shaylenefaearaya · 4 days
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I know my memes suck but boy are they fun😙
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shaylenefaearaya · 4 days
𝕞𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕤𝕡Ø 𝕕𝕦𝕞𝕡
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shaylenefaearaya · 6 days
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My favourite low cal foods/drinks
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shaylenefaearaya · 11 days
Sweet mealspø
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Found on 📌
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shaylenefaearaya · 12 days
Body Dysmorphia - Raye
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shaylenefaearaya · 25 days
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shaylenefaearaya · 25 days
Slim spring 💚🌷
Skinny summer 🩷🐚
Fasting fall 🧡🍂
Weightless winter 🩵❄️
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shaylenefaearaya · 1 month
They don't know I've pulled my fitbit out of storage and charged it.
They don't know I'm making myself a list of low calorie food to keep for myself.
They don't know I've been skipping meals again.
They don't know I feel like everything is spiraling and I need to have something to hold on to. Even if it's just my poor coping habits.
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shaylenefaearaya · 1 month
𝕞𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕤𝕡Ø 𝕕𝕦𝕞𝕡
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shaylenefaearaya · 1 month
On the go mealsp0
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Just a little reminder to drink your water, esp with the warmer weather!
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shaylenefaearaya · 1 month
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shaylenefaearaya · 1 month
I love writing down meal plans but I just discovered that visualising them like this is so much nicer!
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shaylenefaearaya · 1 month
(needed to make my own.. )
220lbs/ 100kg: You're officially obese. We all know you are even if you try to justify that you're just tall. This needs to stop now. People ignore you, grimace when they see your rolls. You're invisible to everyone who isn't like you. Your doctor has given you the ultimatum speech already about your future and actions..
200lbs/90kg: You're starting to lose weight. Your family is starting to notice and congratulate you. You can't notice much yet, but you push through.
180lbs/80kg: Your clothing is becoming baggy, and you've made a few new friends due to your new weight loss. They might not be the most popular, but at least you're not alone all the time now.
160lbs/70kgs: You're getting closer to a healthy BMI. Your family is so proud of your new healthy life style. You have made even more friends, even if you havent been invited to a party yet. No longer being one of the fattest people in school has raised your confidence ever so slightly.
140lbs/ 60kg: You're finally getting the recognitions you deserve. The popular kids invite you out now. You may be the biggest in the group, but they find you acceptable enough to chill with. Your first party was amazing even if you're the only one without a date. But it's okay, guys are starting to notice you and your curves (since you're not a fatty anymore) a little now.. so maybe soon.
125lbs/55kg: You look healthy, built, and an inspiration to all. Your old friends envy your dedication and ask for advice. Family members all ask you how you did it. Your doctor congratulates you on your successful diet. You had your first kiss.. and maybe more. You feel empowered by your weight loss.. so why stop?
110lbs/50kg: You are skinny. There is no doubt about it. One of the lighter people in the popular group. Your family tells you how much of a twig you look like now, expecting you to stop anytime soon. Guys notice you and hit on you all the time now. it's the norm. Anyone could assume your athletic ability to be high by just glancing at you.
100lbs/ 45kg: You are light. anyone can easily pick you up, and many guys take an interest in that. Your family is worried, and so is your doctor as you reach a measly underweight bmi. You are the smallest of your newfound group, always getting free clothing that happens to not fit them anymore (and maybe they are getting jealous of you too..)But something inside tells you that maybe you can push a bit harder..
80lbs/ 35kg: You are bones. Your veins stick out of your skin. You are like a piece of paper. Your family wants you to get help, your popular friends think you're too thin now.. But you don't care. You are the smallest person in school, and you love it. Guys dont flock at your feet anymore, but the ones who do love your small size. Your doctor wants you to seek even more professional help.. because we know if this continues, this might be the last weight post there is..
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shaylenefaearaya · 1 month
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shaylenefaearaya · 1 month
“omg i havent eaten alllll dayyyy”
who the fuck asked tho 🤭🤭
like, its fucking 11am. relax shorty. im 29 hours in
stop saying this shit in front of my face u mentally stable fucks bc now im adding 11 hours to spite u. (im toxic but its okay .. its a symptom)
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shaylenefaearaya · 1 month
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shaylenefaearaya · 2 months
Benefits of intermittent fasting!
But first, the levels of it.
Level 0
0-12 hours -
At 4/8 hrs all food has left the stomach, blood sugars fall and insulin is no longer produced.
At 12 hrs all food consumed has been burnt, digestive system goes to sleep, body begins healing process, HGH (human growth hormone) begins to increase, glucagon is released to replace blood sugars.
Level 1
12-18 hours -
At 14 hrs body has converted to using its stored fat for energy, HGH increases dramatically.
At 16 hrs body is ramping up fat burning.
Level 2
18-24 hrs -
At 18 hrs HGH starts to skyrocket.
At 24 hrs autophagy begins, all glycogen stores are drained, ketones are released into the blood stream.
Level 3
24-48 hrs -
At 36 hours autophagy increases by 300%
Level 4
48-54 hrs -
Autophagy increases 30% more.
Immune system reset.
Level 5
54-72 hrs -
Regeneration starts.
Increased reduction in inflammatory response.
Level 6
72 hrs +
Autophagy maxes out.
Taking things into consideration, the benefits are:
Skin- reduces inflammation and acne.
Heart- HDL goes up - LDL and blood pressure go down.
Pancreas- insulin sensitivity, reduces blood sugar.
Gut- reduces reflux (GERD), reduces GI inflammation, improves microbiome.
Muscle- catabolic sparing, pain is reduced.
Bones- reduces pain
Extra Benefits:
reduces cancer risk, rise in stem cells.
Reproductive system:
Reduces PCOS risk (Polycistic ovaries syndrome) , improves fertility.
improves sleep and mood, reduces Alzheimer risk, increases focus and energy.
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