Sharon Hebert
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sharonthebert-blog · 7 years ago
Wordpress Business Web Design in Perth and Bunbury - DKG Creative is a boutique web design company based in Perth, Western Australia. We also service regional areas of Western Australia in particular Bunbury, Kalgoorlie and Esperance. We develop cost effective cutting edge simple to operate business websites for corporate, SME, small business and tradesman. All our business websites have a (CMS) Content Management System to allow easy update to your business website administration. Every business website is purpose built to suit our client‘s unique business and marketing requirements.
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sharonthebert-blog · 7 years ago
Wordpress Web Developer Perth and Bunbury
DKG Creative is a web design and digital marketing company that has been working in the industry for more than 20 years now. In that time we have developed a reputation for providing first-class professionalism and quality at unbeatable prices.
What stands DKG Creative apart from other web design and SEO companies is the way we work with our clients to transform their business from offline to online, our communication in keeping you abreast of what to expect before it happens, and the support we give to ensure that your online business is on track for success and that you are aware of new technologies and market trends. We don’t build your site and run, we are here to work with you.
At DKG Creative, we believe that this highly professional and effective level of service should be available to everyone – from small businesses to individual entrepreneurs. That’s why we strive to bring the kind of premium quality you associate with those A-list brands in an affordable package. Our dedication is to providing the very best design and marketing services for the best prices on the net.
Let Us Help Your Business Today!
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sharonthebert-blog · 7 years ago
Tips For Dog Walking in Summer
Summer in Australia is a wonderful time to get out with your dog, bond and get fit while enjoying the great outdoors.
Make playtime safe
A walk is a fun time for your dog to explore and to play and exercise and burn off a lot of pent up energy. So make sure you always have a safe ball, frisbee or other throw toy ready at your disposal. Most dogs will pick up a stick in their excitement and beg you to throw it. Resist temptation to do this. Many dogs safely catch sticks hundreds of times, however as veterinarians see too often, it can be a fatal choice for your dog. Having something safe on hand will make it easier to resist the temptation.
Hot surfaces can burn
Roads and pavements can heat up rapidly in days of high temperatures. Unless you are walking your dog barefoot, you most likely will not know whether the ground has the potential to burn your dog's paws. There is a very simple test: put the back of your hand on the pavement, and if you can't keep it there for five seconds, it's too hot for your dog's feet. Obviously the best time to walk is in the early morning or late afternoon, but if this is not possible, there are ways you and your pal can enjoy a walk without ending in painful burning and blistering. If your dog is happy in the car this is a safe way to get to and from your favourite shady park. Check out some other helpful tips here.
Beware of snakes
As the weather begins to heat up one creature that begins to become very active in our bush and wetlands are snakes. It would not be much fun for us or our dogs to avoid these areas in summer as they are so much more scenic and tranquil than the suburban streets but we do need to be aware and alert. We don't often see the snakes that are present as they tend to avoid confrontation. An inquisitive dog however can easily disturb and scare a snake into inflicting a potentially lethal bite. It is almost impossible to find a snake bite on a dog so it is important to know the signs and to seek help immediately.  
Water is vital
Hydration is essential. We all know dogs pant to keep cool. As they exhale water is expired from their tongue, this respiration regulates their body temperature. A dog's nose must also be sufficiently moist to be able to pick up scents, making your walk more interesting and pleasurable. always be on the look out for the signs of dehydration and make sure to take water with you on a long walk or at least have a big supply of fresh cool water ready for your return.  All the beautiful dogs pictured on this page are out on walks with their dog walkers from Pet Friends a Perth based pet care business which has been providing pet services including walking, holiday care and boarding since 1995. We look forward to loving your furry friends as much as you do.
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sharonthebert-blog · 7 years ago
A Healthy Diet = A Happy Dog
Special Offer from Aussie Dog Food
 The Australian Dog Food Company is pleased to be able to offer Pet Friends/The Poop Scoop Service customers a special offer on its Original Recipe dry dog food formula. Aussie Dog Food is made from all natural, farm sourced Australian ingredients infused with a family of 9 pre and probiotics. When fed exclusively Aussie Dog Food improves the gut health of our four legged friends in every stage of their life. 
Feeding your dog with the Australian Dog Food pre & probiotic dry dog food recipe can help:
Improve your dog’s gut health, skin and coat condition healthy dog, healthy lawn
Reduce lawn burn from your dog’s urine
Assist your dog to make firmer, less smelly stools
Assist your dog to maintain a healthy body weight
Improve your dog’s general health and well being
Improve your dog’s smelly breath
  The Pre & Probiotic Formula
Aussie Dog Food range Aussie Dog Food is infused with the patented formula that is shown to have a beneficial effect on the Gastrointestinal tract ('the gut') of dogs. The recipe contains a blend of prebiotics, probiotics and enzymes. Probiotics are supplements that contain beneficial bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria, a component of yoghurt, is the most common microbe used as a probiotic. Beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract stimulates the production of antibodies and improves the function of the immune system. Enzymes help allow for the most complete breakdown of ingested food. Thorough digestion means higher rates of food conversion and nutrient absorption into your dog’s circulatory system.
Affects of Pre & Probiotics on the Gut of Dogs
Produces creatine so mass is turned into muscle instead of fat.
Assists in the elimination of stool and urine odour.
Decreases ammonia in the urine to reduce lawn burn.
Helps increase immunity and fertility.
Aids digestion, inhibits pathogen growth, increases vitamin and mineral absorption, reduces side effects of antibiotics.
Assists with inhibiting pathogen growth, helps prevent infections, helps maintain immune system, aids in healthy stool formation, supports dental health, supports healthy skin and coat.
Helps prevent diarrhoea, deterrent to respiratory infections, helps increase T-cell formation, helps reduce inflammation.
A healthier inside makes for a happier family life with your furry friend.
healthy dog, happy dog
Aussie Dog Food is pleased to provide a 20% discount to Pet Friends and The Poop Scoop Service customers. Simply go to and enter code PETFRIENDS at checkout to receive your discount.
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sharonthebert-blog · 7 years ago
Pet Friends Extends Their Pet Sitter and Dog Walker Services To Ballajura, Duncraig, Ellenbrook, Aveley And The Vines
Pet Friends are proud to announce the following services into new suburbs ...
Pet Sitter Ballajura
Pet Carer Ballajura
Pet Minder Ballajura
Dog Walker Ballajura
Pet Sitter Duncraig
Pet Carer Duncraig
Pet Minder Duncraig
Dog Walker Duncraig
Pet Sitter Ellenbrook
Pet Carer Ellenbrook
Pet Minder Ellenbrook
Dog Walker Ellenbrook
Pet Sitter Aveley
Pet Carer Aveley
Pet Minder Aveley
Dog Walker Aveley
Pet Sitter The Vines
Pet Carer The Vines
Pet Minder The Vines
Dog Walker The Vines
Residents in Ballajura, Duncraig, Ellenbrook, Aveley and The Vines can contact Pet Friends on 0418 728 455 or on our website here.  
Follow the links to learn more about our pet sitter service and our dog walker service.
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