shootyourtv · 2 days
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shootyourtv · 3 days
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shootyourtv · 6 days
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The Inferno
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shootyourtv · 21 days
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Galaxy-themed C’Tan Shard of the Void Dragon ✨
I’ve been really enjoying painting my Necron army and I’m proud of how my first C’Tan came out :D (well, only C’Tan, since there’s no way I’m getting the Nightbringer and Deciever until they get better sculpts hsgdkd)
I got the Void Dragon as a reward for myself when I started taking art commissions again and I’m really happy aaaaa
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shootyourtv · 21 days
this is not what i expected of my first ask ever, is this a threat. I searched up Adam Bomb and it showed me a dude
I’m sorry you had to see a dude. I’m here for you bestie <3
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shootyourtv · 21 days
I’m sorry I think you’re the wrong. Ask it was supposed to be this one. For every person who dreams up the electric lightbulb there’s another who dream up the Adam bomb
I think Adam Bomb is the brother of Adam Smasher actually
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shootyourtv · 1 month
Paralyzed by the ADHD brain tonight so I’m gonna destroy my eardrums with loud music until I can do anything that isn’t stare at a screen
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shootyourtv · 1 month
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shootyourtv · 1 month
I want to do fish tank maintenance and also continue my lessons on 3d sculpting tonight, so of course I’m going to do neither of those things since I can’t choose which I’d rather do
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shootyourtv · 1 month
My hotel is hosting a furry con and I’m realizing that I’m not a furry but I do believe in their beliefs
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shootyourtv · 2 months
guy who is not necessarily nonbinary but also not NOT nonbinary. guy who doesnt fit into the binary-nonbinary binary. if you will
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shootyourtv · 2 months
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dark science beyond belief
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shootyourtv · 2 months
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shootyourtv · 2 months
guys I just found the greatest video on the internet
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shootyourtv · 2 months
still fuckin hate that “bee-free honey” that’s made from……… apples. bitch who you think sexed up those apples
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shootyourtv · 2 months
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hey, uh. what the shit
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shootyourtv · 2 months
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