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Joe Biden has a message for fraternity guys
If you don’t stop your brother from raping a girl, you are an accomplice 
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Rapists would not rape if they did not think they could get away with it. They exploit the cultural norm where a victim is not believed. They use threats to silence their victim. They shame their victims. They blackmail their victims. And they don’t do this because they think they’re in the right and did nothing wrong. They do this because they KNOW they did something wrong, and they know they can get away with it. Because society’s default setting is disregard a victim and dehumanise them whilst worrying about how their attacker’s lives are affected by these ‘accusations’. And until this is amended, until survivors are believed, this will never change.
Nikita Gill, Trigger Warning: Rape (via meanwhilepoetry)
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Rape/sexual assault support group
Would anyone be open to helping me start a tumblr support group for rape/sexual assault victims and survivors? So that we could meet other survivors and talk to each other and possibly open up about our experiences or lasting effects if people are comfortable with that? I just think it would be awesome to have a group of people with similar experiences where we can support each other and talk about things we wouldn’t be comfortable talking about to family or friends. Like/reblog or message me if you would be interested! xoxo
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Rape culture is the fact that some rapists don’t even know they’re rapists. And note how that’s not gendered. 
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👽- do you believe in aliens?No not really. I mean I think it would be cool if they were real, but I kind of think that the only life in outer space is cool bugs and maybe some other creatures.
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In January, you will walk into the police station to give them a statement. It is a fear you’ve never had to face before. Your cheeks will burn with shame that is not yours to bear. You will want to bury yourself in the snow drifts and hope to become food for the flowers in the spring. In February, you will wait for calls. You will wish your dad a happy birthday. You will wonder how many times you will have to count by 13 in your head. You will wonder if the number will ever cease to have such a terrible attachment to it. You will wait for calls. You will get one. You will enter the hospital with the hope to get the help you need. In March, you will be given the exception and hold your phone close to you, waiting for it to ring. Everything is supposed to be about the food. But you would rather chew your phone to pieces and swallow them. You get the call: he has been charged. At the end of March, you will be discharged from the only place where they knew how to help you. It will feel like a double punishment. If only you were not going to court. If only you didn’t report. If only this year never began. In April, you will find out that there is no place that knows how to help you. That you are too broken in too many ways. That healing comes with a monetary price that doesn’t fit your bank account. You will feel hopeless and irreparable and alone. In May, the flowers feeding on your human shell start to bloom. There is someone who is hurt just like you. They see you, and they love you, and they fumble with their words and their hands but they are ever so soft, ever so gentle. You will feel the beginning of hope again. In June, a windfall. The cavalry are coming. You will grasp it with bruised and bloody fingers, and you will pull. You will climb. You will take this and make something out of it. The sunlight enters your lungs, you can breathe just a little bit. In July, you will travel to a new city, and you will forget. Forget the horror and the trauma. You will eat crepes and you will oggle at animals you’ve never seen before, you will feel alive. More human, and less broken thing. In August, you will dance and you will create. You will carve out your heart and you will set it on fire. You will feel again. You will realize that rocks are not dead. That you are not dead. You will be okay. In September, they will tell you that the defense lawyer is human too. That they will treat you nicely, they will not want to make you upset. That they will be a decent person. Do not believe them.  In October, you will fight a war. The enemy comes in dark suits and calculating eyes and without a conscience. They will attempt to tear you apart. They do not treat you nicely. Their offers of breaks and suggestions to speak up are meant to cut you without you realizing it. They are condescending. Every trope about lawyers are handed out like candy by their own hands. They will try to destroy you. You will win. In November, you will have nightmares still, not just from the night it all happened, but also from the day at court. You will struggle to keep your head up and eyes forward as time winds on. You will begin to count down the weeks. You won’t sleep well for days. But you will also make many friends. Friends who understand. Friends who check in on you every time to see how you’re holding up. In December, you will work to hold it together. You will be free with your kindness, you will keep your head up, you will talk, and you will breathe for as long as you can. And when you feel like you can’t breathe for any longer, others will pump your chest. And when the day grows closer, you will realize that no one that really matters is expecting you to somehow be okay, or be better. You will spend a week on the verge of crying, and no one will turn you away. The weekend will come, and you will get through it. You don’t know how, but you will. Because you have gotten through everything else so far. And in January, you will continue into battle.
This is how it looks to be strong {tjz}  (via darling-wait)
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I think this meme is awesome. It conveys the point about what rape is NOT. A woman that wears anything or nothing is NOT asking for rape. And rape is NEVER the victim’s fault. I agree with that logic 100%, wholeheartedly. But there are similarities of what happens mentally after rape, when real wounds heal, and those wound inflicted after a cyberbullying attack. 
No one must NEVER post on a feed or feel entitled to someone’s feed for the sole purpose to ambush attack them because you don’t like or disagree with what they say. You can say that on someone else’s feed. Say that vileness on your own. The thoughts posted on another blog, are NOT yours, you should not feel entitled to criticize them if they don’t refer to you directly only blast them. That’s when you keep it moving and say peace out.
For Tumblr to promote creativity and togetherness in a community, you should be about uplifting people regardless of what they say. Tumblr does not care. I know, they allow doppelganger accounts.  Hater trolls have no purpose. I’m of the opinion that posts following said presentation, should be supportive and needs received favorably for consideration. That’s how I am going to try living my online life and I may lapse, but I will get up and try harder.
Keep reading
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Is there anyone with PTSD, depression, anxiety, or who has been through sexual abuse/assault who who wants to talk? I've been trying to talk to as many as possible (at least people who I know I can trust) about it because it's been kind of healing for me lately. So if anyone wants to, please message me and we can either talk through tumblr or I can give you my kik. 😊
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#survivor #malevictims #support #silence #rapeculture #awareness
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It’s mortifying that the idea of having an all knowing “parent” of sorts that will send you to hell if you do bad, is the only thing that keeps total lunatics from reverting to blood drawing raping raging animals. We all be damned if they lose their faith! It truly brings me sadness, and it even makes me angry that these people are incapable of being human without being threatened by a book! Good, without god. Source: https://www.facebook.com/AtheistCartoonPage
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Submit your own Survivor Truth: bitly.com/SurvivorTruth
See all of the Survivor Truth Project submissions at girlwhofoughtback.blogspot.com.
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You tell me, “It gets better, it gets better in time.” You say, “I’ll pull myself together, pull it together, you’ll be fine.” Tell me, what the hell do you know?  What do you know? Tell me how the hell could you know?  How could you know? 
‘Til It Happens To You | Lady Gaga
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Lady Gaga Just Released a New Music Video About Sexual Assault | VICE Canada
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