shadowdragongem · 4 months
Being a sex-positive personally-sex-repulsed ace is weird cuz like reading about sex? Awesome. Writing about sex? Not much more intolerable than writing about anything else. Sex is good. Sex is normal. Sex is only as important as you let/want it to be. Kinks are natural expressions of sexuality. Sexual purity is a scam. Bodies are nothing to be ashamed of. Sex work is no more exploitative than any other kind of labor. If you touch me I will throw up on you.
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shadowdragongem · 5 months
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shadowdragongem · 6 months
Not much but i know enough to at least survive.
I'm curious. Reblog this if you know how to cook
I don’t even care if it’s macaroni, ramen or those little bowls you stick in the microwave. Please, I need reassurance that most of the population on tumblr WOULDN’T STARVE TO DEATH if their parents couldn’t fix them food or they couldn’t go out to eat. 
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shadowdragongem · 1 year
Reblog if you're on tumblr because it DOESN'T force an algorithm on you.
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shadowdragongem · 1 year
white people please just purchase native artwork and jewelry from native people i keep seeing idiot white people be like “waaah i wish i could support native creators but its cultural appropriation” girl why would beaders sell you their earrings then. just dont get a medicine wheel or a thunderbird then like damn it is that easy
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shadowdragongem · 1 year
if i heard that a woman aborted a fetus because prenatal screening had revealed a disability that i shared, i would simply not shame her
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shadowdragongem · 1 year
Explaining to all companies that the three requirements for me to use a social media with any frequency are:
A chronological follow-only feed, ideally which I can set as default
Anonymity (my real name and face are not required)
Have a desktop version
You may call me boomer or whatever but if a social media doesn’t have bare minimum these three things then I will never use it ever. I won’t even make an account. You can suck at everything else but these are non-negotiable. The fact that they are anathema to profitability does not matter to me. If you cannot provide me these three things then I will simply not use any social media at all.
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shadowdragongem · 1 year
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Found this reddit post. This kinda makes me feel better. And it’s something I think about sometimes because I always feel like regardless of how hard I work on something I don’t get anywhere.
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shadowdragongem · 1 year
I sent a letter today - something I haven’t done for years
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It’s full of plastic bread clips
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It’s for Science
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shadowdragongem · 1 year
Reblog if you're comfortable receiving crabs on Crab Day (July 29th) so all your beloved followers know who they can comfortably crab on crab day (July 29th) without feeling nervous about crabbing someone 9n Crab Day (July 29th).
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shadowdragongem · 1 year
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shadowdragongem · 1 year
You Do Not Have Permission To Use My Voice Without Asking This includes but is not limited to: fan content, original content, and, especially TRAINING AI.
I Will Be Upset if I find out you’ve fed my voice to an ai.  That is not ok.
listen I say this with patience bc some people may genuinely have not thought about this before but if you firmly say “AI art is terribly unethical and steals from artists” (which is correct) but then turn around and use voice AIs to generate songs/voice lines that sound like your favourite voice actors or singers……………………………………that is also AI art and it is also terribly unethical
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shadowdragongem · 1 year
I’ve been re-reading Nox verse over the last few days, so I hope it’s ok if I pipe up here
In the fic where Ardyn brings the Oracle line back to Insomnia, when they get there Nox walks up to Ardyn to greet him and Luna gets hit with a lot of memories (or maybe echos?) from Nox’s Luna.  Luna never outright says that Nox is the chosen king but because of her reaction after seeing so much about Nox and, subsequently, Nox’s reaction to Luna‘s reaction, the adults in the room assume that what is happening is the Oracle of the age recognizing the Chosen King and him Recognizing her in turn.
Luna does not correct them, and neither does Nox.  but also no additional details are given to anyone who doesn’t already have them.
In Nox verse, Luna outed Nox as the Chosen King to Regis and Sylva in the throne room. My question would be how Sola would react to that reveal.
Come to think, does Sola even knows what being the Chosen King entails or only knows the official kid-friendly version? Would she notice that something is Very Wrong based on how Regis reacts to Luna's words?
I thought Ardyn and Nox very specifically didn't have their backgrounds revealed? Because this was supposed to be a new start for them both? *confusion*
Sola might not actually be in Insomnia when Ardyn brings Luna, Ravus, and Sylva to Insomnia. Depending on the glaive rotation, Sola and Nox could very well be on deployment beyond the Wall, which would be the smart thing to do on Ardyn's part because with those two wreaking havoc on Nif forces Niflheim will have a much harder time finding the Nox Fleurets before Ardyn gets them behind the safety of the Wall.
Sola does not know the details of what being the Chosen King entails. She knows the Chosen King - the King of Kings, King of Light - is destined to rid the world of the Starscourge.
If Sola is in the throne room when Luna reveals who the Chosen King is, Sola will absolutely have Questions for her father when she feels the way he reacts to that news. Depending how Regis answers those questions...
Well, Sola is always willing to Throw Hands with an Astral for her little brothers.
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shadowdragongem · 1 year
So, I’m going back and rereading through some of the ffxv au’s
and I found this post
and I realized no one has asked how the non-insomnian natives react the first time they see the Sun Room, and that feels like a tragedy.
I’m mostly asking about regis and co and Sylvia but any reactions are welcome.
I've been slowly turning this thought over for the Night King verse ever since the 'their king's heart is hurting' post; What if all the humans have moments of heartsickness (nowhere near as bad as their beloved Night King but they're /all/ grieving in different ways) and the demons do their best to help their newfound friends and family. Little gifts, giving them space. That kind of thing. And what if the demons put their heads together and come up with a very ambitious and grand idea? (1/?)
rayearthdudette said: A set of three tapestries depicting the sky at Dawn, Day, and Dusk?? A Sky that their humans can only fully see if they leave the boundaries of the kingdom, and many have refused to leave their newly built homes for such a simple thing, claiming to not even notice the absence. The demons know better. It takes them a long time to weave the masterpieces, each demon wishing to add their little touch; gemstones, beadwork, hand crafted dyes. The Arachnes spin their silk and hide their work until(2/3)
rayearthdudette said: -it’s ready to be revealed. They present it to their Night King and his Retinue, excited and hopeful. Then chrr and chirp in concern when they all break down crying. Noctis can barely comfort them through his awe. Ignis can’t see it, but the /magic/ woven into each thread /feels/ like a midday sun to his senses. The others are simply a mess. Happy messes. But messes :D (3/3)
They pour their love into the tapestries, some of them risk going as close to the cloud border as they can for a good look at the sky and then imagine it from there. The Arachne bring their finest silk threads while the other sentient daemons add their own touches in colors and gems, beads and dyes until it is a masterpiece of magic and color and care.
They show it first to their King and his Retinue, of course, for he needs to approve it and they Panic™ when they all break down in tears. Ignis cannot see it, but he can feel it, like soft sun on his face and the tickle of spring when he tentatively runs his hands over the weave. Prompto is ugly crying so hard he can’t even take pictures of it. they are all messes and the daemons are So Alarmed and Guilty until Ignis manages to put himself together enough to explain that these are happy tears. That they are THANKFUL.
The daemons are confused, but conclude it must be the truth since this is basically the reaction of EVERY HUMAN who sees it after Noctis has a special room cleaned out and set aside JUST for the tapestries.
And if the daemons take to bringing gifts for the Sun Room as it is nicknamed, gifts of smaller tapestries to hang that depict scenery from all over the world, and if they bring in feathery carpet dyed the color of spring meadows and enchanted to always be just a little bit cool and springy against the skin when someone sits on it (like grass, grass that needs no sun but still feels fresh like a morning on a rolling hillside), and set up an elaborate fountain in the corner to gurgle with fresh water over beautiful sapphire stones so that the water looks bright blue despite the lack of sunshine-.
It’s the least they can do for their new family that cares, and treats them as equals, and always loses their minds for happiness at the newest addition to the sunroom.
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shadowdragongem · 1 year
You don’t own fanfics. They’re inherently public domain because they aren’t your IP. Agree or disagree with AI, there are no grounds for “protection” from AI because it isn’t your IP to begin with. That’s what you chose when you chose this medium
Oh dear.
Okay, you get an answer, because at least you took the effort to write your ask out properly, even if you are hiding behind the grey, sunglassed circle.
Do I, or any fanfic author for that matter, have any legal claims to our work? No, not really, no. (Although if someone took a fic, filed off the serial number--deleted the fandom specific elements--, and then had it published for financial gain, yeah, that would be a case.)
Fandoms are built on a social contract that says we respect each others work, the effort people put into their art. We don't steal or disrespect the work of our peers. By feeding people's fanworks to AI you both steal and disprect it, and we need to make people realize that before it's too late--before fandom falls apart, because there will be no more real, actual fanworks.
(i can't believe I have to say this)
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shadowdragongem · 1 year
reiterating because maybe we weren't clear the first time
reddit refugees, reblog art, don't repost it
if you really like someone's art, reblog it. you can do that by clicking the little looping arrows at the bottom of the post. this will make it so the art appears on your blog and shows up to your followers, but the op is still credited and given notes.
reposting does not give credit. and no, saying "artist is ___" as the caption doesn't count, unless you have permission given directly by the artist.
if you have a funny or pretty image on your phone that you saved from reddit, don't post it here on tumblr, because 99% of the time it came from tumblr. use a reverse image search to try and find the original tumblr post, and reblog that.
taking that extra five minutes to find the original post of an artist you love will absolutely brighten their day and make the entire world a better place.
please, I'm begging you. reblog art. don't repost it.
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shadowdragongem · 2 years
hey man i haven’t seen a single similar post (concerning???) so i feel like it’s important to make this.
tomorrow is ramadan. your eating disorder will not magically disappear in ramadan.
allah will not hate you if you relapse in ramadan. be it that you faint or you binge, if you need to break your fast because of your eating disorder THEN YOU BREAK YOUR FAST.
You are not supposed to fast when you are sick. YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO FAST WHEN YOU ARE SICK. IT IS HARAM TO FAST IF YOU ARE SICK BECAUSE IT BRINGS HARM TO YOUR BODY. If you start feeling horribly sick and you know, you haven’t had sufficient suhoor or iftar for a few days or anything of the sort, it is okay to break your fast and even go to the hospital if you need to.
habaybi that have eating disorders, PLEASE take care of yourself during ramadan. It is a month of cleansing and forgiveness, so forgive yourself if you relapse. You can always redo your fast after ramadan.
Jazakallah please reblog this post and ramadan mubarak to you all! ♡
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