shisuitaweek2019 · 5 years
hello! I'd just like to ask if you guys might be running a shiita secret santa? I've seen one hosted last year, but there seems to be none this year. If you will, I really look forward to it!
Unfortunately we don't plan on hosting one as of yet. Sorry! 😔
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shisuitaweek2019 · 5 years
11. Police/Investigator AU
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I seldom draw this kind of modern AU myself but actually it could be a good opportunity to train the drawing skill.
In this picture it’s a bit future settings with the transparent projector and projection keyboard. But but when they are police officers they’ll still need donuts, coffee, and gun holders ;) Itachi would have his favorite donut shop and Shisui is (secretly) very fascy about his coffee (, or he doesn’t care abt it at all, like he doesn’t know if it’s a cup of cold coffee or mud water). They would have their favorite cafes and lunch places, too. And of course they would be good at solving their cases and sometimes they become veeery evil detectives for the criminals... oh I can talk about it all day XD
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shisuitaweek2019 · 5 years
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A cyberpunk-ish au for the last day of @shisuitaweek2019 
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shisuitaweek2019 · 5 years
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 …to the crow who has Shisui’s left eye; about the Uchiha mass, the things he’d done with Sasuke, the people he’d killed… 
For @shisuitaweek2019‘s event
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shisuitaweek2019 · 5 years
A little excerpt of a modern police Au
"What," Madara growled, pinching the bridge of his nose with one hand, "and I do mean this," the other white knuckled the arm rest of his recliner.
"The FUCK is going on?!" Madara's eyes flickered from Naruto and Sasuke, scowling from on their knees in the middle of his living room, to Obito and Shisui.
Both had a vice grip on the the indignant pair and who were covered in....what...
What WAS that? Madara squinted.
Cake batter?
A thick pale yellow substance clinging to their uniforms drying in a tacky mess. Frosting smudged over their faces and hands transferring to Naruto and Sasuke's clothes.
They even had sprinkles, in multiple colors and shapes Madara noticed, in their hair.
It was too fucking late, or, well, early for this shit, it was now a quarter after 3.
Then his eyes went to Kakashi and Yamato, still red-faced, trying to catch their breath from bursting through his god damn front door after Shisui and Obito dragged Sasuke and Naruto, kicking and shouting, through said door.
Finally his eyes settled on an amused Kagami and far less amused, possibly murderous, Tobirama. Both had taken up residence on his love seat, sitting a little too close for Madara's comfort, half a cushion was exposed in Kagami's side.
Tobirama's arms crossed and tapping his index finger against his bicep.
"Officer Uchiha, care to explain?" Madara grit out, tilting his head back against the cushion, a migraine rapidly forming behind his eyes.
Obito, Shisui and Sasuke argued over each other, with their version of events, voices over lapping into an unintelligible garble of words.
"SHUT UP." Madara boomed, hair rising and bristling over his robe, effectively silencing all three of them.
"Why did I hire so many people with the same surname" Madara muttered to himself, no one dared to give him an actual answer.
"Officer SHISUI Uchiha. Explain." Madara tried again, his tone pitched low, drumming his fingers against his thigh impatiently.
"We got a dispatch call at 12:45, from a concerned neighbor about two people climbing through the basement window of professor Senju's home."
Madara knew where this was going, he leveled Sasuke and Naruto with a narrowing of his eyes, and nodded for Shisui to continue.
"We arrived at professor Senju's home at 12:57, I knocked on the door while Obito went around to check the window, there was no sign of forced entry so he came back. Kagami and Tobirama opened the door for us and invited us in, we informed them of the situation. Tobirama lead us to the basement, which
is also his lab-"
"That's where we found these two brats rilfing through his shit!" Obito glowered at his cousin, tightening his grip on Sasuke's shoulder, who grimaced but kept quiet.
"Then they ran away! Out through the god damn window again like little gremlin racoons!"
Shisui sighed as Obito fumed, undeterred by the interupption.
"We followed them, not out the window, well Obito followed them out the window I took the stairs."
"Im not going to commend you for having at least one brain cell between the both of you."
"Anyways," Shisui shrugged off the insult,
"While Obito followed them on foot I took the car to follow him, we ended up at...the Akimichi's Sweets Plant--"
"The fuckers ran in there! Like they mapped the place out! Some Scooby Doo type shit! At one point I was running away from Shisui with Naruto!"
Madara resisted the urge to put his face in his hands.
"They even set traps! Who the fuck--"
"Spare me the details of how you two came to be cake pops." Madara interjected and Shisui continued.
"Long story short, they had a car on the other side of the factory, they got in it we got in our car and Sasuke drove like a bat out of hell until he pulled up on your lawn, we tackled them coming up the porch."
Madara sat up to glance out the window, sure enough there sat Sasuke's car, headlights still on, the tires crushing the flower beds he had painstakingly cultivated to impress Hashirama. Behind Sasuke's car was Shisui's cruiser, also parked on top of a painstakingly made gift.
If he wasn't angry about being bothered after 2am with this garbage, he was angry now.
He cast a wrathful look towards Kakashi and Yamato.
"You two came into this how?"
"Got a call from Sasuke about the investigation, he said he found evidence of guilt and were being followed by "compromised" officers."
Madara raised an eyebrow.
"And you two just happened to be in the same place, together, at this time of night."
"We're off the clock, sir. And car-pulling was eaiser." Kakashi turned up his eye in a smile and Yamato put a sheepish hand on the back of his neck.
"Right." Madara clicked his tongue, crossing one slippered foot over his knee.
He didn't even want to check where their car was parked.
He turned his attention to Kagami and Tobirama.
"Am I to assume you also "car-pulled"?"
"Yes?" Kagami gave a nervous chuckle.
"And just what were you doing at professor Senju's residence at 1 in the morning, Kagami."
"Well, you see, research mainly, I'm there all the time and I-"
"They live together." Sasuke cut in.
"They're married!!" Naruto shouted, pointing an accusing finger at the pair before Shisui gently smacked it down.
Everyone, except Shisui who opted to look at the ceiling, snapped their attention to Kagami and Tobirama.
"S-surprise!" Kagami put his hands up, in surrender, the light catching the ring on his left finger.
"Unbelievable." Madara hissed through his teeth, rubbing his temples.
"I have proof that professor Tobirama is behind the grave robbing."
"Oh, do you." Tobirama's voice was dry, unimpressed. Kagami's eyebrows pinched at the accusation, he looped a protective arm around Tobirama.
"Yes, Sasuke, do you?" Madara leaned on his thighs, resting his cheek in his palm.
Sasuke wrenched out of Obito's grip, throwing a folder at Madara's feet.
Madara picked up the folder and opened it, leaning back and inspecting the contents. His left eye twitched and a muscle in his lip jumped as he skimmed the reports.
He snapped the folder shut.
"Did you obtain this without a warrant?"
Sasuke snorts.
"Of course I had a warrant."
"Mhm, very well. Senju, is this yours?" Madara handed it over to Tobirama who opened it.
"Seems to be."
"Is that your hand writing?"
"Seems to be."
"And you're short hand and codes?"
Tobirama gave an agreeable hum, but seemed otherwise unaffected.
"It is my hand writing, my codes and my short hand. But I didn't write this." Tobirama put the folder down.
Madara closed his eyes in annoyance.
"And that means what?"
"I do not cross my Ts in that manner nor do I curve my Cs so sloppily."
"That doesn't mean shit! There's too much information that wasn't reported on!" Sasuke snarled.
"Shut up!" Madara snapped, Sasuke's jaw clicked shut but he matched Madara's glare with his own.
"This is what is going to happen," Madara sighed, "Everyone is going to go the hell home, Shisui and Obito are going to take a god damn shower before reporting back to the station and 8am. I also expect Kakashi and Yamato to show up on time and in separate vehicles. Tobirama you're going to be arrested tomorrow morning as a person of interest. Both as a formality and procedure. As for Naruto, you'll be reporting back to forensics where you're supposed to be, under Yamato. And Sasuke? You're off the case and I'm putting you on probation."
Madara put his hand up before anyone could voice their grievances.
"Very well." Tobirama conceded, standing up. Kagami rose with him, almost relieved to get out of this unscathed.
"Oh and Kagami."
"Y-yes Madara?"
"As for you, you are going to inform everyone of your eloping. Everyone and you'll do it personally."
"Even Izuna?"
"Dress appropriately, I hope your mile has gotten faster."
Kagami went pale as Tobirama lead him to the door before stopping.
"Give my regards to Hashirama." Tobirama smirked as Madara sputtered and a door in the back of the house closed softly.
Madara slammed the door after everyone had filed out. He turned back to his bedroom before the door swung open and Itachi stumbled in, looking confused.
Madara rolled his eyes, he should have seen that one coming.
"They left already."
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shisuitaweek2019 · 5 years
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I love this boy! Happy Birthday, Shisu! <З
You can find some of these art in my profile.
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shisuitaweek2019 · 5 years
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Itachi and Shisui from chapter 2 of ‘Cats and Crows and Mischief’ by BizzyLizzy on AO3
I have been so spoilt with all the amazing fanfic for ItaShi week 2019, I had to draw Itachi and Shisui from some of the stories I have read. There are more pictures but this was the first I finished :) I’m sorry I missed the week so my contributions will be a bit late, work has just been INCREDIBLY busy this week!
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shisuitaweek2019 · 5 years
12. Nakano River
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When you are Shisuita/Itashisu fan, you cannot remember Nakano River without the final sad scene of the two. So I wanted to draw some probable happy memory of them for shisuita week. They must have had played and trained, or talked many things there until the sun was set since their childhood, and there must be soo many good memories for them. I hope the river reminds Itachi of not only the last sad memories but also a lot of happy ones.
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shisuitaweek2019 · 5 years
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Fri, Oct 25th: Modern AU | Traditional AU
I don’t know much about Japanese shrines and praying, but I want to imagine they went praying with their families and secretly made a wish to be together 🙏🌟✨
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shisuitaweek2019 · 5 years
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AU where: Itachi is sick, he knows he will die, but he keeps his secret as long as he can.
Shisui can feel something’s wrong and Itachi lies but he’s there, even if it hurts and it’s hard, no matter what, because he loves. 2nd: close-up 3rd: bonus, a bit different meaning with different colours. Your heart and soul can be stained but it doesn’t mean you can’t find the light that will help you to fight against the darkness inside. Love is tough but happiness can worth the risks. For @shisuitaweek2019‘s event.
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shisuitaweek2019 · 5 years
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Modern AU for @shisuitaweek2019
In which rich man Shisui is 'accidentally' lost in the countryside and accidentaly ends up looking for help in Itachi's farm.
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shisuitaweek2019 · 5 years
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Floating, distracted, light everywhere.
Nakano for @shisuitaweek2019
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shisuitaweek2019 · 5 years
Shisui whistles a familiar solemn song into the heat of the day and it hangs stagnantly in the humid air. Itachi can hear the words in the wordless tune:
Rest beneath this weeping tree…
His short hair comes dangling around his jaw and neck. It sticks to his skin with his sweat. He wishes he can tie it up, but it’s not long enough. He gathers the straight locks in his small hand and holds most of it up to one side, letting the breeze wisp against his neck.
Meanwhile, Shisui’s busy taking his shoes off, then his headband, then his shirt.
Itachi’s lips are chapped. He licks at it a couple of times and they tingle and prickle in the sun and breeze. He glances at Shisui’s rounded pink ones that are trembling as he whistles:
…its sun and shade…kiss your eyes,
…your white flute, singing my goodbyes.
He steps into the river, his skin turning ivory in the bright sunlight which contrasts starkly against the dark water. He holds his hand out to Itachi.
“Come on. It’s important to learn how to swim.”
There’s a lilt to his voice; its lightness makes the words hover instead of hang in the thick humid air.
Itachi releases his hair from his grip and follows Shisui into the river. The older’s hand feels warm even under the cool folds of the water, so Itachi lets himself be steered, be learned, be held.
Rest beneath this weeping tree
so its sun and shade can kiss your eyes,
where you had once set me free
with your white flute, singing my goodbyes.
Sleep beneath this weeping tree
so I can forever watch over you,
from beneath its river where I can see
and hear your white flute, carved from bone.
His mind drifts away from the slur of sleep and his vision opens to that of a silhouette, a figure with windblown, curly hair. His eyes focus on a pair of equally black ones, ones that are smiling slightly in apology, perhaps for disturbing his sleep. Itachi can feel a warm hand over his cold wrist. He can also feel warm-cool currents drifting all over him, like drapes of light silk dragging over his body,
Like water,
Like fingertips,
tracing over his skin–
“Come with me,” Shisui says
Itachi parts his dry lips, “…I’m sorry,” he murmurs, “…for everything.”
Shisui’s smile turns gentle. He leans in and his breath seems to whisper, Don’t be.
And together they sink.
@shisuitaweek2019 | Nakano River
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shisuitaweek2019 · 5 years
9. Akatsuki
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Although I’ve been kind of drawing similar things to Akatsuki Shisuita picture, I never get tired of it :p Sorry not sorry...
Akatsuki members are very popular among Naruto fans since their debut, and at that time when they’d been fighting against Naruto and the people in Konoha in original story, they were truly powerful, dreadful, and evil group. At the same time, soon we have found they had their own value of justice made by their own beliefs and backgrounds, and it made them fight against Konoha. After the battle against Pain many other enemies showed up in “strength-inflation” in the original story, sad past and beliefs of Akatsuki members, but I still remember them as a dreadful criminal group (, which they were proud of at that time, I believe). So I drew this picture as the image of the group mentioned above, like “don’t come closer, or we’ll bite you hard”^^
As the pair with two Uchihas, I wonder if it makes it a better (stronger) pair or not, and how their fighting styles would be. There was a survival way explained what you should do when you encounter a Uchiha in canon, but how about two Uchihas? How about not just Uchihas but Itachi and Shisui? No way. Probably no way of surviving.
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shisuitaweek2019 · 5 years
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Fri, Oct 18th: Domestic AU | Afterlife
Shisui is normally the breakfast-maker, but sometimes Itachi likes to take charge and pamper him in the mornings… though his idea of breakfast isn’t exactly nutritious 😭
Happy ShisuIta Week~! Tomorrow is Shisui’s birthday! 🥺💓💕
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shisuitaweek2019 · 5 years
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Akatsuki // @shisuitaweek2019
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shisuitaweek2019 · 5 years
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@shisuitaweek2019 | Akatsuki
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