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Blog to share my Carmen x Shadow-san Fanfics
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shadow-sandiego-shipping · 7 months ago
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you fascinate me so
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shadow-sandiego-shipping · 7 months ago
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hello red ninja nation (population: 5)
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shadow-sandiego-shipping · 8 months ago
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★ zack x shadowsan moodboard !!
requested by anon!
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shadow-sandiego-shipping · 8 months ago
♡ Zack x Shadowsan (Zackowsan) moodboard!
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shadow-sandiego-shipping · 8 months ago
♡ Carmen x Shadowsan (Carmsan) moodboard!
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shadow-sandiego-shipping · 9 months ago
June Prompts 🌼
Word prompts to use for doodling or writing
garden hose
fruit stand
block party
ice cream
night walks
flower crown
cocktail umbrellas
playing cards
neon sign
birch tree
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shadow-sandiego-shipping · 10 months ago
Daily prompts - Day 17
Seasonal Clothes Shopping
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"We should go shopping." She stares at him from her cosy seat on the couch. "Shopping?"
He hums, taking a seat by her legs. "The weather is getting quite cold..." He places a hand in her covered hip. "We should go clothes shopping."
It was... a novelty, to say the least, hearing him of all people suggest a trip to the mall. Suhara really wasn't one for public spaces, crowded, during the light of day...
His rough hand gently moving against her leg, a thin blanket the only barrier between their skin, was certainly distracting. It was almost distracting enough to get her to agree without further discussion. She found herself more and more as of late... agreeing without complaints.
"What brought this on?" She asks calmly.
"Well... the weather has been getting colder." He takes the blanket away, slowly, and Carmen feels just how cold the room actually was.
She was wearing a regular black T-shirt and some jean-shorts. Much like her Shadow-san had a simple black t and a pair of dark grey pants. His attire at least seemed a little warmer.
"That's usually what winter coming entails..." She replies nonchalantly.
His hand now starts rubbing along from the dip of her knee to the inner corner of her thighs where her shorts began.
"I know you have winter heavy clothes for more... snow related encounters."
His hand felt like like a furnace. How was he always running so hot?
"But for generally cold weather, you only have your red coat. Do not tell me you are planning on going out on booty shorts." He accentuates those last words by dipping his thumb under said booty shorts.
A familiar shiver runs through her spine, and a rarely seen blush spreads on her face. Being teased like that, she can't help but tease back.
"What are you, my dad?"
They don't miss each others smirks at the inside joke. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you saw the situation, Shadow-san removed his hand from the precarious spot it had been caressing. Carmen takes a moment to catch her breath.
"I am only concerned for the person I love the most. Besides... I had fun last time we went shopping in Milan. Did you not have fun as well."
The words slowly sink in. And she's still too out of it to disguise her blush once again.
"I did..."
"So we should go clothes shopping, yes?"
She hesitates a moment. "Sure... if you're so insistent on it, I don't see the harm in seasonal shopping anyway."
He gives her a warm smile before taking his leave.
She lays back down on the couch, getting cosy with the blanket once again. As Shadow-san climbs up the stairs, he stops for a second.
"And I don't know about dad... but if you'd like, you could call me Daddy." There's a crashing sound heard from the living room, and with that, Shadow-san retreats to his room before Carmen can so much as pick herself up from the floor.
Previous day // Promps Aquired from Write App. //
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shadow-sandiego-shipping · 1 year ago
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dad energy / 旅行者・シャドーおっさん
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shadow-sandiego-shipping · 1 year ago
Daily prompts - Day 16
"That's fine"
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The wind ran wildly outside, heavy rain intertwined to create a cocofony of a storm. The warehouse walls made it seem like it was far worse than reality, but although her ears played tricks on her, she could perfectly see the weather through the window.
Funny, if she ignored the wailing, it seemed almost peaceful under the rain. Then why did she want to close her eyes and listen...
"You seem pensive today." A gruffy voice comes along.
She turns to greet him. Taking a moment to gaze him up. It was their thing, speaking in silence with smiles and glances. If she took the opportunity to admire the way his shirt strained against the bulge of his arm or the angle of his chin, or his sharp eyes, or his soft lips... that was something else...
"Just... the weather's been crappy lately, uh..." She replies. Her actual answer serving nothing, or rather far less, than the prior silence.
Instead of commenting on it, Shadow-san plays along. "Indeed." He steps closer until they are side to side, both looking through the window.
It's a comfort of its own having him around, so close yet so far. Close enough to feel the heat of his skin radiating off of him. Yet far enough that the feeling of breaching that gap and actually touching him was just too massive at the moment.
She shivers. Walking around with a tank top during winter wasn't the best of ideas, but her warmer clothes were reserved for missions where she got to roll around in the snow. Besides, Shadow-san wore a simple t-shirt just fine.
"Are you cold?" He knows the answer to that. "I told you we should have bought winter clothes." It's not said in a condescending way. She knew the tone if that were the case. It was spoken softly as if he was sort of glad for the outcome. Ridiculous notion she knows but, who else could tell was Shadow-san was think by his face and tone of voice. Carmen was numero uno in that regard.
"You don't seem too broken up about it." She says cautiously.
He hums. "Well, yes..." He hesitates. That's a first.
He shuffles his feet and clears his throat. Then he steps closer, breaching that gap. Carmen’s breath hitches. "I run hot." She chokes. He steps back with a suspicions blush on his cheeks. If it were anyone else, they wouldn't be able to tell it was there.
"By that, I mean I am not as susceptible to the cold."
Carmen clears her throat to disguise her own blushing. She swallows down the urge to make an inappropriate joke. She assumes her previous position, hoping (praying) he does the same.
After just a little bit, he does.
Side by side, looking through the window with Shadow-san’s heat warming her up, she gathers the courage to close her eyes.
The sound is unbearable. She knows she's at the warehouse. She knows he's by her side. She feels his warmth crawling up her arm, like a furnace, like an anchor. But the storm she hears, the one she knows is not there when she opens her eyes and looks through the window, seems so big, so personal, so frightening.
She sighs.
"Do you wish to talk about it?"
His voice was quiet but close. It brought a different kind of heat to her face. She opens her eyes before she thinks of something else. Something else she'd like to hear that voice to do.
It takes a moment for her to remember he asked a question. Talk about it... sure.
"When I close my eyes, the storm sounds a lot worse than what we see right now." It sounds like nonsense, yet somehow, he gets it.
"Than perhaps it is."
That makes her straighten up. The river water seemed fine, the wind wasn't blowing too strong there didn't seem to be any damage and the rain wasn't too heavy. Yet she also knew what he meant.
"I don't want to feel this way."
She's met with silence.
"That's fine." Two simple words. She looks up at him with glassy eyes.
"He's looking out the window. "Even if it seems small, a storm can be much bigger than we think. But if there is something I know about storms..." He looks at her then. "Is that they always pass." He looks through the window, she follows his gaze. Sure enough, the rain had stopped. She closed her eyes, and the sounds were gone.
"When?" She knows he can't answer that for her, but she asks it anyway.
She feels his heat grow closer, wrapping around her as his arm does. She fits perfectly against his side.
"I do not know. Give it time."
She looks to the window again and gaps.
"If you need my help, I will be here. But do not rush. When it is time, it will go away. Maybe not fully, but you will see..."
Peeking through the clouds, the rays of sun illuminating the dock, the floor was still wet, some drip drops of water stuck on the roof, and the grey coulds parting away slowly. But bellow all that, in between the warm light, a beautiful, delicate rainbow.
"When the rain stops, anything can happen."
Previous day // Promps Aquired from Write App. // Next day
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shadow-sandiego-shipping · 1 year ago
"Showed me what my heart was worth."
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I could write an essay about Carmen saving Shadowsan just as much as he did for her.
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shadow-sandiego-shipping · 1 year ago
Dark!Carmen smiled more.
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She’s so unserious look at her
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shadow-sandiego-shipping · 1 year ago
I am a(n):
⚪ Male
⚪ Female
🔘 Writer
Looking for
⚪ Boyfriend
⚪ Girlfriend
🔘 An incredibly specific word that I can't remember
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shadow-sandiego-shipping · 1 year ago
more fanmade season 5? ❤️
Any unreleased dadowsan content? 🖤
por favor heheeeee
For context on this, I've done one to two posts about my fanmade season 5.
I've clarified that the "The Jail Break Capper", parts 1 and 2, would likely be either the first episode or the the first two episodes;
I haven't talked about episode three at all... in which case I present: "The Mamushi Assassination Capper", a preview:
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She stepped with velvet care so as to not cause any unwanted attention. Mr. Hideo had let her slip through the back door into a small but beautiful garden. Birds were singing, the wind was fluttering... on the wooden fence stood a single lazy cat, taking in the sun.
From all the places they had visited, she didn't expect to find him here at all... yet there he was. Sitting by a plane tree, surrounded by rose bushes and sakura tree petals that had flown from the street.
Mr. Hideo had mentioned that his brother would take to himself somedays, when he didn't have to work. In Carmen’s opinion, he never needed to work, after everything either of them had been through...
Shadow-san doesn't take notice of her, and if he does, he doesn't say anything. She approaches further.
Just then, her mind goes blank, supplying her with no reason for her sudden appearance in his life. What was she going to say to him? "Remember how you told me to find a new path? Well, what if I don't? Remember how you said other people could fight the good fight? Did you mean just me, or were you including yourself in that? Does that mean you won't help me get back into old habits?" The closer she gets, the harder it becomes to breathe.
What if the reason he had sent her away, was because he actually despised her? What if the reason he found her mom was that she wouldn't be his problem anymore?
She stops in her tracks when she catches a glimpse of his face... he had been sleeping? In the middle of the day? His posture is lax, he leans back on his hands (maybe not sleeping after all), in this position she could get a clear view of his face. He almost looked younger, deeply rooted stress lines softened by the afternoon glow. But most importantly of all, he looked happy.
A weight pulls down her chest. He looked happy. He looked happy. Happier than she'd ever seen him. And it was all due to her absence. Maybe not all but in part it was true. Their life as thiefs had become a burden to him a long, long time ago. He had made his choices in the past and he chose to get away from it all, yet here she was, ready to ask him to go back to that life. The life that granted him no sleep. The life that made him stressed to breath. The life that took his youth away. The life he abandoned in order to find happiness.
She feels her chest swell unbearably so. Tears pickled her eyes. No, nope, not here, come on Carmen, hold it together.
"Red?" Player calls through the intercom. "Everything alright? Did you find our ninja?"
She wants to answer but she doesn't want Shadow-san to hear her. She steps away through the shadows and slips over the fence.
"Player, I-i can't."
"What's going on?"
"He looks so happy... I can't take that from him, I can't ask him to join me. I don't even know if he wants to see me! I don't even know if..." She keeps her voice hushed.
"Red? Shouldn't that be something he gets to decide too? I mean, you came over all the way to Japan and you're not even gonna let him see you?"
"I-" "Carmen?" She turns around in an instant, her neck cracks from the force of it. "Shadow-san?" But, how?
He smiles softly. "I thought that was you."
"How did you?"
"You startled the cat when you jumped the fence." Had he took notice of her just then? Or much earlier...
"I-i came to visit, but I felt like I was intru-" She doesn't get to finish what she was saying. Shadow-san pulls her into a hug. He ends it as soon as he feels her freeze, however.
"Apologies, I should have asked." He steps back. "I missed you."
Those three words. Spoken as softly as they had been. Under the cool shadows easing the blazing afternoon sun. A sakura blossom petal lands on top of his head. It makes her want to giggle. Not all her worries are relieved, but the biggest one sure had been. She tackles him, returning the hug. Neither comment on the tiny tear on the corner of her eye. "I missed you too." Player smiles through the intercom.
And there you have it!!
I hope you liked my preview!
I've been stuffed from work, but I already have 8 episodes for fanmade season 5 planned!
I want to do art for them as well so it might take a bit (plus I'm still working on Paranormal Sandiego), but I hope they turn out fun!
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shadow-sandiego-shipping · 1 year ago
Daily prompts - Day 15
When winter comes
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When winter comes, shrubs die in the snow.
When winter comes, the world turns on its vows. The animals sleep the plants comatose.
When winter comes, I protect all my toes because the cold weather reminds me of memories old.
I once had a close call a winter long ago, I forgot my coat, and for hours, I froze.
When winter comes, I always think of you. Because there is nothing in common between the winter and thou.
You are warm and caring. You are summer and spring. So stay close during the winter, I'm begging you, stay...
I crave not only your heat, your gentle touch, I crave laying in a couch and watching movies, and our talks. I crave your gaze, which warms me and shakes me to the core. I crave everything you're willing to give me. And I crave more.
Because the winter is the season when everything dies, so stay with me, so in spring, we may blossom in ties.
Maybe that lonely winter left more scars than I care to admit for.
Maybe I should see a therapist... perhaps I will.
In the meantime, my love never leave my side, you're my angel during winter, my stove, my light.
We'll watch the stars in the night, light a bonfire by our feet.
Laugh about old times, reminiscing on our feats.
Forever and ever as long as you'll be mine, we will make it a tradition to spend the winter in tide.
So when winter comes, do me a favor so. Spend with me and take away the cold.
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shadow-sandiego-shipping · 1 year ago
I cradle you in my arms, your blood soaking into my clothes.
Draft/Fic: Vampire Fever 🧛‍♂️
Shadowsan lurches behind her, catching the dizzying thief when she inevitably falls. She slurs her words tiredly, “…caper and- and the-,”
Player jumps, “Red!”
Against her wishes Shadowsan collects the shaky thief, bringing her knees under his arm and head tucked close to his chest. He is still warm, as an after affect, and he hopes it to be enough.
Shadowsan taps his own comm, rarely used, “She has lost a lot of blood, Player.”
Carmen’s blood seeps between them, her eyes fluttering gently. She groans weakly, his hand gently clasps her neck to prohibit blood flow, ignoring her flinch.
He can feel the hacker hesitate, and a sigh bubbling up his throat, “It… was a vampire, Player.” He cradles her closer.
Shadowsan shifts the young thief on him and takes a step, “We never saw them coming.”
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shadow-sandiego-shipping · 1 year ago
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Perspective is hard, but I hope I could transmit onto this drawing how infatuated these two are with each other.
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shadow-sandiego-shipping · 1 year ago
You gotta write for funsies sometimes. Everything doesn’t have to be groundbreaking. Like. Who cares if it’s a little silly it is made out of love
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