Clone Shanty Central
30 posts
Hey y’all! Liz here, from @captainrexisboo! This is a place for y’all to submit various shanty revisions, lyrics, and general ideas on what our favorite vode would sing about in their downtime. Love y’all!!!
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shantiesofthegar · 4 years ago
I think clone shanties include ones about
• Clankers
• how their waves just keep coming (despair)
• how stupid they sound/look (mockery)
• losing brothers to them (dirge, perhaps?)
• Jedi
• shenanigans (a rousing tune, probably a drinking song)
• heroics (upbeat to increase morale)
• Legendary figures
• Definitely Cody and Rex (posterboys)
• Legendary Clone Trooper 6969, whose dick was so big his codpiece broke the first time he went into battle, taking out at least 5 battle droids with the shrapnel. (Silly upbeat song)
• Obi-Wan, Anakin, Plo, since they cared so much about their men
• Making fun of Separatists. That's it that's the whole genre.
• How much Kamino sucked
• Humourous jests about Shinies
• Mourning the lost
• Resignation to the fact that they could die literally whenever
• Hopeful songs about what they imagine it might be like to live as free men after the war
@hydrangea-vortex I’m hurriedly making notes as you speak thank you
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shantiesofthegar · 4 years ago
Sweet Spanish Ladies ➡️ Mesh’la Dala
I only have the first verse but I’d love your input:
Farewell and adieu, to you mesh’la dala
Farewell and adieu, to you mesh’la dala
For we’ve received orders, to fly to ol’Corrie
And we may ne’er see you sarade again
We’ll rant and we’ll roar, like true Mando’ade
We’ll range and we’ll roam, ‘cross the galaxy
Until we strike landings on the tops of ol’Corrie
From Ryloth to Naboo- tis 35 leagues
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shantiesofthegar · 4 years ago
Hahahahahahahaha I have a new outlet for my shanty addiction and I WILL make that everyone else’s problem
@captainrexisboo @leias-left-hair-bun what do you think of this shanty for the Coruscant Guard?? Its based off The Chemical Workers song by Great Big Sea
(also if u have suggestions for the third verse I am Open to Suggestion cause I’d like to make it about watching your back on Coruscant but idk how to do it lol)
Well a Corrie guard am I and I’m telling you no lie
I work and breathe among nat-borns who watch the war go by
There’s treason all around me and Sedition in the air
There’s a lousy smell that smacks of hell and corruption in the air
But its go boys go and time your every breath
Cause every day you’re in this place your two days nearer death
But you go
Well I’ve patrolled the underbelly and I’ve breathed the oily smoke
Listened to the senates osik and it nigh on makes you choke
I’ve stood kneedeep in battlefields been shot with a lazer burn
Its fekking rough I’ve seen enough to make your stomach turn
Keep reading
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shantiesofthegar · 4 years ago
JO I love you- thanks so much for your input! I love that vent line!!
These are all awesome notes, exactly what I was looking for, thanks hun!!! 🥰🥰🥰 -Liz
Cap’ns Lookin For Ya
Hey guys! I’m writing this kinda silly one, gonna be pretty goofy and upbeat! I’m having some issue with the last four lines of the third verse. I’ll put the lyrics I do have under the read more!
The last four lines of each verse are supposed to equal 29 beats altogether, you can see the first verse rounds off it’s last four lines with 8/7/7/7, but the second verse ends it 8/7/8/6. As long as it follows the AABC rhyming flow, the beats can be pretty flexible as long as it rounds out to 29.
Let me know if you have any suggestions!!! I’m open to anything!!! - Liz
The Cap’ns lookin for ya, vod
He’s got a bone to pick
The Cap’ns lookin for ya, vod
Ya better scurry quick
He ain’t got time for humor
He ain’t got time for games
He’s stalking up an’ down the ship
There’s a snarl on his lip
His trigger fingers twitchin’
An’ he’s clenchin’ up his fists
The Cap’ns lookin for ya, vod
‘Gets closer ev’ry step
The Cap’ns lookin for ya, vod
Ya’d bett’r luck facin’ seps
He’s checkin ev’ry closet
He’s checkin ev’ry floor
He’s grumblin’ somethin’ real low
There’s a growl deep in his throat
His teeth are grindin’ so damn hard-
His jaw! It kriffin’ clicks
The Cap’ns lookin for ya, vod
Barely a breath away
The Cap’ns lookin for ya, vod
S’like he can smell your scent
Kriffin’ what’d ya do kid?
Never seen him so mad-
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shantiesofthegar · 4 years ago
I don’t think you have an AABC rhyming flow
It’s more like ABAB for the “chorus” sections - which is broken in the third one. (A  The Cap’n’s lookin’ for you vod  B  Barely a breath away  A  The Cap’n’s lookin’ for you vod  C  S’like he can smell your scent )
[You can replace the second line with:  He’s over by that vent. This keeps the telling the vod where the captain is while retaining the rhyme scheme from previous verses]
And then ABCCDE ABCDEF - so the second verse breaks that AABC rhyming flow. Then in terms of beats First non chorus verse: 7-6-8-7-7-7 for a total of 42 Second non chorus verse: 7-6-7-7-8-6 for a total of 41
An easy way to reconcile this is to add a superfluous and somewhere in the last four lines so that the second verse reads: He’s checkin ev’ry closet He’s checkin ev’ry floor He’s grumblin’ somethin’ real low [And] there’s a growl deep in his throat His teeth are grindin’ so damn hard- His jaw! It kriffin’ clicks (This ends up being 7-6-7-8-8-6, but matches the 29 beats in the last 4 lines rule)
[Alternatively in order to match the first verse’s rhyme scheme I suggest: Growlin’ ‘bout some sudden death, He’s grumblin’ somethin’ ‘neath his breath Which keeps the 7-6-7-8-8-6 beat as proposed above]
So matching the first non chorus’s rhyme scheme, repetition in the first two lines and overall 29 beats in the last four may I suggest: 7  He’s sayin’ you’ll be headless 6  He’s sayin’ you’ll be dead 7  What’d you kriffin do, kid? 7  Never seen him flip this lid, 8  Thought you promised to be good, lad 7  I won’t be savin’ your skin
Lots of love - Jo
Cap’ns Lookin For Ya
Hey guys! I’m writing this kinda silly one, gonna be pretty goofy and upbeat! I’m having some issue with the last four lines of the third verse. I’ll put the lyrics I do have under the read more!
The last four lines of each verse are supposed to equal 29 beats altogether, you can see the first verse rounds off it’s last four lines with 8/7/7/7, but the second verse ends it 8/7/8/6. As long as it follows the AABC rhyming flow, the beats can be pretty flexible as long as it rounds out to 29.
Let me know if you have any suggestions!!! I’m open to anything!!! - Liz
The Cap’ns lookin for ya, vod
He’s got a bone to pick
The Cap’ns lookin for ya, vod
Ya better scurry quick
He ain’t got time for humor
He ain’t got time for games
He’s stalking up an’ down the ship
There’s a snarl on his lip
His trigger fingers twitchin’
An’ he’s clenchin’ up his fists
The Cap’ns lookin for ya, vod
‘Gets closer ev’ry step
The Cap’ns lookin for ya, vod
Ya’d bett’r luck facin’ seps
He’s checkin ev’ry closet
He’s checkin ev’ry floor
He’s grumblin’ somethin’ real low
There’s a growl deep in his throat
His teeth are grindin’ so damn hard-
His jaw! It kriffin’ clicks
The Cap’ns lookin for ya, vod
Barely a breath away
The Cap’ns lookin for ya, vod
S’like he can smell your scent
Kriffin’ what’d ya do kid?
Never seen him so mad-
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shantiesofthegar · 4 years ago
Cap’ns Lookin For Ya
Hey guys! I’m writing this kinda silly one, gonna be pretty goofy and upbeat! I’m having some issue with the last four lines of the third verse. I’ll put the lyrics I do have under the read more!
The last four lines of each verse are supposed to equal 29 beats altogether, you can see the first verse rounds off it’s last four lines with 8/7/7/7, but the second verse ends it 8/7/8/6. As long as it follows the AABC rhyming flow, the beats can be pretty flexible as long as it rounds out to 29.
Let me know if you have any suggestions!!! I’m open to anything!!! - Liz
The Cap’ns lookin for ya, vod
He’s got a bone to pick
The Cap’ns lookin for ya, vod
Ya better scurry quick
He ain’t got time for humor
He ain’t got time for games
He’s stalking up an’ down the ship
There’s a snarl on his lip
His trigger fingers twitchin’
An’ he’s clenchin’ up his fists
The Cap’ns lookin for ya, vod
‘Gets closer ev’ry step
The Cap’ns lookin for ya, vod
Ya’d bett’r luck facin’ seps
He’s checkin ev’ry closet
He’s checkin ev’ry floor
He’s grumblin’ somethin’ real low
There’s a growl deep in his throat
His teeth are grindin’ so damn hard-
His jaw! It kriffin’ clicks
The Cap’ns lookin for ya, vod
Barely a breath away
The Cap’ns lookin for ya, vod
S’like he can smell your scent
Kriffin’ what’d ya do kid?
Never seen him so mad-
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shantiesofthegar · 4 years ago
Clone Shanties and Songs to Keep Track of
As of now they aren’t in any particular order or grouping by genre. This might change.
Some of these songs did not have titles in their original posts/submissions so some of these are working titles. Send in an ask and we’ll change it to whatever you want to call it. Same policy for the short descriptions afterwards, if you want anything added let us know and we’ll fix it.
The 501st On Leave (Drinking Song) - to the tune of the Colonel Bogey March [An upbeat song about the kind of antics that the 501st gets up to when they’re not fighting the good fight; Under a cut for adult implications (including references to drinking, drugs, violence, gambling, and sex.)] by @crystalshard
The Negotiator comes - to the tune of the Wellerman [Sung by the 501st when they are waiting for the 212th for reinforcements] by @songbird-wings
What Will We do with a Drunken Jedi? - to the tune of What do you do with a Drunken Sailor [sung by the 501st and the 212th; nobody’s quite sure which Jedi they’re talking about in the last section, a series of bets has been placed since there’s been multiple reported sightings of several Jedi sneaking off with politicians] by @songbird-wings
Leave her, Brother - to the tune of Leave her Johnny! [sung by the Shinies leaving Kamino for the first time] by @songbird-wings
The General’s Robes are Gone - [I don’t know the tune, but it just gets louder as every trooper joins in, and definitely something to make fun of Obi Wan specifically for a great time] by @alderaani
Jetii at Our Side - to the tune of My Jolly Sailor Bold [I think it speaks for itself, or sings for itself in this case] by @rose-blooms-red
He’s Got No Robes At All - (don’t know the tune) [Another song about how General Kenobi loses his robes, although maybe more popular amongst all the battalions since it seems that all Jedi adhere to a strict code of dramatics] by @the-stars-are-warring
Corrie Guards’ Guides for the Shinies - to the tune of Excursion ‘Round the Bay [Fun song about all the things you can do wrong and be put on Commander Fox’s bad side. A rejected, suggested title was going to be What does the Fox (Make you) Say] by @leias-left-hair-bun
“Bless” ‘em All - to the tune of Bless ‘em All [I love this song. It’s so great. I love it. It’s incredible and sensational, and definitely speaks to the Clones’ ability to deal with every single thing with a shit-eating grin as they mentally curse all the bad ideas and plans that they have to deal with. I do recommend listening to the version by Sods’ Opera (warning for language though)] by @leias-left-hair-bun
When the Last Ship’s Launched - no particular tune, suggestions welcome! [It’s sad, you have been warned. Also a ShantiesOfTheGAR original] by @shantiesofthegar
Growing up on Kamino - (don’t know the tune) [The clones bond about many things, and they share many things, being clones. And while they disagree on many things, one thing they can all agree on, is that Kamino Cloning Labs was a shitty place to grow up] by @kyber-queen
Good Soldiers Follow Orders - (no tune yet) [You might say “this is a poem”. And you’d be correct. But aren’t all songs just poems put to a beat. Certainly read better poetry than a lot of lyrics out there. This is very good and was prefaced with the phrase “Jesse Angst”. This is a very apt description. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that it’s not made popular until after the Clone Wars, deals with thoughts, feelings and the fallout of Order 66.] by @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life
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shantiesofthegar · 4 years ago
I know this is a poem...but like I can definitely put a time on this, the ebb and flow of the words- my mind, it be thinking 👀 -Liz
Good Soldiers Follow Orders.
A/N: Here. Have some Jesse angst that was inspired by this by @reyskitchensink. Tagging @captainrexisboo and @your-clone-boyfriend because we were talking about this last night 😊
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
Until the day is done.
Good Solders Follow Orders,
Until the battles won.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
Fighting on till dawn.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
Until their lives are gone.
Good Solders Follow Orders,
They’ll fight till their last breath.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
Even if it means their death.
Good Solders Follow Orders,
All the Jedi must die.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
No one is asking why.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
But what if they are wrong?
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
They can’t stop the dark sides song.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
Even if they’re against a brother.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
They’ll have to kill one another.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
They just can’t stop the madness.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
Even if it leads to so much sadness.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
Rex, I just can’t tell you why.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
I can’t deny the inhibitor chips cry.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
I still love you with all my heart.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
Even though we must now part.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
I don’t feel like myself.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
But I can’t ask you for help.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
I’m screaming in my mind.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
Just please leave me behind.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
Please kill me and end this nightmare.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
Sparing me will get you nowhere.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
Goodbye my dearest brother.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
You were a Captain like no other.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
At last, I can have peace.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
Now that my life has ceased.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders,
I say with my last breath.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders.
And I followed them. Until. My. Death.
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shantiesofthegar · 4 years ago
Incredible! - Jo
So, one of my discords has been having great fun making Star Wars versions of Shanties and ‘My Jolly Sailor Bold’ came up and I decided to give it a go! the second verse is a bit rough and doesn’t rhyme, but! i’m pretty happy with it!
And thank you to all the lovely people on discord who encouraged me to share this!!
Jetii at Our Side
Upon the spaceships docking, I carefully set foot, Upon the ground of Felucia, moving through the roots, Moving through the jungle, clankers close ahead Our Jetii moving forward, our hearts all full of dread
My soul is that of manda I disdain all cowardly stride But the battle never seems to end Though our Jetii’s at our side.
Us clones we may be many, but short our lives have been We march beside our jetii and fight against the tide The war it stretches onwards, each hour could be our last So we fight with heart and passion, til the Sep’s all meet their end
My soul is that of manda I disdain all cowardly stride But the battle never seems to end Though our Jetii’s at our side. The clanker’s closing in now, we hold out while we can But the seppie’s got some upgrades, while we lose man after man My brother’s marching on now, I’ve not yet lived past ten They welcome me as I fall, no more to breathe again
My soul is that of manda I disdain all cowardly stride But the battle never seems to end Though our Jetii’s at our side.
My soul is that of manda I disdain all cowardly stride But the battle never seems to end Though our Jetii’s at our side.
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shantiesofthegar · 4 years ago
Currently working on one titled Do as I say, Not as I do (inspired by the suggestions of @the-stars-are-warring) I’ve got the general idea of 4-5-2 in terms of 4 lines to set up, 5 lines to deliver, 2 line chorus. My favorite (and admittedly the only completed section - the other verses are half written at the moment) is: And when the Seppies are coming, And you’ve run out of all shots, A voice you’ll hear a-calling “I got this, boys! Fear not ” 
She laughs and laughs as she fires them off The Senator’s brought her own gun   I know what you’re saying, no really I do But do you want to tell her? Would you? To Do as I say, and not as I do.
Do as I say not as I do.  Do as I say not as I do.   Do as I say not as I do. Much less work for a trooper to do   
I’d like some help with the middle bit of a different verse. I’ve written this out so far:
“And what do you do when your gun gets jammed?”
“You use your feet and you use your hands!” Oh the good commander groans, as the clankers’ heads get slugged and crushed:
“Do as I say, boys. Not as I do!”
And cannot for the life of me get it to make sense. I’d love some help. - Jo
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shantiesofthegar · 4 years ago
In the process of collecting and cataloguing all the shanties that have been written so far. Feel free to submit some as you come across them in the wild. Might also be reaching out to some people to also get some of these song’s named. Eventually might get so bold to divide them into genres by lyrical contents as well as the type of suggested tune. As always would love to hear thoughts and opinions and song suggestions for adaptations (I wouldn’t just limit it to shanties in particular work songs in general are good too!) Love -Jo
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shantiesofthegar · 4 years ago
Thanks Pro 🤩🤩🤩❤️❤️❤️
Sea Shanties 101: Let's explore
If you've any experience in sea shanties, you've probably noticed they don't all sound the same. Some are slow, some are fast, and some are just downright sad! Well there's method behind the melody, and I'm here to tell you all about it!
A shanty frequently contains a CALL, which is what the shantyman would sing out, essentially the verses of the song, and the RESPONSE, which is what the men would sing back. For example in Haul Away Joe: the call is "Louis was the king of France before the revolution," and the response is "heave away, haul away Joe."
One of the first things to keep in mind is that shanties were used most frequently during tasks that required most of the crew. I'm now going to separate these types of work shanties into categories:
CAPSTAN SHANTIES: these shanties were used for repetitive work that was sustained, such as raising the ship's anchor at the capstan. Examples? Randy Dandy-Oh, Drunken Sailor, Eliza Lee, Barrett's Privateers (though this was written long after the age of sail!)
HALYARD SHANTIES: sung during tasks that took a very long time and required a break for a breath before the men started up again, such as hoisting a sail. Examples? Blow the Man Down, Leave Her Johnny, Hanging Johnny (Johnny really took the piss huh)
PUMPING SHANTIES: let's hope you didnt have to do a lot of pumping! Wooden ships were prone to leaking and so pumping out the water was necessary but tiresome work below decks. Examples? Santiana, Pump Shanty (surprise there)
SHORT-HAUL SHANTIES: for quick work, like shortening sails! Examples? Haul Away Joe, Paddy Doyle's Boots, Haul on the Bowline
There's some of our task shanties! Now why don't we go below and see what our off-duty men are getting up to?
Why, they're singing FO'C'SLE SHANTIES! These shanties are stories of life at sea, the work they'd done, the places they'd been, they can tell you a lot about a sailor's life. Examples? Rolling Down to Old Maui, Ben Backstay, All for me Grog
Fun! How about those far away in the polar seas hunting whales? Well I'm glad you asked because this is where we encounter WHALING SHANTIES! And yes, you guessed it, this is where Wellerman comes in! Other examples include Bonnie Ship the Diamond, The Greenland Whaler Fisheries
Now of course the most important rule of sea shanties is to have fun with your buds! Be sure to tell everyone you know about your newly-acquired shanty knowledge!
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shantiesofthegar · 4 years ago
She’s so AMAZING 🤩 just popped up on my fyp tonight-
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shantiesofthegar · 4 years ago
well the general is tall and slim and he'd a robe for every limb
But now he's got no robes at all for he went to tea with a seppie mob
Timmee ru dum da faderiddle da why for the riddle timmee ru dum da
Well was he drunk or was he blind when he left his jedi robes behind
Or was it running through the trees
With his brand new robes and 12 seppies
Timmee ru dum da faderiddle da why for the riddle timmee ru dum da
He was not drunk he was not blind when he left his jedi robes behind
Not was he running through the trees
With his brand new robes and 10 seppies
Timmee ru dum da faderiddle da why for the riddle timmee ru dum da
It was the sith who now pronounce They've a new weapon to announce
And you know those robes got in the way When he drew his ‘saber for to play
Timmee ru dum da faderiddle da why for the riddle timmee ru dum da
Well the general is tall and slim and he’d a robe for every limb
But now he's got no robes at all
Cause He dueled the sith and the seppie mob
Timmee ru dum da faderiddle da why for the riddle timmee ru dum da
-the stars are warring
Another Jo!! How fun 😂 I absolutely adore this, it’s so funny and upbeat!!! One of the many 212th anthems lmaooo. Great job, thank you!!! -Liz
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shantiesofthegar · 4 years ago
A link on the WIP melody to Kamino Seas.
This is just verse two, still trying to pin it down. Still open to suggestions! ❤️ and I’m begging someone to help with the harmony down the line 😂 -Liz
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shantiesofthegar · 4 years ago
A suggested verse, that’s kind of fun, I hope you like it. I never thought that I would say I miss the gold tin man.
The Senate's full of crazy folk (fucks), avoid it if you can.
I figured why the Fox's so rough, and why he's kind of mean;
He hasn't had his kaff cup yet, still got stuck with Palpatine. With a changed chorus of:
Oh me, oh my, I heard Commander cry:
Oh me, oh my, I think I'm gonna die
Oh me, oh my, I heard Commander say
I wish I'd picked a different group back on assignment day
Lots of love, this was great; had a lot of fun adding to it - Jo
hi hi here’s a corrie song that i’m working on :D i haven’t got many verses yet D: so if anyone has any additions/ideas i would LOVE to hear them!!!!! (tune is “Excursion Around the Bay” - i am, unfortunately, Very Bad at music composition)
1st Verse:
We love our good Commander Fox, although he hates to see
Anyone who’s having fun, especially if it’s me.
He caught me laughing on my shift and then, I’m sad to say,
I got assigned to traffic duty for a hundred days.
Oh me, oh my, I heard the shiny cry.
Oh me, oh my, I think I’m gonna die
Oh me, oh my, I heard the shiny say,
I wish I’d never made a joke to the commander’s face.
2nd Verse:
Back when I was a shiny boy and thought I was hot stuff
When shifts got dull I’d challenge vode to some fisticuffs.
Commander Fox got wind of that; I don’t know how he did.
My sugar rations disappeared and I got demoted.
Repeat Chorus
3rd Verse:
Commanders Thorn and Thire are friendly, as commanders go.
And if you need a helping hand, just ask Commander Stone.
I don’t know why Commander Fox is such a sour shabuir
Some say that his decanting jar was filled with vinegar.
Repeat Chorus
This one had me cackling out loud in my office, this ones GREAT. It could also be put to a version of “Another Irish Drinking Song” (except for the chorus)
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shantiesofthegar · 4 years ago
hi hi here's a corrie song that i'm working on :D i haven't got many verses yet D: so if anyone has any additions/ideas i would LOVE to hear them!!!!! (tune is "Excursion Around the Bay" - i am, unfortunately, Very Bad at music composition)
1st Verse:
We love our good Commander Fox, although he hates to see
Anyone who's having fun, especially if it's me.
He caught me laughing on my shift and then, I'm sad to say,
I got assigned to traffic duty for a hundred days.
Oh me, oh my, I heard the shiny cry.
Oh me, oh my, I think I'm gonna die
Oh me, oh my, I heard the shiny say,
I wish I'd never made a joke to the commander's face.
2nd Verse:
Back when I was a shiny boy and thought I was hot stuff
When shifts got dull I'd challenge vode to some fisticuffs.
Commander Fox got wind of that; I don't know how he did.
My sugar rations disappeared and I got demoted.
Repeat Chorus
3rd Verse:
Commanders Thorn and Thire are friendly, as commanders go.
And if you need a helping hand, just ask Commander Stone.
I don't know why Commander Fox is such a sour shabuir
Some say that his decanting jar was filled with vinegar.
Repeat Chorus
This one had me cackling out loud in my office, this ones GREAT. It could also be put to a version of “Another Irish Drinking Song” (except for the chorus)
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