Well, I create ƒєєℓιηgѕ in others that they themselves don't UƝƊƐRSƬAƝƊ, and ʙʟᴀʜ ʙʟᴀʜ ʙʟᴀʜ ʙʟᴀʜ... [an indie, multi-verse roleplay blog for Sally Carrera from Disney Pixar's Cars franchise]
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
OOC: *Rises from the depths of Valhalla* how are you all?
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Dianna Agron & Julianne Hough. Like/reblog if using, and please don’t repost!
#cxrrera#;;wheels keep turnin'#(LOOK I DID A THING)#(don't mind the big jacket)#(Sally was sick so don't mind her)#;;v: a touch of the good life
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Lucas Till & Dianna Agron. Like/reblog if using, and please don’t repost!
#;;to a lost love#(ummm... so I made a manip earlier)#(I'm fine really)#(is totally not fine)#;;wheels keep turnin'
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“ I don’t think you can go that deep with somebody if you don’t find something that you love about them…
We have this obsession with “forever” whether it’s marriage or friendships -
Sometimes it’s much more about the experiences
- the depth of the connection - “
- Dianna Agron
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ooc: things that remind me of lightning and sally
#;;thought we could just go for a drive#;;otp: stop signs and traffic lights#(I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING WHAT EVEN??)
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“You wanna do that?” She asked, tilting her head. “Are you going to USE it?” Liz, these days, was MUCH MORE careful with her money. Even though she DID have her parents to fall back on, she wanted to be as INDEPENDENT as possible. And she did make a lot of money from being an attorney, but she was still careful. She didn’t buy ANYTHING without thinking long and hard about it.
Except new suits. But new suits were always a must.
WELL, SHE definitely preferred this plan than the first. When was she ever going to use that bag again, anyway? “Duh, of course, I’d use it. I was thinking of picking up dance classes again because my exams are done and I'm PRETTY SURE that I don’t have all that much scheduled aside from that road trip that I was planning with some friends.” Ah, the annual road trip that she ALWAYS looked forward to.
“It doesn’t JUST have to be for dance though. They could always be JOGGING clothes.”
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“But one of these days, we’ll figure out how to get it back on the map.”
YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING. I’ve said this numerous times, but I was feeling really lonely on my old main account ( which was from the Sonic Fandom LAUGHS ). Then, I switched over here and I have been loved here ever since. It’s been incredible. And I’ve only been around since February on this account. NEVER did I think Sally would become my main, but here I am trying to beg people to come join the Cars community again. ( Which by the way, if you want to hit me up; WINK WINK )
Town Residents – People Who Have Had the Most Impact
( in no particular order )
ofalibis // agiftedglider // livelyblur // fbiagentwarren // streetxcat // raxcity // lighttningmcqueen // asundrop // travmsoldat // neurotoxinate // iinvulnerable // noretreat–nosurrender // notadiick // actualrealliveanna // a113cowgirl // s3tok41b4 // shehasstandards // rosegaia // thundcrs // bossgenie // drekihilmir
VISITORS – People I’m Not as Close to, but Still ADORE
( in no particular order )
vinterdrxnning // viinter // timelesswcrds // hiswxrriorprincess // paigxnator // sailstherealms // crackedlegend // cosmother // coronianthief // constantgrief // leorexx // illsnaphisneck // prodiitoris // prodigem // coronixn // streetratted // xgentshiftwell // combatsituation // ectoenergy // quickhiit // seriadux // fearsobliviion // withportals // legacycaptain // jaggcd // proelioes // sncwprince // abadassinheels // feiily // xstarjunkie // tentoriumxlignum // eightyontheinterstxte // wayfarcr // fashionsleuth // orangeascot // mxdic // frcsty // goldensplxsh // veilled // piiratescave // fragiliis // fraternus // scrutrix // toocliched // voskreshenii // ofdefense // ofthiievery // ofpenderghast // whatsthesiitch // reubalach
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OOC: My rules page has now been updated!!! Please go and check it out.
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OOC: Tries to set up an autoplay for Ruffnut but fails because a) autoplays aren’t working right now so I have no idea what the hell it could possibly sound like and b) I can’t seem to access/find the ACTUAL SONGS that I want so either way, it’s going to sound a bit meh...
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HE HADN’T INTENDED TO CRASH INTO the other but, when he did, Lightning didn’t exactly have a problem with it. The girl was h o t. Not temperature wise, either. Like cute. Blonde haired and beautiful. The boy was a bit of a lady’s man. Or so he told himself. Really he was just a guy WORKING and taking online college classes by day, and RACING by night. Filling the air with revving engines and squealing tires.
After all, it was all about s p e e d.
Grin flashed across his features while he spun on his heels to look at the woman he had just bumped against. Hands dug into the pockets of his jeans while the smile turned COCKY – a trademark for him by this point. Eyes trailed from her feet to her head, muttering a soft “kachow” to himself as he was pleased with the results.
Excuse the male who really needs a REALITY CHECK.
“Hey, yourself. An’ I can watch. How long y’want me to?”
DESPITE THE fact that she had held the coffee cup at least a foot away from her body upon impact, the lid had still managed to flip off, and the front of her dress was practically SEE-THROUGH. It was such a bad day to wear bra that wasn’t plain, but she didn’t have foresight, and she couldn’t have seen this one coming her way. She highly doubted that anyone had at the speed he’d been walking at when he had RAMMED HIMSELF into her.
He was going to be one of THOSE guys, wasn’t he? A stereotype jock who had left high school behind, but not the attitude. Hazel eyes followed his as he looked up and down her body, and Sally felt the distinct URGE to pull her cardigan tighter around her frame, but her hands were full and that would have meant that he was WINNING. No way was she ever going to let that happen.
Then at his words, she inwardly CRINGED.
“Woah, back up. I didn’t mean watch ME. That’s not something I ever want you to do.” Slight lie. She didn’t like the guy, but that didn’t make her blind. She still had eyes, didn’t she? She could still see that he was moderately attractive.
Okay, maybe a little bit more than that...
“Are you going to offer to help me or what?”
#rustiize#;;v: living the high life#(his FC's fine!)#(she's about nineteen/twenty right now so it's all good!)#(SHE'S NOT GOING TO LET THIS GO BTW)#(She's gonna go home to her friends and probably rant about it)#(Like 'Some ass got coffee on my dress and I had to rush home again to get changed')#('day ruined')
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post a picture of your faceclaim for each mood:
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LIZ COULD BE SENTIMENTAL SOMETIMES, but she kind of wanted to get rid of the bag. But she wouldn’t without Sally’s complete consent on the matter. “…So what do you wanna do? Try to wash everything in there? It may take, like, three cans of Febreeze and two washes in the washing machine.”
IT SOUNDED tempting enough, but the room was starting to smell like an old gym that hadn’t been cleaned out in ten years, even WITH the bag all zipped up again. “As much as I would love to do that, Liz,” she began, tapping the side of the bag with the pen that she had been holding. “I think I’m getting a headache from the fumes its giving off. We could always just go into town and get a whole new dance wardrobe?”
#cxrrera#(they're making the same faces in our ICONS)#(excuse me whilst I hug our FCs)#;;v: a touch of the good life
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“Shoutout to all the role-players who put lots of love, care, and effort into their character(s) and never seem to get recognized for it. Maybe no one’s noticed yet. Maybe you play an unpopular character, or you play a character so popular that you get lost in the shuffle. Maybe you’re just not friends with people who do shoutouts. But the community appreciates what you do, unrecognized role-player, even if the community doesn’t know it. Cheers to you.”
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A face that could melt a thousand hearts
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I know what you’re going to say, Stoick. How could I have done this? Stayed away all these years? And why didn’t I come back to you? To our son? Well, what sign did I have that you could change, Stoick? That anyone on Berk could? I pleaded so many times to STOP the fighting, to find another answer, but did any of you listen? I know that I left you to raise Hiccup alone, but I thought he’d be better off without me. And I was wrong. I see that now! But… Oh, stop being so stoic, Stoick! Go on! SHOUT! Scream! Say S O M E T H I N G !
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