Every time someone puts a nice thing in the Anything Else in the forms I make my brain kind of stops working because I don't really expect people to say nice things in the suggestions they submit?
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I spent one hour trying to find an editor to edit this vine and Venus didn't need a fancy editor to make this weirdly enough
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Sorry but I'm tired of the tiny Kokichi pictures as if he's a ten year old. And looking like innocent roll, that's just weird. I'm not saying the whole fandom thinks like this but uh 50% of it. Sometimes the height is even worse than what I portrayed here.
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Don't get me wrong, this is the funniest but its not really a suggestion lol
For all of us I suggest that you actually have an idea before submitting anything.
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Me: Not knowing how to draw fingers
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Because the topic is very heavy of fucked ups, instead of posting the chapters here, you can go read them there if it interests you. My goal is never hurting the character, its mind breaking them. I don't want to post them here and get messages in my inbox about asking me what's wrong with me. 'thats fucked up' ect. The title itself is a warning. I don't condone it, I just like writing dark stuff.
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Confused Chapter 1
TW implied non-con
Shuichi at first was confused about how he got to his bed. Then he faintly remembered walking here. Unwanted thoughts and images flooded his mind and felt sick.
He sort of remembered being alone with Kiyo somewhere. His body feels sore from the tight ropes. He remembered Korekiyo's reaction to his skin that he made sure to keep naturally clean with water and soap along with laser technology when Lo or Rookie found the slightest bruise.
And it made him feel scared more than flattered. He looks at his sweater, out of place by the tugging. Shuichi supposes he'll ask Kirumi about the clothing. He first wanted to hide in his room but he couldn't just stay in his room.
He stands up then winced in pain and the floor he went.
Okay, apparently he's too sore. Should he tell someone?
Shuichi shakes his head.
That's silly, this is his problem.
Plus didn't someone familiar say they wanted everyone to get along? It'd be too awkward to do that if someone found out.
Shuichi shivers as he takes his sweater off. He desired Kiyo's touch off of it. If he walks out right now, everyone will see something wrong. He still deep cleaned himself despite his body is what egged things.
He sighed.
"What should I do?" Letting the shower weigh down his hair.
Of course, water can't answer back.
Even though the killing game had nothing to do with his torment, he muttered curses at Monokuma anyway. By the time he's dressed, he grumbles while picking up his sweater.
"If Monokuma is using this as a method to stop my 'misbehaivor', he's dead wrong about me dropping my attempts to inconvenience him."
"But off to find Kirumi."
And hopefully, no unfortunate moments will get in his way.
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Mixed Signals in the Love Hotel
Who knows what could be Shuichi's fantasy. His head is just full of work and logic. Koichi simply came here for...curious purposes.
Anyone would think they're seeing things if they saw Shuichi spinning in a chair. He paused mid-spin seeing Kokichi in the room with him. His golden eyes widened as if not expecting to see him there. Then awkwardly smiled.
"Greetings Kokichi."
Is what the leader expected him to say.
"You can leave, I'm not going to make you stay."
Kokichi had just gotten here and this is some weird fantasy if Shuichi wanted him to leave. But why would Shuichi want to ruin his own fantasy, he's aware he'll wake up unhappy, right?
For a few moments, he had no idea how to respond to his odd behavior.
Shuichi raised an eyebrow, maybe confused why Kokichi wasn't leaving.
"...Don't you want to leave?" He's now sitting in the chair properly.
"Now I don't wanna, now that you want me to!" Kokichi pouted, fake tears ready to go if needed.
Shuichi covers his eyes with one of his sleeves.
"I don't want you to leave, I just said you can." His voice struggled to be steady and not the weak one as it currently is doing. "I do want you to stay, but I know you'll leave eventually."
If Shuichi was not sitting, his trembling legs wouldn't be able to keep standing.
Kokichi carefully advanced so he wouldn't accidentally startle him because that indeed is possible. Trust him, it has happened before.
"You're sending me mixed signals."
"I disagree, wanting you to stay and knowing you want to leave are not mixed signals." Shuichi shakily laughed, there's nothing real about it.
"But why, I just got here!" Kokichi whined dramatically. "Are you just leading me on?"
"...No, everyone just always leaves." Shuichi's faking expression falls into a saddened real one. "They have to eventually, I wander endlessly and they have their own lives to get back to."
He slides off the chair and finishes the distance between them.
"You're the same, you can lie all you want about your organization not needing a leader, 'cause I know you need to back to them." He bitterly smiles. "And how can you do that if you're near a snooper."
Despite his implying he expected Kokichi to run out the exit, he startled them both with some sort of messy hug. It's like messily kissing someone. It's obvious he doesn't know how. That itself rung alarming bells.
"You're definitely sending mixed signs."
Shuichi shakily laughed while Kokichi noted that he's never seen Shuichi even attempting to hug someone.
"I'm sorry, I just need at least one good thing in my life before you leave me."
Even in a dream, Shuichi couldn't prevent himself from bursting into tears, his negative thoughts unable to be contained in this kind of situation. His hands gripping the other's shirt tightly. Overwhelmed by his despairing feelings.
This is the second time he's seen Shuichi cry, the first was when Kaede died.
"I-I try to ruin my own dream but y-you just won't let me, you're no f-fun."
"Oh, I get it, you're trying to make me leave by calling me boring." Kokichi 'figured' out. "I'm not falling for such a low trick!"
Shuichi's stunned that instead of prying him off, the other returned the hug but tighter. Not enough to hurt. He felt sleepy at being so comfortable in a hug.
"Stop making my dream happy." Shuichi huffed but didn't attempt to escape.
"Don't tell me what to do." Kokichi snickered.
"You're so evil." He shut his eyes, feeling lighter, failing in his objective to getting Kokichi out of here.
"You're awfully comfortable with the Ultimate Supreme Leader of evil!"
"You're awfully nicer than any organization leader I've met." Shuichi sighs softly.
That's a curious statement.
"How many do you even know of?"
He raises his head tiredly, "A lot, maybe I'll explain one day why most of them are all out to harm me." He rests his face on the other's chest.
"Heey, hold on, you can't just say something like that and then drop it!" Seriously, he's going to die of the mystery of not knowing!
"Goodnight." Shuichi, unsurprisingly ignoring him.
"Meanie." After guiding the nearly passed-out male to the bed, he stared at the door and couldn't bring himself to leave.
Even when it's extremely less likely they'll remember. That's what Shuichi is expecting him to do, leave.
His fantasy maybe, wanting someone to stay for once.
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Death TW
Kaede could feel the terror running her blood cold. It's not the fact that Korekiyo tried to kill her.
It's that through her panic, her body instinctively wanted to live so she... turned the weapon against him.
She didn’t mean to do that.
She needed to get help, even if he attempted murder, it wouldn’t be right to let him die.
After Kaede ran away, Korekiyo held his injury as he moved to stand up.
But he did not even get the chance to sit up since a shoe stepped on his throat, cutting off his air supply.
Shuichi gazes down at him. His eyes were the only sign he’s angry, his face held no emotion.
The pressure only increased. Shuichi’s reaction to Kiyo's attempt to get his throat released was quick.
He bent his arms to the point where they broke.
The pain was impressive, Shuichi must have to know how to do that from experience. Though unknown if he had done it to others or it has been done to him.
And Kiyo would never have the answer.
Shuichi watched the life and breath fade with careful observation.
He always told himself he could never kill anyone, but Korekiyo was an exception.
Quite impressive for someone who had limited muscle strength was possible of suffocating someone with a foot .
Getting bored of this slow death. Shuichi pulled out his knife from his sleeve and stabs it deep into the accidental wound.
In the end, Shuichi’s foot was sore and knife coated in crimson. He quickly pulls a cloth out of his sleeve and wipes the knife and reluctantly , puts them both back in.
He couldn’t leave the bloody white wipe cloth at the crime scene. Shuichi pulls out another one and begins cleaning up the blood.
He isn’t sure if it's because to make sure it won’t be an easy case or his dislike for messes.
Kaede’s fear that she killed someone morphed into shock and denial when the evidence was pointing at Shuichi .
“Shuichi wouldn’t ever kill someone!” She didn’t want to believe Shuichi did it. There had to be something else they’re missing.
“Kaede,” Shuichi sighed with a sad smile, “it's time to face the facts.”
And voting time.
You guessed correctly ! The culprit is Shuichi Saihara! The Ultimate Snooper!
“Is this the part where I explain what drove me to kill Korekiyo in his last moments?” Shuichi hummed.
Kaede still couldn’t believe it.
“Well, part of the reason is that I couldn’t let Kaede be the blackened, you’re too nice.” Shuichi pleasantly smiled at the stunned pianist.
“Also, the motive, my darkest secret.” He looks up at Monokuma. “So you wanna tell or should I since I’m going to die.”
“You’re really taking the fun out of this.” The bear's irritated at Shuichi’s relaxed attitude. Instead of being in despair that his secret would be out.
“I’m glad I did so,” he smirked at his annoyance, “so?”
“You better hurry up or else your execution will take place here.”
“Me it is then.” Shuichi looks forward at the students. “I have sent a lot of innocents to prison and do a lot of blackmail to keep people quiet. The families of those people can wish to lock me up all they want, but one wrong move, and I’ll release the dirt I have to the world .”
He slips off his sweater and drops it on Lo. “Take care of it.”
He adjusted his black buttoned shirt. Right as he turned around to confirm with the murderous bear that he’s ready.
Kaede grabs his arm, “Shuichi! Why are you giving in so easily?”
He pauses.
“Well, because I did it. That’s the truth.” … “Can I ask you a favor?”
“Y...yes, of course.”
“Um, can you take care of Lo and Rookie for me? I can’t clean them up anymore obviously .”
“Hurry it up!”
Shuichi gently tugs his arm out of her grip. “Farewell, Kaede, don’t die.”
A maze is behind him, Monokuma expected him to run like a cornered frightened animal.
But Shuichi refused to give that satisfaction. So he let the fire catch up to him and he shut his eyes tightly as he’s consumed by the flames.
Kaede wanted to stop this from happening, but a grip on her leg forced her to halt.
Lo was gently pulling on her leg, his metal ears folded down and whiny glitches echoing from him.
Maybe the closest a robot could cry.
They both flinched hearing screams from the male.
Kaede cried at the appearance of the aftermath. Instead of a charred body, some of the skin had melted.
She fell on her knees, full of despair at the way her crush died. A cold metallic head rested on top of her leg.
She saw that even if he’s a robot he’s crushed by Shuichi’s demise as well.
“We must avenge Shuichi, he’d be very disappointed if we gave up.” Lo lifted his head up, fierce determination in his very much robotic-like glowing eyes.
Kaede shakily stood up. That’s right, we can't give up.
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Rantaro had been looking for his hoodie for ten minutes but hasn’t had any luck.
Maybe Shuichi has seen it.
He walks into their bedroom, “Shu?”
The snooper turns in his chair. “Yes?”
“Have you seen my-”
Rantaro then noticed Shuichi drowning in the hoodie he’s looking for.
“Your what?”
“Have you seen my hoodie?” Playing along with Shuichi’s ‘confusion’.
Shuichi brings a sleeved hand to his chin, thinking.
“I don’t think so, it could be in the dryer.”
Rantaro chuckled, “Alright, just let me know when you find it.”
Shuichi smiles and giggles. “Will do.”
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Skipping Class (Smut)
Shuichi whined lowly as he gripped Rantaro’s shirt, he felt like his body was a warm blaze. Mostly from the other pressing a knee between his legs.
They were supposed to be in class but Shuichi and his boyfriend felt pent up. The shorter male had agreed to mess around in the bathroom since he already knew the material in his next class.
He’d only pull away from the deep kiss to breathe.
Shuichi slowly started to get frustrated and tried pulling his lower clothes off but that’s difficult sitting down on the toilet.
So Rantaro aided his love in distress.
“Taro!” Shuichi groaned as his cruel teaser massaged his thighs instead of what he wanted.
“I don’t want your hands, I only need your dick.” He’s way too horny to be embarrassed about saying that.
If Rantaro doesn’t do anything, Shuichi is close to just pulling down his pants himself.
“Alright Shu, if you insist.” He finally pulled them down a bit, just enough for his hard-on to announce its presence. “Where do you want it?”
Shuichi laid back as much his body could and pulled his legs toward his chest, showing which hole he wanted.
“You sure?”
Shuichi rolled his eyes and reached into a sleeve to throw out the lube at his boyfriend.
Sometimes he thinks Rantaro worries about him too much. Squirming impatiently as the other lubes himself.
“Are you done yet?” Shuichi sighed dramatically.
“I haven’t even prepared you-”
“Don’t need it, now hurry up.”
He clearly was stubborn on this. He inhaled sharply as he felt the pain of Rantaro slowly pushing inside him. But he slowly adapted to it.
“Move, I’m okay.” He quietly moans as he cherishes the pleasure while clenching down instinctively.
He’s never experienced such bliss before. He bites his sleeve as Rantaro moved cautiously, still worried he might break him.
Oh, what did Shuichi do to deserve someone so kind?
Feeling so dirty at the image of someone catching their session, whining as the thought entered his mind.
His face flushed and moaned as quiet he could be. He tenses as he senses the end of both of them.
“R-Rantaro, outside.” Cleaning up would be easier if it was outside rather than inside.
He listened to him right away.
Shuichi was a mess, the toilet cube was a mess from the Snooper’s own orgasm.
“T-Taro...I’m filthy.” He pouted.
“Sorry, Shu.” His boyfriend helped him clean up and the bathroom.
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Aquarium Drabble
Shuichi acted with young curiosity at the sea creatures that he’s never seen before in his life. But of course, he never has been to an aquarium.
Shuichi always spent thirty minutes just observing a fish or something as if it's the most interesting thing.
Rantaro chuckled, he didn’t mind, Shuichi was having his own kind of fun.
Then after the time limit, he’d run off to the next room.
Normally people would trip in excitement but Shuichi does not apply logic so he does not get clumsy when feeling that emotion.
“Come on Rantaro, you’re too slow.”
He came back in to grab Rantaro’s arm so he could drag him into the room.
“I’m too slow for you, huh?”
Shuichi squints at him.
“Don’t talk down to me as if I’m a child.”
Rantaro laughed, “I don’t know how to talk up to you though.”
Shuichi gently kicked his leg.
“I don’t have time for short jokes.”
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Everything felt odd. Like Shuichi was in a different world where it wasn’t worth trying to move.
Not even aware that someone entered his room.
Lo pressed his robotic ear against the door while Kokichi leaned against the wall. They both had gotten tense and protective when Miu had suspiciously volunteered to go tend the sick snooper.
So decided to keep an eye on her.
“Hey, Puppchi!”
Shuichi squinted at the blurry figure that was Miu.
“…..Don’t yell loud…” He muttered, closing his eyes. “Why are you here, I’m sick.”
“That’s why I’m here!”
Shuichi winced with a groan then gave an irritated smile.
“I hope you’re not planning on pushing your boobs into my face.” The warning glint in his eyes said that he would be very angry if she did such a thing.
“W-what? N-no, I b-brought medicine.” She indeed did have it in one hand while the other twirled her hair.
“I don’t need something like that.”
That is what he wanted to say, but he felt like it’d be cruel to turn her down after she surprisingly intended to help him.
“I guess I’ll take it but the arm is disappearing if I see anything suspicious on me.” Shuichi closed his eyes, his shoulders relax after moments of no perverted touching.
“You better be fuckin’ grateful I wasted my time on you.”
Miu would have just assumed she said that but her breath hadn’t even left her lungs yet.
Shuichi had basically mimicked her voice perfectly. Which he has the ability to do so.
“Have you ever thought NOT DOING that!” C-couldn’t Shuichi just wait for people to speak?!
He just laughed. “Absolutely not.”
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Shuichi basically in the future working at a secret agency that creates Robots and gathers information. And ends up working with familiar people.
“Shuichi,” Morie popped by his desk, “your wife is here.”
Shuichi paused with a confused noise. “She is?” His first thought was to worry that something’s wrong.
He basically jumps from his seat and runs to the lobby as fast he could.
Miu’s pacing back and forth while twirling a piece of her hair.
“Miu, what’s wrong?” Shuichi made it clear to only call or personally get him if it's an emergency.
She grabbed his hands. “There’s no way I’m going to be a good mother!”
“...You’re pregnant?”
“You’re not a virgin?!” Kenta was shocked to hear this.
“Kenta now is not the time!” Shuichi shoots the bomber an irritated scowl.
“But in our defense, you don’t look like a sexually active person.” Morie timidly smiles.
Shuichi groaned. “Stop making fun of my cute appearance.”
“But...you’ve had sex?” Kenta of all people wouldn’t drop it. “Shuichi Saihara had sex?”
“KENTA. Not the time!”
“But there’s plenty of time!” Morie checked her watch.
Shuichi’s wife is freaking out, it's hard to try to calm her down when everyone is shocked to learn Shuichi is not a virgin.
“So are you like the type to step on people in the bedroom?”
“How did you even first have sex?”
Rookie watched as the chaos of everyone yelling. She turns her gaze to Shuichi.
“Should we go home early so you two can talk this out without all this screaming?”
Shuichi huffs, holding Miu’s hand where her anxious grip had tightened. “Yes please.”
Thank god that his other friends already knew that he’s had sex with Miu plenty of time
Do not call Shuichi if there's a fire or flooding. That's not an emergency to him. CALL him if someone is robbing the house or if someone is trying to murder or assault you.
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Baking-Sairuma Drabble
Shuichi cast a look at Miu. “If I catch you adding something that shouldn’t be in a pie, I’ll make sure your hand no longer exists.”
He still kept an eye on her, paranoid about Miu ruining the mixture.
“If it's not meant for baking, it doesn’t go in.” Shuichi still continues to lecture her. “Like hair, it doesn’t belong in there.”
“I don’t need a lecture!”
“I’ve spent eleven years in a facility while learning to cook, and I’ve never seen such poor cooking skills.”
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Cuddles and Walks
Shuichi hums softly while holding hands with his girlfriend Miu.
“Thi-this is boring…” Miu stuttered out, she always got flustered when they held hands much to the other’s amusement.
“We’ll be home soon.” Shuichi paused from his gentle activity.
The park was empty but that didn’t matter.
The sun wasn’t the brightest but that’s okay.
Shuichi starts humming again.
The trees are barren of leaves. But that isn’t a big deal.
They weren’t exactly sure what season it is.
The cool breeze sends chills but it feels nice too.
Shuichi lifts his gaze slightly upward, “It's good we left at the time we did, any later and well…”
He did not need to elaborate on what would have happened, they both knew very well what could have happened.
They were both secretly relieved when the house came into view.
They were smart people but sometimes did worry about being wrong or feel doubt.
Shuichi released her hand to unlock the thirteen locks and redid them once they were both inside.
He looked out the window, at the ruined trees and buildings. Then pulled the blinds down and joined Miu on the couch.
Silence had become such a normal occurrence in their lives now.
Shuichi wrapped his arm around her waist in response to her resting her head on top of his.
The strolls and this were the only way to pretend everything is fine.
A half-smile on his face as he ignored that the earth was slowly melting.
Shuichi sometimes theorized that maybe they’re in some weird simulation of an apocalypse that happens to be around the sun and lava.
One of the tools of believing the lie, maybe they’ll just wake up and it’ll be okay.
A few minutes later, he dozed off.
What was that annoying beeping sound?
Miu forced her eyes open, squinting at the bright light, she looked around but Shuichi wasn’t anywhere.
Which made her panic and sit up. In fact, the couch seemed to stop existing. What was going on? Where was Shuichi? He’d certainly never just leave.
As if summoned, Shuichi walked (stumbled) in holding his head.
“Good...evening, I was right.” He mumbled, climbing on the hospital bed? “Half right, actually.”
Miu grasped his shirt. “You better not have fuckin’ walked in here just to brag.”
“Huh?” He shakes his head. “No, of course not. More like catching you up.”
He went into this boring explanation that he was informed that the two of them have been in a coma after an accident.
In the end, they fell asleep.
And Shuichi absolutely did not sneak in when he was supposed to be recovering in his own bed.
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Shuichi raised his eyebrow in response to Miu’s desire to be with him forever.
Then let a smile cross his face.
“I’m counting on you to hold onto that thought.”
Because I think I want to be with you forever too
Their relationship would typically involve learning don’t underestimate Shuichi, he can and will wreck if that’s his sexual mood.
But the dates did not have that at all. They were sweet, relaxing, and...romantic.
Miu never thought she’d be open to romance or even expect Shuichi to willingly give that side of him to her.
Since it takes hard effort to see that soft spot that not everyone gets the luxury of.
It takes even longer for Shuichi to trust people to touch his hands, he mostly keeps them hidden in his sweater. It's true they were cold at the first touch but would fade away into warmth as if her touch was thawing the cold.
It's like relaxing in a comfortable warm bath. Or sinking into the softest of beds.
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