sham-quotes · 1 year
“Quran is a guidance and a mercy unto the righteous ones.”
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sham-quotes · 1 year
Religion is a host for Atheists where they thrive
"Existence of something in concept can be denied or accepted. What does not exists has neither denial nor acceptance. So Atheists have to believe in the existence of God first, which then follows with the denial subsequently".
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sham-quotes · 1 year
The Rich, The Poor & The Losers
"Our inheritance is the words of God (Quran) and the ways of the Prophet (Sunnah) . Rich are those who inherited the words of Allah and the ways of Prophet, poor are those who inherited the richness but cannot keep it secured and those are the looser who were unable to inherit the both".
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sham-quotes · 1 year
When you will be a looser
"We will lose everything on the Day of Judgement when we will be with all the good deeds but no belief in Allah as a saviour from the ETERNAL FIRE of hell, as a forgiver of all SINS, as a beneficent provider of MERCY and BLESSINGS, through which a human soul will enter an ETERNAL state of BLISS, or paradise, where there will be no death and peace forever."
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sham-quotes · 1 year
Evaluate Yourself
"Indeed, people you are with defines you and your ability. So the best way to evaluate yourself is to put yourself into the surroundings of Quran and the ways of Prophet. The more you are in it, the more successful you are"
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sham-quotes · 1 year
Degrees don't make educated
Adding degrees don't make a man educated. It's the courage and honesty in him to greet the truth and speak the truth makes him really EDUCATED.
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