shiruvan · 3 months
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making this because it seems novel, my OC with mish mash of costume parts, might even be clearing out the block for working on the commission, took a day from modeling to complete 3dprint cut and print.
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shiruvan · 3 months
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Commission for @lillinettix It's always extremely cool to work with an artist who has a really distinct strong vision for their figure because it makes me approach stuff differently and also i do not need to use my brain which is great because you know how it is :') And i got double excited because this is a very purple piece and purple is one of my favourite colors!! The character designs made me really curious about their backstory and the commissioner gave me suuuuch a good reference for the style they wanted, i'm pretty happy with how they turned out.
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shiruvan · 1 year
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long rambly post as wonfest, fangoods creation, originality, valuation, rules/politics bothered me.
it can't really be said that originality is dead when Sailor sets up a new trend on old copy, however, isn't it mattered too much or too little? its that sometimes people make lapse in judgment that in turn shows their spending natures and their own valuation
I can't defend people who play dumb and speak loudly on matter behind their past action, but the two colored sticks in picture, speaks of great volume
The fountain pen fandom knows of these copies rather unironically, both mass produced(though the original is less, due to the cost to keep things in great care), but one other is a frugal, seemingly heartless copy of the trend itself, for fraction of cost. Do such 'counterfeit' hurt the original? well, surprisingly many people can wage both sides of reasons to be practical; you can't afford as much, but we will welcome you to the hobby the same, at least if you behave like you understand, and maybe even that you yearn to own or even chance to try the original just once. The money isn't as much problem as it is the integrity of values toward the interest. I found it, and everyone may have different opinion on it.
It really cannot be simply said that if you confidently, consciously buy 'illegitimate' copies*, you don't support the original creators; widening every possible access is where everyone gains in the net evaluation, at the same time things do not always seemingly positive too, so its likely important to nurture an understanding community, one that not everyone had the birth or place right at first, but will help guide course that in turn become a culture of respect(in figurine perspective, you may consider things revolving the 3D model marketplace-community)
what about smaller creators making fan goods transactions, or even bank on it? some say that you'd require permission, or follow 'general' rule, or just entirely not care of using someone else's design to make your own money, because you ignore 'secondary creation' as a whole. It would likely up to the public court of the surrounding community where the art/work was shared for views
*Japanese manufacturers-designers used to copy the west in so many extremes and even undercut too, but they make it up in building their own and change it to their specific perusals, and for most, have had actually worked with western style-designers. but that's not really the point either isn't it?
contextualizing every chosen decision helps, understandably there's often too much to consider that there's no step even visible to take. perhaps soon, its just head on collision and see what stays
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shiruvan · 1 year
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I like him in flat primer, or I'm lazy, or both, or more than both
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shiruvan · 1 year
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I don’t really know how pricing of my commission works or how it should, but it looks like all choices are losers, you put ‘too expensive’ and no one can, ‘too cheap’ and it potentially gets demanded, but I think it would be much worse if I don’t get any work (in reference to that disclaimer-note, knowing that art/veblen goods could be however much you want it to be)😂
I forgot to add payment plans, whether you’re having doubt or its too much for all at once, so feel free to ask it c:
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shiruvan · 2 years
cheap material challenge, see how far can I go with dollar store paint, hardware store rattle can
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shiruvan · 2 years
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shiruvan · 2 years
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ohei I’m posting on tumblr again 
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shiruvan · 2 years
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is it just me or is art-fandom focused site-community no longer exists? neither any SNS is to blame personally, maybe its just the climate of internet becoming most of others life as well, that I was used to be in on internet where most people use it to spend/share after the day’s ended
thanks for the commission! even though she came in difficult condition ;;
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shiruvan · 3 years
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shiruvan · 3 years
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also recently completed commission /o/
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shiruvan · 3 years
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few custom made commissions using my own 3d model bases! 
I’m currently accepting commission for custom character of these 6-7cm tall figures for USD70 each, additional extra parts if it’s detailed +$5. If you’re interested, feel free to ask me and send me the reference
modeled in Blender3d, printed using SLA 3D printer and FDM for base, painted with acrylics and lacquer
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shiruvan · 3 years
Things going in twitter about Japanese Garage Kits
The issue was started because ‘western’ garage kit youtube content creator, was implied to have been sponsored by certain unauthorized recaster company(basically pirated); the youtuber’s denial seems plausible that by accepting the recast kit for free to make content, it doesn’t mean accepting sponsorship, but alas, the Japanese sculptors see it just as guilty as taking sponsorship from pirates. The overblown picking on unrelated mistakes or bad things from every side was just, imo, overblown, and simply unproductive, but this common thing in western part of social media is difficult to translate to the Japanese like they can’t believe those things just happen all the time, whereas us in the Anglosphere, not limited to western, seem to accept that such are the Japanese and their polite-politics, being stiff and difficult.
Given the history that it’s difficult to even purchase Garage kit directly from Japanese GK makers and thus making it expensive to buy from scalpers, the very expensive, unprotected gray market, I understand as much to the people who enjoyed and use pirated products extensively due to poor distribution, albeit most of the issue is overbaked political problems that are outside the consumers and these 3rd party producers’ hand.
To the Japanese GK producers, its so much seemed like a god-granted privilege to sell their original work copies to the domestic Japanese market, so for them, to ask license for selling overseas is out of their mind, albeit WE CAN ALSO UNDERSTAND as foreigner or not, that there are always issues with fanmades, licensed 3rd party products, for possibly wrongly representing a company’s interests, such are the right holders for popular characters/IP such as Kadokawa, Gainax, Toho, and everything else, if gaining income for someone elses’ intellectual property might be on the wrong side without permission.
To the rest of the world who’d like to enjoy Japanese paraphernalia as direct as possible, we’re kind of boned with piracy as a better option; paying direct to creators might be what we want, but how many proxies/hands should we pay to deserve that? distrust to own country’s system is usually enough to sway to the pirate option because they can also reduce tax from illicit customs declaration(and somewhat generally not so much of problem by law in many countries?)
what we can do
-Try gaining permission to sell overseas, make a line of trusted potential buyers/distribution points, confirm their identity as to not misuse the purchase. If done right, this is the way to serve better than the pirates and gray market scalpers, so the garage kits end in the proper end-users.
-Do not normalize piracy like it’s okay to advertise them. Simple as this may sound, our lack of option may turn even the most illegal ways to be ‘It won’t hurt anyone except their feelings’ gray-legal, this won’t be an instant utterance, instead, a constant campaign from all of us who supports, even if only morally, by not purchasing pirated kits, not watching/reacting to youtubers who endorse/mention piracy as the way.
I meant to say all this in Japanese, but damn, just how. I’m even speaking it through both views/sides, sometimes it’s all us, both sides, to do them in agreement, since it’s so hard to solve that political problem on our own.
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shiruvan · 3 years
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honestly I have just as much worry and distrust to be even selling the digital model, not only the potential buyer probably can’t even paint the unpainted 3dprinted kit version, so I sold 2 couples of painted versions.
digital item-mainly participation, online only doujin event joined and it was filled with moral/ethics pitfall, to makes things worse, I had to do it all in Japanese. 
contact me if you want to buy the digital version for 3dprint it yourself, I can’t yet let my pixivbooth open due to not all models were tested, and I’m quite occupied to finish overdue commissions
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shiruvan · 3 years
jlpt may be canceled 3 times, but i succeeded in selling them back to the japanese fandom, suck it coof
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shiruvan · 3 years
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shiruvan · 3 years
tumblr is unblocked again by the isp. 
I once asked to manually open it to the isp customer service and they did, but due to refreshed ToS, namely speed lowered, they also refreshed what site isn’t blocked as to what it was; considering how even my most favorite social media site has become too much, I sort of became too lazy to post like my work has no meaning I don’t even want to tag them, focusing on getting back to making art for art’s sake.
google dns and whatever vpn was tried, but too much effort is too much, for an already too much burden to think of providing narrative value to the audience, idk, if you can enjoy them as they are without words or anything, thanks.
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