Ships Ahoy!
31 posts
There’s a lot of ships out there to obsess over
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shipsahoya · 2 years ago
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shipsahoya · 2 years ago
Buddie Roleplay Search Intro:
Help! I've fallen on the Buddie train and can't get up! I also don't want to...
So! I am looking to find the Eddie Diaz to my Evan Buckley!
I've been roleplaying for a long time and I'm glad to do that here on Tumblr messages or on Discord (shipsahoya#9763). I have no required word count or paragraph length for you, but do tell me your preference!
My only requirement of my partner is that they are at least 18, because I'm in my early 30s.
I work a busy job full time, so I can’t always post every day, but I am usually able to post several times a week. I’m never going to pressure you or bug you to rush out a post, so I ask that you don’t either! Even if I can’t post daily, I’m happy to chat OOC! Let’s talk, share fanart and fics we like!
Plot Ideas
It's spooky season, so I'm craving some something in line with that. Ghosts, vampires, werewolves, haunted houses, I'll take any of it! As mentioned above, I prefer to play Buck. I will happily play any side characters. I'm especially fond of found family so I would love for the rest of the 118 to be involved!
House of Nightmares: Maddie receives a call from a distressed family who says their house is ablaze. The 118 goes to put it out, only to see that the house is perfectly in tact, but the family runs out of the house, terrified of all they've seen. And as Buck and Eddie go in to investigate if there's a carbon monoxide leak causing hallucinations, the house shuts them inside. (Spoiler alert: they're not the only ones in the house)
Not Your Average Movie Night: Lately, Buck finds himself spending more and more time at the Diaz household, cooking for Eddie and Christopher nearly any evening he doesn't have a long shift. But one late movie night, Eddie invites Buck to stay the night. Buck falls asleep on the couch only to wake in the middle of the night when someone breaks in through the window. Before he has a chance to fight back, they jump him, biting into his neck. When he wakes the next morning, Eddie explains that a vampire attacked him. And how does he know? Because he himself is no average human. (It's totally up to you what he should be. My initial thoughts were werewolf or hunter.)
A Pack to Remeber: What if we loosely follow some events of the show, but the 118 is a pack? Alphas Bobby and Athena looking out for their pack that can never stay out trouble? Eddie coming to the 118 from his former pack in Texas? Buck being fiercely protective of his found family pack? I’m here for it all.
Stranger Things Have Happened: Instead of Hawkins, Indiana in the 80s, the upside down and demogorgons start to spread in LA. What will our fire fighters do?
Touch and Scent: I have no plot beyond Incubus!Buck / Werewolf!Eddie. It just makes sense, okay?
Anyway! If you're interested, drop me a message here or reach out on discord!
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shipsahoya · 2 years ago
I was gonna make a gif set but it would be hard so just HAVE THE ENTIRE STINKIN CLIP!!
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shipsahoya · 2 years ago
Why do the same people who love the Poly Lucius headcanon ignore Fang? I’m a fervent Lupete shipper but Fang and Lucius’ dynamic is the sweetest thing ever and Fang as a whole deserves more screen time
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shipsahoya · 2 years ago
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shipsahoya · 2 years ago
stiles: what the hell is that.
derek, holding isaac up: it’s a beta, I found him!
stiles: well put it back, it doesn’t belong to you!
derek, holding him tighter: screw you, I’m an alpha now.
isaac, stuck between them: help
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shipsahoya · 2 years ago
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venom + text posts
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shipsahoya · 2 years ago
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fucking symbrock.
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shipsahoya · 2 years ago
The Search Intro
Hello hello and welcome to my search thread! I have three specific fandom cravings I need your help with: Hartwin, Johnlock & Symbrock. I’ve got some plots for your consideration below!
I’ve been roleplaying for a long time and prefer to write over Discord (shipsahoya#9763), but can also write over tumblr or email. I have no required word count or paragraph length from you, but do tell me your preference!
I work a busy job full time, so I can’t always post every day. Sometimes I can post multiple times a day and sometimes life gets in the way and it takes me a few days. I’m always happy to chat OOC! Let’s talk, share fanart and fics we like!
As a side note, I do not roleplay with minors. I prefer to roleplay with partners who are 21+.
The Roleplay Ideas
Hartwin - Eggsy Unwin / Harry Hart
Look, I love these two and have since the first movie came out. I prefer to play Eggsy.
• Canon Adjacent: Two years have gone by since Harry Hart was ‘killed’ by Valentine. Merlin, Eggsy, and Roxy have rebuilt the Kingsman team and have continued to work around the globe to keep the world safe. When Eggsy is sent on a mission out in the states, he’s getting settled in to his lodging when he spots none other than Harry Hart across the street. Harry Hart who has no memory of anything beyond the last two years.
• Undercover Mission: A new crime syndicate has been gaining more notoriety lately. Their HQ? An exclusive resort. In order to investigate what’s going on, Harry and Eggsy go undercover as a couple.
• Retired Harry/Injured Eggsy AU: Harry Hart retired from the Kingsman Agency after the death of Lancelot (Lee Unwin). Now, he runs a butterfly sanctuary down at the science center. Imagine his surprise when he finds a man passed out and bleeding in the middle of the sanctuary when he arrives for work one morning.
Johnlock - John Watson / Sherlock Holmes
Out of nowhere, I’ve been craving these two all over again. I prefer to play John.
• MCU AU: Sherlock Holmes doesn’t believe in sorcery until a case leads him to the Sorcerer Supreme. As things unfold, he becomes the new guardian of the Sanctum, only for CIA operative John Watson to be assigned to make sure he isn’t causing trouble.
• SuperWhoLock AU (minus the Dr. Who): Okay, I know. But hear me out, it’s about to be spooky season. So why shouldn’t Sherlock solve crimes with ghosts and ghouls and vampires? And why shouldn’t John be a blogger who’s been assigned to interview him with absolutely no belief in the supernatural?
• The Kingsman AU: The Kingsman Agency has lost a few members and is actively recruiting. John is brought into the recruiting process thanks to his medical experience in combat. Sherlock is brought in partly because his brother runs the organization, and partly for his crime solving skills. But can they survive training without butting heads?
Symbrock - Eddie Brock / Venom
Should I love them? Probably not. Do I? Absolutely. I prefer to play Eddie.
• Stranger Things AU: What if instead of traveling space, Carlton Drake was focused on opening a portal to the upside down? Only instead of mind flayers and demogorgons, the upside down is inhabited by the symbiotes? Eddie infiltrates the Life Foundation to find that someone has already made it through the portal…
• Far From Home: What if instead of spending all of FFH at the bar, Eddie and Venom find their way to New York City and after a squabble, end up teaming up with Peter Parker?
•Alternate First Movie: Down on his luck, Eddie decides to volunteer for human trials at the Life Foundation. Except Carlton Drake hasn’t been very upfront about what this trial entails.
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shipsahoya · 3 years ago
the funniest development possible in the tumblr ecosystem would be if taika waititi went on to make a gay sherlock show/movie after the copyright expires in 2023
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shipsahoya · 3 years ago
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Quoting Buddie things incorrectly
Part 17/???
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shipsahoya · 3 years ago
trade amber clay roads for the sea foam
buddie | 1.8k | buck is finally ready to buy a couch (except is he)
Eddie pinches the bridge of his nose.
“This is the third store,” he says while Buck stares intently at a price tag, “and the thirty-seventh couch—“
“You’re not keeping count,” Buck says, turning to him with a frown. “Are you?”
Eddie wishes he wasn’t. He didn’t mean to, but it got kind of funny to watch Buck scowl at the tenth couch in a row, the corner of his mouth turned down because the armrests were shaped wrong. 
He’d wanted to save it for after they got the thing up to Buck’s apartment, one of those jokes that would make Buck smile a little reluctantly, with the corners of his eyes crinkling slow and deep: only took ten of them to find the right one . 
Except then the next couch was too hard, and the next one had an awkward split between the cushions that dug into Buck’s leg, and the reclining one was too small for how much money it cost. 
Then they got in the car and tried another store, and then Buck googled a third one nearby, but they’ve only just walked through the door, and Eddie’s already losing faith in Lou’s Fine Furnishings . 
He promised, though. Buck had bitten his lip raw over breakfast a few days ago, then said it all it one breath - I think I'm ready to get a couch - and Eddie had read in the tight wrinkles by the corners of his mouth and said I can come with you , and then Buck had smiled, and that was that. 
But his eyes are starting to hurt from all the artificial lighting, and he hasn't eaten in hours, and Buck is staring at a piece of furniture that doesn't even match his color scheme. 
“It’s the thirty-seventh couch you’ve looked at today,” Eddie finally replies, trying to ignore the headache settling into his temples. “And I'm gonna guess there's something wrong with—what, the headrest?”
Buck blinks at him. “It's the feet,” he mumbles, his gaze falling to the floor. “They're weirdly shaped.” 
He's not wrong, but Eddie hesitates before telling him that. They're going to move on to the thirty-eighth, and then the thirty-ninth, and he's not sure how much more he can take, but then maybe—maybe this is normal. Maybe it should take this long to pick, after all this time. It's been something like eight months since Taylor has moved out, eight months that have seen Buck push his ugly armchair into the yawning space where a couch is supposed to go and then avoid it. Every time Eddie comes over, he finds him upstairs, propped up against his headboard, ignoring that his living space exists at all. 
“Buck,” he says, staring at the miserable slump of his best friend's shoulders. “What are we doing here?” 
And Buck's eyes fly up to his, then, wide, caught . 
Eddie doesn't hesitate - despite the sales assistant hurriedly making her way toward them, despite the brochure Buck is still holding, despite the way his heart is suddenly clawing up the back of his throat, he wraps a hand around Buck's forearm and pulls him back outside. 
It's warm out, even in the middle of winter, but Buck's skin still pebbles with goosebumps under Eddie's touch as he steers them across the parking lot to the truck, all ready to be loaded with the purchase Buck still hasn't made. 
“Buck,” Eddie says again once they're leaning against it, the sun-warmed metal pressing into his hip. “What are we doing here?” 
Buck has had time to bite his lip to a brilliant pink, more distracting than it should be in a moment like this. Eddie's still learning how to leash this impulse to pull Buck close and get a taste at any available opportunity, but now really, really isn't the time. 
“Picking out a couch,” Buck says. He makes no move to pull his arm out of Eddie's grip. 
“Okay,” Eddie says, tilting his head in an attempt to catch Buck's eye. “And why are we picking out a couch?” 
Buck gnaws on his lip again, digging his teeth in so hard the skin underneath goes white. 
“Because I want one.” 
Eddie sighs. “You're really going to make me ask you why a hundred times?” 
He stills. The breath he takes in is slow, controlled, and Eddie counts how long it takes in the beats of Buck's heart against his fingertips. 
“I just think it's—it's been forever,” Buck says. “And there's nowhere for you guys to sit when you come over, and—a new couch isn't going to just drop out of the sky, you know? I'm not gonna find what I'm looking for if I never look, so. I want a couch.” 
He's still curled in on himself, hunched, chin close to his chest. Eddie's had to work harder than usual in the past weeks to understand what's going on in Buck's head, but he still knows the way in. He always knows the way in. 
“What happened to not wanting to pick the wrong one?” he asks, sliding his hand down Buck's forearm until he has Buck's wrist resting carefully in the cage of his fingers. 
Buck shrugs. “I can't have—” he presses his lips together. “It doesn't matter. I can get any one of them, I'll get used to it.” 
“After eight months —Buck,” Eddie says, squeezing around the warm skin on the underside of Buck's wrist. He can feel his own heart beating all the way in his temples, in his bottom lip when he bites down on it. “You never sit in the damn armchair.”
“What?” Buck frowns.
“The armchair?” Eddie says. He feels a little feverish, is probably flushed in that way he can never hope to hide, pink right in the apples of his cheeks, because he hasn’t asked about it, but he has swallowed a million invitations. For Buck to come share their perfectly good couch for a movie night. For him to never leave. “The grand symbol of you staying single and focusing on improving yourself? Ring any bells?” 
Buck’s mouth twists. “That’s not how I said it.” 
“You never sit in it.”
“It’s not comfortable,” Buck replies, and only then seems to realize Eddie’s touching him, because he freezes in place. “Okay? It’s—there’s only one way to sit in it and I can’t lie down and all I see every time I’m there is how fucking empty the place looks and I just want to be—“
“Where?” Eddie asks, a little out of breath. “Where do you want to be, Buck?” 
Buck huffs, a half-laugh. “On a couch. But none of those,” he waves a hand toward the store, where the sales assistant may or may not be watching them through the window, “are what I want. And I thought I wouldn’t mind just buying whatever, but—I don’t want them.”
And the look in his eyes changes, then, into something desperate. Something Eddie has seen aimed at him before, when Buck is standing in the door at the end of the day and tossing his car keys from one hand into the other, shoulder pressed into the doorjamb, painted every shade of gold by the porch light. 
Like he’s begging Eddie to be brave enough.
“I don’t want them, Eddie,” he says, and swallows so heavily that Eddie can track the movement of his throat, the bob of his Adam’s apple. 
“Okay,” Eddie nods, and his hand shakes when he reaches back out, shakes until he closes it firmly in the hem of Buck’s sweater. “Do you—would you maybe—“
Buck takes a step closer. He takes a step closer, the height and breadth of him overwhelming until Eddie has to tilt his chin up just a little, has to breathe in that dizzyingly citrusy cologne Buck is trying and the peppermint gum that lingers on his breath, would probably taste cool on his tongue.
Buck takes a step closer, and Eddie knows, then, by the turned-in tips of his toes and the way he ducks his head, that he’s got this right.
His own heartbeat is deafening in his ears, but Buck is warm, warm skin right under his t-shirt, is home-cooked dinners and early morning school runs, is the way to shore no matter how far out Eddie swims.
“I have this couch,” he says, and Buck grins brilliantly wide, “and you whine my ear off about how uncomfortable it is every time you have to sleep on it, but I think that’s—that’s because it’s not made to be slept on.” 
Buck tilts his head. “No?”
Eddie reaches out his second hand, too, and he's not quite sure where he's going until his palm lands right in the middle of Buck's chest, where Buck’s heartbeat stutters to meet it.
“No,” he says, suddenly quiet. “But it's good for watching movies,” he trails his hand up, a gentle touch to the hollow between Buck's collarbones, “and having a beer at the end of the day,” his fingers on the side of Buck's neck, “and having somewhere to rest when you get home.” 
“Eddie,” Buck says, and when he swallows his time, Eddie feels it against the feverishly hot palm of his hand. 
“I don't know if it meets your ridiculous armrest and cushion and fabric criteria, but—”
“Eddie ,” Buck repeats, his eyes shining. 
“Can we be home for you?” Eddie asks, and it rushes out of him like a waterfall. He has no idea how he's held it in this long. “Me, and Christopher, and the couch?” 
Buck touches him back. His hands, heavy and grounding and so, so warm, land on Eddie's waist, so carefully he feels each fingertip press into skin through the fabric of his shirt. 
“Actually,” Buck says, his voice a little shaky, but the corners of his eyes are crinkling, announcing the smile that spills slow and sweet over his face, “I think you might be the first home I've ever had.” 
Eddie breathes in, and his hand lands on Buck's cheek, holding him there, trying to drink in the look on his face. 
“So the couch—” he starts, but then Buck is laughing, moving into his space, pressing Eddie back against the truck. 
“I love your couch,” he says, with his forehead against Eddie's, their bottom lips brushing as he speaks. “I love you, Eddie, and I'm so—it took me forever, and I bet you knew —”
“I knew you needed a minute,” Eddie says, pulling Buck closer and closer still, “and I knew that was the least I could give you, so.” 
“So,” Buck says, and he's so close Eddie can't see him, but he feels him smile somehow, “now I'm going to kiss you in front of Lou's Furnishings , and Lou's probably watching us through the window and filming it for his Facebook page, and it all could've been avoided if you'd just told me to get a clue—” 
“Buck,” Eddie interrupts, laughing too, a little out of breath with the way Buck's thigh slots between his. 
Buck puts a couple of fingers under Eddie's chin to tilt his head up. “Yeah?” 
“Shut up,” Eddie grins, and kisses him first. 
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shipsahoya · 3 years ago
The Search Intro
Hello hello and welcome to my search thread! I have three specific fandom cravings I need your help with: Hartwin, Johnlock & Symbrock. I’ve got some plots for your consideration below!
I’ve been roleplaying for a long time and prefer to write over Discord (shipsahoya#9763), but can also write over tumblr or email. I have no required word count or paragraph length from you, but do tell me your preference!
I work a busy job full time, so I can’t always post every day. Sometimes I can post multiple times a day and sometimes life gets in the way and it takes me a few days. I’m always happy to chat OOC! Let’s talk, share fanart and fics we like!
As a side note, I do not roleplay with minors. I prefer to roleplay with partners who are 21+.
The Roleplay Ideas
Hartwin - Eggsy Unwin / Harry Hart
Look, I love these two and have since the first movie came out. I prefer to play Eggsy.
• Canon Adjacent: Two years have gone by since Harry Hart was ‘killed’ by Valentine. Merlin, Eggsy, and Roxy have rebuilt the Kingsman team and have continued to work around the globe to keep the world safe. When Eggsy is sent on a mission out in the states, he’s getting settled in to his lodging when he spots none other than Harry Hart across the street. Harry Hart who has no memory of anything beyond the last two years.
• Undercover Mission: A new crime syndicate has been gaining more notoriety lately. Their HQ? An exclusive resort. In order to investigate what’s going on, Harry and Eggsy go undercover as a couple.
• Retired Harry/Injured Eggsy AU: Harry Hart retired from the Kingsman Agency after the death of Lancelot (Lee Unwin). Now, he runs a butterfly sanctuary down at the science center. Imagine his surprise when he finds a man passed out and bleeding in the middle of the sanctuary when he arrives for work one morning.
Johnlock - John Watson / Sherlock Holmes
Out of nowhere, I’ve been craving these two all over again. I prefer to play John.
• MCU AU: Sherlock Holmes doesn’t believe in sorcery until a case leads him to the Sorcerer Supreme. As things unfold, he becomes the new guardian of the Sanctum, only for CIA operative John Watson to be assigned to make sure he isn’t causing trouble.
• SuperWhoLock AU (minus the Dr. Who): Okay, I know. But hear me out, it’s about to be spooky season. So why shouldn’t Sherlock solve crimes with ghosts and ghouls and vampires? And why shouldn’t John be a blogger who’s been assigned to interview him with absolutely no belief in the supernatural?
• The Kingsman AU: The Kingsman Agency has lost a few members and is actively recruiting. John is brought into the recruiting process thanks to his medical experience in combat. Sherlock is brought in partly because his brother runs the organization, and partly for his crime solving skills. But can they survive training without butting heads?
Symbrock - Eddie Brock / Venom
Should I love them? Probably not. Do I? Absolutely. I prefer to play Eddie.
• Stranger Things AU: What if instead of traveling space, Carlton Drake was focused on opening a portal to the upside down? Only instead of mind flayers and demogorgons, the upside down is inhabited by the symbiotes? Eddie infiltrates the Life Foundation to find that someone has already made it through the portal…
• Far From Home: What if instead of spending all of FFH at the bar, Eddie and Venom find their way to New York City and after a squabble, end up teaming up with Peter Parker?
•Alternate First Movie: Down on his luck, Eddie decides to volunteer for human trials at the Life Foundation. Except Carlton Drake hasn’t been very upfront about what this trial entails.
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shipsahoya · 3 years ago
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buck: is silly  eddie: oh hes the love of my life
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shipsahoya · 3 years ago
why these two guys from hannibal always looking like they're about to make out like wtf what you waiting for?
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shipsahoya · 3 years ago
I still think Ed should take Stede back with the intention of breaking his heart this time, only for that plan to go south immediately because he can’t handle Stede being sad
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shipsahoya · 3 years ago
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