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sh1tp0stprincess ยท 2 years ago
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Me trying to block out spoilers
I keep trying to avoid miraculous spoilers because I haven't seen past derision but it's so hard when you want to consume related media
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sh1tp0stprincess ยท 2 years ago
I started rereading unwind again after years and I forgot how much tension and sadness you feel with the characters.
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I don't think I was aware when I started doing it ๐Ÿคฃ Thank you for this, @radio_freehayden! Too funny!
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sh1tp0stprincess ยท 2 years ago
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In my mind they all three should date and be a polycule (closed or open). Both Marinette and Adrien have trouble speaking their minds and Luka would help everyone be closer in the relationship. Adrien and Luka both love Marinette and they don't seem to compete with each other, in the later episodes Adrien almost seems to look up to Luka even. They all seem to have a bit of chaotic energy while Luka is the anchor being the more grounded one.Plus he knew their secret identities for a while, yes he didn't say anything for a while but if he did it would have added to the level of communication between them even if it's not as a group and it's one on one between him and mari or him and adrien.
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