Phee: I love you
Tech: I know
Tech: I may process thoughts and feelings differently then most, but I can still grasp the concept of love and feel it.
Phee: I love you
Tech: I know
Phee esperated sigh and eye roll: your supposed to say it back brown eyes
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Crosshair x Cara (female former jedi oc)
Warnings: nightmares, angst, soft crosshair, alcohol, anxiety/panic attack
Summary: Crosshair is trying to settle back into his life with the bad batch on Pabu but is struggling with his past. He meets Cara and she seems to understand him in a way no one has before.
A/N: Tech is alive and well. He is mentioned, but is not actually in this.
Crosshair tossed and turned in his bunk. Wishing sleep would consume him but anxiety, fear, shame, anger and self loathing had consumed his mind. He had been completely exhausted when he laid down falling almost instantly asleep but it wasn't long before the nightmares had started and tourtmented him. Haunting him with his past, as it had every day for the weeks since he, tech and omega were rescued from the Empire.
Cross had woken with a start, chest heaving as he struggled to breath, tears streaming down his face as he shoved his fist into his mouth trying to keep his whimpers at bay and silent. Using his free hand he swiped madly at his eyes wiping away the blurriness. Looking over he could see and hear Wrecker snoring away in his bunk. Tech's bunk was empty meaning he was either still awake in the copock or else had fallen asleep in there which cross wouldn't be surprised by either of those outcomes. Especially since Tech was the one sleep the less out of the team. Cross leaned over the side of his bunk peering down into the bunk under his to find Hunter's gaze staring straight at him. Cross internally crused at himself for waking up Hunter and because he didn't exactly feel like dealing with questions at the moment.
Cross glared at Hunter for a moment with his scowl plastered on his face before leaning up on his bunk settling into his pillow and sighing deeply. To his surprise hunter didn't ask questions and everything was quiet except for the hum of the Marauder, wreckers snoring and Crosshair's irregular breathing.
Crosshair focused on his breathing trying to get it until control but more flashes of his past continued to plague his mind. All the orders he had given under the influence of the inhibitor chip with the assurance of good soilders follow orders, the screams of his victims, the sight of Wrecker falling to the deck on Kamino when Crosshair shot him, the look in Hunters eyes when Cross chose the Empire over them after the destruction of Kamino, Cody's voice echoing through his mind, Mayday's last stuttering breath, him shooting his commanding officer, the torture at the hands of Dr.Hemlock, hearing Omega's voice tell him tech sarifced himself to save the squad while trying to locate him.
All the memories were too much and a small sob escaped Crosshair and he held his breath trying to fight it before Hunter thought he was pathetic.
Hunter could hear the ragged breathing of Crosshair and the frantic beat of his heart. And could sense the wave of emotions crashing over Cross. And his heart ached for him. Hunter quietly got up and climbed up in Crosshair's bunk, laying on his back next to him with their shoulders touching slightly. Cross didn't say anything but put his arm over his eyes trying to hide his valuable state.
"Breath brother, deep breaths. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Breathe with me."
Cross released the breath he had been holding and took a stuttering breath. Working with Hunter until finally he was breathing even again and under control. He was greatful his brother came up to comfort him even though he didn't like anybody to see him vulnerable.
"Don't tell anybody." He intended to growl at Hunter but his voice came out more raspy then he wanted.
"I won't." Huntwr whispered back. Hesitantly, not wanting to push too much Hunter asked if he wanted him to stay. Cross didn't respond as he rolled over facing the bunk wall but after a moment pushed some cover towards Hunter.
Hunter laid there long after he heard the even deep breathing of his brother singling that he was finally back to sleep before he got up and climbed back in his bunk.
As the sun was rising on pabu, cross got up showered and dressed. Grabbed his rifle and set out before any of his brothers or Omega had woke. He set off away from the village climbing down the rocks away from the landing platform until he was a good distance away from everything. He stopped in a grassy green field to practice shooting.
It was peaceful and quiet. Just what Cross felt he needed and he spent serval good hours there shooting and cleaning his rifle. When he was done he settled with his back against a large boulder and watched the breeze whispering through the tall grass and could distantly hear the sounds of the ocean crashing against the shore of the island. After a while lost in thought, Cross sighed and grabbed his rifle to head back to the Marauder. He had brought his comm but kept it off so his brothers or Omega couldn't bother him. He knew Hunter could track him out here if he really wanted to but he figured it was time to head back.
Once Cross arrived back at the landing platform he realized the Marauder was gone and he froze. His blood freezing in his veins like ice. He suddenly couldn't breath as his stomach dropped and his heart started beating frantically. He couldn't move as he stood there staring at the spot where the ship had been. His knees felt weak and his lungs burned as he gasped for breath. His vision was blurred with tears and only one thought kept racing through his mind.
His brothers wouldn't leave him behind again would they?
Cross could hear somebody calling his name but he couldn't focus on the voice over the roar in his ears. And he thought desperately to himself, I need my brothers, don't they need me too? They rescued me so why leave me now?
Just as Crosshair's knees gave out he felt strong arms grab him and help him down to the platform. He struggled against the arms for a minute until Hunter's face suddenly came in his vision.
"Hey! Hey, it's okay, it's just me. I got you. I'm here with you Cross." Hunter had ahold of his upper arms peering worriedly at him with concern in his eyes.
Cross gulped harshly against the bile raising in his throat and looked blankly at Hunter. Still shaking in his brothers grasp. Tears still burned at his eyes, threatening to fall. And his lungs were still burning harshly as Cross still was gasping for breath.
They didn't leave me?
Hunter must have connected the dots of Crosshair's anxiety attack because he smiled and pulled Crosshair in for a hug before moving back to gently speak.
"We didn't leave you Cross, we are right here. I'm right here. Tech just took Omega out for more flying lessons, while Wreck and I helped with the village."
Crosshair slowly came back to himself as his breathing slowed again and his mind cleared focusing his attention on his brother who indeed didn't leave him again. Relief washing over him, as he realized he wasn't alone and still had brothers.
Abruptly,he pulled away from Hunter, standing up and facing away from him. He felt ridiculous for showing such emotion in front of anybody.
"I'm fine, Hunter. I'm going to find a drink."
And with that, he stocked off towards the village. Twisting and turning down the stone paths until he finally found himself standing in front of the small bar he had found on his first week of being on Pabu.
Cross slipped in the bar and settled himself on a stool at the end of the bar. From his seat he could see both the main entrance and the door leading to the back. While he knew this was a peaceful place some habits of being a former soilder were hard to break. The bar was dimly lit but much cleaner then most bars Cross had been to. There were a few booths and tables spread out and the long bar was set at the back of the bar. With it only being early afternoon, there were only a handful of partons in the bar.
The bar tender came over and Cross asked for the strongest whiskey they had and told him just to leave the bottle. While cross didn't plan to get completely wasted he knew he was probably going to be here a while so no point in having to order multiple drinks. He just wanted to drink enough to relax and maybe if he was lucky he'd forget about his worries for a bit.
"Either your brave or your really trying to forget your troubles."
The small quiet voice broke through Cross's thoughts and he turned to look at the slender cloaked figure sitting two bar stools down from him.
"What?" He frowned at the figure, who stood up coming to sit next to him. Pulling back the cloak to reaval a young lady with striking black hair and blue eyes that held a fire in them. Cross felt his breath catch in his throat as he realized she was utterly breath taking beautiful.
"Not many people can handle Mac's strongest whiskey. So either your brave or your trying to forget." She explained with a smirk lurking at the edges of her lips.
"Maybe I just have a higher alcohol tolerance."
"Perhaps" the smirk growing across her face turning into a smile.
Crosshair studied her for a moment. Wondering what she wanted from him or maybe she was just drunk and wanted someone to talk to? Not many people liked clones especially after what happened to the jedi and the Empire taking over. His frown deepened. He was here to forget his troubles not to worry more. He sighed quietly and turned away from her to continue his drink.
After finishing his third glass of whiskey, Cross was starting to feel the tension draining from his body as he poured himself another glass.
"I'm Cara, I served in the clone wars as well." Cara said quietly breaking the comfortable silence they had been sitting in.
Cross lifted a brow looking back at her. She served in the war? Not many people were in the clone wars except for clones and jedi. Could she be one of the surviving jedi? If she was then he was sure she'd hate him after finding out be shot at a padawan under the influence of the chip.
"Crosshair...how were you in the war?" He rasped. Uncertain if he wanted to know.
"There's no need to be afraid. I know about the inhibitor chips." Cara smiled at him sweetly and patted him on the shoulder.
"So you are a jedi?" Cross felt his chest tighten as memories of shooting at the padawan flooded his mind and he quickly shut those thoughts down and looked at the exit, wondering if it would be wise to leave now.
"Was" Cara's voice once again brought him back from his thoughts. " I was a jedi once. But I left the order before the start of the war but close to the end of the war, they asked for my help and so I joined forces with them."
Cara looked at him, her shoulder length black hair framing her face and shimmering around her shoulders. His gaze shifted to the exit once again. She was intriguing and he felt himself drawn to her for some reason that he didn't understand. But it scared the hell out of him. He didn't like it. Not to mention what would she do when she found out about his past?
"Please don't go"
Cross looked back to Cara. Her blue eyes burning into his. "Stay out of my mind." He snapped.
"I can't read your mind...but I can feel your emotions very strongly...and I just-it nice to see another soilder. Someone who understands."
Cara's response hit him like a blaster bolt. Shes had it rough too. He realized and he felt his scowl slip off his face.
"Echo found me wondering the lower levels of Coruscent and brought me here. I finally have a safe place to start over. You do too. But I understand it's hard."
Crosshair stared at her in disbelief. Echo found her? His brothers knew there was a former jedi running around Pabu and didn't think it something he needed to know? He felt anger raising in him. What else were they keeping from him?
"Don't be mad. I asked them not to tell anyone. It's not their secret to tell."
"Are you sure you can't read my mind!" he growled annoyed but as Cara laughed, he found himself not annoyed anymore but in awe at the sound of her laughter. What the kriff is going on with me? He wondered.
"Come on, I'll make you dinner." She said as she stood up, placing credits on the counter. Crosshair eyed her skeptically.
"Your inviting a clone into your home?"
"Yes, silly. Now come on, I'm straving." Cara gently grabbed his hand and pulled him up. He downed the rest of his fourth glass and threw credits on the counter to pay for the bottle. Grabbing the bottle he followed Cara out onto the street.
Cara lead him down more winding paths to a small cottage. She unlocked the door and slipped inside holding it open for him to enter. The cottage was tiny with a kitchen to the left and a living area in the middle. On the far right side was a small hallway leading to two doors which he assumed were the refresher and bedroom before the hallway ended with a glass door to the back deck which overlooked the ocean. It was simple but cozy.
"Make yourself at home, I'll start cooking." Cara said as she turned into the kitchen taking various pots and pans out.
"Do you make it a habit to bring strangers home with you?" Crosshair asked more out of curiosity then a attempt at conversion. He realized he was standing there awkwardly in the doorway so he moved over to the small round table in the kitchen and sat watching as Cara moved around the kitchen.
"No, your actually the first person I've brought to my home." Cara said quietly as she started to chop vegetables up.
Cross frowned, why did she bring him here? "What had you day drinking?" He asked instead.
"If I tell you then you have to tell me." Cara laughed as she placed the vegetables in a skillet adding spices and some meat.
"Fair enough." He responded. He felt enraptured by her as he watched her. He'd never felt this way or been interested in women before. During the war he never had time and never thought about how it would be after the war.
"I have nightmares. Not very often anymore but when they do come its rough."
Cross opened his pouch on his belt and pulled out a tooth pick to chew on as he thought her response over. He understood nightmares all too well. Should he tell her about his? Should he tell her about the panick attack he had when he thought his brothers left him? Should he make something up or just not answer at all? He didn't like to feel vulnerable and answering this question truthfully would leave him vulnerable but at the same time, she left herself vulnerable with her response. Also he felt safe and calm around her. He didn't feel like she would think less of him or make fun of him. He felt she would understand.
"Nightmares and occasional panick attacks." He responded truthfully. The toothpick threatened to break under the force of his teeth as he chewed on it, watching Cara closely for her reaction.
Cara opened a cabinet and pulled out two plates and filled them with the meat and vegetables and a slice of bread. She then pulled out two wine glasses, pouring whiskey from Crosshair's bottle before she sat down across from him.
"I'm sorry. I can't imagine what you've been through. But the important thing is you lived through it. And now your life is yours alone. You can do what you wish now. It will take time to heal Crosshair, but you will and it will get better, I promise." Cara said and Cross could see the compassion in her eyes and knew she meant every word. He felt his throat tighten up and tears burned at the back of his eyes. He cleared his throat and quickly took a sip of whiskey. Pushing back against the emotions.
The rest of the meal was spent mostly in silence with the occasional idle conversation. Once they finished eating, Crosshair helped Cara clean up the kitchen then they took their glasses and the rest of the bottle of whiskey to the back deck to watch the sunset. Cross told her about clone force 99. About his brothers and the mission to rescue Echo and how he came to be a member of the batch. And she told him about her time as a jedi and how she came to doubt the jedi code. How she left the jedi and came back to help with the war effort. How she was almost killed and forced into hiding until Echo found her. They talked about various missions and their thoughts about the war and how they both understood now that the whole war had just been a plot to destroy the republic so the Empire could take place. They talked well past sunset and long after the bottle of whiskey was empty. Crosshair felt like he had talked more in the hours since he met Cara then he had his entire existence.
"How did you know I wouldn't hurt you?" Crosshair finally blurted out. The question how been bothering him all evening since she brought him to her home.
Cara grinned at him "that's a easy answer, I could feel the goodness in you, Cross."
Crosshair felt like the breath had just been punched out of him as he stared at Cara. After all the horrible things he had done, a jedi could still feel goodness in him?
"I'm not a good person." He whispered looking away from Cara back out to where the waves were washing up on the shore with the moon light casting down.
"You are a good person, I can feel it very clearly. I don't know what happened at the end of the war for you. But whatever you are holding onto, you need to let it go and forgive yourself. That's the first step towards healing." She slipped her hand into him and squeezed it gently.
Crosshair turned back to Cara searching her firey blue eyes. He knew there was truth in her words but he also didn't know if he could forgive himself for the terrible things he had done. He felt like she could see straight through to his very soul. But he wasn't scared, for the first time, he wanted someone to see his emotions, his thoughts and feelings. He wanted her to see him just as he was.
"I think that's what drew me to you. Your presence is smoothing to me. I don't know how to explain it but you feel like...home." she continued and Crosshair had the overwhelming urge to lean in and kiss her. He chew down on his toothpick to stop the urge, he didn't want to over step any boundaries. He watched amused as a blush creep across her face and she bit her bottom lip.
Crosshair realized he was slowly leaning towards her and froze for a second before throwing caution to the wind, tossing his toothpick to some unknown place and closing the distance between them. Pressing his lips against Cara's in a sweet chaste kiss. He pulled back resting his forehead against hers.
"I'm sorry-"
Cara didn't let cross finish his sentence as she pulled him down for another kiss. This one messy and full of passion and longing. She placed one hand on his shoulder and she dug her other hand in his hair. Cross gripped her waist with both hands pulling her into his lap sideways. Leaning her back slightly to deepen the kiss before he broke away gasping for breath. Cara nuzzled into his chest quietly panting for breath.
Crosshair wrapped his arm around her bringing her closer to him and settling back in the chair, resting his head on top of hers. It felt amazing holding her in his arms and again he wondered what she was doing to him but whatever it was he found himself liking it alot.
"This has been the best day I've had in months and I don't want it to end...will you stay with me tonight? I just want you to hold me."
Crosshair hesitated, while he didn't want to leave and wasn't in a hurry to be trapped back on the Marauder with his brothers for the night. He also knew he needed to talk to Hunter about earlier but it could wait til morning. He realized he was mostly hesitant because he was scared. What if he had nightmares and kept her awake or did something wrong?
"Relax Cross, it's okay."
Cross looked down at her and realized he was shaking. She leaned up to kiss his check and softly whsiper in his ear.
"whatever your scared about don't be. Please just say with me. I don't expect anything from you."
Cara pulled back to smile sweetly at him before standing and pulling him up. He followed her into her bedroom and started stripping off his armor as she took a her night clothes and headed into the refresher to change.
Dressed down to just his black bottoms, he dug out his comlink thumbing it on and calling Hunter.
"I will be back in the morning. I didn't want you to worry."
There was a slight pause, "everything okay?"
"Yes, Hunter. I will see you in the morning." Crosshair snapped and shutoff the comlink. He knew Hunter was just surprised and wanted to make sure everything was okay but sometimes he really wished his brothers would mind their own business. He sighed and climbed in the bed.
Crosshair looked up as Cara entered the bedroom in sleeping shorts and a tank top. Her face plastered with a grin.
"I'd like to meet the rest of your brothers."
Crosshair scoffed as she climbed in and curled up to him. Her arm across his chest and tucking her head into the crock of his neck. He tensed at the contact.
"I don't bite." Cara chuckled.
"You've playing with fire, kitten." Crosshair rasped back as he relaxed and wrapped his arm around Cara.
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Go to sleep."
"Without my goodnight kiss?"
"Your insufferable."
But for the first time in a very long time Crosshair slept soundly through the night without nightmares or worries. Wrapped around Cara in a loving warm embrace
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Characters: crosshair and hunter
Warnings: heavy angst,brief mentions of torture, other then that none
Summary: just two brothers who need each other's comfort after rescuing crosshair from the empire.
Notes: I wrote this mostly from Hunter's point of view. This is my first time posting a fanfic. I hope y'all will like it and enjoy!
The Marauder was jolted by the hail of blaster fire, as it broke free of the atmosphere, into space where it was finally able to make the jump to hyperspace.
Hunter let out a sigh of relief as the ship made the jump. He patted Echo, who was flying the ship, on the shoulder before going to check on the rest of his squad.
Tech was laying in his bunk with his eyes closed, his spare googles in his hand. But Hunter could tell he was not asleep by his uneven breathing. Omega was curled up by his side with her head on his shoulder and her arm wrapped tightly around Tech. "How you holding up Tech?"
"I am fine, I just require rest is all." Tech responded without opening his eyes. Hunter could feel the emotional storm brewing in him. After being with the Empire for weeks before they could locate him, Hunter knew that he would need more then just rest but he knew this wasn't the time to pry into Tech's emotions. Instead he moved his focus to Omega and felt his heart swell with love and pride. Omega had been in the hands of the Empire just as long as Tech but she was in better shape then Tech; seeing as the Empire focused their torture techniques on Tech instead of Omega.
Hunter knew the time with the Empire was still hard on her though, and he couldn't be more proud of how strong she was. He was so relieved to have her back, he would have moved galaxies aside to find her. Omega was like his daughter and he would never let anything happen to her again.
Hunter reached down and scooped Omega up in his arms, hugging her tightly to him. She sighed contently and snuggled into his embrace. "Let's get you to bed, young lady." Hunter said softly moving towards the space Wrecker had made for her but Tech's voice stopped him.
"Omega may stay here, with me, for a little while. If that is okay with her."
Hunter turned back to Tech to find him with his eyes now opened and looking at him. Only then did Hunter see the redness of his eyes and the tears in them. Hunter felt shock course through him as he realized Tech had been trying to hold back his tears. He hadn't seen Tech cry since they'd been cadets. He could sense that Tech didn't want to be alone and as if Omega could also sense it, she quietly said she didn't want to be alone either, and would stay with him to rest.
Hunter gently laid Omega back on the bunk and gave her a kiss on the forehead. He squeezed Tech's shoulder. "I'll be here when you wake up brother." Hunter's words were meant as more then just reassurance but also a offer to talk. Tech took a shuddering breath and nodded without comment. Hunter had never seen Tech seem so fragile and it broke his heart but he knew both Tech and Omega needed rest so he retreated back to the cockpit to find Wrecker snoring in the co pilot's seat. Echo was still in the pilots seat and scrolling through his data pad.
Hunter shook his head. He really had no idea how Wrecker could be asleep after just having the fight of their lives with the Empire to rescue Omega, Crosshair and Tech. He smiled slightly amused though and happy his vod was okay. Echo turned to him. "How are Tech and Omega?"
"They are resting. But I've not seen Tech this upset in a long time. They are all gonna need some time." Hunter sat down in the chair behind Wrecker and closed his eyes, letting himself reveal in the fact that not only had he gotten Omega and Crosshair back, but Tech was indeed alive and okay. And he was also back with them. Hunter had thought his heart stopped when he had first seen Tech very much alive but he couldn't be any more happier or greatful.
Echo's voice brought Hunter back from his thoughts. "Do you think Crosshair will want to stay with us?" The question brought a frown to his face. Hunter knew Crosshair was going to be the challenge. As soon as they had boarded the Marauder, Crosshair had retreated into the cargo bay and had not returned. Hunter knew he needed a few minutes to himself before he went down and checked on him. Which is why Hunter had decided to check on the rest of the squad first.
"He is gonna need more time then Omega and Tech. But yes, in the end we are a family and we stick together no matter what. And he's gonna need his family here for him ." Hunter said firmly.
Echo nodded. "We will be there."
Hunter decided he had gave Crosshair long enough and made his way to the cargo bay. He could feel the emotions rolling off of Crosshair. Anger, guilt, sadness, despair, and a overwhelming sense of relief from being freed.
Hunter found Crosshair sitting between some creates, his back against the wall with his legs pulled to his chest, arms wrapped around them with his head down. Hunter could hear his racing heart and his ragged breath.
Crosshair didn't look up as Hunter approached him, kneeling in front of him. As the swirl of emotions rushed through Crosshair, the one he decided to hold onto was anger; he felt weak and vulnerable and that was one thing he absolutely hated. "Go away." He sneered.
Hunter sighed, but didn't move. "I'm not going anywhere Cross." Hunter said softly. He knew Crosshair still felt betrayed by him. Hunter had felt guilty ever since leaving him on Kamino and then again on the landing platform. Hunter had wished everyday since then, that he had done more to get Crosshair to go with them.
"Don't act like you care, Hunter." Came the crude response. He still didn't look at Hunter or move. Hunter was knew that Crosshair didn't want him to see him vulnerable but Hunter also knew he needed to push him, just a bit, to get him to open up and let everything out. Crosshair was a closed off person and preferred to keep everyone at arms length. He rarely opened up to his brothers but when he did, it was always to one of them, never anyone outside the squad. So Hunter knew that whatever Crosshair had went though; he had gone through it alone. Holding everything in.
"Crosshair, look at me." Hunter commanded in his strict Sargent voice.
"Leave me alone! I am not one of you anymore." The sorrow in Crosshair's voice along with his words was enough for Hunter to feel like his heart had just been sliced into.
Hunter moved slowly and carefully into the small space next to Crosshair. With his back to the wall, his legs stretched out, Crosshair was to his left and the stack of creates were to his right. He placed his hands in his lap and settled in to wait. Hunter was determined to not leave until Crosshair and him were on good terms and that he knew Crosshair was going to be okay. Hunter also promised himself that he would never leave Crosshair behind ever again no matter what.
Crosshair's breath hitched as Hunter moved closer. And Hunter could sense him fighting for control of himself.
"Listen, I know I did you wrong. When I first left you on Kamnio, it was because you were trying to kill us. Then we didn't come back because it was too dangerous. That wasn't fair to you. We let you down...I let you down."
Hunter paused, waiting to see if Crosshair would respond, in which he did not. Hunter knew he was waiting on him to continue so Hunter pushed passed the lump in his throat, took a deep breath and continued.
"When you brought us back to Kamnio and I stunned you, I was bringing you with us. I was going to make sure you had your inhibitor chip removed. Then I was going to give you a chance like you gave us. But things went wrong, you woke up and you chose the Empire over us again. I should have pushed harder for you to come with us-no i should have...I should have begged you to come with us."
Hunter's voice broke at the last sentence and he gulped. Blinking back the burning behind his eyes, he looked over to Crosshair. Who slowly lifted his head but didn't turn to look at him or speak.
"But your wrong Cross, you are one of us. Always have been, even after everything."
"32 rotations...."
"32 rotations, I spent on that platform, wishing you would come back for me. Wishing I'd gone with you." Crosshair whispered and Hunter felt his heart stop as the thought of 32 rotations-longer then a month- ran through his mind. Hunter felt broken, knowing his brother had spent a whole month on that platform before the Empire showed up for him.
"I'm so sorry Crosshair." Hunter responded horsely. Crosshair scoffed. "I don't want your pity."
"I don't pity you, I feel responsible." Hunter responded with the truth because he did indeed feel responsible and guilty.
Crosshair finally looked at Hunter, eyes red from crying, tear tracks still visible on his thin face. He had his lips pressed together in a line with a slight scowl. Hunter could see the emotional turmoil in his intense gaze and hear his uneven, heavy breathing as his heartbeat raced. "It wasn't your fault Hunter. You just did what you needed to. You did what you could to protect the other's." Crosshair said quietly in a much calmer voice.
Hunter realized that Crosshair had just needed him to admit he was wrong and apologize for not coming back for him for Crosshair to forgive him. Hunter felt relief wash over him but he wasn't sure if he'd ever really truly forgive himself for leaving Crosshair behind.
"My chip stopped working right after I got burned on Bracca. I wanted to come back but half the time my chip was still working...controlling me, and I couldn't leave."
"You could have called us Cross. We would have came for you if we had known."
"I couldn't...I'm a monster, Hunter. I've done terrible things. Things I didn't want to do but couldn't stop myself....because good soilders follow orders." Crosshair whispered, looking utterly broken. Hunter felt his chest tighten with sorrow for his younger brother.
"The Empire played you, they made you do those things. It was the Empire not you." Hunter reassured. Placing a hand on Crosshair's shoulder.
"I don't belong here...I'm not a good person-not like you...or the others."
"You do belong here Crosshair, you always have and you always will. We are your family. We want you." Hunter stated firmly.
It was with this that Crosshair finally broke down and started to sob loudly and uncontrollably. Hunter reached forward and pulled Crosshair close as his brother crumbled to piece in his arms. Crosshair laid his head on Hunter's shoulder, as his tears soaked Hunter's shirt.
Crosshair leaned into his brothers touch, he hadn't been held in so long by anybody. He had been so lonely for so long. He'd never admit to Hunter or anyone else but he secretly loved the wrestling with Wrecker or the rare occasions he would get a pat on the back from Hunter, Tech, or Echo. Feeling the loving touch of his brother made him sob all the harder. Making him wish for the millionth time, that this would have never happened to him. That he would have never left his brothers in the first place.
Hunter sat there with his arms wrapped tightly around Crosshair for a long time. Hunter didn't speak. Just being there for his brother and letting him get it all out. Eventually, the sobbing started to quiet away and when Crosshair's breathing was almost back to normal, he pulled away, wiping his nose with the back of his hand. He settled next to Hunter with his back against the wall. Looking away from his brother.
Hunter knew it was alot for Crosshair to let anyone see him so vulnerable. He knew his little brother didn't like to show any weakness so he wanted to remind him that it was okay to open up every once in a while. "It's okay to be human Cross, I will always be here for you. I won't ever leave behind again....whenever you need to talk, I will be here. And I won't tell anybody. I promise you."
Crosshair hummed, processing the words. After a few minutes of quiet, he finally turned back to Hunter. "Thank you, for bringing me home." He said so quietly, that Hunter wouldn't have heard him if he didn't have enhanced hearing. Hunter felt happiness rush through him, and smiled softly at Crosshair. He knew, then, that Crosshair would eventually be okay. Yes it would take time, but he would be okay. And he was home with them. Once again, they were all together again.
"Welcome home, brother."
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For the line and character thing, may I request something painful with Tech and Cross? Maybe a short bit of a mission that goes wrong where one of the two gets hurt? Perhaps Tech tells Cross that Cross needs to leave because they are surrounded by droids and Tech's injured, but doesn't want his brother hurt? If that makes any sense? Thank you either way, I appreciate your time!
OOOOOOF ANON you got me all up in my feels about this one. THANK YOU FOR THE ASK and also WHUMP INCOMING!!
Rating - M (graphic description of some pretty gnarly injuries)
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I’m alive. Ears are ringing. I’m lying on my back.
Tech groaned, his head throbbing as he continued to catalog his condition in his mind. He ran his tongue over his teeth, tasting blood and feeling at least one cracked tooth.
Likely bit down on my tongue during the explosion. Not all the way through from what I can surmise, but deep enough to hurt. Ah, one chipped tooth, three cracked molars. Nothing beyond fixing.
A web pattern obscured the vision of his left eye, and he realized the left lens of his goggles was cracked. He reached up to remove his broken eyewear, and pain shot through his right shoulder, drawing a gasp from his lungs. Turning his head carefully, he winced at the strain to his muscles in his neck.
A bad case of whiplash, and…oh.
A half a meter of durasteel was sticking out of his right shoulder, and Tech felt his mind go blank as he took in the sight. It didn’t hurt oddly, not yet at least. Probably shock setting in. He did note that he was bleeding substantially.
Kriff. One problem at a time.
Tech experimentally wiggled the fingers of his left hand, swearing at the shooting pain in his forearm.
Likely a fracture, but usable.
He held up his arm, surveying the vambrace. The lights along his arm were no longer lit up, and he sighed in frustration, sending more pain cascading across his chest.
Commlink’s damaged, likely dead. I’m on my own.
Carefully, he slowly allowed his left hand to drift down to his belt, feeling for his cutting torch. Damn thing’s got to be reachable. I planned for this contingency.
Suddenly, he froze as the ground underneath him shook slightly and ice water filled his veins as he heard the telltale clanking steps.
Heavier steps than your standard battle droid. Heavier than the BX commandos. That leaves…kriff.
A pair of V2-series commando droids round the pile of rubble, and Tech laid as still as he could, praying to whatever gods were listening that the thin coating of dust on his armor would help him blend in.The scanned to their right before turning and heading towards him. Tech came to a single horrific realization as he watched their scanners pass over an unmoving body of one of the regs that Tech had been standing near.
They’re searching for survivors.
He laid still as the droids passed in front of him, and just as he started to release the breath he’d been holding, the one nearest him swung around, tilting its metal head before trudging towards him.
Tech’s mind raced. Don’t move until you’re sure it’s scanning you. Then grab for your blaster. You can pick it off if you hit the weak point in its circuitry on its neck joint. The face is reinforced durasteel, so don’t aim there. Your blaster won’t do much. He tried to steady his mind as the droid reached out its arm and began scanning him. Tech swore loudly as he swung his fractured arm around to reach for his blaster, only to find his holster empty.
He closed his eyes, releasing the breath he was holding. A shot rang out, and he flinched, wondering if he’d feel a delayed burning sensation between his eyes before his brain shut down, but he heard another shot, followed by both droids thudding against the ground. Tech opened his eyes, inhaling a shaky breath. His hand that he could feel was trembling. Both droids were down on the ground, smoking from their neck joints.
Tech spotted movement ahead of him and just to the left. He closed the eye with the cracked lens to try and focus his vision on the approaching figure. His head swam as he made out the lanky form in red and black sprinting towards him.
The sniper skidded to a stop in front of him, scanning the area quickly before setting his Firepuncher on his back and scrambling over the rubble to reach Tech.
“Are you alive?” he hissed, digging his fingers under Tech’s blacks.
“I…am…” Tech gasped, realizing suddenly how hard it was to breathe.
Add a few cracked ribs to the tally.
Crosshair was surveying him, and his visor paused on Tech’s shoulder.
“Oh karking hells.”
“Cutter’s…on…my right…side. Hip…pouch,” Tech gasped, and Crosshair gently cleared the rubble away to find the specified pouch. He pulled out the cutter, igniting it and carefully beginning to cut away the excess metal that’s sticking out of Tech’s shoulder.
“Your…comm,” Tech tried, but Crosshair shook his head.
“Damn clankers are jamming us. Yours wouldn’t work even if it was intact.” His eyes roved over Tech’s body. “Where else are you hurt?” he asked, his voice steady despite the fact that his hands were shaking.
Tech tried to wiggle his toes. His legs were sore, but pain shot up his left leg as he tried to flex his left ankle. “Broke…my ankle,” he rasped. I’ll only slow him down. Reaching up with his left hand, he locked his fingers around Crosshair’s forearm.
“You...need to…leave me.”
Crosshair paused for a second in his cutting, his head tilting as he took in Tech.
“It’s…the logical…move,” Tech said softly. “You…need to g-get…out of here.”
Crosshair set the cutter down and removed his helmet, revealing his eyes to Tech. There was the familiar glint of annoyance in them, but there was also something else that Tech couldn’t identify immediately. And then it hit him. It’s fear.
“Don’t be so dramatic,” Crosshair muttered as he resumed cutting, ignoring the way Tech was evaluating his expression. “Besides, I can’t leave our pilot here.”
“Wrecker…can fly.”
Crosshair huffed what could almost be mistaken for a laugh. “If we’re doomed to have him as a pilot from here on out, I’d rather take my chances here, thanks.”
“You should…go,” Tech tried again. Don’t die on my account.
Crosshair glanced over at him once more. “Already told you. That’s not happening. Now quit talking so much and save your energy for when we have to get out of here.”
The metal jolted, and Tech swore loudly, sitting up slightly, but Crosshair pressed firmly on his shoulder, holding him in place.
“Sit still or you’ll bleed all over,” he commanded, and Tech obeyed, keeping his grip on his brother’s wrist. Crosshair didn’t pull away as he continued cutting. Finally, he pulled away the top half of the metal.
“There. I think we can pull you off of it. Do you have any coagulants on you to stop the bleeding?” The sniper’s hands were still shaking slightly, his gloves soaked with his brother’s blood.
“Left...large pouch…on my belt.”
Crosshair reached across Tech’s body, groping around in the specified pouch until he found what he was looking for. Using his teeth, he ripped open two bacta patches before injecting Tech in the neck with a painkiller.
“We don’t have much time to wait for that to kick in.”
“It’s…doing its…job.”
“Alright. On three, we’re pulling you off. Ready?” Tech gave the smallest nod he could. Crosshair braced his shoulder, counting down before pulling Tech off the durasteel with a grunt. Tech yelped loudly, but Crosshair ignored him, immediately spraying the clotting medication directly into the wound before pressing the bacta patches to the holes on the front and back of Tech’s shoulder. By the time he’d gotten both bandages in place, Tech had recovered slightly, the painkiller rushing through his system on a wave of adrenaline.
“Bandages seem to be holding, but we need to get you moving before you lose too much more blood. Can you stand?”
“I’ll need assistance.”
Crosshair nodded, pulling his helmet back on and moving around to Tech’s left side. “This arm alright?”
“Fractured I think. Lower arm.”
Crosshair gently grasped Tech’s elbow, pulling his arm over his shoulder and sliding his arm around his brother’s waist. “Grip what you can. I don’t want to put pressure on your wrist.”
Tech winced again as they somehow managed to get him standing, Crosshair trying his best to take all of the weight off of Tech’s broken ankle. Carefully, the sniper guided his brother through the rubble, and twenty minutes later, they heard Wrecker yelling through the smoke.
“We’re over here!” Crosshair shouted back, and suddenly, their larger brother loomed through the haze. He stopped in front of them, and Crosshair gently slipped Tech’s arm from his shoulder.
“His ankle is broken. Arm is fractured. Impaled through the shoulder, but that should hold for now. Be gentle with him, but he needs to be carried,” Crosshair said, and Wrecker nodded, carefully picking up Tech as though he weighed nothing, cradling him against his chest. Tech was too relieved to feel undignified, and he felt his head begin to loll against Wrecker’s chestplate, the painkiller finally numbing him to everything. He reached out, gripping Crosshair’s arm.
“Thank you,” he said quietly.
The sniper dipped his helmet. “That’s what brothers do.”
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Participate in my 200 Follower Celebration! :)
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“We don’t leave our own behind”
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The way crosshair grabs his rifle does things to me😅
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