short-stacked-toby · 10 years
Where the wind Blows || F2F || Anderbros
The wind swept around his curls in the cool summer heat. Toby waited casually outside the coffee shop for his brother not noticing the mild chill. He was looking forward to catching up with Blaine, they were twins that was true but that didn't mean that they knew what the other did ever second of every day. Blaine was an entirely different person to Toby, he sometimes wished people knew that.
Toby took out his phone and started an avid game of angry birds while he waited.
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short-stacked-toby · 10 years
Blaine: And I'll never let you forget it haha.
Blaine: How about today..around 3pm? At the little coffee shop around the corner from campus?
Toby: Laugh it up fur ball
Toby: Sure sounds good, I'll meet you outside the coffee shop.
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short-stacked-toby · 10 years
Blaine: Aww aren't you sweet. I missed you too little brother. How are you doing Toby?
Blaine: We should catch up over coffee or something.
Toby: You're older by like a second B. A second.
Toby: Coffee sounds good, where and when?
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short-stacked-toby · 10 years
Blaine: Hey Toby! What do you mean finally?
Toby: I mean, it feels like it's been days since we last spoke! I actually missed you.
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short-stacked-toby · 10 years
What kind of ill? Like stuffy nose sick or headache sick or stomachache sick or something else sick? Cause I have lots of home remedies. 
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Just your average common cold, I guess... Any ideas?
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So, I got ill...
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short-stacked-toby · 10 years
I'm sorry, I may have given you this cold bug thing...
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So, I got ill...
That would explain why I feel like shit. That or the hangover, anyway.
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short-stacked-toby · 10 years
So, I got ill...
Looks like staying up all night with the window open makes you ill... I feel stupid...
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short-stacked-toby · 10 years
Text Message || -> Marley Rose
Toby: Hey you :)
Toby: I completely forgot about saturday I'm super sorry.
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short-stacked-toby · 10 years
You know, a hand of female vocals would be awesome too...
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So the song's coming along really well!
Oh that’s exciting!  I hope you’re able to get recorded.
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short-stacked-toby · 10 years
Life. What it means to be who we are
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So the song's coming along really well!
What’s it about?
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short-stacked-toby · 10 years
Well, I was going to use my own vocals but another set would be cool
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So the song's coming along really well!
You’re writing a song? Do you need a featured vocalist?
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short-stacked-toby · 10 years
So the song's coming along really well!
I just finished writing it so hopefully I can get to recording it!
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short-stacked-toby · 10 years
It's a smooth blue
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Do you drive?
I miss driving..
Nice. What color?
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short-stacked-toby · 10 years
A Ford Fiesta 
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I miss driving..
What kind of car do you drive?
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short-stacked-toby · 10 years
Back home I do. I couldn't bring it because of finding a place to keep it and such. 
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I miss driving..
Do you have your own car?
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short-stacked-toby · 10 years
I miss driving..
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short-stacked-toby · 10 years
Toby chuckled to himself and nodded his head. "Yeah."
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F2F || Toby and Emmet
Emmet laughed “Very funny” he said before he laughed again shaking his head to his friend “She? Who? My ex?” he asked with a confused face.
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