
Finally :) Yorkshire has been hit with some more snow ;) Might be the only happy one around though.. / Lõpuks :) Yorkshire’s sajab veidi rohkem lund. V��ibolla olen ainus, kes selle üle õnnelik on.. #snow #lovelysnow #babyitscoldoutside #lovingsnow #biking #mountainbike #mountainbikefun #england #yorkshire #notprepared #snowing #snowflakes #snowfun #perfectweather #perfect #moreplease (at Leeds)
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There are days when we are feeling like nothing works, mind is full of clutter and everything is just a waste of time. In this moment.. are you asking yourself, - what is your main motivation? #quotes #quotesaboutlife #quotesgram #quotesoftheday #fromlife #trust #balance #security #mindfulness #dhwoodland #focus #truth #willtolive #love #forevermine (at Leeds)
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First week of training at Home Bargains Training Centre is over. Had a little stroll around Liverpool today. Enjoyed the views and realised how much I miss Saaremaa... Those seaside views.. irreplaceable!! / Esimene treeningnädal Home Bargains Treeningu Keskuses on läbi. Jalutasin täna veidi Liverpool’s ringi. Nautisin vaateid ja mõistsin kui väga ma Saaremaad igatsen.. Neid asendamatuid merevaateid!!! #views #liverpool #beatles #beatlesstatue #fountain #training / #holiday #city #britain #england #tourist #dayoff #rainy #people #memories #walk #stroll #homebargains #homebargainslife #hbtrainingcentre #homebargainsaxis (at Mersey Ferries)
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So bittersweet to leave those amazing people @OakwoodHB store. Jään igatsema! Next stop Liverpool training and then joining peeps at Kirkstall. Nii magushapu maik on lahkuda neist imelistest inimestest. Will miss you! Järgmine peatus Liverpool koolitus ja siis tagasi Kirsktall’i inimeste juurde. @amymoo77 @midge1975 @davidgriffiths92 @maryjanealiciax @tommason85 @vikkibray #training #homebargains #family #support #liverpool #hboakwood #hbkirkstall #life #management #learning #newthings #oldthings #friends #managementlife
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So 10 days on a road through Pennines.. Will I survive? Only one way to find out. / Nii et siis 10 päeva läbi Penniinide.. Kas ma jään ellu? Ainult üks võimalus teada saada. #conquerpennines (at Leeds)
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“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:” Ecclesiastes 3:1 / "Igale asjale on määratud aeg, ja aeg on igal tegevusel taeva all" Koguja 3:1 (at Woodhouse Moor)
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"Sometimes we just have to sit and listen the silence around us to realise the silence within." / Mõnikord me lihtsalt peame istuma maha ja kuulama vaikust enda ümber, et mõista vaikust enda sees." (at Leeds)
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Me, part of the gig economy. Just doing some extra work.. (at Leeds)
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Standing on the side of the hill with horses.. singing worship songs out loud in my own language(not caring, if someone will hear) and memorising sunset for latter generations to tell. Life is sweet, when you know where to look! Music: Jordan Feliz - Simple / Seistes mäe nõlval koos hobustega.. lauldes ülistuslaule valju häälega oma emakeeles(nii et ei huvita, kes kuuleb) ja kõrvetades oma mällu päikseloojangut, mida tulevaste põlvedega jagada. Elu on mõnus, kui tead kuhu vaadata. Muusika : Jordan Feliz - Simple • • • • • #lifestory #timelapse #sunset #instaphoto #iphonography #sunshine #leeds #yorkshire #lifestyle #blogrevival #blogmaterial #changes #instagram #photosofbritain #videography #naturephotography #passionpursuit #england #uk #uk_photooftheday #naturevideo #qualitytime #freedom #jordanfeliz #Jesus #simplelife #countingblessings #Jesus #truelove #eternallove #royalinherit (at Churwell, Leeds, United Kingdom)
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Finally testing out new gear. As having been off the photography track for some time, trying out some totally new things.. let's see where it takes.. / Lõpuks uut varustust testimas. Kuna olen olnud mõningat aega fotograafia teekonnast eemal, olen võtnud nõuks proovida uusi lähenemisi.. eks me näe kuhu see viib.. • • • • • • • #estoniantravellers #explorer #photooftheday #slowshutter #iphonography #pushinglimits #leedsliverpoolcanal #leedscity #yorkshire #vsco #instaphoto #instaphotography #lifeinbritain #bestphotooftheday #flowing #slowshutterspeed #vibe (at Leeds)
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Sometimes you just like the streets.. / Vahel meeldivad sulle lihtsalt tänavad.. • • • • • #timelapse #video #instavideo #afterwork #qualitytime #quality #positive #nerdlife #geeky #passionate #instavid #moreofthat #fun #stressrelief #england #unitedkingdom #britain #leeds #westyorkshire #mrtimephotography #hiddentalent #estonianlife #estoniantravellers #exploring (at Headingley, Kirkstall)
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Morning worship session with our Leeds School of Theology crowd! Awesooomeeee! Jesus is good! / Hommikune ülistuse osa Leeds' Teoloogia Kooli seltskonnaga! Nii ägeee! Jeesus on hea (at St George's Church Leeds)
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Sunshine after work ☀️why not! After all spring is only time without constant rain around here. / Päiksepaiste peale tööpäeva ☀️ miks mitte! Lōppudelõpuks on see ju ainus art mil siin pidevalt ei saja. (at Kirkstall)
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A day in Manchester. God is sooo good! / Päev Manchesteris. Jumal on niii hea! #God #Jesus #Manchester #wandering #chinatown #event #seminar #newfriends #timeoff (at Manchester, United Kingdom)
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Off we go... Gonna join you soon at @awakeningeurope #awakeningeurope #stockholm
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Those accidental perfectionist moments. / Need juhuslikud perfektsionisti hetked. · · · · · · · · · #morningwithgod #earlymorning #workday #threedaystovacation #godisgood #awake #awakendbycough #stillthankful (at Bramley, Leeds)
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Had my first 10K official running ever. Had awesome time with my buddy @hendersomliam At Bramham Park Fun Run for Cancer Research UK / Sai esimene ametlik 10km ametlik jooks tehtud. Nautisin mõnusat aega koos oma sõbra @hendersonliam 'ga Bramham Pargi Lõbusal Jooksul, UK Vähi Uuringu heaks #cancerresearch #bramhamparkfunrun #10krun #buddies #awesomefriends #incredible #goals #achieved #personalgoals #motivation #facelooksawful #stillhappy (at Bramham Park)
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