's go."
No doubt that they were being bested by this witch. One by one they were getting exhausted. The labyrinth kept changing from a castle littered with hearts and checkered floor to an ocean with fish of all kind swimming around. With each place change, it kept getting stronger. It didnt help that their soul gems were getting quite clouded with darkness.
Kyoko yelled at everyone, "We have to go! Were getting nowhere with this fight!" Madoka looked over just for second and suddenly felt a sharp pain behind her. The tentacles of the sea witch had hit her. Homura caught a quick glance of it and yelled "Madoka!"
She fell to the floor hard near where they had all entered. Homura quickly came to her aid. The rest had given up quickly and rushed to the entrance. The wooden doors was now a huge coral blocking the entrance. Mami tried shooting at it but it wouldnt budge. Before everyone knows it, they were cornered. They all thought their last moments would be near as the sea witch swung her tenticals their way. Before they could feel any pain, a blinding light overtook their senses.
Spending after school cleaning with ace, deuce, and grim was not on your plan today... Yet they somehow managed to drag you down with them. You sigh as you wipe down the mirror in the mirror chamber. Hearing them bicker for the 10th time today was getting to you. "It was not my fault! Those hedgehogs have a mind of their own!" Ace complained. Deuce followed up with, "all because you wanted to take a break...yeah, definitely not your fault." Grim snickered at ace and once again they continued to fight.
Suddenly you noticed something weird about the mirror it had a faint glow to it...maybe its just your imagination? The glow started to intensify little by little. You wanted to ask the trio about, "Hey-" before you could even finish, a blinding white light enveloped the room and you felt something push you down.
Multiple grunts of unfamiliar voices filled your ears. Once the light died down, there was revealed to be four, no..five girls? You were frozen in place once you saw one of the girls point a gun at you.
"Where are we?" Homura demanded. Ace and deuce tried to get closer but homura pointed the gun at them instead.
"Damn! You don't have to be hostile! You're the ones who came out of nowhere!" Ace argued back. Mami held her arm out, blocking homura's aim of fire.
"I dont think we're in a labyrinth anymore. These are actual humans." Mami stood up and apologized "Sorry, we were previously in a battle before this, were kind of shaken up."
Deuce finally spoke up, clearly confused, "then why are you guys in school uniforms?" To their dismay, their transformations faded. Quickly the rest of the girls stood up and walked up to mami,
"our soul gems look fine but I cant transform!" Sayaka panicked. Then quickly asked the boys, "how can we go home?! We're completely magicless here!"
You lift yourself up from the floor and walked over to the group, "all you have to do is go up to the mirror and say where you came from." You spoke, you had a gut feeling that it wouldnt work and they'll maybe end up just like you.
Madoka went up to the mirror and sternly told it, "bring us back to Mitakihara city!" The mirror did nothing. It only replied, "there is no such thing as Mitakihara city."
Everyone just stood in silence as they took in the information. You hate how you're always right.
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shortcakecuties · 1 month
the madoka reader was so cutesyyy omg i love madoka sm :))
Tysm!!! I'm actually cooking up some other madoka magica stuff if you wanna stick around :D
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shortcakecuties · 2 months
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This user is a magical girl. Send me an ask for what you would like to see next!
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shortcakecuties · 2 months
Hi ! If we want to ask a request do we have to precise about who we want to ask or do we ask without specifying the name ? I don't know if this makes sense 🥹
Hii!!! You dont have to specify with our names! Unless if you want! Me and mimi will go through requests and see which one of us wants to do what ☆
- Serenity 💫
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shortcakecuties · 2 months
Hello Could You make a Madoka Magica x Twisted wonderland with gender-neutral or male yuu/reader (reader comes from twisted wonderland)
also Have you Watch Magia record?
OMGG YESS!! I love twst right now thank you for this!!! I have watched magia record too!! Sorry it took me a little to get to this but I promise I'll get this done ☆! -Serenity 💫
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shortcakecuties · 2 months
HxH squad with a Madoka Kaname!reader 💫
Hii yall!! Its my first hcs!!! Might be ooc ^^; all of these are platonic btw!!
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Gon ☆
He finds a portal to a labyrinth somehow and he was curious enough to go through it...
When he found his way to the actual witch and saw you fighting for your life, he was amazed at your skills and without nen?!
Hes literally mesmerised but he knew he had to help you!
He tries to help you with his own nen and eventually both of u are literally friends!!
He invites you to the friend group and you meet the rest of them that way.
When you tell him the truth of your job as a magical girl, hes disturbed and denied it by promising he wont ever let you turn into a witch!!! Spoiler alert: he failed...
Doesnt think your wish was in vain!
Trains with you constantly due to a fear of you turning into a witch.
He finds your kindness admirable even in your harsh circumstances and wishes he was like that too.
Brings you out on adventures with him and killua! He wants to be with you as much as possible and show you the wonders of the world
He cares a lot about you especially knowing you dont have much time left to live.
Killua ☆
Was with gon in the labyrinth and thought if he was in another world.
Was lowkey against making friends with a random person fighting in a strange place but hes met worse somehow
Amazed at your strength without nen because he had yet to meet a magical girl and found them a little stupid but here we are...
He dislikes the fact that you're only strong because of a wish, but finds your transformation silly and strange.
Plays around with your bow a lot and whenever you have it, sometimes it will be snatched by him
When you tell him about your wish, he doesnt seem very pleased, however he wont pick at it too much since you're sacrificing your life for it
He finds impressive that you were just a normal person before this yet you tried to be brave and help others
Hes a little confused of your hospitality because you have a lot of stuff on your plate already
Not the best at showing his emotions especially knowing that you're not going to be around a lot, he tries to be a little reserved
Feels bad about your fate as a magical girl and will try to help and be a better friend
You change him a lot and hes definitely more grateful for you!!
Likes to tease you about your kindness and naivety...smh.
Honestly being with him is either fun or a little annoying but nonetheless, him and gon just really brighten up your life >v<
Kurapika ☆
Met you through gon and killua!
Hes a little bewildered that magical girls actually exist
When you overhear about his line of work and goals you have a great idea to help him!!
Immediately he rejects because he doesnt want to drag a child with him to hunt down for the eyes, plus it's a personal problem !!
However if he did accept help (somehow) hes a little skeptical since your so naive and doubts you're going to help
Fortunately he was proved wrong!! You helped him track down the target and slow them down by shooting them with your arrows
Works with you for a while and gains your trust so you decide to tell the truth
Any wish? Just to kill witches? There has to be a catch. He was a little disappointed you fell for it but nonetheless once you tell him, he helps you hunt down witches with his limited power
Has a pang of guilt and sadness everytime he remembers your contract, because one of these days hes going to be all alone again without you accompanying him with his missions
Appreciates you more and gives you little gifts since he cant offer you a lot of time due to his job
Even though it's looking grim, he does not lose all hope. He doesnt want to lose another loved one.
Leorio ☆
He cant believe it like for real??? You're a magical girl???
Met you through gon and killua too! You're a little suspicious of him considering the stories killua told you...
Although you two grow close due to his want to care for others and you relate cuz you protect basically the world and universe!!!
You two are an iconic duo tbh...
Not surprised if he becomes a magical dude because of you
When he first saw a witch, he was lowkey terrified like wtf is that hello??? You're a kid how are you fighting those crazy monsters???
Says he'll protect you cuz hes older and stronger!!! That is a lie, you end up protecting him instead 😭
Even though hes quite terrified he tries to help here and there!!
Definitely nurses you back to good health if you got damaged badly in a battle
Gets really emotional when he finds out your fate and tries so hard to find at least something to always purify your soul gem at all times without a grief seed
Misses you when he has to go back and focus on his studies and not go on crazy adventures to hunt down witches
Probably calls you daily just to know what you're doing and sends those like good morning stickers Facebook moms use
Congrats leorio is now your older brother!!!
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- Serenity 💫
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shortcakecuties · 2 months
Sorry guys for not posting in a bit I swear I'm trying to get stuff done ^^; atm I'm working on some hxh hc but anyway you guys should totally request some stuff for me to write!!! - S💫
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shortcakecuties · 3 months
For my first request, can you write a oneshot featuring Joey Wheeler from Yugioh in an Aladdin AU please? I imagine him as a street rat who steals to survive while getting into conflicts with the guards. You can also have mentions of his backstory (from canon) to describe how he became a lonely street rat in the first place. What do you think?
I love it!!!!☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ Would you want any other characters to fill other roles?(i.e jasmine, jafar, etc) And around how many words would you like?(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)
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shortcakecuties · 3 months
Intro - meet the writers! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
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Hi everyone! This blog is run by two fellows, Serenity and Mimi! We will write our own original stories, fanfiction, and anything that crosses our minds. Our work flow might be slow but we’re trying our best so apologies in advance (ㆀ˘・з・˘). We’re also open to making friends so don’t be afraid to call us up fellas. we don’t bite! So…how do you know which one of us responds or writes? We’ll sign off with our initial. Remember to check out our intros for more information! We’re looking forward to writing on here!! Have a good day everyone! (о´∀`о)
Serenity's Intro
Mimi's intro
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shortcakecuties · 3 months
Serenity’s intro☆
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Hi everyone!! serenity here!! I go by she/they. I enjoy reading, drawing, hanging out with friends, and writing. However, writing has become a new hobby of mine and I’m not very confident of myself, but I’ll improve as I go! I really love music and love bands and artists as, Malice mizer, Perfume, serani poji, and Nastyona to name a few. I LOVE j-fashion like I’m literally in love. I’m unfortunately cursed with not being very productive, despite that I’ll try to write and get to requests ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪ . I might rant about my ocs time to time so don’t mind it. I’ll also post art on here time to time or maybe just doodles lol…Now for the moment you guys are waiting for!
Fandoms I will write for ✌︎('ω')✌︎:
Hunter x Hunter (My current fav atm ^^)
Dragon ball (Also another fav!)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Sailor moon
Jojo’s bizarre adventure
Madoka magica
Death note
Obey me
One punch man
Saiki K
Mob psycho
Twisted wonderland
This is all I can think of atm…but I can do, imagines, canon x reader, canon x canon, and crossovers (I love doing these trust). If you guys want me to do other fandoms not named here I'll research and try my best!! All of my works atm will be sfw or slightly suggestive because I can’t write nsfw for the life of me, maybe in the future though ( ;∀;). Have a great day y’all!! ♡
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shortcakecuties · 3 months
Mimi’s Intro♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
Hi guysss!!!! Mimi/Mimichi here!(≧∀≦) I enjoy many things including(but not limited to)music, volleyball/tennis, talking to friends, social media, reading/writing, and making new friends!! I go by they/them and I LOVE to yap !!! I love pink and hyperfeminine things!!! I’m very chronically online but i’m trying to be more productive and improve my writing(๑>◡<๑) I’ll write all kinds of things here but for now i’ll write silly nonsense of whatever fandom i’m into and oc’s but later i’ll be writing free commissions!!!!(๑╹◡╹)ノ"
☆*:.。. .。.:*☆ ☆*:.。. .。.:*☆ ☆*:.。. .。.:*☆ ☆*:.。. .。.:*☆
So, what will I write for fun?♪(´ε` )
Genre’s include:
•Romance!!!(Most of my writing will most likely be romance!!)
•Slice of life!!!!!!(Also the majority of my writing)
•Phycological horror/Thriller!!!
•Poems of all kinds!!!(I’m dipping my feet into different styles!!!)
•Fiction of all kinds!!!(Science, fantasy, crime, historical, action, hybrid, etc!!!)
•These are just examples off of the top of my head!!! I have experience with almost every genre of writing!! Have a genre in mind that isn’t on this list? Just ask!!! (´ω`)
Fandoms i’m in!♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
•Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
•Kuroko’s Basketball
•My Hero Academia
•Jujutsu Kaisen
•Saiki K
•Fruits Basket
•Neon Genesis Evangelion
•Kamisama Kiss
•Kotaro Lives alone
•Obey me
•Project Sekai
•Stray kids
•New Jeans
•Once again these are all from the top of my head!!!!!! I’m in so many fandoms I could fill this whole page if I wanted toΣ੧(❛□❛)/ If you have a fandom you want me to write about just lmk I’m most likely familiar with the fandom(>////<) If i’m not familiar I can easily do research and try my best!!!!!!!!!੧(≧▽≦)ノ"
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