cxptisanarchive · 10 years
shield-drhale replied to your post:.
It makes me really sad to see that you’re anticipating backlash even if you did the right thing :( I’m hoping it doesn’t happen but if it does, I hope, at least, it will be manageable. *hugs*
[unfortunately i know this person. and i need to prepare for the worst. even if i did the right thing, i can't help the feeling that it's going to blow up in my face. >.> which is sad but i need to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. i'm just lucky i have friends who will be here should i need them.]
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shield-drhale · 10 years
Taking a deep breath, and juggling the turkey he'd brought with him, Ajax knocked on Alex's door. The holidays were coming to a close but he'd just now gotten out of work and been able to rush over to spend it with her.
Alex was already asleep when a knock came to her door. Her phone buzzed from the apartment's security system. She swatted it away before lazily making it to the door. "Who's there?" The doctor asked behind the door.
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notsogeniusgirls · 10 years
Tumblr media
"Can I help you with something?"
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thegreatestmarksman · 10 years
[[rumor meme]] I heard you dance well, Agent Barton.
"I am a former SHIELD agent. You need to know that kind of stuff if you want to fit in."
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“I think it’s broken.”
"I thought so…dammit…I always end up breaking something….my ribs just happen to get the worst of it"
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shield-drhale · 10 years
I have faith in you.
Alex on People She Trusts
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lokibannerpool · 11 years
Send me ۞ for my muse’s reaction to accidentally falling on top of yours and kissing them.
Bruce wasn’t usually one to be klutzy, or kiss someone while in the process, his intimidate response was a bright blush appearing on his face. “I-I’m sorry.”
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shield-drhale · 10 years
Hi, I have no shame in doing this off anon, but I find it really ironic that you reblog anti-bullying things while you yourself are gaslighting and abusing another tumblr player! Yes, I am aware of it, and no, you don't get to ask questions. Just enjoy the fact that you are a massive hypocrite and seriously stop doing it.
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thegreatestmarksman · 10 years
Ask the Writer: ✔: A plot you would love to play out with your character
I would love to do some stuff with Clint's potential farm in the next movie.
Like clint getting a farm is literally so great
what if he has animals
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shield-drhale · 10 years
Pucker up!
((Send me Pucker up! to see how my character kisses yours. #22. Kiss in the rain))
Alex blinked and smiled into the kiss, "that's a nice way to brighten up my day." She gently tugs him closer to deepen the kiss.
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shield-drhale · 10 years
I need a distraction.
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shield-drhale · 10 years
((Because both of these are interesting... ☠ and ♦, you choose which verse. >:D))
((This has been answered, you evil little bby :p post prompts and you'll get it. I swear by it muhahahaha))
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