shield-agent-parks · 10 years
Casey says:  This was not my child. 
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shield-agent-parks · 10 years
((I have returned!))
Casey nodded.  “We’ll find them alright,” he said, closing the file and handing it back to her.  He smiled when she said her Russian was good.  He decided to respond to her in the foreign language.  “I know enough to get by,” he told her in Russian.  He smirked. 
Hearing his Russian, I smile and nod. "Good" I reply in the same language. After a pause of silence I softly comment, “I admire how you care about the innocents… In this job most of us see everything as a mission, and without the eyes of a human being..”
Casey's smile slowly faded and his expression turned into a more serious one.  "I think of it this way," he started.  "Innocent lives are a lot more than just that.  Those people are important to somebody.  A brother, wife, mother..." he got quiet.  "If I was waiting for a loved one to come home I know it'd mean the world to me, so I just have to make sure I get as many people as I can home alive."  He grinned again as he remembered the first mission that he recovered a hostage.  The feeling he got when he saw them reunited with their family made him want to feel that all the time.
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shield-agent-parks · 10 years
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Casey grinned back.  Great!  She seemed nice and welcoming in person.  Of course Casey wasn't the best at making people feel welcome when they first meet him, but this was a SHIELD agent he respected, and definitely wanted to be on her good side.  He tried to think of something else to say.  The agent was terrible at small talk. "I'd ask you if you've been on any interesting missions lately, but I'm pretty sure the answer will be 'It's classified,'." He chuckled and shook his head.  Oh god, this is exactly why he doesn't make small talk.  
"Agent May," Casey said as he approached Melinda. "It's an honor to meet you." He smiled. Agent May was a legend, and here she was in the flesh.
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"Nice to meet you too, Agent Parks." She flashed a warm and small smile to the other.
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shield-agent-parks · 10 years
phrases that need to be banned from tumblr in 2015
spread this like wildfire!
if you don’t reblog this i’m judging you
it doesn’t matter what type of blog you have you HAVE to reblog this
i can’t believe no one is talking about this
spread this like wildfire
this won’t ruin your blog
stop reblogging pictures of one direction and start reblogging posts about this very important issue that only i the chosen blogger deem worthy of being reblogged!
spread this like wildfire
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shield-agent-parks · 10 years
Christian Kane OC's are the best OC's :)
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grumpy!jake protecting the presents from ezekiel
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shield-agent-parks · 10 years
I want her xD *hugs*
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A funny joke from Chloe Bennet
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shield-agent-parks · 10 years
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shield-agent-parks · 10 years
Casey looked at his hands as he rubbed them together.  "It's true," he said.  "It is hard to really tell, but I guess we can just hope that, now that HYDRA has been revealed most agents have gone to their true sides," he said.  "But there probably are a few agents out there that might be hydra."  He sighed.  People suck.
(Bc I wanna RP Casey with you but never actually get on his RP account :)) "Don't do that!"
((Friend, it would be nice to have you on an RP blog so we can RP xD))
"Don’t do what?"
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shield-agent-parks · 10 years
Tagged by: shield-drhale​
1. What is your name? Casey
2. What is your real name? Casey Eliot Parks
3. Do you know why you were called that? Eliot is the name of my grandfather on my mother's side, and I guess they just liked the sound of the name Casey. 
4. Are you single or taken? Single.
5. Have any abilities or powers? No
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.  Excuse me?
7. What’s your eye color? Blue.
8. How about your hair color? Brown.
9. Have you any family members? My mother and wife have passed away, but I'm still blessed with a loving family, that includes a father, brother, sister, sister-in-law, two nephews, and an amazing daughter.
10. Oh? What about pets? One dog who's as dumb as a doornail, a horse, and a pony for my daughter. 
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like. Coffee.  I hate coffee.
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing? Guitar, cattle roping, horse trainin'... all that good stuff.
13. Ever hurt anyone before? Is that even a real question?
14. Ever….killed anyone before? Really?  Do you know who you're talking to?
15. What kind of animal are you? Homo sapien.
16. Name your worst habits. I'm guilty of grinding my teeth.  Way too much.
17. Do you look up to anyone at all? I know it sounds stupid, but I look up to my daughter.
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual? Straight as you can get.
19. Do you go to school? I went to school.  High school, and of course SHIELD Academy.
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day? That ship has already sailed.
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?  Just one and her name is Abigail.
22. What are you most afraid of? Losing the one thing that means the most to me.
23. What do you usually wear? Jeans, boots, and a comfortable top.  Maybe some flannel, and scarves are pretty cool too.
24. Do you love someone? Yes.
25. When was the last time you wet yourself? I don't remember specifics, but probably when I was a child.
26. Well, it’s not over yet! What?
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class) Middle/high class.  I like to keep things humble, but I'm able to afford nice things for my daughter, who happens to live in a very large estate with my father when she's not home with me in our apartment.
28. How many friends do you have? I don't have friends.
29. What are your thoughts on pie? Apple pie is nostaligic.
30. Favorite drink? Jack Daniels
31. What’s your favourite place? My father's farm, out in the pasture.
32. Are you interested in someone~ No.
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy? Would you like to find out personally?
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean? Lake.
35. What’s your type?  Someone humble and caring.  A woman with a heart bigger than anything.  Preferably someone named Elizabeth.
36. Any fetishes? That's a little personal...
37. Seme or uke? What?
38. Camping or indoors? There's nothing better than a good camping trip.
39. Are you wanting the quiz to end? *shrugs*
40. Tag!
I don't really have many friends so, if you want to do it, go for it!!
0 notes
shield-agent-parks · 10 years
“Nice ta meet’cha Casey,” Ajax grinned at him. It sounded vaguely familiar, but then again Casey wasn’t a name that was as unique as Ajax. Now in theory, he could try to get the train going again, but… “Any ideas why we’re late? Overheard anything?” Maybe if Casey had any idea of the problem, he could get away with fixing it without anyone figuring him out.
"Likewise," Casey said once he let go of Ajax’s hand.  When the man asked Casey why the train was late, he shrugged.  "All I know is we’re stopped.  Could be anything from a blown engine to a problem in the tracks up ahead," he suggested.  All he knew is that he wanted off this damn train!
Oh they were stopped alright. And without going on an expedition to the front of the train chances were they wouldn’t find any answers. Which meant one thing, “Wanna go see what the holdup is?” Because Ajax sincerely doubted this was something normal, especially on a route that normally had no problems in a train that was still relatively sound.
Casey grinded his teeth.  He didn't particularly like being nosey, but he also could feel that something wasn't quite right with the whole situation.  He hesitated, looking out the window and then back to the man.  He didn't know this guy.  He couldn't trust him.  Maybe this was some sort of sick trap by bitter enemies from a past mission.  He looked at the man again.  "Lead the way," he said, standing up, making sure to watch the man's every move.
"Seems like we’re gonna be stuck on this train for an extra three hours." [Hi! ^_^]
Casey looked at his phone.  He was hoping to be home in time to pick Abigail up for dinner, but that wasn’t going to happen now.  “Dammit,” he growled as he shoved his phone back in his pocket. 
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shield-agent-parks · 10 years
So I apologize to anyone I started RP’s with and then  just dropped.  I was stupid and decided to start RPing again right before finals, but yay! Classes are over until January 20th!  So I’m back!  I’ll reply to any old RP’s, but you can decide if you’d like to revive them or not. 
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shield-agent-parks · 10 years
Casey quickly flipped through the papers, scanning them over quickly as he nodded his head. “Yeah,” he agreed, still looking through the file. “Do we know anything about the location of where people are being held? So we can at least set them free too? But yeah, I’d love...
((I have returned!))
Casey nodded.  "We'll find them alright," he said, closing the file and handing it back to her.  He smiled when she said her Russian was good.  He decided to respond to her in the foreign language.  "I know enough to get by," he told her in Russian.  He smirked. 
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shield-agent-parks · 10 years
So I apologize to anyone I started RP's with and then  just dropped.  I was stupid and decided to start RPing again right before finals, but yay! Classes are over until January 20th!  So I'm back!  I'll reply to any old RP's, but you can decide if you'd like to revive them or not. 
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shield-agent-parks · 10 years
I'm such a loser
Like, why would I think it's a good time to start RPing again when it's almost finals week?  Sorry if I'm late on all of my replies.  School is kinda taking the priority here... BUT I WILL GET TO YOU ALL I PROMISE.
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shield-agent-parks · 10 years
Casey quickly flipped through the papers, scanning them over quickly as he nodded his head.  "Yeah," he agreed, still looking through the file.  "Do we know anything about the location of where people are being held?  So we can at least set them free too?  But yeah, I'd love to take out these scummy people.  How's your Russian?" Casey asked.  He himself was almost-fluent in the language.  It came in handy quite a bit.
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shield-agent-parks · 10 years
Casey laughed at the doctor.  "You have a good point," he stopped, thinking for a moment.  "It's a shame such good-intended research has ended up in the hands of such evil people.  I've often wondered about missions.  The people I've killed.  Were they all really bad?  Or was I being used to kill innocent men for a corrupt company?"  He shook his head.  "At least now we know now, for the most part, who the good guys are, but it's true... there could still be moles and double agents."  He grinded his teeth.  He didn't like that thought at all.
(Bc I wanna RP Casey with you but never actually get on his RP account :)) "Don't do that!"
((Friend, it would be nice to have you on an RP blog so we can RP xD))
"Don’t do what?"
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shield-agent-parks · 10 years
He laughed at her first statement, but then he was quiet when she told him about how she saw agents broken.  He nodded.  "I bet you see a lot of crap," he said.  Being a doctor would be hard, not just because of healing people, but also dealing with an agent's emotional state once they've been beaten and bloodied. 
She then asked how he keeps the trust.  "Honestly, Alex," he said.  "I've been asking myself that a lot recently.  Before HYDRA fucked everything up, if you were SHIELD, you were trusted, but now... it's really hard to fully put your trust in anybody."  He smirked.  "You're not HYDRA, are you?"
(Bc I wanna RP Casey with you but never actually get on his RP account :)) "Don't do that!"
((Friend, it would be nice to have you on an RP blog so we can RP xD))
"Don’t do what?"
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