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good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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This blog went to s h i t and I wanna fix it.
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The best part about robots is that they never get tired, they can keep fucking you for hours. So many possibilities for attachments, too!
I know, right?! Robots can be a lot of fun. Oh, but imagine creating some kind of device that makes their pleasure sensors go off whenever you want. You’d have them begging for you to fuck them in no time.
- Mod Naga
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im sorry but even the literal concept of seeing another star wars movie after this next one and another avengers movie after endgame and whatever game of thrones threequel and avatar 93 and indiana jones 7 starring harrison fords corpse and all this marketing and spoiler warning shit and people not being told what theyre doing in scenes to protect the integrity of Who Dies when it all gets leaked 3 weeks in advance anyway by someone posting the plot on reddit and some shitty pandering to some community or another and people saying they really SNAPPED with this one *spasmodic 3 frame repeating gif of the only available shot of idk the caleb gallo guy in a background role in star wars 9 in full makeup as an ewok but hes wearing a rainbow loincloth or smth* and then 12 tumblr users replying with THE BAR IS SO LOW and Sir Your Boots pics and some cast member in an interview making a face that everyone gifs and says ‘you can see the pain shes experiencing because they ruined padme jr’s character arc ugh i feel so bad for her’ and the merch and the advertising campaigns and the official twitter account using a meme only to get 7483 unoriginal SILENCE BRAND replies all while they “reboot” movies that came out less than 20 years ago for 1 billion dollars on amazon prime and produce all female remakes of Peep Show instead of just writing something fucking original for once because they know THEY KNOW that no matter how many people post jeffrey tambor i dont want these dot png in response to the indiewire announcements about yet another disney live action remake people WILL pay money to see whatever shit they churn out as long as they get ONE big name to fart their way through The Songs We Know And Love……………all of this happening…the mere thought of it….is like literally making me want to put myslef in an isolation chamber for the next thousand years and i know i will be dead in like 50 anyway but i want my body to be left in there so even it does not have to come into contact with whatever hot garbage marvel is going to churn out in phase beta or whatever the absolute fuck
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“Because people have begun to lose their hopes and forget their dreams. So, the Nothing grows stronger.”
The Neverending Story (1984)
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A dating service where matching is based on people’s search history exists. You’re a serial killer. You go on a date with a writer.
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Honestly? People say this site is either terrible or dead or both but if you can find your own little niche and just like,,, have some common fucking sense and not interact with groups you don't like it's actually one of the easiest websites to make your own. Idk I significantly prefer the general concept, layout and vibe of this site and of my lil tumblr niche over other social media's. It's just not the same elsewhere??
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that’s the thing about being happy when you’re a poet you lose the ability to write anything worth reading. so much poetry comes from a place of pain, loss, heartbreak. when you’re happy and in love and things are finally going right for the first fucking time in your life that you don’t know what’s going on let alone how to write about it. it’s ironic you’re so happy that you can’t write and that hurts you to the point where you’re in pain again.
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Pssssst they exist! They're herbal; some are vanilla, honey, rose, etc, and they don't have nicotine or anything harmful in them. They're designed to help people quit smoking but I know some people use them for costumes. Just googling herbal cigarettes / nicotine free will find them, I think.
TOH that’s actually kinda cool! I feel that just the act of smoking something is probably not the best for my lunges, but that’s so dope! Thanks for telling me about it.
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my favorite thing about Joker (2019)'s fanbase is that it's not a freakish cult of dude-bros who feel they're "just like the Joker" and are being inspired to commit murders and whatnot because of the film like everyone was predicting. rather it's just a bunch of people, manly women, who just want to love and protect Arthur.
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Trigger warning: Suicide
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Ok guys, I know you’ve all seen like a million of these tumblr posts but
Like and reblog this post as much as possible.
My friend is contemplating suicide and we’ve agreed that for every note this gets, she lives another day.
So please, please like, reblog and comment on this post
I don’t know what I’d do without her
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Sketch Commissions are now open!
For now I can only offer my Sketch Style with simple coloring, since uni is so time consuming already.
If you have interest, please DM me about your desired motif
Yes I draw your OC’s :)
NSFW is only 18+!!
Payment on Ko-fi/Paypal
No commercial use
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"I would die to touch her (fucking) hips."
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