My name is Alexmy pronouns are they/themI write fanfiction
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I've fought Dragons, Little boys are nothing
GN!Reader / Httyd!reader - Twisted Wonderland
Excerpts on [name]/ background & relationships
How to train your dragon (1st movie)
Twisted Wonderland
Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Rose- Red Tyrant
Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
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I've fought dragons, little boys are nothing
[name]'s relationships with the locals of berk and the time line in which they died!
Their Childhood:
[name]'s parent/s moved to berk whilst [name]'s mother was pregnant and as such [name] was born on Berk. [name]'s family comes from an island beyond the archipelago that Berk resides in, it is assumed that [name]'s family's homeland was overrun by dragon's and is unsafe to live in.
In the year that [name] was born there were only two other children born in the village. [name] is two years older than Hiccup and his friends- and has no blood relations on the island beside their own family. [name] grew up close as they fostered relationships with the other children of Berk, namely Hiccup's future friend group. [name] completed their Viking training when they were 14 and served as a Viking for 2 years before the first movie occurred. (- I am making it so that Hiccup was fourteen verge of fifteen in the first movie- others in the group range in ages from 14-15) [name] was 16 when the first movie took place and 17 when the series: Riders of Berk/Defenders of Berk began and took place.
[Name] tamed their dragon in the first season - 3/5th episode of Riders of Berk. [name] tamed a typhoomerang, and rode them for approx. 8mnths before their death. [Name} died in the battle of Defenders of Berk S2: Ep20 having fallen into the tunnels that was created by the screaming death & whispering death, once having fallen into the large pit they engaged in battle with Berserker Vikings and died due to a sneak attack. Falling down the pit made them half conscious so they were unable to avoid the battle axe that was lodged into their clavicle.
Stoick: chief tan / mentor
You were a good Viking, didn't cause any trouble and in the days when he was not the best of fathers to Hiccup he could rely on you to watch over his son. In the first movie you stayed back to watch over Hiccup and the others with Gobber. He liked that you were reliable and that you kept his son in check and safe.
Hiccup: friends / sibling relationship
He likes you as an older sibling, though he used to have jealousy when it came to your relationship with his father. As a child he'd rely on you to keep Daggur at a safe distance when he had to spend time with him. He was happy when you came to tame your own dragon after your initial distrust. Toothless and you love each other- you considered stealing him but couldn't do that to Hiccup. And Toothless did actually steal you once- Hiccup reprimanded him and got you back on the ground.
Daggur: enemy
He's not your biggest fan for the fact that when you were all young and it was time for the annual peace treaty negotiation- you'd always be there to ruin his fun. You made sure he didn't run off to far, and kept him as far from danger as you could. Being a year and a half older than you he didn't appreciate being treated like your younger/lesser. His father seemed to approve of you, as well as your chieftain's obvious like and trust in you caused annoyance in him.
Gothi: - friend / mentor
She loved your company when you were younger as you'd always run off and help her alongside Fishlegs when needing a break from Hiccup-duty. Growing up you learned to read her drawings and you read them far better than Gobber often did meaning you were exempt from being hit by her walking stick. You learned some medicine under her, though mainly just gossiped about the villagers and her past.
Gobber: -teacher / friend
He trained you to be a Viking, you were the best of your year so you killed the monstrous nightmare. He liked that you took turn in watching Hiccup, but mostly he loved that you would watch Daggur when he'd visit with his father. Being the village's blacksmith he forged all your weapons, and trained you in forging battle-axe's. You both take friendly jabs at each other, though mostly you listen to his stories, which he really appreciates.
Astrid: -best friends
She admired you in her younger years as you were the strongest and smartest Viking of your year. You helped her train for her graduation, seeing as you both prefer to use battle axes. Before the end of the first movie she pitied you for having to look after Hiccup constantly. You were a trusted friend and at the end of the first movie she'd take you for flights on Stormfly. She teaches you how to bribe Stormfly before Heather outs her secret.
Snotlout: -crush turned close friend
He had a crush on you for a small amount of time before he got closer to you, once closer you became good friends and you give him shit. He'd often hang around you as his father approved and would say that he should be more like you. Having gotten closer you came to understand his insecurities and bonded over that. Hookfang seems to listen to you better which annoys him- but he understands as he also listens to you better.
Fishlegs: -close friends
You both would occasionally help out Gothi when able, he became a close friend due to such at a young age. You endorsed his nerd-like tendencies and encouraged him to get out there more. He admired you during his younger years and still holds admiration for you. After the first movie when not rambling at Hiccup about dragons he'd talk to you about it. He loves your dragon, and meatlug loves you.
Tuffnut: -best friends
He's like an annoying little fly that you love- begrudgingly. You help him and his sister out with his less harmful pranks, as well as summarising chapters on dragons for them. You'd often share dinners with them as they'd prefer to be out with you than with their parents. He constantly tried to get you onto Ruffnut's side of Barf & Belch when you didn't have a dragon.
Ruffnut: -best friends (more??)
She loves you, you and her are supper close. You treat her and her twin like their own people- though you did confuse them a little when they were younger due to them both looking more androgynes. Unlike their parents they were not the same person to you and that's why your so close- as you make sure to have time to hangout with just one of them than you'd hang out with the other.
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I've fought dragons, Little boys are nothing.
GN!Reader -Httyd!reader
Prologue - prt2 - prt3 - End of Prologue
This stories masterlist
word count: 14,470+
"Isn't it delightful? Right, scoot inside, the both of you. there you go.."
As you walked into a home that looked like it'd been attacked by a pod of Scauldrons and left to rot, you thought it'd fit in on berserker island. Standing in the heart of the home, you saw leaky ceilings and broken windows, dust covered furnishings and moving shadows.
"This should keep the elements at bay for the time being. Now, I should return to my research. Do try to find some way to busy yourselves. - But! don't let me catch you wondering the campus!" Turning on his heal and partly running away he left the ruined dorm.
"this place could only look worse covered in yak dung"
Sighing and nodding along with your words, Yuuka moved further into the dorm closer to the lounges- only pausing in her step when the sound of raining pouring down reached her ears. Huffing and rolling your shoulders back you walked to the lounge, raising a foot and kicking it back wards. Turning to give you a look at your odd actions- she moved to your side, with a tilt of her head.
"looks like, it's started to rain. wonder if this shit hole will hold up. What's your bet, [name]?"
"GWAH! It's pouring out there!"
Grim barges through the front door of the dormitory, causing it to slam into the wall almost falling off the hinges.
Swiftly turning your heads to face the door way the both of you see Grim standing there- his fur drenched and mottled with mud. His small furred chest huffing ever so slightly from physical exertion.
"Bwhahaha! the looks on you guys face's is priceless! Like a bat that got blasted by a water gun. As if I wouldn't just sneak back into campus the second I escaped pryin' eyes! You all got no idea what I'm capable of!" Shaking one of his furred paws in your directing as he monologued.
"I ain't givin' up on goin' 'ere just 'cause I got kicked out one measly ol' time. And If you think otherwise you don't know Grim!"
"why're you so desperate to go to this hog stye of a school." Walking closer to the odd little thing that stood in the doorway with Yuuka staying back- sitting on the front bottom of the lounge you'd kicked over.
Seemingly genuine Grim tilted his head and furrowed a brow as he answered your question. "Isn't it obvious?" (genuine curiosity/confusion) "I was born to do this! I'm a magical prodigy who's got the makin's to become one of the greatest mages who ever lived! So I've been waitin' and waitin' for that black carriage to come for me. And yet... Hrmph! that Dark Mirror's got no eye for talent!"
Shaking his head, he directed a paw a his chest as he stood proud. "that's why I took the initiative and came here myself! You humans don't understand what a mistake you're makin'! Not lettin' me in is a great loss to the world!"
Suddenly water drips down from a hole in the ceiling to hit Grims mean little mug. "Mrrao! C'mon scoot over! I'm gettin' dripped on 'ere!"
Shaking his head in anger as he turned to glare up at you. "Bwah another hole in the roof! These flamin' ears are like my trademark y'know? I can't let 'em get doused!"
"Yeah. Good luck on that tanuki this place's a shit hole." Looking over to see as Yuuka rolls her eyes as she nods her head to you, signaling to let the tanuki in further to the house.
Moving aside and heaving out a sigh as you strolled closer to the stairs. "I'll go look for some buckets then. Thor knows this place needs it."
"I dunno why you don't just magic those holes away. You could have fixed it in half a jiff." Turning to look at Grim you saw as his face turned to an evil smirk as he continued- "Ahh, right. Neither of ya can use magic at all. Pfft, Man you guys are useless."
"Why don't yew shut yer mouth before I decide to roast ya and use your furs for a new shirt." Horribly tired from this ordeal you jolted forward- pretending to attack Grim- as you spoke.
"Mmmgrrrahhh?!" disgruntled from your words grim jolts backwards before squeaking out "Mrah! as if some lousy no magic havin' human like you, could do anythin' to the great grim!"
"Since your so great why don't you help out by sealing all those holes huh?!" Just as tired from this ordeal Yuuka spoke up as she moved from sitting on the lounge to stand next to you posturing her hands on her hips.
"heh?! you want me to help the likes of you. Ha! you've got the wrong idea. I'm just a stranger takin' shelter from the rain. You ain't the boss of me." Pausing for a moment and squinting his eyes and puckering his furred lips before continuing with a grin- "But if you had some cans of tuna to trade, well...., that'd be another story. But I don't work for free."
"I'll go get those buckets since the great grim can't do shit!" following behind Yuuka who'd declared her apparent distaste for Grims attitude.
"Ugh... this place really freaks me out." Gritting her words out with a shiver rolling over her body Yuuka turned to grab your wrist as an eerie noise suddenly came from a room down the hall.
Turning to look at one another, you hear another sound that sound like wailing coming from a different room this time. Moving a step backwards, and shifting your eyes uneasily you slipped your hand to hold Yuuka's, in your own.
Then suddenly in a flash of a moment three ghosts appeared before your eyes, dressed in black capes and matching top hats.
Tensing from the sudden visual of new bodies standing- no floating before you. You took a sharp intake of breath as Yuuka released a short shout of 'fuck'.
"Yee hee hee.. Bwa ha ha ha ha ha." Suddenly the mid-sized ghost began to giggle at your startled dispositions.
"We haven’t had visitors in ages!" Came the elated voice of a different ghost- the largest of the group who seemed to have an unnervingly large grin across it's face.
"Oh, I’m just itchin’ for new friends!" The smallest of ghosts rubbed it's hands together as it's gaunt skull like face peered at the two of you.
The ghosts suddenly began to cackle in unison, each with unnerving smiles resting upon their faces. "Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
"fucking ghosts- are you kidding me...!" Backing into you Yuuka hissed her words out beneath her breath almost so silent you could not hear it.
Then Grim turned the corner of the long hallway, coming closer to the two of you with his eyes initially closed as he walked.
"Hey, keep it down over- AAAAAH! GHOSTS! GHOOOOOSTS!"
Floating far to close to both you and Yuuka the mid size ghost near whispered in your ears in a jeer. "All the people who used ta live here got scared of us and ran away."
"We just want a new ghost to play with! What do you say, buddy?" The largest of ghosts floated close to Grim, circling him in the air as the beast stood frozen in step.
Shivering in place Grim released a high pitched- "Eeeep!" -before shaking himself off and rearing an arm backwards to launch a fireball at the ghosts– "I’m a master sorcerer! I ain’t afraid of any dumb ghosts! Myahaaa!"
"Nuh- uh. Not even close." Finding a sick kind of fun in Grim sudden change in demeanour as he tried to attack the the ghosts floated around the beast. "Over here! Over here! Ah ha ha ha ha!"
"Argh! They keep disappearing and reappearing!"
Turning to see Grim you saw him sending fireballs out with his eyes closed, Yuuka took the initiative to shout at him-"You can’t aim with your eyes closed! dumbass!" -before you took Yuuka by the arms and moved the both of you out of the way of a stray fireball.
"Shaddup! I don’t need any lip from you, human!"
Tired of the beast and it's lackluster attempts at hitting the ghosts, you shouted a bribe to the beast- "Beat them, and I’ve got a tuna with your name on it!"
Seeming delighted at your bribe Grim stepped up the effort and threw more fireballs- though his eyes where still closed. "Myah..?! Hmph… I’m Grim, Master sorcerer! How come I can’t even hit one of these little-"
"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
"Hrmph! Ganging up on us.. Yer a buncha cowards!" Gritting out his words, his motivation seemed to depleat for a moment before Yuuka spoke up adding to your bribe.
"Get those ghosts and you'll get two cans of tuna! one from the both of us!"
"Myaaaah… You, humans! You tell me which way the ghosts are!"
"To your left!" Came the voice of both you and Yuuka, in unison.
Hitting his mark, Grim's fireball hit the slimmest ghost. "Aahh! It burns!"
"Ha, got one! Keep it up, just like that…. And let’s clear out the whole lot of ‘em!"
Runn- Floating off the ghosts made their escape as the slimmest shouted out at the others- "Hwaaahh! We gotta get out of here! Before we get disappeared for good!"
Opening his eyes and turning his head side to side Grim unsurely spoke-"H-Huh? Did we… win?"
"Yeah great job, tanuki." Releasing a sigh as the two of you left the doorway of the room the two of you had been taking shelter in. Moving to stand in front of Grim as the both of you looked down at him.
"Aw, geez, I was scared outta my- I mean they didn’t faze me one bit!" -suddenly changing his tone in the midst of his sentence Grim continue on- "Just a walk in the park for a mage of my calibre! Whaddaya got to say now, ghosties? That’s right!"
Suddenly as if out of thin air Crowley appears behind the two of you startling Grim, and making you tense before turning around to face Crowley with a tight expression.
Then Yuuka turns to see Crowley and sighs in disappointment, moving a hand to rest on her hip as she looked him up and down.
"Good evening, In another gesture of my immense kindness, I have brought you dinner."-spreading his hands out to his sides, with one hand holding a white plastic bag- "Wait. That’s the creature we ejected for causing trouble at orientation! What is it doing here?!"
"Takin’ care of yer ghost problem, that’s what. You’re welcome, by the way!" Purring slightly at the end of his sentence grim smirked at Crowley.
"What is the meaning of this, Yuuka- [name]?"
With a sigh you and Yuuka took turns to explain the circumstances that occurred for Grim to be standing alongside you peacefully.
"But you know, on that topic, I do seem to recall that this dorm had a mischievous ghost problem. Ah, yes.. That’s why it was abandoned, in fact. The ghosts scared away all the students. And you’re saying that you two joined forces to drive them away?"
"'joined forces' ain’t exactly how I’d describe it. More like I drove ‘em away, and the human watched. And I only did it ‘cause I wanted some tuna."-turning to face the two of you as he came to a realization- "Hey.. Wait a minute! I never got those cans of tuna the two of ya promised!"
Disregarding Grims words Crowley seemed to hum before he spoke with a hand on his chin. "Would you two be so kind as to demonstrate your ghost-eradication methods for me?"
"One, no, ‘cause I already wiped ‘em all out. And two, no, ‘cause where’s my tuna!?" Turning the conversation to the only important thing to Grim at the moment.
"I will play the part of the ghosts. As for the tuna, you’ll receive it when you defeat me. Oh, what generosity, Crowley…. Now to chug this transmutation potion!"
"did he just speak to himself in third person...?" Came the whispered words of Yuuka as she gazed in disgust at the older man.
With a flash of a light Crowley transformed into a ghost that wore his signature mask and was tall and slim in nature.
"Ah, you gotta be kiddin’ me. I gotta work together with the humans again?"
Raising a brow at Grims direction, you sighed out- "you know, this could be your chance to enrol. and to get that tuna you want."
"Hrmph. All right, but this is the last time. And I better be up to my jowls in tuna afterwards!"
After defeating Crowley in his ghost form the four of you had moved to stand in the lounge. Picking up the lounge and putting it upright- the three of you took to sitting on the lounge as Crowley stood before you grinning.
Laying on his back with his soft round belly up to the sky, Grim panted out- "… Well?"
"Incredible.. I’ve never seen anyone bend a monster to their will quite the way you two have. I must confess, my educator’s intuition did sense something about the two you after that brouhaha at orientation, Yuuka- [name]. I could tell you had a certain animal trainer-y, beast master-ish quality to you. Oh, yes. That said I-" Mumbling out the rest of his words to himself as he raised a hand to his chin in contemplation.
Sighing before opening your mouth to speak words you'd likely come to regret- "Would it be possible for grim to stay with us. Seeming as we don't have a spark of magic between the two of us."
Your words immediately causing Crowley to flounder before yelling at you. "WHAT! A monster, stay HERE?"
"Woah.. did you just?.." Sitting up from his formerly laying position, Grim looked at you with a soft admiration in his eyes. Though turning your gaze to Yuuka, you saw her glaring at you as if asking 'are you fucking stupid? I don't want that mangy little bastard here!'.
"Please, Crowley. We'll defenceless without him yah know- seeing as we don't have magic...."
Blinking at your words he seemed to think it over for a moment before reluctantly agreeing. "Hmm.. I suppose I cannot deny your plea. Very well."
Throwing himself up to stand on his feet with an even brighter sparkle in his eye. "Myah?! Really!?"
Letting out a loud groan Yuuka threw her upper body back against the lounge, as she glared at you.
"Let me be clear! Under no circumstances would I admit anyone to Night Raven College who has not been selected by the Dark Mirror- especially not a monster! Nor do I intend to allow either of you, to freeload until you’re able to return home."
Crossing his furred arms over his chest as he slumped down to sit. "Hrmph. Never shoulda got my hopes up…."
"Now, allow me to explain. It was the Dark Mirror that transported you here. Therefore this school does bear some responsibility for your well-being. So I will allow you to remain in this dorm, free of charge." -pausing to look over the three of you who sat on the lounge in poor spirits- "However, you will need to pay for your own food, clothing, and incidentals. As to how you will do so, penniless as you are… Ah. Ah ha. Yes, a fine plan."
"What are you planning to make us do?" Turning her glare from you she turned her fierce gaze to rest on Crowley who flinched at the heat of it.
"You needn’t seem so alarmed. I’m simply going to ask you to do a few odd jobs around campus." Taking a small glance around the room that in all truth hadn't changed since you'd entered the first time. "From what the two of you've done here, I can tell you both know your way around a broom. So what do you say to you two working together as a janitorial team?" -smiling and clasping his hands together his eerie bright yellow dots for eyes squinted as he continued- "If you agree to that, I will make a special exception and allow you to remain on campus. I’ll also allow you use of the library, so that you may study, and research ways to return home. How boundlessly charitable I am. Ah, but only when your work is over, of course!"
Standing up on the lounge and stomping one of his feet, Grim complained- "Whaaat? What kinda deal is that?! I wanna put on one of those sweet uniforms and be a student, not sweep up people’s junk!"
"If you’re not satisfied with my offer, I can arrange to have you thrown out again."
"Myah?! …All right, fine! Let’s do it."
"yeah. whatever..."
Simply nodding along to Crowley words as your eyes started to drift shut.
"Wonderful. Then I beseech you both… To work hard as the newest members of the Night Raven College’s Janitorial staff!"
Crowley's loud yell as turned and left the dorm startled you awake once more. The door slamming after his leave, caused the door frame to rattle loudly.
"'Would it be possible for Grim to stay for us.'" Yuuka mocked as she stood and turned on her heel to face you. "Why the hell, would you day that?! the little tanuki might be cute, but he's nothing but trouble!?" Placing her hands on her hips as she domineered over you.
"I asked for him to stay cause neither of us have magic- and if the dead can walk this world before our eyes. who knows what else we're gonna have to fight to stay alive. I've fought dragons and men all my life- this is the first time I'm fightin' something I don't know-" Running your hand over your head before resting it at the napr of your neck you continued- "I don't know yew, but I'd rather not have a the only lass who knows what I'm going through die on me. So yer gonna have ta suck it up- this is a matter of life and death and that little tanu- whatever yew called it- maybe be our only shot as I sure as yak shit do not trust Crowley."
Seemingly taken aback at your outburst, Yuuka paused and blinked for a moment before her face fell and she sighed. "yeah- yeah, you're right. we're fucked if we have to rely on Crowley." Chuckling at her last statement a small smile crept upon your face-and Yuuka started smiling too inturn. "besides at least with grim we can kinda control him."
"we just need to house train him."
"WHAT?! I don't need house training!?-"
"Hee hee hee…. Aren’t the you supposed to be off cleaning the school today?" Whispered a voice in Yuukas ear, causing her to stir in bed- before she opened her eyes to see one of the ghosts from the night before in front of her face.
Stirring in his spot at the end of the bed, by Yuuka's feet. "Mmmmmm… Nngh… Five more minutes, Ma…"
Reaching her arm out to the space in the bed behind her- instead of finding your body that had been laying there when she had fallen asleep, she found nothing. Moving her head to the side to confirm that you weren't there, she saw nothing just as she had felt.
The mid-sized ghost from yesterday moved to float over Grim's body as to whisper in his furred ears- "Go ahead, sleep the day away. And you might not eeever hafta wake up again."
"Just like us! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!" came the cackle of the third and final ghost.
Having been woken up by the maniacal laughter of the ghosts, Grim jolted about. "Myah?! The ghosts are back! Hey, Yuu, up and at ‘em!"
After having calmed Grim down from his mini freak out the ghosts had given him. Yuuka turned to face the ghosts whilst sitting cross legged on the bed.
"So I hear you’ll be living here form now on? Hope you like pranks as much as we do! Hya ha ha!"
Growling as he sat on his haunches with his front paws digging his claws deep into the mattress. "We gotta get rid of those things for good..."
All of the sudden the door swings open with Crowley entering the room with a dark grey uniform in his arms.
"Good Morning, Yuuka. Did you sleep well?"
Though having not been the one asked- Grim did not hesitate to answer. "Not at all! When I sprawled out on the bed, the mattress fell right through the frame! Exactly how ramshackle IS this dorm? And worse yet, we got woken up by ghosts!"
"I slept fine"
Brushing off Grim's answer, Crowley nodded along to Yuuka's response with a small eerie smile. "I am delighted to hear that you’ve adjusted so well, despite being sent to another world! Now, speaking of moving on, let us discuss your assignment for today." Looking Yuuka's current state up and down he smiled before saying- "After you get dressed in uniform that is!"
Having left Yuuka to dress into her janitorial uniform, Crowley breezed down the stairs and came to a stop in the lounge. Stopping in the lounge he turned to see the other teen that had been displaced here.
"Good morning, [name]! I do hope you slept well? just as your dormmates did?" Finishing his sentence by tilting his head to the side slightly and blinked owlishly. Looking the young teen up and down he saw they were already dressed in a janitorial uniform, the one he had left at the door last night. "Ah! and I'm glad you've found the uniform I left you last night! though your dormmate did not seem to!"
"I slept fine. thanks for asking. and yeah I think the ghosts took the other one you left and only returned it when you came."
When Yuuka and grim joined the two of you in the lounge, with Yuuka giving you an inquisitive look as to why you had been absentee from bed this morn.
Clapping his hands together Crowley cleared his throat to get Yuuka's attention to him, then began- "Your job today is to clean the campus. That said, the campus is vast, and without magic, it’d be quite a Herculean task to clean it all. Therefore, today I’ll have you focus on the area spanning from the front gates to the library. Now, Yuu… I do expect that you’ll keep a close eye on Grim, lest he cause another incident like yesterday."
"Understood." Came the unanimous reply of the yourself and Yuuka.
"Do not fail me. You may take your lunch in the cafeteria. I eagerly await the fruits of your labour." Exiting the dorm after finishing his sentence with an exaggerated flourish, Crowley disappeared.
"Hrmph. I ain’t cleanin’ nothin’! I’m here to study magic so I can be blastin’ off spells left and right! Like BAM! POW! FWOOM!" Excitedly moving his paws in the motions of pushing and throwing imaginary powers alongside his words.
"Look Grim, after we clean, we can study in the library. So you can be the greatest mage ever- or whatever"
Crossing his arms with a huff at Yuuka's response, Grim turned his head to the side. "Hrmph."
As you walked down the light grey paved stone path of the main street, the three of you took pause to admire the statues that stood at the sides of the street.
Suddenly bumbling about with energy, Grim began to rush out questions. "Wow, so this is Main Street, Huh? This is incredible! I didn’t get to see much of it yesterday. What’s the deal with these seven statues? All their faces look pretty scary. Like, this lady here looks like she’s got some reeeal anger management issues."
"You don’t know the Queen of hearts?"
Turning to face the voice the three of you came to see a boy with bright red hair and a heart drawn over an eye. You thought him a rather scrawny boy, who seemed to have no meat on his bones- kinda like Hiccup but a little more meaty and tall.
"Queen of Hearts? Is she some kinda big deal?"
Seeming shocked at Grim's ignorance though quickly hiding it with a smile that screamed fake the boy began- "She was a queen who lived in a maze like garden of roses long, long ago. She was a strict woman who prized order above all. She wouldn’t tolerate a rose being off-colour, or her playing card soldiers being out of step. She basically ruled over a kingdom of madness, but not one of her subjects dared to defy her. You wanna know why? It’s cause the punishment for breaking a rule was immediate decapitation!"
"Wah! That is seriously messed up!"
"Pretty cool, right? I’m a big fan. I mean, who would bother to obey a queen that was kind all the time?"
Shaking her head at the boy's stupidity and idolisation of tyranny Yuuka turned to whisper in your ear as the two of you took a few steps back from the other two. "sounds like she's asking for a rebellion actually."
Nodding in agreement and whispering back in her ear as you moved a step closer to her side. "Mhn. A chieftan like that would not last too long where I come from- less they were a dragon trapper."
"Yeah, true. A leader needs to be strong. But puttin’ that aside.. who’re you now?"
"Name’s Ace. I’m a first-year student here, as of… today! Pleased to meetcha!"
"I’m Grim! I’m a prodigy who’s plannin’ to be, like, the greatest mage who ever lived. Those two over there are my far less interesting hench-humans. Yuuka and [name]" The both of you roll your eyes in return to Grim's claim of you being his hench-humans.
“'Yuuka'? '[name]'? Huh. Name’s got an odd ring to it."
"we're not your hench-anything tanuki." Came Yuuka's snide remark as she grimaced at the beast that seemed dissatisfied.
"So tell me, Ace. Is that Lion with a scar in the eye a famous ruler too?"
"Of course! That’s the King of Beasts who ruled the savanna. But he wasn’t born into the throne- he had to earn it through hard work and elaborate schemes. When he became king, he decreed that the hyenas would be pariahs no more, and should live among his subjects as equals."
"And by earn he means killed.?" Raising a brow in dissatisfaction at the boy's idolisation of what is clearly another 'villian' historical figure.
Opening his small maw in awe and wiggling his body in excitement Grim asked further- "Sounds like a great guy! Not everyone’s able to look past social status like that. Who’s the lady with the octopus legs?"
"The Sea Witch who lived in an underwater grotto. She basically devoted her life to helping troubled merfolk. If they were willing to pay the price, she’d help them change their appearance, find love, whatever! They say she was so good, there was no wish she couldn’t grant. They also say the price was a tad steep, though. But she was granting wishes! Of course it was!"
"Myahaha! So you’re sayin’ that once I’m a great mage, getting’ rich off folks will be a total cinch?! Oh, oh! Do the dude with the big hat next!"
Turning to face a statue of a man wearing a turban upon his head, and a frown on his long face, Ace excitedly continued. "That’s the Sorcerer of the Sands. He was an advisor to a total dolt of a sultan. He was a smart guy. Really capable sort. He exposed this swindler once- some guy pretending to be a prince in order to trick the princess! After that, he got this magic lamp and became the greatest sorcerer in the world. Then, they say…. He used that power to become sultan himself!"
"Wow! Guess it’s true that a mage needs to be an excellent judge of character, huh? And what about this beauty over here?"
"She’s a queen who was said to be the fairest in all the land. In fact, she used her magic mirror to check how she ranked on a daily basis! When it looked like her position was threatened, they say she’d do whatever it took to keep it. Can you even imagine the level of dedication it would require to keep a record like that? Also they say she was a master of making poisons!"
Shivering at how discomforted the description of her actions made him Grim spoke-"Geez. She’s pretty, but that sounds kinda scary."
Shaking his head in disagreement with Grims opinion Ace argued back. "You think so? I gotta respect the hustle!"
"F- for sure.. Sounds like she fought hard for what she believed in, and never gave up! And the one there, with the flaming head? Now THAT guy looks scary!"
Moving his head to face the statue of a man with seemingly flames for hair and a larger build than those before him- minus Ursula. "That’s the king of the underworld! Single-handedly ruling a kingdom packed with rambunctious spirits- that takes competence! He may look scary, but he was a straight shooter who worked tirelessly at a tough job he never even asked for. I mean, this is a guy who was ordering Cerberus, the Hydra, and the Titans into battle for him."
"Hades? isn't he some greek god?..." Turning once more from observing the duo Yuuka whispered into your ear as you leaned closer to her.
"greek? what's that...?" Not being sure what she meant by 'greek' you scrunched your brows together- though Yuuka seemed shocked by your words before opening her mouth in realisation and closing it again.
"nothing- it's just a type of people from my world" Moving her eyes along your body as she seemed to come to terms with something about you.
"Hmm. That IS something. T’think he could have that much power and not let it go to his head! And that last one there, with the horns?"
"That’s the Thorn Fairy, she lived on a mystical mountain. She was noble and elegant, and a master of magic and curses- even buy the standards of these seven! She commanded storms, covered the kingdom with thorns… She could use magic on a massive scale! She could even turn herself into a giant dragon."
A sparkle shining in his eyes Grim brightened up and shook his paws in excitement. "Ooh, a dragon! What all monsters yearn to be!"
"Pretty cool, huh? Not like some piddling weasel."
Walking closer to Ace and Grim at Ace's sudden harsh words, Yuuka and yourself took a tentative glance at one another.
"Pfft.. Ah ha ha! I can’t hold it back anymore! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Moving a hand up to his left eye as if to wipe away tears from laughing so hard- Ace continued mockingly. "Come on, you’re the ones who turned orientation into such a fiasco, right? The two summoned by the Dark Mirror who can’t even use magic, and the monster no one summoned at all. It took everything I had not to burst into laughter right in the middle of the ceremony!"
Shrinking back on himself for a moment before stomping a foot and shouting- "H-hey! You don’t gotta be a jerk about it!"
"So in the end, none of you got admitted, and now you’re janitors? Ah ha ha! SO lame!"
"What did you just call me!?"
"And you’re all so clueless you don’t even know who the Great Seven are. Not a single one of them! Maybe before you try getting into the academy again, you ought to take a second crack as kindergarten? Ah ha ha ha!"
"Grrrr…. "
"I'm gonna punch that fucker- if he keeps talkin'"
Turning to face Yuuka at her sudden aggression, you moved to take her bicep to hold her back.
"Anyway, just thought I’d tease you a bit. And man am I glad I did. It’s been a blast! Unlike you, I actually have classes to get to, so I’ll let you get back to picking up trash. Bye!" Waving his hand in the air and walking of with a joyful yet condescending smile on his face.
"Myuh-uh! You ain’t walkin’ away from me! It’s too late for that! Myaaaah!" Launching an attack at the end of his sentence, Grim screamed in anger.
Jumping out the way of Grim's attack Ace turned and glared at him. "Whoa!"
"No one makes fun of Grim, Master of Fire! I’m gonna make that explodey-head of yours explode all over again!"
Stepping back in shock as Grim's insult- Ace shouted back- "Explodey-head?! You wanna throw down with me, shorty? You got some guts. You wanna talk hair, huh? I’m gonna shave you like a toy poodle!"
"Myaaah!" Launching a fireball at Ace once more- accompanying his scream.
Deflecting Grim's attack with a wind summoning spell- then sending another gust of wind this time directed at Grim. "Oh-ho! How do you like that?"
Wining at his fireballs not hitting his target-"H-Hey! His magic winds are blowin’ my fireballs off course! No fair!"
"What’s going on over there? A fight?" A boy in a red and black NRC uniform rushes closer to the scene.
"Oh, sweet! Get ‘em!" Following the boy in red and black was another boy with yellow accents instead of red animal like ears upon his head.
Balling her fists up at her side and turning to face you, Yuuka gritted out- "God fuckin' dammit. that stupid little fucks gonna get us in trouble.!"
Seeing the amounting crowd watching the fight, decided to aggravate the beast more. "Awww… Can’t hit me with your little fireballs?"
"Grrr… You better believe I’m about to!- Take that!" Finishing his sentence by launching his largest fireball of the fight at Ace.
"Pfft. All it takes is a little gust to -Hah!" Ace deflects the larger fireball with a little more effort than he needed causing it to move course to hit the statue of the queen of hearts. Turning his head to see where the fireball had hit his jaw dropped and the colour faded from his face. "Oh no! Now the Queen of Hearts’s statue looks like it’s been flame-broiled!"
"That’s your fault for tryin’ to divert it! You shoulda just let it burn you to a crisp!"
"Who in their right mind would ever do that?!"
Appearing once more out of seemingly nowhere, Crowley stalked beside you before moving towards where Ace and Grim stood- and threw his arms up.
"What is going on here?! Cease this at once!"
"Oh no! The headmage!"
"Not more whip lashes! We gotta get outta here!" Panicing and moving to run with Ace follow his lead before they both are hit by Crowley's Lash of Love.
"Myaaaah! And I’m still sore from yesterday, too!"
"As if the likes of you could ever flee from me! Haaaah… Did I not just warn you, “no more incidents”? And now you’ve charred one of my statues?! It’s almost as though you WANT to be expelled!"
Grasping his hands together and shaking them in desperation as his voice shook ever so slightly- Ace begged. "No! Forgive me!"
"And you, [name], Yuuka! The both of you were specifically told to keep Grim under control!" Turning the fury of his anger to the both of you who stood a few steps away- motioning with his eyes to come closer.
"sorry." Came the sarcasm filled reply of Yuuka.
"This will not do. And you! State your name and grade." Spoke Crowley who shook his hands in the air before pointing a finger and waggling it in Ace's direction.
"Ace Trappola… Freshman."
"Then listen well, Trappola. You too, Grim and Yuu. As punishment for today’s infractions, you are hereby ordered to wash a hundred windows!" Finishing his sentence by cutting a hand vertically in the air.
"Myah!? That’s what you get for makin’ fun of me! This is all your fault!"
Startling from where he stood Ace looked side to side before pointing a hand at himself- "Whaaat? I have to do it too?!"
"Of course you do. The four of you will meet in the cafeteria after classes. Am I clear?"
Nodding solemnly Ace spoke. "Yes sir."
"Ugh, I just can’t catch a break!" Rolling his neck and throwing his paws up in the air- in the midst of his sentence Grim frowned.
The end of classes has rolled around and so now Yuuka, Grim and yourself stood next to the main entry of the cafeteria.
"I’m already exhausted from a full day of cleanin’. I can’t believe we still gotta wash a hundred windows!"
"Mhm. yer we are too little one- especially since we didmore than yew" Came your uninterested response as you dug dirt out from beneath your nails.
Ignoring what you said, Grim continued on his rant-"What’s buggin’ me is, Ace ain’t even here yet! To make us wait, after what he did… Grrr!"
After near twenty minutes, Grim gets up from where he had been laying on a cafeteria table "...And now he’s super late! I bet he up and bailed on us!"
Rolling her eyes and moving her head from were it had been laying in your lap- Yuuka leaned up and replied- "Yeah no doubt the ass who views us as lesser bailed."
"Ain’t no way am I doin’ his punishment for him! C’mon, humans. I don’t care if we gotta drag him kickin’ and screamin’, he’s washin’ those windows!"
Walking into what was labled on the golden plate on the door as 'freshmen class room #-', Grim slammed open the door.
"Hey! Ace! Get over here! Try to hide from me, will ya!? Huh… Maybe there’s really no one here?"
"Oh, I wouldn’t say that. I’m here." A voice rang out across the otherwise desolate classroom- turning to see where the voice came from you saw a man dressed in odd clothing in a painting looking back at you.
Shaking his paw in bewilderment Grim commented shakily- "Bwaah! That painting just talked!"
Seemingly offended by Grim's remark the painted man squinted and turned his face up as he spoke. "Yes, and…? Is a talking painting really such an oddity at this school? The lady in the portrait on that wall talks too. As does the gentleman in the portrait on this one. As long as a painting has a mouth, why wouldn’t it be able to talk? Is that really so strange?"
"In fact, yes. Paintings usually don't talk." Came Yuuka's snarky reply.
"Well, your “usual” and my “usual clearly differ. Shall we agree to disagree on the matter? Now, you seem to be searching for someone."
Eager for some help Grim moved closer to the painting all previous caution gone- "We’re lookin’ for this guy called Ace. He’s got messy hair and a heart drawn on his face."
Nodding his head shifting his eyes as if searching through thoughts in his head the painted man spoke in turn- "Ah, I know the one. A new student, I believe? Today was his first day at school. I think he went back to his dorm a while ago."
"Myaaaah! So it’s true! He’s tryin’ to ditch us! Do you know which was he went?"
"The door to the dorms is in the eastern building."
"Let’s chase after him, Hench-Humans!"
Rolling your eyes, Yuuka and yourself jogged after the little agent of chaos.
Talking to himself as he slowly walked towards the gate to his dormitory Ace monologued-"Yeah right, like I’m gonna wash a hundred windows. I’m just gonna go back and-"
Skidding into the room of gates, Grim pointed a finger at Ace and loudly declared- "AHA! GOTCHA, PUNK!"
"Oh Seven! They saw me!" Whisper-shouting to himself, Ace fled the scene.
"Stop right there, pal! No fair getting’ a head start! Wait!"
Not stopping and instead yelling over his shoulder at your group- "Who in their right mind would ever wait?! Seeya!" -Ace continued running for it.
"No way are you getting’ out of this! You think I WANNA wash windows?!"
"..Hm?" A boy with blue hair, wearing a matching uniform to Ace queried.
"Outta my way!" Colliding into the side of the boy with blue hair and a matching uniform Ace continued running.
"Hey! What gives?!" The boy who'd been knocked into echoed out angrily as he watched Ace run further.
"He’s shirking his cleaning responsibilities!"
"What? That’s not right! But how to stop him? Like, freeze his legs? Or bind them with a rope? Or maybe I could…. Hmmm…. No…" his queries being more to himself than to any other.
Turning to scream at the boy who stood there doing nothing, Grim bellowed out-"I don’t care how! Just do something! Anything!" - as he continued to run in attempts to catch up to Ace.
Pointing his magic pen at Ace, the blue haired boy spoke- "Anything?! Anything, huh…. All right! Here goes nothing! I summon thee… something heavy!"
Suddenly a bright light washes out your vision, before a cauldron is summoned on top of Ace causing him to come to a halt as it restrains him to the ground. "Bwaaah?! Wha?! A pot?!"
"Ah ha ha ha ha! Look, Yuuka, [name], look! That Ace guy got crushed beneath a giant cauldron! It squashed him flat! Aha hah ha! That’s what you get!"
"A cauldron?! I wasn’t expecting that, I may have overdone it this time… "
Walking over you lifted the side of the cauldron so Ace could squeeze himself out. Taking a moment to stand and holding a hand to his back he glared Deuce as he spoke- "Owwww! What are you bothering me for? You guys coulda just banged out the work yourself!" -Whipping his head to the three of you in anger, he gritted his teeth as a groan of pain slipped out.
Angered by the boy's gall after he attempted to skip his punishment Yuuka took a step forward -"There’s no “banging out” a hundred windows! Dipshit." - she spoke with a tilt of her head and raise of her eyebrow.
Seemingly shocked out of his contemplative daze Deuce twirled his head around to survey the humans of the group. "You have to wash a hundred windows as punishment? What the heck did you do?!"
Waving off Deuce's questions with a blasé tone Ace rubbed his back. "I was just screwing with that furball a little…. Okay, and the statue of the Queen of Hearts got a teeny bit charred. Sue me."
"You damaged a statue of the Great Seven?! No wonder he flew off the handle at you! After you managed to get into THIS school, how could you get in trouble on the very first day?!"
Taking Deuces comments personal Ace turned with a grimace on his face as he look the boy up and down and question- "Oh, shut up. Who are you, anyway?"
"My name is Deuce. Deuce Spade. Don’t you remember your own classmate? Uh…."
Letting out a small scoff and swaying his head forwards Ace responded- "You don’t remember my name either, do you?"
"That’s not the point! You shouldn’t try to shirk an order from the headmage!"
"Yeah, yeah, message received…. Fine, let’s bang out these windows already. Huh..?"
Sighing as the boys seemed to have finally realized that Grim was gone you ran a hand over your face and regret pooled in your stomach for asking if the beast could stay.
"The furball! He’s gone!"
Turning to the gate that lead to the main street, there Grim stood with his paws on his waist as he mocked- "Ah ha ha ha! I’ll let you two handle the rest! See ya suckers"
"You caught me so YOU could run away yourself?! Hey! You there! Uh.. Juice?"
Reeling backwards at Ace's failure to pronounce his name Deuce tensely replied- "My name isn’t “juice.” It’s Deuce! With a D!"
"This is partially your responsibility, you know! So help me catch that little furball!"
"How is this my responsibility?!"
"Grim’s useless janitor friends can’t use magic. That means this is up to you and me!" Finishing his sentence by running off and into the gate with anger radiating from his form.
Strolling into the cafeteria beside Yuuka you turned to see the boys in the midst of the hall shouting up at the beast.
"Argh! Stop jumping around like that!"
Giggling at the boys frustration he jumped around and climbed the chandelier, with smirk upon his jaw. "Heh heh heh! Catch me if you can!"
"No fair climbing onto the chandelier, you coward! I haven’t really learned flight magic yet…. What could I summon to hold onto him…? Hmmmm…. Oh! That’s it!" Turning to face Ace at the end of his sentence with a contemplative smile upon his face, he drew up his pen and aimed.
"Did you come up with somethi- Oh, hey! Stop! What are you doing!? Why are you pointing your pen at me?!"
"Because I’m going to launch you."
"Those idiots are going to kill themselves or break that chandelier." Releasing a sigh as she ran her hands over her face in exhaustion- "we're so fuuuuuucked"
Nodding along with a look of deep despair you moved to take a seat as a table that was far enough away that it'd be safe- with Yuuka following in tow.
"Are you kidding me?!" -Pausing his words for a moment before beginning to flail in the air as Deuce lifted him- "Bwaaah! Put me down! Seriously, do not launch me! Abort! ABORT!"
"Just make sure to grab him tight. I’ve got him in my sights, and…. Go!"
Launching Ace into the air, the boy hit the mark crashing into the beast spot on- though as he landed on the beast the chandelier rocked for a moment before dropping and crashing to the ground.
Coughing as he moved from where he laid on top of grim and the upper rim of the chandelier- Ace turned to scream at Deuce- "I cannot believe you just did that!"
Still laying in place across the upper rim of the chandelier, Grim twitched as he moaned out in pain. "Myaaah…."
"Oh, right! I probably should have come up with a way to soften your landing after you caught him…"
Stalking up to Deuce and moving to shove his shoulders back as he shouted- "You complete and total moron! We got Grim, But we broke the chandelier! If the headmage finds out about this-"
Yet again Crowley seems to materialize behind the boys with his side to the chandelier, seeing the headmage arrive the Yuuka moves to step over the arms of the chandelier. Having gotten passed the arms of the chandelier she grabs the small furred beast before walking back over to where you sat.
"If I find out about… what, dear Ace?"
"Ah! Headmage Crowley..!"
Seeming to finally see the broken chandelier he twirled around to face the chandelier as he screamed- "YOU. FOUR. AGAIN. What have you done this time?!"
Picking Grim up from Yuuka's arms and placing him in your lap as he stirred into consciousness "Myaaah… Everything’s spinning…"
"Burning a statue wasn’t enough for you? Now you’ve destroyed a chandelier?! Enough. All of you are expelled." Throwing his hands out at the end of his angered rant.
Taken aback by facing consequences the boys jumped backwards in place as they screamed in unison- "Whaaaaaat?!"
"Headmage, please! Give me a second chance! I can’t get expelled from this school! I need to be here!" Deuce seemed to tear up as he spoke, with his hands resting before him held together begging.
"Then blame yourself for your own foolish behaviour."
Lowering to a grovel with his voice quaking Deuce bargained- "I’ll pay for the damages! However much it costs!"
"That chandelier is no mere light fixture. It is a magical chandelier. Its candles are powered by a magical energy source, enchanted so that they will burn for eternity."-turning to face the ruined chandelier his face fell- "It was created for us by a legendary artificer. Possibly their finest creation. It has been here since the school was established, and I imagined it would be here forevermore."-resting a hand upon his waist he turned back to face Deuce with a small snarl- "Considering its historical value, I would estimate its worth to be less than a billion thaumarks. And you intend to repay that sum?"
Comically turning white Deuce stumered out- "A.. A billion thaumarks?!"
Trying to save face, Ace stepped up with a quiver to his brow- "B-but I’m sure with your magical talent, sir, you could snap your fingers and fix it right up!"
"Even magic has its limits. Furthermore, its magestone-the figurative heart of any magical artifact- is cracked. A magestone cannot be easily be replaced. I fear the candles of this majestic chandelier will never burn again."
Deflating with a shake, Ace murmured- "This is bad… "
"What am I going to do?! How am I going to tell my mother…?"
"Ah..! But there may be one way. One tiny sliver of a chance to repair this chandelier."
Seemingly regaining life the boys jolted upwards with a shine to their eyes- "There is?!"
"The magestone that powered this chandelier was mined from the Dwarf’s Mine. If you can acquire a magestone with the same properties, it may be possible to repair it."
Stepping forward with a hand moving to rest on his chest and a determined frown on his face- "Then I’ll go find a magestone! With your permission, sir!"
Raising a brow at the enthusiasm, Crowley crossed his arms over his chest- "I should caution you that I cannot promise there yet remain magestones to find. The mines were closed quite some time ago. It is quite likely that all the magestones have already been mined."
"I will do anything to avoid expulsion, sir!"
Seemingly delighted by the Deuce's determination, Crowley smirked slightly- "Hmm… Very well, then. I will suspend your expulsion for a single night. But is you fail to return with a magestone by morning, then all of you are expelled."
"I understand, sir. Thank you very much foe this opportunity!"
Sighing and kicking his foot against the ground, he rolled his eyes and turned to face the door of the cafeteria. "Fine, then. Let’s hurry down there, find a magestone, and get this whole thing done with."
Deuce following in tow walking speedily towards the exit/entry of the cafeteria, coming to stop ahead of Ace when they heard the headmage's words.
"You should be able to reach the Dwarf’s Mine instantly by using one of the gates in the Mirror Chamber."
"Yes sir!"
Fully waking up from his spot in your lap- he paused for a moment before catapulting off and onto the table. "Myah! Wh-? Where am I?!"
Sneering down at Grim, Yuuka stood from her seat beside you- motioning for you to follow. "You may end up wishing you’d remained unconscious."
Following Yuuka you picked up Grim causing him to flail in attempts to escape- before settling when realising you'd just be carrying him. Jogging to catch up to Deuce and Ace, you turned to look at Yuuka seeing her a few steps behind with a stern expression on her face that softened seeing you looking at her.
"Yeah, yeah I'm coming along." Sighing as she jogged to walk beside you she reached down and ruffled Grim's fur with a smirk. Rolling your eyes at her actions you angled Grim away before he could leap onto her to attack her in turn.
"So this is the Dwarfs’ Mine… Long ago, this mine was flush with magestones." Deuce's voice trailed off at the end as discomfort dominated his face.
Leaning down and placing Grim on the floor he looked up at you with betrayal in his eyes before he turned and shivered at the sight of the mine. "Urgh.. Who knows what lurks in there now?"
Pointing at an abandoned cottage, Ace spoke to the group- "Look, I can see a house. Let’s see what the people there have to say." - before taking lead and walking in the front of the group.
Scrunching her face up and looking the boy up and down Yuuka turned to you- "is he stupid....."
"seems it." Nodding with a sigh you followed the other three with Yuuka walking at your side.
Leaning around a corner to peer deeper in the cottage Deuce spoke out to the empty cottage- "Helloooo? Is anyone home…? Must be empty. It looks like it’s been abandoned."
"Bwah! I got a spider web on my face! Ptchoo! Ptchoo!" running around in a circle whilst rubbing his paws over his face, Grim ran to you and rubbed the spider web off onto your leg.
Pulling a face at the beast, you softly kicked the beast off and rubbed the pant of your leg on the doorframe to remove the web.
Seeming amused, Ace sneered- "Look how tiny these desks and chairs are. Did children live here? One, two… Seven! It’s like a clown car in here."
"When the mine was flourishing, this house must have been a lively place."
"Well, this isn’t getting us anywhere. If we’re gonna find a magestone, it’ll be inside the mine. Let’s head inside and take a look." Taking charge once more Ace waved his hand in the air before pushing past Yuuka who stood at the door.
"You wanna go inside THERE? It’s pitch black!"
Smirking at Grim's fear, Ace leaned down to the beast and mocked-"What, are you scared of the dark? Pathetic."
"Myah?! I’m not scared of anything! I’m taking the lead. You all follow me!" Putting on a facade of confidence Grim rushed in side the mineshaft- further into the dark that laid before him.
Pushing past Ace Yuuka mocked back in turn- "mocking a cat?- pathetic" with a fake smile on her lips as she looked him in the eyes.
Walking into a large room that was surrounded by smaller tunnels-Deuce came to s stop- "Huh? Hold up!"
Groaning in annoyance- Ace gritted out- "What now?"
"There’s something there!" Pointing a finger in the direction of one of the darker tunnels- two ghosts suddenly appeared in worn miners clothes.
Stepping back and reaching for your battle axe that'd usually sit on your hip- your hand came into contact with nought but air causing you to tense as you'd forgotten how little weapons you had now.
Rushing forth and floating around your group of five the joyous giggles of the first ghost floated into your ears. "Hee hee hee hee! Visitors! The first in ten years!"
"Do make yourselves at home… You can stay forever!" Cackling at the end of it's sentence the ghost smirked in eerie delight.
"More ghosts?! They’re floating around here too!"
"If we stop to fight, we’ll never get anywhere. Let’s just keep moving." Shaking his head Deuce moved to dash out of the main room.
Scoffing and turning to Deuce feeling his ego threatened Ace sneered- "Sure, but don’t act like we voted you team leader. The only reason we’re here in the first place is because of that stupid stunt you pulled."
Feeling his own ego take a hit he moved to face Ace and yelled- "Oh? I’m pretty sure this all started because you tried to shirk your window-cleaning punishment!"
"So we’re bringing up ancient history now? Then if you wanna get down to brass tacks, this all started when that furball torched the statue!" Pointing his hand at Grim as to shift the blame from himself.
Turning away from the ghosts to face Ace- Grim shouted with his paws waving in the arm before coming to point back at the boy- "Myah?! Maybe you shouldn’ta made fun of me, then!"
Growing frustrated at the on going argument Deuce attempted to diffuse the situation- "Guys! We’re in real hot water, remember?! If we don’t come back with a magestone by morning, we’re all being expelled!"
"Yeah, which is why we don’t need you ordering the rest of us around. It gets old real fast."
"would the lot of yew calm down. yer screaming like a screaming death-"
"…iiivvvv…. ….oooouuuu…" came a voice from the dark of another tunnel that fed of from the main room. Hearing the voice the other ghosts seemed to flee in quick succession.
Loosing the bravery he had before Ace, unsurely muttered- "Wh-where’s that comin- from?" - as he looked around, stoping only when he saw you pointing your hand to the tunnel the sound came from.
"…neeevvvaaa… …iiivvv… ….ooouuuu…"
Stepping back Deuce looked around nervously- "Sounds like.. it’s getting closer…"
With a flash of light and a gust of wind a large ghost like monster appeared before the lot of you. It's clothes dishevelled, it's head a cracked glass lantern and large pickaxe laying within it's hands.
"Stooonesss… Stooonesss aaare miiine!"
Pulling Yuuka to stand behind you- you reached down grabbing the engraved dagger you'd been gifted by your betrothed. Yuuka seemed to jolt backwards with a soft curse and a heavy breath as she looked at the beast before you.
"Bwah! There it is!"
"What is that?!"
"Myaah! No one said there’d be monsters! Let’s get outta here!" Stepping back and moving ready to turn tail Grim came to stand at your side.
Gulping down the earlier scream he had released, the other two boys stepped back in line with you- And Ace questioned- "That thing’s super creepy! But didn’t it just say something about “stones”?!"
Frazzled at Ace's words, Grim shook his head with fear evident on his face. "Wait, what?!"
"Stooonessss.. …nevvva give stoooness..!"
Gaining back some hope and a small smile reaching his face a the small victory- "So there ARE still magestones here!"
Looking at Deuce's sudden upbeat disposition, Grim shook in place- "Myaaah.. Even as a master sorcerer, I… I don’t think I can take that thing down!"
"But we need a magestone or we’ll get expelled! I’m going in!"
Appalled at the other student Ace exclaimed- "Are you outta your mind?!"
"Don't be daft- "
"I won’t be expelled! No matter what!" Brushing off your warning Deuce stepped forward and raised his magic pen towards the beast.
"Begone! Begone! Begooone!" angered at the sight of the pen the monster charged forth with a spell of it's own aimed at Deuce.
Tapping his leg in anxiety before, running forth with his own pen raised in the air, Ace exclaimed- "Aw, crap! He’s got Loosey-Deucey on the ropes! Not on my watch! Heeyah!" Though the attack of a wind spell seemed to do nothing but anger the monster more.
"Rrrooarrrgh!" Throwing a spell back at Ace the monster seemed to huff in anger.
"Myaah! Stay away from me!"
Angered at the smaller monsters attack of blue flame's he attempted to attack in kind though missed by a hair- "Grraaawrrr!"
"It’s like nothin’s even hurtin’ it!"
"Aren't you a monster Grim- shouldn't this be like your field of expertise?!" Panicking at the situation Yuuka questioned the small beast that had caused not but trouble since they'd met.
A shimmer catches your eye- "Behind the monster! There’s something sparkling in the mineshaft!"
"Could that have been a magestone?!"
Angered at the mention of the word stone once more the monster leaped forth- "GWAAAAH! Nooo giiive yooouuuu stoooone!"
"We need to retreat, we ain't gonna beat that thing with what we've got.!" Shouting out to the others in the room you turned to push Yuuka forwards to the entry of the mine, though you stayed in place waiting for the others.
At the monsters rawr the other three bolted out before you making you turn with one last look at the monster and run out the mine.
Panting slightly Grim came to a stop near the cottage in the midst of the path that laid in the woods. "This should be far enough, I think?"
"Owww… What was that thing? No one said there’d be anything like that!"
Frowning and nodding along with Ace's words Deuce began- "That was no normal ghost, that’s for sure."- before looking back at where they had ran from to see if it was following.
With a defeated sigh Ace threw his head back and groaned out- "Let’s just give up and go home. I’ll happily take the expulsion if it means never having to fight that thing again."
Whipping his head around to face Ace with an outraged expression Deuce stalked over and shouted- "What?! Nuh-uh, not happenin’! I’d rather die than get expelled from Night Raven! How can you give up when the stone is right there?"
Stepping back and placing his hands on his hips, Ace let a smirk crawl across his lips as he mocked- "Pfft. Big talk from someone who’s not even half the mage I am. You want that stone so bad, go get it yourself. I’m out."
"Oh YEAH?! Fine, go back to your coop, you big chicken!"
Unnerved at the sudden change of demeanour and body language you moved closer and stood postured Infront of Yuuka. Though seemingly unphased by Deuce's outburst Yuuka grabbed your forearm and pulled you to stand beside her before slipping her hand to rest in your own.
rearing back from Deuce's sudden change, Ace took a step forward and readied himself to fight. "Whaaaat?! Who’re you callin’ chicken, huh?!"
Blinking owlishly and turning towards Deuce, Grim tilted his head as he softly questioned- "Whoa, Deuce.. Is it just me, or did you, like turn into a totally different person just now?"
"Huh?!" Seemingly shocked out of his stupor, Deuce stepped back and sheepishly spoke- "Sorry.. Lost my cool for a second there."
Tired of the boys being entirely focused of one another and not on the actual issue- Yuuka released your hand and stepped forward gritting out with a fake smile- "Can’t you do something with your magic.- something useful.?" - and a tilt of her head as she narrowed her eyes at the two boys who seemed to be eyeing one another.
Shaking his head and replying kindly Deuce replied- "The headmage said it himself- magic has limits. If you can’t strongly visualize you magic, it isn’t going to happen. Using magic at a greater scale, or using different types of magic- those things require training."
Scoffing and tilting his head Ace finished Deuce's words- "Yeah, that’s why magic academies exist. It takes a lot of training before you can snap your fingers and turn your thoughts into magic. And the more flustered you are, the more likely you are to make mistakes."
"Hmn. you'd think it'd come natural since that's your whole thing and all."
"Nope, although if the magic’s your specialty, you can use it more intuitively."
Shaking his head and gearing the conversation back to the monster in the mines Deuce began- "Anyway, we need to find some way to defeat that creature and get the magestone."
"Yeaaah. Just like the time with the chandelier, right? You 'found some way,' and now here we are. We just fought that thing and it creamed us."-with a smirk rising across his face Ace mocked at Deuce- "So what exactly is your plan here, genius? Because I sure don’t trust you to improvise!"
"What?! You’re the one who-"
Rolling his eyes and moving to stand beside Yuuka and yourself, Grim leaned on your leg. "Aaand they’re at it again."
Frowning and rolling your eyes you surveilled your surroundings seeing an axe leant across a stump a few metres away. Lighting up at the sight you jogged over to pick it up as Yuuka reprimanded the boys.
"Would the two of you knock it off already!"
Gasping in unison Ace and Deuce turned to face Yuuka who looked horribly pissed.
Disgruntled from not being able to lean on your leg anymore, Grim moved to look up at Yuuka. "Whoa, that was loud. Where’d that come from?"
"You said it yourself- we can’t hurt that thing." crossing her arms over her mid Yuuka raised a brow at the boys, only to turn back to see you jogging back over with an axe within your hands.
"Urk… But.. But what are we going to do, then?!"
Annoyed at the constant idoicy she has been forced to endure around the three boys she breathed in deeply before suggesting- "What if we came up with a proper plan first?"
"A proper plan? Like some kinda buddy move? Is that a joke? You always say the lamest things with the straightest face, Yuuka."
"Agreed. No way could I work together with him."
Kicking his bottom paws against the ground Grim muttered- "Yeah, but.. getting’ expelled on the first day.. That’s pretty lame too. Maybe even lamer."
Resting the axe on your shoulder, speaking like the boys were the duller of Vikings- "Yeah, the little beasts right! Besides just gotta smash the thing's head!"
"Yuuka… Is this plan of yours really gonna work? I’m sca- I mean, I’m a little… uh, hungry."
"you'll be fine." Came Yuuka's curt response, as she walked alongside you towards the mine- tired after having to translate your words to easier to digest words for the boys.
Pumped up and ready to get that stone Deuce pumped a fist in the air as he walked behind with Ace. "Yeah we will! Let’s go!" Though the group quickly came to a stop a few metres away from the mine- with Ace, Yuuka and Deuce staying near the tree line as you stood in the midst of the clearing.
Slumping his furred shoulders and moving to the entrance of the mine Grim unsurely screamed into the mine- "H-hey, monster! I’m, uh… I-I’m over here!" -running away from the entrance hearing the rumbling of the monster near.
Exploding out of the entrance of the mine the Beast roared- "Grrraaawrrr! BEGOOOONE!" - and peered around.
"He’s comin’ our way! [name]!!!" Running back towards you faster before skidding to the side and stopping a few metres to your left.
Waving your Axe in the air as you yelled- "Right over here, you foul beast!" - moving to run around it.
"Grrurgh? Thieef this waaay toooo…. Neeevvva giiive stooones! Neeeevvvaa!" Angered by the sudden appearance of another 'theif' the monster launched a punch at the ground that caused a small quake to shake the clearing.
Steadying himself and running off away from the beast but still within the clearing Grim wailed- "Eep! It if lands one of those punches, we’re toast!"
"We gotta lure him as far away from the cave as we can!" Shouting back at Grim who was being chased by the monster before it turned to follow you at your yell.
"Begooone! BEGOOOONE!"
Grim turned and yelled at the three at the tree line as the monster chased you, missing every hit it launched. "We got him a good distance away from the mine!"
Turning and softly shouting at the boys Yuuka moved to stand- "Move it.! now's you're chance!"
"You bet, I got this! One extra-large of wind, comin’ up!"
"With a side of Grim’s blazin’-hot fire! MYAAH!"
At the sudden on slot of spells the monster reared back- "Grrraaahhh?!"
"How’s that taste?! With my winds fanning them, even Grim’s feeble flames can become an inferno!"
"Whaddya mean “feeble”?! Ya really don’t know how to shut yer mouth, do ya?"
Murmuring words of support to himself Deuce aimed his pen towards the monster. "Just stay calm, aim carefully.. and pull out the biggest, heaviest thing I can think of… Get ‘em, cauldron!"
With a sudden flash of light a large cauldron was summoned above the monster- falling atop it and holding it to the ground. "Gwaaah?!"
With the beast down the Yuuka, Grim and yourself jogged towards the entrance of the mine.
Pumping a fist in success and pointing a the monster Grim purred his words out- "Nailed it! The plan’s workin’! Look, [name], Yuuka! That monster got smashed flat by a falling cauldron, just like Ace did!"
Snarling back at Grim for his remark Ace moved to jog towards the entrance of the mine. "Could done without the reminder, thanks! This has been one drag after another."
"Quick! While it’s distracted, we need to get that magestone!"
Thrashing around at Deuce's words the monster wailed- "Guh?! Waaait! Nooooo!"
Coming to a stop in the middle of the main room of the mine shafts where you had first seen the monster and magestone.
"That’s it! That’s a magestone!"
The screams of the monster outside the mine shaft reached your ears-"Dooon’t touch thaaaat!"
Inhaling in panic Ace turned his head back to the entrance- "Uh-oh! Looks like it’s nearly wriggled free!"
"Hey, Deuce! You gotta add more weight!"
Nodding at Grim's words Deuce angled his pen at the monster which could be seen in the distance- stuck under a large cauldron. "Y-you mean something heavier? Uh.. I summon thee, cauldron! And also, uh.. Um… Another cauldron! And a cauldron on top of that! All the cauldrons!"
At the increase of weight the monster collapsed on it's arms once more-"Nnnngaaaah!"
Running over and smashing the top of the axe against the stone that kept the Magestone in place. Once dislodged you reached down and held it in your non-dominate hand, then jogging back to the rest of the group.
Half annoyed, half mocking Ace questioned- "Is that the only thing you know how to summon?!"
"Pipe down already! I’m worked up enough as it is!"
Tired of the fighting Grim sends small fire ball against the far wall to stop Ace and Deuce fighting. "We got the magestone! Now let’s get outta here!"
"Roger that!"
At the angered shout of the monster, you tucked the stone into your pocket and grabbed Yuuka's wrist and ran out of the mine shaft with the rest following. Keeping the axe in your other hand you moved your hand to rest under the head of the axe.
Slowing down in his run as the group came to close to the cottage they'd seen near where they entered, Ace shouted in frustration- "Are you kiddin’ me?! It’s still coming! It pushed off all that weight!"
"Ooooooogh…! Giiiive it baaack…!"
The colour seemed to drown out of Deuce's face as he turned his hed to look back- "It’s too fast! It’s about to catch us!"
"You've weakened it, ya just gotta finish it off!"
Wining at your remark, Ace slowed to a stop and pointed his wand at the monster- "Aw, fine! Let’s just smash the thing. Try not to wet yourself, Deucey!"
"Same to you, Ace!"
Panting in exhaustion Deuce kneeled on the ground, with Ace standing leaning over his own body beside him.
Squinting his eyes open as he panted Ace yelled out to you and Yuuka who stood close to the cottage. "Is it… over?"
Replying before either of you could Grim spoke from his laying position on the ground. "I think.. we won? I think we did it!"
Tiredly pumping a fist in the air from his hunched over position, Deuce celebrated- "All right!"
Invigorated with energy Ace pumped both his fists in the air in joy- "Woohoo!"
Jumping up from his spot on the ground Grim ran over and held his paws out to the boys- "Gimme a victory high-five!"
Stalking over as the boys seemed to regain their energy you and Yuuka shared a look, as she spoke- "Shared adversity sure brings people together, huh."
Scrunching his face up and glaring slightly Deuce defended- "Uh… I don’t think that had anything to do with it."
"Yeah! Spare us the cliches, Yuuka!"
Nodding along in agreeance Grim argued back at Yuuka- "There’s no 'together' here! We won ‘cause of me! This is all from me bein’ a magical genius!"
Sighing and kicking his foot against the ground Ace rolled shoulders and mumbled out- "Y’know… I hate to admit it, but… we mostly won because of your plan."
"Yeah.. If you hadn’t managed to keep your cool and tell us all what to do, we never would have got this magestone."- nodding along and smiling at Yuuka, before smiling and continuing- "Now I won’t get expelled. And wow, is THAT a relief!"
"I’m surprised none of ya died- for ya first hunt an' all.."
"Yeah, yeah, lessons were learned, et cetera. Can we just go home already? I’m wiped."
Rubbing his stomach with a frown before pausing and trotting over to where the monster once laid, Grim turned over his shoulder and motioned the group over- "Usin’ all that magic made me hungry! Huh? What’s this?"
"Is that a part of the monster we just beat?"-Tilting his head to the side and scratching the back of his neck Deuce wondered aloud- "It looks like.. a magestone? But it’s black as coal! I’ve never seen one like that before."
Leaning down and crouching over the stone Grim began to aggressively sniff before purring. "What IS this? It smells amazing!"
"Are you insane?"
"Must be some kinda fancy monster candy that it was hidin’ form us! If this tastes half as good as it smells…" Mumbling the end of his sentence more to himself than to anyone else he paused before launching down and throwing it into his mouth whole.
"Did you seriously just eat that?!"
Frowning and moving closer to Yuuka as she yelled at the beast, you began to regret once more that you had convinced Crowley to allow him to stay.
With a panicked expression Deuce leaned down and reached an arm out towards Grim in concern- "Are you okay?!"
Frowning at Grim Ace crossed his arms over his midsection- "That’s what you get for eating trash!"
"Oooooogh… Urrrrgggh… That.. was AMAZING!"
Shocked and disgusted Ace and Deuce stepped back in tandem and exclaimed- "What?!"
Moaning in delight Grim twirled with his paws resting on his cheeks as he smiled widely- "Rich in flavour and full-bodied.. Like sweet, fragrant flowers burstin’ on my tongue. A whole field of ‘em! Right in my mouth!"
Frowning at Grim as he fake puked Ace sneered- "Gross. Monsters must have real weird tastes."
"You might be onto something there… Most humans don’t take random stuff they find on the ground and just pop it into their mouths."
"Monsters really will eat anything, I guess...."- Turning to face you she whispered- "if it get's sick it's your responsibility."
"Myah ha ha ha! Man, was that great! Don’t worry about me. I don’t got a weak stomach like you humans do." Sneering at the end of his sentence in everyone's direction he slapped a furred paw on his stomach once more.
Still frowning the Ace muttered- "Hmph. We’ll see if you’re so smug when you’re sick later tonight."
Turning and nod a everyone else in the group Deuce straightened up and moved to the gate- "Okay, let’s pull ourselves together. We need to get this magestone to the headmage!"
-Crowley’s office
Having walked into the headmage's office and retelling the story to him, he seemed shell shocked before startling cutting off the end of Yuuka's sentence explaining the very end of the tale.
"Pardon?! You’re telling me you actually went to the Dwarfs’ Mine in search of a magestone?"
Blinking and nodding along dumbly Ac, Deuce, and Grim replied to his rhetorical question-"Uh..? Yes?"
"I didn’t expect that you’d seriously do it. And never in my wildest imaginings did I think you would actually return with a magestone!"- running a hand along his chin he turned to the side and murmured to himself- "And here I spent all evening preparing your expulsion documents."
Exploding in shock, Grim growled out- "Are you serious?! While we were fightin’ some crazy monster for you, you were expelling us?!" -his paws shaking in anger at his sides.
Blinking as the earlier telling of the story had bleed through one ear and out the other. "“Monster”…? "
"Yeah. There was a monster, all right. A big, nasty one. It nearly killed us!"
Throwing a side eye at the headmage Yuuka replied- "yeahhhh, we told you this already."
"Would you kindly relate this story in full- once more..?"
"Hmm. So a mysterious monster was living in the mines. And the four of you worked together to destroy it, and then brought its magestone back to me?"
Seemingly disgruntled by the older man's words Ace defended with a glare that trailed up the headmage's body, up and down. "I don’t know that I’d call it “working together.”"
"It was more like we just happened to share the same goal at the same time.." Nodding along to Ace's words Deuce cut in.
"Oh, gracious.. Ohhh… Ohhhhh!" A hysterical sob shaking through his body at the end of his wails.
Scrunching up his nose is disgust, Grim took a step back as he leaned into your leg- "What is this guy’s deal?! Burstin’ into tears in public? At his age?!"
"In all the decades I’ve worked at this school… The day has finally come when the students of Night Raven College have joined hands together to defeat a common foe!"
A slight flush to his cheeks- Deuce shouted in turn to the headmage with a shake of his head- "Whoa! No! No way would I join hands with that guy!"
Taking a step away from Deuce- Ace shook his head and huridly spoke out- "Okay, one, there was no joining hands. Gross. And two, exactly HOW old are you, Headmage?"
"At this moment, I am moved beyond words. This moment has proved my hopes, were justified. Yuuka- [name], my doubts are allayed! For you… You both possess the talents of a beastmaster!"
"A.. beastmaster...." Came the confused mummur of both yourself and Yuuka, as you turned to face one another.
"My students have all been selected by the Dark Mirror for their exceptional talent and potential. But great talent begets great pride and big egos. Most are so self-reliant and self-centred that they never even consider cooperating with others."
Grunting and tilting his head to the side Grim replied- "You make it sound like that’s a bad thing."
"But you both, posses no magic. Yet in spite of that- or perhaps because of it- you were able to convince those who CAN use magic to work together for a common goal. The everyday, humdrum mundanity you possess may be exactly what Night Raven College needs!" Flourishing his hands out to his sides to exaggerate his words filled with pride.
Scratching his head and casting a look at the other student in the office Ace murmured- "But.. none of those words are good things?"
"Yuuka…. [name].... I am convinced that people like you are necessary for the future of this school."-turning his body to face the uniformed students he spoke- "My educator’s intuition tells me so. Trappole, Spade- I hereby revoke your pending expulsions!" -Turning to face Yuuka and yourself who stood side by side who seemed disturbed- "Furthermore, Yuuka, [name]… I am granting you the qualifications necessary to attend school at Night Raven College!"
"As an actual student?!" Seemingly shocked out of her usual down demeanour- Yuuka shouted.
"Of course. This is extraordinarily kind of me. However, there is one condition. Your inability to use magic is, for a mage, unacceptable. You would not be able to adequately pursue the school’s curriculum! As for you, Grim…. Your actions today have made it clear that you possess sufficient talent to become a mage. In light of the total sum of your respective circumstances, the three of you will share a single enrolment at Night Raven College."
Tears welling up in his eyes, with is bottom lip trembling he turned to face you, then back to face Crowley- "Myah!? I.. I’ll get to go to this school..? As an actual student? Not a janitor?!"
"Correct. However! There must be no further incidents like the one that occurred today. Are we clear?"
Tearing up as he turned to face you then to face Yuuka with a wobble of his lips as he spoke- "Myah.. Myah.. [name]- Yuuka-, I.. I finally…"
"I'm very happy for yah."
Reaching onto his desk he pulled up a ribbon that had a large stone resting in the middle. "Accordingly, I will now present to Grim the magestone that is issued to every student here." Leaning down he tied the ribbon around Grim's neck before standing again and brushing his hands off against his pants.
"Heh! A magestone, eh?!"
"It is typically attached to the “magic pen” that each student uses. But I suspect your paws cannot handle such implements. Therefore, I have a custom solution for you. Is it possible that I am, in fact, too kind?"
"Ah, sweet! I look awesome! A magestone collar, to be worn only by the legendary archmage, Grim!" Sparkles a light in his eyes, purrs radiated from his furred body as he swayed in step.
Frowning at the little monster that stood before him holding his new magestone in his paws. "You’re not listening to anything I say, are you?" -shaking his head and raising a hand to rub at his brow he turned to Yuuka and yourself. "Yuuka. As you can plainly see, Grim remains oblivious to the customs of human society. You are to keep a tight rein on Grim, and ensure there are no further incidents! Aswell as to keep an eye on [name] seeing as they are from older times..." Trailing his words off as he cast a glance at you- who looked so glaringly out of place with how you held yourself.
Looking at Yuuka and yourself Ace seemed to come to an assumption- "Wow, that’s quite the promotion, Yuuka. From janitor to student to prefect, all in the span of a day." Meaning his words condescendingly, though Deuce didn't seem to catch on and spoke his genuine thoughts aloud.
"Oh, I see. So if your Dorm is just you three… And the headmage is putting you in charge of Grim, that makes you.. the dorm prefect. Especially since [name] seems to defer to you..."
"Well, that’s gotta be a Night Raven first! A magic-less prefect? But sure, why not? Whatever works!" Ace's words mocking as he placed a hand on his hip and faked a smile at Yuuka.
Gritting her teeth together and clasping her hands infront of her torso- "I swear I'll do my best.." Yuuka spoke with the fakest of smiles, that turned into a grimace the moment she finished her words.
"Heh heh heh. Good luck to you, Magic-less Prefect!"
"Ah. Yes. I suppose that does make you a prefect. I just so happen to have a job for you, and that title will make it all the easier to," -Pausing at his own words, he claps his hands together before continuing- "I mean, congratulations! Now, I have something for you."
Walking to stand behind his desk, he opens a draw and pulls out an old camera- though in truth you thought it was a painted box. Walking back around the desk and stopping before Yuuka he hands the camera to her- "This is called a ghost camera."
"camera..?" Confused at the new word, you turned your head to face Yuuka only for her to not be looking in your direction.
Nodding along to Crowleys explanation, Ace moved to ask the headmage-"Ooh, my grandma’s told me about those. Those are, like, super old magic items, right?"
I would hardly consider them “super old…” Ahem. But it may indeed have been invented when your great or great-great-grandmother was a child. It’s a camera enchanted with a special kind of magic. It enables the user to photograph to not just the subject’s physical form, but parts of their soul itself. -c
Throwing a cautionary glare at the headmage- "Wait, that sounds… sketchy."- Deuce spoke with suspicion apparent in his tone.
"They’re called Memories. Here’s the thing. When the soulbond between the photographer and the subject deepens… The Memories captured in this magic camera’s photos come jumping out!"
"Jumping out?"
"When the photographer and subject grow closer, their photographs grow animated like videos… And sometimes the photographs take on corporeal form and slip out. Is that not what you youths would call “wicked keen”?"
"That almost sounds like ghost photography!"
Staring as if saying 'obviously' the headmage clasped his hands together as he spoke- "Very astute. Hence the name “ghost camera.” I understand it was developed as a more vivid way to capture moments in time, in an age before video. As Spade observed, in days of yore, when people saw Memories jumping out photos, they would get spooked and yell, “Ghost!” I’ve heard many a tale of people who were deathly scared of being photographed by such cameras." Seeming far too over joyed at the end of his monologue, you gave him a disgruntled look before moving your eyes to rest on Yuuka who seemed just as put off.
Grumbling to himself with a raised brow- "This tech sounds like way more trouble than it’s worth." -Ace said to Deuce.
"Yuuka. I would like you to photograph Grim and the other students with this camera, and make a record of your campus life."
"Myah ha haaa! Sounds like the perfect way to immortalize all my finest moments!"
"Ahem.. Make especially certain to capture the mischief caused by certain students who struggle with impulse control. Keeping a photographic journal sounds far less tedious than writing me lengthy reports, wouldn’t you agree?"-nodding along to his words Yuuka stayed silent and staring- "As a prefect, consider it your duty to maintain a sharp eye on your surroundings and record them . Not how generous I’m being providing a rare magical item that even someone like yourself can use. Is my kindness not beyond all reckoning?" Shaking his head softly as if ruffling out feathers in pride, the Headmage spoke to himself in compliments.
"I’ll give this my all." Yuuka spoke, as she straightened her her back and nodded at the older man.
"The hour has grown late, so further details shall have to wait till the morrow. You are all dismissed. Return to your dormitories." Bidding a due, he moved to sit at his desk reaching over to move papers to the centre of his desk.
"Good night, sir!" Following Deuce's lead the rest of you bid a good night to the headmade and left as quickly as you could- closing the doors behind yourselves.
Walking down the hallway connected to the headmage's office Deuce turned to face the rest of the group as he walked ahead. "Phew.. we managed to avoid expulsion. That was a close one!"
"Yeah, no kidding!"
Ignoring everything else occurring around him Grim sang and taunted- "La la la la la la! I’m a student at Night Raven College! La la la! I’m gonna be the top mage on campus on campus in no time. Enjoy eating my dust, boys!"
Stopping in place and leaning down slightly as he walked closer to Grim- "Big words for a sentient pile of lint, who’s literally only half a student. Still.. Good for you." - Ace jeered at the little beast.
Rubbing the back of his neck and turning his attention to the yourself and Yuuka- "I guess we’re schoolmates now. Grim, Yuuka, [name]- welcome to Night Raven."- Deuce spoke with a soft joy evident in his tone.
Sighing at the reality she'd be stuck with them-"The pleasure is all mine..." - Yuuka spoke before turning to face you.
Scratching the back of his neck with an awkward look on his face-"Okay, seriously, can we quit it with that stuff?" - Ace questioned as he tapped his foot.
"Heh. We’ll be seeing each other all the time now. We’ll see what a pleasure that turns out to be. Especially you, Ace, since we’re in the same dorm."
Turning to face Deuce with a slight scowl, he postured a hand on his hip before Mocking- "Yeaaah, can’t say I’m jazzed to see your smug, self-important scowl every day."
responding in kind to Ace's jeer, Deuce gritted out- "Better than your lazy, dopey grin."
Taking the chance to mock Deuce once more, before turning to Yuuka and yourself to say goodbye. "Keep bawling, crybaby. I haven’t forgotten how you almost wept when he said you were expelled. Anyways- catch ya later, Yuuka, [name]." And with a wave of his hand he and Deuce walked off whilst squabbling.
"Yeah see ya." Came your tired reply as you straightened your back.
Seemingly disinterested with interacting Yuuka leaned on your shoulder as she hummed a reply. "Mhm."
"Man, those two are made for each other. Maybe they’re the type who bond through squabbling?" Scratching the top of his head as he pondered the two odd boys Grim continued- "Anyway, guys, let’s get back to the dorm! Tomorrow when we wake it won’t be as janitors! Finally, finally… My glorious education as a proper Night Raven College student is about to begin!"
If you want to be added to a tag list just reply under one of my stories to be added to that taglist. I want to apologise for the amount of time it took to upload this, I've been horribly busy but I will be uploading more often from now on, it may just not be chapters as long as this one :(. -Also crowley did not notice [name] still holding the axe he was more focused on the others-the axe will be brought up later.
Thanks for reading xx
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Oh, Lover Boy... FEM!Reader
Marine path
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Oh, Lover boy~
One Piece x FEM!Reader
All your life you had lived on a small island, filled with small minded people, who never seemed to like those who were new to town. For everytime newcomers would arrive, there would a few members of their group would disappear once they set land- for nothing to ever be found of them again.
Though if you were to be honest- you loved the travellers that'd stop and dock on the island, though the travellers seemed to lessen as the years passed. You always kept your hopes up that one day someone would dock at the island and whisk you away into a life filled with adventure.
For when the travellers would visit and whisper these tales in your ears, of the fights they'd won and the people they'd met. The people who were kind, the people who were strong, those who were weak, those who were cruel and those who weren't human at all. Than suddenly a ship docked in the shipyard filled with men wearing crisp white and blue uniforms.
They'd called themselves marines, and the man with white-grey hair and tanned skin was monikered as their commanding officer. He had called himself Monkey D. Garp, before shovelling food in his gullet and falling asleep abruptly. He seemed kind and ever so eager to explain the wonders of the marines to you- of how the lands beyond this island functioned.
The marines had stayed for a week before their first officer had gone missing, once he had the island seemed to be put on lock down by the marines. They had a line of questions for each and every villager, then after 3 days of questioning- they found what they believed to be the culprit. A man the size of a bear and just a hairy named Renly- who had a reputation of starting fights with whoever he could, and had been missing from his regular bar the night of the officers disappearance.
Although they had it wrong- but it wasn't like they'd listen to you nor would you ever tell them the truth of what runs beneath the surface of the island.
More days seemed to pass and another officer would go missing for every second day that Renly stayed in holding- nothing left to be found of the officers once they walked into the night.
After another week the commanding officer of the ship decided it was best they set sail and leave the damned island to return another day- when they had more officers and time. Though the night before they were to depart, the town had called a meeting in order to get Renly back less the marines take him from the island.
Having sent you aboard the ship just past dusk to plead Renly's case as for over the days the marines had stayed they took a shine to you. A sweet young girl who listened to their stories of times past as she served them ale and food abundant. Who batted her eyes and smiled so pure at them- who now stood aboard their ship after having refused many a night before.
POV change - 3rd person
"You need to return him"
At her words a hush seemed to fall upon the deck of the ship where they had been completing their final cleaning duties of the day. Then a laugh sounded across the ship- that was followed by the laughs of the rest of the crew.
"HAA.." - wiping the corner of his left eye to truly extenuate how humorous he found that the lone young girl who had been only soft spoken not but earlier today demand such. Opening his mouth to comment further he stopped, hearing her next words.
"You need to return him. you'll all die if you don't."
The finality of her tone seemed to silence the laughter that once rained across the deck- for after her words in the midnight breeze carried the sound of howling in the night.
As the sound of howling echoed across the night, she seemed to tense before turning and sprinting off the ship- nearly too fast to be seen. Though she seemed to come to a stop at the dock that they'd been anchored too, only to turn her head upwards and yell-
"No Holy Knight has survived the trials of this island,-" taking pause to move her eyes to where they were anchored-" you marine officers will no doubt face the same fate as they did." Leaping forth she unanchored the ship before disappearing into the depths of the water- though the water did not ripple once.
Silence dominated the ship as the Vice Admiral leaned over the side of the ship- peering into the water in attempts to spot the girl who'd vanished before their eyes. Though as he peered into the depths of the water he saw a glow arise from the depths before the ship suddenly rocked from beneath him. Stumbling backwards ever so slightly and adjusting his stance he turned his head to view the ship's deck only for the ship to take a sudden hit from beneath.
"I've warned them- they did not take head."
"they are human men. Their kind listen to none but their own.- you did well but now I must ask you to take the wooden dingy out to the vantage point."
As she moved the wooden dingy to position- the marine ship floated into view, the metal hull ripped and torn as if mere paper. The water surrounded in a dark shade of red, and the deck of the ship seemed to be aflame.
"if only you'd listened." came her hushed voice as she spoke aloud to herself, moving to rest the dingy against the back of the marine ship. Taking out an anchor she threw it aboard the ship, digging it into the torn side of the ship. Moving aboard she made quick movement to run down the halls, checking the doors as she passed for sight of a holding cell- only finding such at the end of the third hall she had run down.
Ripping open the door, she rushed to the metal bars seeing Renly chained to the wall by his wrists. Moving his head up as [name] rushed to the bars he turned to rip his arms down causing the chains to fall and brake. Bending the bad door off it's hinges, she stepped back to allow Renly out- only for her back to come into contact with a broad chest.
Turning her head back to face whomever stood behind her she saw Garp standing before her- causing her to tense before moving back towards where Renly now stood over the broken cell door.
Seeing as they out numbered the older marine, Renly moved to rush forward- raising his arms and elongating his nails now turned claws to attack him. In a flash a battle between man and beast seemed to begin only for it to end a moment just as swiftly with Renly being sent flown backwards. As Renly crashed through the ship wall and landed into the water unconscious, [name] seemed to move her body to bolt past Garp. Only for Garp to beat her and send flying into the wall, causing her to scramble to her feet and a growl to release from her lips.
Unphased by the girls reaction he moved forward to grasp her arm, pulling her upwards. Resisting she pulled her arm out his grasp with enough force it caused her to dislocate her shoulder, running off from the man she turned her back to him in a moment of panic. Causing Garp to move forward to reach for her once more, only for her to twist her body harshly- narrowly escaping his grasp.
Making chase, Garp attempted to placate the girl that had been nought but sweet when they'd first arrived. Only for the ship to violently rock once more as something hit the side of the ship- throwing her against the wall. Her head making contact, causing her to loose consciousness and her body to slump before it slid against the floor closer to the opening of the ship. Reaching forth and grabbing the girl with an arm Garp ascended to the deck of the ship only to see his men left mortally wounded and some dead across the ships' deck.
this is just a small snippet of [name]'s background, this story will not follow a strict timeline and I will be releasing 'chapters' that occur in the future. This takes place about 2 years before Luffy sets sail, I will indicate the timeline/rough episode the chapter is based in for future chapters. However past chapters will be indicated by a simple 'PAST' in the title. I will be releasing two options for what the reader's path will be. One will be the path of a Marine, the other of a pirate/warlord. relationships will vary depending on path.
#one piece#one piece x reader#op x reader#one piece x you#x reader#anime x reader#one piece x fem reader#one piece x female reader#female reader#fem reader
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I'm not human, I can't be
FEMALE READER - Twisted Wonderland
Word Count: 4,700+
Deuce - Ace - Grim
Prologue part 4 - Part 5
-(next part is going to be bigger)
For a moment all seemed well.... then the chandelier came crashing down with Grim and Ace atop it.
"The chandelier!" Came the surprisingly shrill scream of Yuu, as his face turned to despair.
Coughing and hacking out the dust from the fall before turning to Deuce with an angered disposition- "I cannot believe you just did that!!?"
"Oh right I probably should have come up with a way to soften your landing after you caught him..." Seeming to have been scared out of his skin from the bang the chandelier made, muttered Deuce.
"You complete and total moron! We got Grim but we broke the chandelier! If the Headmage finds out about this-"
Walking Into the cafeteria and straight to the up and coming group of delinquents- though only noticing Ace due to him mentioning his name, came the voice of the headmage-"If I find out about.... what, dear Ace?"
"Ah! Headmage Crowley!"
Swivelling his head to see the group in whole, an indignant squawk arose from his throat before he yelled. "YOU THREEE AGAINN?! What have you done this time?!" Placing his hands on hi ships and seeming to leer in closer at the end of his first sentence.
"mnyahh... everything's spinning..."
"Burning a statue wasn't enough for you?! NOw you've destroyed a chandelier?!- I- Enough all of you are expelled!"
His last statement shaking you from your stupor beside Yuu, luckily that was a word you knew- it meant that you're screwed being stuck in a human body and now destined to loose the shelter which promised setting you free from this cursed form.
"Whhaaaaat!!!???" Ace's yell made your head feel as if it had been hit once again...- with how atrociously loud he was.
"Head mage please! I can't get expelled from this school! I need to be here"
"then blame yourself for your own foolish behaviour"
"I'll pay for the damages! however much it costs!"
"That chandelier is no mere light fixture. It is a magical chandelier. It's candles are powered by a magical power source enchanted so that they will burn for eternity. It was created for us by a legendary artificer. possibly their finest creation. It has been here since the school was established, and I imagined it would be here forevermore. Considering it's historical value, I would estimate its worth to be no less than a billion thaumarks." -Pausing after his last sentence he looked Deuce top to bottom- "And you intend to repay that sum?"
A silent shock ran through the group - though your silence was due to debating how to survive as human- before deuce stuttered in astonishment. "A.... A billion thaumarks?!"
"But I'm sure with your magical talent, sir, you could snap your fingers and fix it right up!" trying to find a light in the seemingly dark turning situation.
"Even magic has it's limitations.- further more the magestone- the figurative heart of any artifact- is cracked. A magestone cannot be easily replaced. I fear the candles of this majestic chandelier will never burn again."
Muttering and softly shaking his head Ace spoke to himself- "this is bad.."
"What am I going to do?.. how am I going to tell my mother...."
"Ah!.. but there may be one way. one tiny sliver of a chance to repair this chandelier."
"there is..!?!" Mirrored the two humans with painted faces.
"the magestone that powered this chandelier was mined from the Dwarf's Mine. if you can attain a magestone with the same properties, it may be possible to repair it."
"then I'll go find a magestone! with your permission sir!"
'What's with that humans sudden 'sirs' at the end of every sentence- is flattery how they barter their survival- how... familiar...' -{name}
"I should caution you that I cannot promise there yet remain magestones to find. The mines where closed quite some time ago. It is quite likely that all of the magestones have already been mined."
"I will do anything to avoid expulsion, sir!" Came the rigid response of Deuce as he attempted to salvage this situation.
"Hmm... Very well then I shall suspend your expulsion for a single night. But if you fail to return with a magestone by morning, then all of you are expelled." Seeming to nod to himself after finishing talking as if silently saying 'oh my how I am gracious'.
"I understand, sir! thank you very much for this opportunity!"
With a sigh and a scratch to the back of his neck, Ace agreed-"Fine, then. Let's hurry down there, find a magestone, and get this whole thing done with."
"You should be able to reach the Dwarf's Mine's instantly by using one of the gates in the mirror chamber."
"yes sir!"
"Myah! wha! Where am I?"
With a sigh and a roll of your eyes, you grabbed Yuuken's wrist in your hand pulling him alongside you- "You may wish you ended up staying unconscious little beast." Turning to exit the cafeteria to head back to the mirror chamber yet again.
Leaving from the gate, you could see that your surroundings have changed from the halls of a human school to the darkened woods of the Dwarf Mine's. The trees old and lighter in shade compared to the trees of your homeland- the leaves of the trees a dark pale green.
Walking infront of you and posing himself towards the house Deuce began-"So this is dwarfs mine... long ago, this mine was flush with magestones"
"urgh... who knows what lurks in there now?" spouts out Grim as his small furred form shivers as if a cold chill ran up his spine.
"Look, I can see a house. Let's see what the people there have to say." Stepping to the for front of the group and beginning walking down the old cobbled path that seemed sown into the ground- Ace took lead. Following in step with Yuu who seemed to be glancing at you every secondary moment that would pass, you both stepped into another dilapidated house.
"Helloooo? is anyone home..? must be empty it looks like it's been abandoned." Accompanying his words with a shrug, Deuce peered further into the house.
"Yeah, could have told you that from outside." Your reply that was whispered from under your breathe seemed to make Yuu who stood close beside you chuckle.
"Bwah! I got a spider web on my face! Ptchoo! Ptchoo!" His little declaration accompanied by the sound of his thrashing before he tumbled into Yuu's legs- and wiped the webs off his furred face and onto Yuu's pants in turn.
"Look how many tiny desks and chairs there are. Did children live here?" Taking a moment to count up the surrounding furniture -audibly- Ace commentated "One.. Two..... Seven.!? It's like a clown car in here!"
"when the mine was flourishing, this house must have been a lively place"
"Well, this place isn't getting us anywhere. If we're gonna find a magestone, it'll be inside the mine. Let's head inside and take a look"
"You wanna go inside THERE?! It's pitch black!" Screeched out Grim as he peered into the entrance of the mines.
"What, are you scared of the dark? pathetic."
"MYAH!?! I'm not scared of anything!! I'm taking the lead!- You all follow me!" Storming off into the dark that laid in the depths of the mines.
"Huh? hold up!"
"What now?" turning to deuce with an angered sigh, Ace placed his hands firmly upon his own waist.
There's something there!
Appearing before your eyes two ghosts- one of a thicker figure and another of a thinner figure both whom seemed to be draped in hooded capes.
"hee hee hee! Visitors! the first in ten years!"
"do make yourselves at home.... You can stay forever!"
"More ghosts?! they're floating around here too!"
"if we stop to fight, we'll never get anywhere. Let's just keep moving"
"sure but don't act like we voted you team leader! the only reason we're here in the first place is because of that stupid stunt YOU pulled."
Seemingly incensed at Ace's blame- Deuce turned from facing the ghosts to face Ace before opening his mouth to shoot back-"Oh? I'm pretty sure this all started because you tried to shirk your window cleaning punishment."
"So we're bringing up ancient history now?! Then if you wanna get down to brass tacks, this all started when that furball! torched the statue!"
"Myah?! maybe you should've made fun of me then!" At Ace's accusation- Grim's fur seemed to bristle as he hissed out his words in defence of his past actions.
"guys?! we're in real hot water remember?! if we don't come back with a magestone by morning we'll all be expelled.!"
Tired from listening to their incessant arguing you jogged past both the ghosts and petulant humans + Grim. Moving further into the mines you became even further surrounded by stone walls and wooden supports that decorated the paths before you.
Noticing you leaving Yuuken followed in turn leaving the boys & ghosts to their own devices- sooner trusting you the girl he'd barely talked to over the beast he'd been forced to help out of pity. -And those two tagalongs, though Deuce seemed the better of the two- even if only due to his basic manners and sense of judgement.
Having only moved a few steps deeper into the mines behind a corner away from the humans sights, you took a moment to breathe only to hear the sound of a faint voice and approaching footsteps. Hearing the footsteps near, you moved swiftly around the corner you had taken refuge behind and pinning the mystery person to the wall.
"ack.." Blinking and tilting your head ever so slighrly to the left, you realised it was Yuuken who stood pinned to the wall by you- having been the one approaching you. Taking a moment to study his features, this having been the first time you were so close to a live human, the way his face seemed to redden under your clos scrutiny cause more intrigue to bubble within your gut.
"Huh!?!!" Hearing an abrupt shout that sounded awfully like the yelps of Grim and the other two- you had grown accustomed to within the time you'd been stuck in their presence. Moving to rejoin the others- who you had only managed to escape for a few moments-
"Sounds like it's getting closer..." Arriving in time to hear Deuces remark with a red faced Yuuken trailing behind you- taking a moment to survey your surroundings only to see the ghosts where gone but nothing else was present.
"Stoneeessss.... Stoonnneeesss... Aaarrrreeee MIiinnnne!" Appearing before you was a beast unlike any other you'd ever seen- having the torso of a man with the lowers of a ghosts and the head of a lantern that seemed to be filled with tar the leaked form the cracks in the glass.
"BWAH! there it is!"
"what is that?!"
"myahhh!! no one said there'd be monsters! let's get outta here!!"
"that thing's super creepy! but didn't it just say something about stones?!"
"wait, wha?"
"Stttonnnness.... nevva givvee stooonnnesss!"
"so there ARE still magestones here!"
"Myaaaaah... Even as a mastere sorcerer.., I don't think I can take that thing down!"
"But we need a magestone or we'll get expelled! I'm going in!"
"Are you outta your mind?!"
"You can't do it alone!?"
"I won't be expelled! No matter what!"
"Begone! Begone! Begoooneee!" At the last word the monster spoke the mine seemed to tremor with dust falling from the ceiling- before it launched an attack at Deuce.
"aw, crap! it's got loosey-Deuce on the ropes! Not on my watch Heeyah!!" Launching to attack the monster, with his own magical spells seemed to aggravate it only further.
Releasing a roar it charged an attack aimed a Ace this time befoer turning it's head(?) to face grim- "myaaahh! stay away from me!"- as grim launched an attack of blue flame towards it, doing no harm to the beast.
"did you just see that sparkle?" you questioned turning to face Yuu.
"behind the monster! there's something sparkling in the mineshaft!" "Could that have been a magestone?!" Seemingly recovered from the earlier hits they had taken from the monster and taking pause in their assault to take comment on what you had noticed.
Hearing the words of the boys, the monsters rage seemed to increase as it yelled-"GWAAAAHHH! Noo giveeee yyooouuu stoooonnnneee!"
"Bwaahhha! we need to book it! and fast! That things gonna pound us into tuna paste!"
"Right... lets run for it!" TAkign hold of your arms and scooping Grim up into his other Yuuken sprinted from the mineshafts- Deuce and Ace following suit as the monster's rage seemed to heighten.
Arriving back outside the mine shaft Grim leant his upper paws on his furred legs and turned his face to back to the mineshaft to see if it'd followed. "this should be far enough, I think?"
Standing beside Grim's smaller body, hunched over with his hands on his knees and panting Ace whined- "Owww, what was that thing? No one said there'd be anything like that!"
"that was no normal ghost, that's for sure." Not hunched over himself like Ace but instead standing with his hands upon his hips as he breathed in deeply.
"let's just give up and go home. I'll happil take the expulsion if it means never having to fight that thing again!"
Whipping his head to face Ace, the exhaustion gone from his body he half accused- half questioned him. "What!? Nuh-uh, not happenin'! I'd rather die than get expelled form Night Raven!- How can you give up when the stone is right there?!"
"Pfft. Big talk from someone who's not even half the mage that I am. You want that stone so bad? go get it yourself, I'm out."
"OH YEAHH?! Fine, go back to your coop, you big chicken!" Bringing his arms up and punching a fist into his other hand as his voice seemed to rise in aggravation.
"Whaaat?! who're you callin' chicken, huh?!"
Jumping in place from Deuce's sudden aggression and turning to face Yuu and you- he seemed frazzled as he spoke. "whoa, [name], Yuu- is it just me or did deuce turn into this like totally different person now?"
"Huh?!" Coughing for a moment seemingly snapped out of his persona deuce sheepishly continued- "Sorry.. lost my cool for a second there..."
Tired of their endless bickering and wanting to sleep- you snapped at them with your upper lip pulling back. "Can't one of you just- I don't know do something useful with your magic?"
Nodding to himself with his left hand upon his chin mirroring how the headmage would stand he spoke in turn-"the headmage said it himself- magic has it's limits. if you can't strongly visualise your magic, it isn't going to happen. Using magic at a greater scale, or using different types of magic- those require training."
Nodding along and coming to an agreeance with Deuce for the first time-"Yeah, that's why magic academies exsist. It takes a lot of training before you can snap your fingers and turn your thoughts into magic. And the more flustered you are, the more likely you are to make mistakes."
"huh, I'd assumed spellcasting would come naturally..." Yuu muttered with a raised brow and a hand scratching the back of his neck.
"Yeah- Nope. though if the magic is your specialty, you can use it more intuitively"
Waving his right hand in the air as if to physically dismiss the topic, Deuce change the conversation to back to the magestone. "anyway, we need to find some way to defeat that creature and get that magestone"
"yeeaaahhhhh.... Just like the time with the chandelier, right? You 'found some way', and now here we are. We just fought that thing and it creamed us. So what exactly is you plan here, genius? Because, I sure don't trust you to improvise!"
"What!? you're the one who-"
"and they're at it again...."
Seemingly tired of the two boys- Yuu yelled for the first time since you'd met him. "Would you two knock it off already!?"
Yuu's yell causing both Ace and Deuce to jump in place and take a half step back as they gasped in unison. Both you and Grim seemed to jump in place aswell- turning to face Yuu with a furrowed brow.
"whoa that was loud, where'd that come from?" Moving his furred little head side to side as if looking behind Yuu to see if something forced him to shout such.
Disregarding Grims words and turning to pace in place as he ran a hand through his hair. "You said it yourself- we can't hurt that thing.!"
"Urk.. but.... but.. what are we going to do then...?!"
Tired of their stupidity that made even wild boars seem smart, you sarcastically replied whilst moving your hands in a flourish. "How bout' you lot just come up with an actual plan for once!"
Giving you a look up and down as if you just suggested to kill his mother, he mockingly spoke whilst nodding his head. "A proper plan? like a buddy move? Is that a joke- you two seem to always say the lamest of things, with the straightest faces" Offended at his response that seemed to demean your intelligence- you frowned and curled your hands inwards as you growled lowly.
"Agreed. no way, would I work together with... him"
"Yeah... but.. gettin' expelled ont he first day.. that's pretty lame too. maybe even lamer..."
"w-well..." deuce stays silent.
"yeah, there's nothing cool about being the first kids to get expelled."
"Gahhh... Fine. Let's just get this over with, then. Alright, what's the plan."
Starting of his sentence meekly Grim unsurely looked up into Yuuken's eyes. "Yuuu.... is this plan of yours really gonna work? I'm scare- I mean I'm uuhh.. a little hungry"
Sighing and looking down at the little beast- speaking before Yuuken could even open his mouth, you spoke- "You'll be fine little beast- aren't you going to be the strongest sorcerer ever."
"Gah- Mrah! you're right!! let's go!"
Waving his paws in the air as he yelled into the mineshafts-"H-hey, monster! I'm- uh.. I'm over here!"
Rushing out at the sound of Grim's yelling the monster took pose at the entrance of the mineshafts. "GRrawwwhhhhggg! BEeeGOooNEee!" Swirling around to face Grim the monster rushed forth away from the entrance.
"he's comin' our way! Yuu!"
"Right over here monster!" Throwing his arms in the air, as he called to the monster, Yuu jogged backwards.
"Gggrurrughh... Thieeef thiiiisss waaay tooo... Neeevvvaa givvee stooneeesss! Neeevvva!!"
"Eeep! if it lands one of those punches we're toast!" grim
"Lure him as far away from the cave as you can." Moving closer to the entrance of the mines as the monster wandered further away.
"Beegoooonee! BEGONEE!"
"We got 'im a good distance from the mine!"
Hearing Grims words you sprinted quickly and quietly inside the mineshaft, straight to where you had seen the shine earlier. Weaving through the mine shaft you came to a stop when you reach the room where the beast had first showed itself. Moving your eyes across the room quickly, you stop as you see the shine of the magestone once more- rushing forward to where it laid in the wall. Seeing it half embedded you grit your teeth before twirling around to see a pickaxe leant against the opposite wall covered in a layer of dust. Running to grab the long wooden end you moved back over to the where the stone laid and swung back the pickaxe back over your shoulder and above your head before swinging it down.
A loud crash came when the pickaxe made contact with the stone wall- the magestone falling out in the rubble with rock still stuck to it's end. Dropping the pickaxe onto the floor you reached down to grab the stone and attempted to shove it into your pants pockets. Not fitting in your pocket, you decide to just keep hold of it in one hand before beginning to jog off back to the outside of the mineshaft only to pause as you heard the yells of the humans outside. Quickening your pace you rushed passed the walls of the mine and to the outside of the mine where they stood fighting the beast.
"Get 'em cauldron!"
Arriving outside you stood to see Deuce summon a cauldron to land ontop of another for the second time today.
"Gwaah!?" monster
"Nailed it! The plan's workin'! Look, Yuu!-" "that monster got smashed flat by a cauldron just like Ace did!"
"Coulda done without the reminder thanks! This has been one drag after another."
"Quick whilst it's down we needa get that mageston-!"
Sneering as you looked at Deuce for his obvious lack of listening- "I've got it already- didn't you listen to the plan?"
"Gwaahh... waaaiittt nooooo!" manoeuvring itself from beneath the cauldron in a panic from your words the monster turned to lash out once more.
Turning to face you in quick sucsession the monster reached his hand towards you as he casted a spell "Giiiveee thaaattt baackkk!"
Seeing the approaching spell that the monster had casted, you felt your body pause before a stinging sensation ran across your body as you teleported from where you once stood. Your vision blackening out for a moment before you suddenly felt as if you you'd been pulled to the surface of a river and your eyes shot open. Feeling shaken you took in a rapid breath and turned your head to see you were once more in the storage room that sat at the back of ramshackle.
Stumbling in a circle as your feet clumsily moved to survey if this was real or a trick of the mind, speaking your thoughts aloud with a slight heaving accompanying your words- "what.. in the... the-"
"Hello... [name]. it's most wonderous to see you're back again. and so soon"
The sudden intrusion of the voice causing you to turn once more coming to face the old rusted mirror you had held yesterday- though today it was floating in the midst of air like the gates in the mirror chamber. And inside the mirror was a sharp and angular face framed by a high black collar, within the mirror the face appeared green in tone with yellow eyes to match. Looking closer you could see her resemblance to one of the statues you had observed earlier this morning, along the main street.
Stunned to silence for a mere moment before you sharpened your features and questioned the woman in the mirror.
"who are you. where you the one who brought me here." With a sneer and a contemplative step backwards you surveyed the room once more for any other odd objects that spoke.
"ahaha." An amused chuckle was the only reply you were given before the mirror fell to the ground and the stinging sensation seemed to arise all over your body before your vision blacked out once more. The shattering of glass was the last thing you heard before you pulled to the surface once more- and hands reached to grip your shoulders.
"[name]! oh thank god! what happened!? you just disappeared all of a sudden when that monster threw that spell at you.... are you okay?" Came the rushed and worried words of Yuuken as he held you buy the shoulders, though his voice softened at the end of his words. Looking up from the ground where your eyes had been cast after having teleported, you looked upon his face to see his furrowed brows and sad brown eyes. His face seemed to become more troubled the longer you went without giving him verbal response.
Breaking the silent stare off Yuuken and you were having Grim came rushing into the room that now you were paying attention once more you saw to be the library-"Oi, Yuu we couldn- mrahhh? [name]!? you found 'er and didn't tell us!? grahhh..." Seeming to have heard Grim aswell Yuuken removed himself from you to turn to face Grim before sighing in aggravation and running a hand in his hair.
"Yeah, yeah-"
Meeting up with Ace and Deuce on the way, your delinquent group of four arrived at the Headmage's office.
Swinging open the door with his one small furred paw and the magestone in another, Grim strutted into Crowley's office before jumping upon his desk causing Crowley's paper work to scatter. "We got the magestone!- now ya can't expel us!" Finishing his sentence by throwing the mage stone down in the middle of the desk and posturing his paws on his hips.
Stunned silent for a moment Crowley seemed to flounder before speaking towards your group that now stood in the middle of his office. "Pardon!? You're telling me you actually went to the Dwarf's Mine in search of a magestone?!"
"Uh.?.. yes?" Came the unisized reply of the boys.
"I didn't expect that you'd seriously do it.." Pausing in his words with a hand brought to his chin- "And never in my wildest imaginings did I think you would actually return with a magestone! And here I spent all evening preparing your expulsion documents...."
"Are you serious?! While we were fightin' some crazy monster for you, you were expelling us?!"
"Yeah. There was a monster all right. A big nasty one, it nearly killed us!"
"Would you kindly relate this story in full?"
"Hmmm... so a mysterious monster was living in the mines. And the five of you worked together to destroy it, and [name] brought back the magestone by teleportation...?
Crowleys sentence highlighting how your group had worked togther to defeat the monster seemed to bring discomfort to Ace, Grim and Deuce. "I don't know that I'd call it working together..." "it was more like we just happened to share the same goal at the same time..."
Beginning to sob hysterically with a hand placed over his heart and the other place over his forehead- (palm facing forehead.) "Ohh.. Gracious.. ohh"
Staring in disgust at this guys theatrics, a frown forming on your face.
"what's is this guy's deal?! Burstin' into tears in public? At his age?!"
"in all the decades I've worked at this school... the day has finally come when the students of Night Raven College have joined hands together to defeat a common foe!"
"Whoa! No! no way would I join hands with that guy!" Spoke Deuce who was disgruntled form Crowley's claim, pointing towards an equally disgrunted Ace.
"Okay. One, there was no joining of hands. Gross. And two, exactly HOW old are you Headmage?!"
"at this moment I am moved beyond words..."
Zoning out of Crowley's incessant rambling you turned your eyes to survey the room finding a painting of the woman you had seen in the mirror when you had 'teleported'.
"Yuu. I am convinced people like you are necessary for the future of this school. My educator's intuition tells me so. [name], Trappola, Spade I hereby revoke your pending expulsions! Furthermore, Yuu,.... I am granting you the qualifications necessary to attend school at Night Raven College!" Hearing your explusion was no longer pending and you did not have to worry about being stuck in this human form, a sigh released from within the depths of your throat.
"As an actual student...?"
"Of course this is extraordinarily kind of me. However there is one condition. Your inability to use magic is, for a mage unacceptable. You would not be able to adequately pursue the schools curriculum! As for you, Grim... your actions today have made it clear that you posses sufficient talent to become a mage. In light of your total sum of respective circumstances, you and Yuuken will share a single enrolment at Night Raven College."
As Crowley's voice trailed on you moved your eyes back to the familiar face that sat upon that wall, a face that would no doubt haunt you tonight- if you were to sleep in ramshackle. Running your thoughts back over what had occurred in the past few hours and more so in the stint of time you had been stuck in that room with the woman in the mirror. The world seemed to fade out ass you eyelids closed and you stumbled in step and were startled out of your thoughts.
"As a prefect consider this your duty- to maintain a sharp eye on your surroundings and record them. Note how generous I'm being in providing a rare magical item that even someone like yourself can use. Is my kindness beyond all reckoning?"
"Thank you, sir. I will give it my all"
"the hour has grown late so further ddetails will have to wait till the morrow. You are all dismissed return to your dorms."
"Good night sir!"
this is coming out late at night for me- and I wanted to apologise for not posting a new chapter sooner as I'm currently down with the flu. Other stories are planned to update tomorrow if I'm feeling better.
#twst x reader#twst#disney twst#twisted wonderland x reader#twisted wonderland x female reader#twst x female reader#x female reader#x reader#twisted wonderland#twst yuu
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I've fought dragons, little boys are nothing
GENDER NEUTRAL READER - Twisted Wonderland
Short part today! 800+ words only
Prologue part1 - part2 - part3 - part4
This stories masterlist
"I died before I woke up in that co- gate.. I'm suppose to be dead"
"Wha-!? I-" taking a pause from the lack luster attempt of a sentence he had begun, he took a moment to breathe before bringing his left hand to rub his temple. "what do you mean you died. And-! I'll have you know I don't appreciate you lying-"
"i'm not lying- I can prove it-" Reaching my hands up, I slip the hood over the back of my head before removing the uniform from the base of my neck on the right side. Where a beserker had taken an axe to my throat- almost cleaving my head off of my neck. Though I hadn't had the chance to look at the area I knew something must have remained for a searing pain arose within the former wound, when turning my head.
Crowley moved a step closer and angled his head to peer where [name] had exposed their neck- only to see a bright pink/red wound that seemed to pulse from within. Stunned for a moment, that they hadn't been lying- his eyes did not move from the wound, and for a moment he swore he could see bone peeking out at the base.
"Oh, god.." Came the hushed voice of Yuuka who'd been looking at the gaping wound aswell, having thought [name] was lying about their supposed death.
_ _ _ _ _
"Just as I'd expected nothing. Not only is neither of your homelands listed on any maps from any point in history.- hmn -Now Yuuka are you quite sure you come from such a place?"
"yes. I know where I come from." Came Yuuka's curt reply, having seemingly found their voice.
"eh-" Reeling back for a moment from Yuuka's brunt reply he sighed heavily before continuing- "No need for the attitude. Besides if this is no lie or jape! than the only remaining explanation for your situation would be that you were both summoned from another world.. or perhaps another dimension."
"Though- considering [name]'s situation, of apparent death - I am more partial to the idea of you both being summoned from differing dimensions from mine own."
"hmm.. show me everything you've brought here with you." Glancing at the both you he seemed to pause before clearing his throat and continuing- "do either of you have some form of identification? A drivers licence.. a school ID? or even a shoe?..... you both do seem a tad empty handed.."
Moving your hands to the lapels of the robes and pulling the robe off yourself to see your mid section was still dressed in your battle wears. Your battle wears consisting of {f/c} dyed linen shirt you had traded from Johann, a necklace that held the tooth of your first kill from (a monstrous nightmare) graduation. A leather strip- decorated in beads that you had tied around your right bicep and had worn since your childhood folies with Dagur & Hiccup. (little chieftain-sitting) Running your hands down your legs till they reached your boots made of yak skin, where you hid a small dagger where a dragon tooth replaced the blade. Having felt the dagger, you made the choice not to inform the man before you- for you had the sneaking suspicion he'd try to take it from you.
"Nothing but mah clothes and shoes." Came your voice as you turned your eyes to rest upon Crowley who had been seeming to watch you- and was currently eye-ing your left boot.
"I've got an ID, nothing else though..." Moving your gaze to Yuuka, you saw they had also removed their robes, and were holding up a small card?
Once Crowley's gaze moved from your boot to Yuuka he seemed to pause for a moment before letting out a squawk- that seemed to die out once it left his throat. "You're a Girl?!?"
Blinking at Crowley, and heaving out a sigh, Yuuka seemed to grit out "yeah.... I thought that was you know obvious?"
"Well I- I thought you were just a rather effeminate fellow... any how this worsens the predicament you're both in- as I cannot have two teenagers with no aptitude for magic bumbling about my academy, notheless a girl with no magic capabilities to wonder in a school for boys.." Moving his left hand to tap on his chin, he spoke- "as an educator I loathe the idea of expulsing two teens without a cent to their name, or a way to contact their guardians.. However there is a vacant building on this campus upon which you both can live in temporarily. Whilst in the meantime we investigate other ways to send you both to your respective homes"
Seeming to pause at the end of his sentence, before mumbling more to himself- "though [name] may not be able to return in any sense, due to their apparent passing..." Placing a hand over his heart and angling his chin upwards and to the side with a dramatic flair, he remarked "dear me I am but a gracious man indeed! A model educator, one might say!"
Removing himself from his seat at the one of the libraries tables, he walked past the both of you. "Well than I suppose I should take you both to your temporary lodgings,... Come along now!" As he moved into the courtyard he seemed to pause in his step before talking back to the both of you- "though it is an older building, it has plenty of character one may say..."
-- - - - -
As Crowley came to a stop infront of the gate, Yuuka and you followed in step- taking a moment to glance at the building that laid beyond the gate.
"looks worse than berserker island..."
"you. want us. to stay here."
Ignoring your odd comment and Yuuka's negative attitude- "isn't it delightful? Right, scoot inside now. The both of you. There you go."
End of prologue (prt4)
46 notes
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I'm not human, I can't be
FEMALE READER - Twisted Wonderland
Word Count: 2,500+
Prologue - prt2 - prt3 - prt4 - prt5
"we'll study after we clean- anyhow Crowley left our uniforms on the kitchen bench" Yuu attempted to placate.
_ _ _ _ _
POV - 2nd person [name]
As you walked down the light grey paved path, with your ragtag group, Grim slowed to a stop before saying- "Wow, so this is Main Street. huh? This is incredible!"-crossing his arms over his furred chest he continued with a huff "I didn't get to see much of it yesterday. What's the deal with these seven statues. All their faces look pretty scary"
Moving to stand before a statue depicting a woman with an angered expression, holding a drawn heart in her hands. "Like this lady here, looks like she's got real anger management issues."
"You don't know the queen of hearts?"
Turning to the voice you saw a boy with orange hair, and a red heart over his left eye. (his left, your right)
"the Queen of Hearts? is she some kind of big deal?"
Turning to face the statue of the Queen of Hearts he began- "She was a queen who lived in a mazelike garden of roses long, long ago. - She was a strict woman who prized order above all. She wouldn't tolerate a rose being off-colour, or her playing card soldiers being out of step. She basically ruled over a kingdom of madness. but not one of her subjects dared to defy her."
The strange ginger boy turned from facing the statue to face your ragtag group. "You wanna know why? because the punishment for breaking a rule was immediate decapitation!" Seemingly having remarked such in joy, if the smile on his face was any indication.
"Wah! That is seriously messed up!"
Ignoring Grim's comment Ace continued on.. "Pretty cool right? I'm a big fan. I mean who would bother to obey a queen who was kind all the time?"
"yeah true. A leader needs to be strong. But puttin' that aside,..... who're you now?"
"Name's Ace. I'm a first year student here, as of.. today! Pleased to meet-cha!" Ending his sentence with a flourish of his hand, and an empty smile stuck on his face.
"I'm Grim! I'm a prodigy who's plannin' to be, like, the greatest mage who ever lived. That there's my far less interesting hench-human, Yuu. And my other he-"
"no." - "I'm leaving" Walking off before Grim could claim you as his hench-human, or force you to be around another human.
"Yuu, and- huh?.. Yuu's got a weird ring to it. " Moving his eyes to trace you as you left the now group of three in the main street, his mouth seemed to switch to a frown for a quick moment before smiling again.
"so tell me Ace, is that lion with a scar in the eye a fa-" Stalking further into the school grounds, Grim's voice began to slowly fade from your ears.
As you entered the main hall, you walked to the wall beside the entry to contemplate for a moment. To plan your attack- how you were going to make your way to your classes, when first you didn't know what they were. Second, you didn't know what classes you had. And third, you didn't know where to go.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Stalking through the library shelves, running your paw- no hands along the shelves, only stilling for a moment when you came across one that was half charred. The shelf stood in the back of the library, covered in a layer of dust and cinder, seemingly having been a target of Grim's fireballs when he had chased Yuu. Running your eyes along the shelf that sat eye-level, one book laid in the middle with parts of the cover being charred. Though in the centre of the spine laid a drawing of a tiger, whose body stretched from one end to another. Moving to take the book from the shelf, your hand became covered in cinder.
Having grabbed the book you moved to take a seat against the back wall of the library next to the worn bookcase. With your back against the wall and your feet laid in front of you, you rested the book upon your thighs as you turned the cover to the front page. Upon the front page laid illustrations of tigers, golden, white and orange- though in the centre of the page laid a tiger encircled in a golden frame. The tiger looked so akin to your father- with a scar above his eye, scars upon his side peaking from within his fur, and a snarl on his face that felt like home. Running a nail over the curve of his face, your eyes began to water, and vision- blur at the edges.
Moving your furred face towards the voice, you saw your father standing in the entrance of the cave- his maw covered in blood. He smelt of wolves- and peering behind him you viewed two smaller wolves.
Moving from your seat on the ground, posturing yourself before your father- with your head lowered in submission. "Shere Khan"
Nodding at your acknowledgement he turned to face the wolves- growling at them to leave. At Shere Khan's dismissal they had fled from our territory as if flames were upon their heels. Prowling further into the cave Shere Khan took a swift glance at you before averting his gaze once more to the ceiling of the cave.
"Akela is dead. And the mancub has ran back to the humans." Came his gruff voice, as he lowered his body to lay upon the floor.
His words causing a stir within you, your ears flicking as you chuffed at the news. Joy ran through you before you truly looked at him, his expression seemed dour, his jaw tense and his claws elongated. Silencing yourself you moved to a rest before him, moving your eyes to the side before deciding to speak.
"how did Akela die..."
At your question his eyes snapped to your face, a growl escaping between his clenched teeth. "He refused to give up the mancub once more. He was weak - and the weak die in these lands." Moving his head to the side, he continued- "he broke law. and he died for it- instead of having the mancub die as he should have years ago- he sent him back to his people."
Craning his neck up, before than shaking his head- allowing another growl to slip through. "that boy. he needs to die, [name]. their kind don't belong in this jungle- and if after being allowed to run away he is left to live! there will be no order in these lands.!" - "Akela has payed the price of his disobedience - now the mancub must too..."
As discomfort ebbed at the corners of your mind, you spoke in agreeance- "Of course, Father."
After a few moments you turned the pages till the book began, looking down you saw a drawing of Mowgli. A growl slipping out from between your lips, your upper lip curled up into a snarl. At the bottom of the page in golden lettering words, there rested a scathing remark. Ripping the page from the book, you scrunched it within your hand before tearing it in half.
_ _ _ _ _
"[name]?" Came the hushed voice of Yuu as he turned the corner of the upper level of the library.
Stirring from your slumber against the same charred bookshelf you'd found the book depicting your home on. Hearing Yuu's footsteps closed in to where you sat in rest, you moved to stand whilst keeping the book within your hand. Moving your hand to the NRC blazer, you moved your hand to the edge of the inner lining- pushing your finger between the poorly done seems and ripped. Ripping an hole large enough to conceal the book within your hand, you slipped it inside before posturing his arms over your front.
"Oh! there you are!" Came the relieved sigh of Yuu as he stepped before you, moving his hand up as if to take your arm in his hand before pausing and dropping it once more. "I-uh.. I was hoping you'd help me supervise grim as he, I and the boy from the main street this morning.. um clean 100 windows?"
Blinking at the stupidity of his ask, before sighing through your nose and looking him up and down. "fine..." With a roll of your neck, you moved past him, going to leave the library.
"Yes!" Drifted the soft voice of Yuu into your ears, as he pumped a fist up and down in success.
-- - - - -- - -
"I'm already exhausted from a full day of cleanin'. I can't believe we still gotta wash a hundred windows!" Pouted a grimy Grim, as flailed his arms a little.
"Yeah, maybe you shouldn't fight others than, huh?" Remarked an aggravated Yuu, who seemed to be near his last wits end with the beast.
"What's buggin' me is that Ace ain't even here yet! making us wait, after what he did!" Growled Grim, as his anger seemed to revive the energy within his body.
"and... now he's super late!- I bet he up and bailed on us!"
"no doubt" You remarked from against the wall, rolling your eyes.
"Ain't no way am I doin' his punishment for him!- Cm'on, Yuu. I don't care if we gotta drag him kickin' and screamin'. he's washing those windows!"
-- - -- --
Shoving open the door of the classroom Grim began to shout out- "Hey! Ace get over ere'! Try to hide from me, will ya?" . . . "Huh... maybe no one's really here?"
"Oh I wouldn't say that. I'm here" Came a voice from deeper in the classroom.
"BWAH!! that painting just talked!" Jumping in place you turned to face the talking painting that looked alike the humans who lived on the jungle's edge in your homelands.
"Yes, andd....? is a talking painting really such an oddity in this school?- The lady in that portrait talks too. As does the gentleman in the portrait on this one. As long as a painting has a mouth, why wouldn't it be able to talk? Is that really so strange?"
"In fact yes. Paintings don't usually talk" Came the curt reply of Yuu, who seemed even more tired than prior.
"Well your 'usual' and my 'usual' clearly differ. Shall we agree to disagree on this matter?" - "Now, you seem to be searching for someone."
"we're lookin' for this guy called Ace. He's got messy hair and a heart drawn on his face"
"Ah, I know the one. A new student, I believe? Today was his first day at school. I think he went back to his dorm a while ago."
"Myyyyahhh! so it's true! he's tryin' to ditch us! Do you know which way he went?"
"the door to the dorms is in the eastern building"
"Let's chase after him! cm'on Yuu, [name] we've got a lousy cheat to catch!" Racing off at the end of his sentence with casting a look back towards the painting or his dormmates.
Monologuing to himself as he walked into the hall of mirrors, Ace spoke aloud- "Yeah right, like I'm gonna wash a hundred windows. I'm just gonna go back and---"
"Oh sh-t! they saw me!"
"Stop right there pal! No fair gettin' a head start! Wait!"
Darting off Ace yelled back "Who in their right mind would wait?! Seeya suckers!"
Starting to run after Ace Grim shouted back "No way are you gettin' outta this! you think I wanna wash windows!!"
A boy with blue hair humed turnign his head back to the commotion Grim and Ace were making before being shoved out of the way by Ace who shouted- "Outta my way!" as he barrelled into his side."
"Hey! what gives!?" Yelled the blue haired boy in return.
"Oi, you! could you like, -stop him!?" Came a strangled yell from Yuu as he jogged to keep pace.
"What!? but I like how? - freeze his legs? or bind them with rop-"
Yelling once more to stop him from rambling- "Just do something! would you!"
"Just cast anything!" You shouted in indignation at the boy, tired of having to run on human legs.
"Anything!? anything, huh,..- Alright! Here goes anything!" - "I summon thee.. something heavy!"
Suddenly you saw a cauldron appear above Ace's head causing him to collapse under the weight.
"Bwaahck.! Ahhggg. !..!A pot!?"
"Ah ah ha hah! look at him, haha- that ace guy got crushed beneath a giant pot! It squashed him flat! ahhahaha!"- "that's what you get!"
"a cauldron?! I wasn't expecting that.... I may have over done it a little.."
Rubbing the back of his neck as he slithered out from beneath the large cauldron and took a stand next to the boy who'd trapped him. "Owwww!!- what are you bothering me for.!? YOu guys coulda just banged out the work yourselves!"
"There's no 'banging out' a hundred windows! dip sh-t"
"you guys have to wash a hundred windows as punishment? what the heck did you guys do?!"
"I was just screwing with that furball a little-" at his words grim seemed to pull a face "-... Okay, and the statue of the Queen of Hearts got a little charred. Sue me.." Ending his words in a higher more flippant tone.
"You damaged a statue of the great seven!? No wonder the headmage flew off the handle at you!?" Came the rushed, reply of the boy of blue- " After you managed to get into THIS school, how did you manage to get yourself in trouble on the very first day!?"- spreading out his arms in an angered manner.
"Oh. Shut up. Who even are you, anyways?"
"My name is Deuce, Deuce Spade. Don't you remeber you're own classmate.?"
"I doubt you even remeber my name either."
"that's not the point! You shouldn't try to shirk a punishment from the headmage!?"
"Yeah, Yeah. message received let's bang out those windows already..." With a defeated sigh and a scratch to his nape- he replied. "huh?"
Looking around quickly the two students and janitor came to the realisation that Grim had escaped when they weren't looking.
"the furball! he's gone!?" Looking around again he spoke "and that chick too!"
------ - - --
"you caught me so you're little pet could run away!?"
"Hey! uh you there... Juice?"
"My name isnt ' juice'. It's Deuce, with a D!"
- - -- - -
As the three humans you'd watched Grim escape from, entered the cafeteria you stalked over to Yuu.
"Argh! Stop jumping around like that!"
Climbing atop the chandelier, grim peered his body over the edge to shout bellow- "heheh! catch me if you can!"
"No fair climbing onto the chandelier, you coward!" Deuce shouted up to the cat-beast in return to his ascent to the top of the chandelier. "I haven't really learnt flight magic yet.. what could I summon to hold onto him...hmmm." "Oh that's it!"
"Did you come up with someth- Hey! stop! what are you doing!?- why are you pointing your pen at me?!" shrilly screamed Ace when Deuce turned his pen on him.
"Because I'm going to launch you."
"No way this ends well.." Noted Yuu.
"no duh." Noted You.
"Are you kidding me!?! Bwaaaah!? Put me down!!" - "seriously do not launch me! Abort! ABORT!"
"Just make sure to grab him tight. I've got him in my sights.... and GO!"
Screaming as he was propelled through the air by Deuces magic, Ace outreached his arms before landing on top of both Grim and the chandelier.
For a moment all seemed well.... than the chandelier came crashing down with Ace and grim atop it.
Part five
#twst#twst x reader#twisted wonderland x reader#twisted wonderland#disney twst#twst yuu#x female reader#Shere-Khans daughter!reader
17 notes
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Twisted Wonderland Masterlist
I'm not a human, I can't be - Shere Khan's child reader (FEM)
I've fought dragons, little boys are nothing - HTTYD reader (GN)
4 notes
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I've fought dragons, little boys are nothing
GENDER NEUTRAL READER - Twisted wonderland
Word count: 1,700+
Prologue part1 - part2 - part3
this stories masterlist
-"you two are the last ones left unassigned to a dormitory" Looking the both of us up and down he he motioned to the stranger beside me- "Step up to the dark mirror and be quick about it. I'll watch your weasel."
They seemed to pause before moving their head to face me as if to ask 'should I do as he says?'- In return I give a small nod of my head to their silent enquiry. As they move closer to the mirror a white mask appears in the centre surrounded my green flames.
"State your name." The mirror asks, causing myself to slip one of my feet behind me, in preparation of attack or the need to leave.
"Yuuka" The stranger, now named Yuuka replies in kind- the nerves they seemed to have displayed before melting away.
"Yuuka,,, the nature of your soul is.. unclear to me"
"what did you just say?" gapes Crowley as he faces the mirror.
"I sense no magical power from this one. Soundless. Colourless. Shapeless. Utterly Vacant."
A gasp seems to run through not only Crowley but the room- then the mirror continues.
"Therefore, no dorm is appropriate"
Crowley seems to stagger forwards, gaping for a moment before speaking "Are you saying the black carriage went to receive a person who cannot even use magic."
He seems to flounder for a moment before rushing forward and shooing Yuuka away from in front of the mirror before beckoning me forth. As the whispers rain out in the hall, I walk before the mirror- hoping that by some miracle I have secret magic as to not be a topic of conversation like Yuuka.
"State your name"
"[name], [last name] of berk"
"[name]... the nature of your soul is... wild.."
Hearing such Crowley seemed to take a breath of relief, his shoulders lowering.
"I only sense the magic that runs through their veins, though none they can harness."
And from that sentence Crowley seemed to tense completely once more, and a squawk slipping from his tongue.
"therefore, no dorm is appropriate."
With that sentence I took a step back from the mirror to stand beside Yuuka on the podium.
"Haaaah!?... that is absurd!! the student selection process has not ever erred before in its century of existence! not ONCE!" Bring a hand to his temple, seemingly in contemplation. "How could this have happened?! not once! but TWICE!???!" His voice seeming to break slightly at the end akin to a prepubescent boy.
Suddenly I could hear the beast from earlier struggling- "MMhhpp!- GGrpmmgh!" with a gasp he broke free from his constraints. "ME! Let me have these students seat!"
With a furious twirl Crowley turned to Grim and bellowed- "Not so fast!, you hyperactive weasel!!"
Grim moved to his hind paws, pointing one paw towards himself. "Unlike those humans! I can actually use magic!- I'll show ya my spells're the cat's MeYeow!" Rearing his head back, he took a deep breath-
"Everyone! Get down!" Shouted the short boy with that bright red hair, before ducking himself.
Following his orders, I duck and seeing Yuuka stunned for a moment I take her arm once more, pulling her down alongside myself.
"Myahhhhh!!" and fireballs began to spew from the beasts mouth, soaring over mine and Yuuka's head.
Seeing the fear that his fireballs have incited, Grim continues to sow chaos- running around setting fire to whatever he can. Once Grim began to move students around the room began to move in droves, crashing into each other to escape the small beasts aim.
As I observed the cacophony of screams and chaos I heard one scream particularly close- "AHHH! Help! I'm on fire over here!" -my instincts from the days of fighting dragons' kick in and I sprint over. On arrival I tackle him to the ground before patting out the fire.
"wheh... thank you!" The boy who seemed to smile as bright as the sun said as he turned to me, embracing me in a hug before continuing "I thought I was a goner.." - ending his words with a light giggle.
"er.. no problem... do yer mind lettin' go though.."
"Ah! right right! of course-" Once free from his embrace I walked off closer to the Headmage and Yuuka.
"Someone catch that blasted beast! before he sets the school ablaze!" Came the panicked cry from Crowley, as he flailed his arms in the air.
"ughh.. can I go now.. or?" Came a voice that was leant against the nearby wall, turning to face it- I saw a boy with the ears of some kind of feline with a tail to match. What in Odin's name is he...?
"Oh? I thought you fancied yourself a hunter. Go and help yourself to that plump little morsel" Turning to face the new voice I saw a handsome boy with pale blonde hair that ended in purple. He seemed to snarl out the response to the boy with cat ears.
"eh. too much effort. Do it yourself"
"Allow me to handle this, Headmage Crowley." A boy with silver hair and black glasses on his face stepped forth. "if none of you are up to the task of catching a small animal, I will accept the responsibility"
"WTG Azul! Rackin' up those participation credits" Echoed a voice that I could find no body in which it was attached to.
"I'm Sorry were my instructions unclear!?" Came the shrill shout of Crowley, who stood in place.
"Pretty sure you can handle catching one mangy weasel on your lonesome, headmage" Came a swift reply from the cat boy who accompanied his statement with a sigh and roll of the eyes.
"How many times do I gotta' say it!? - I'm Grim Spell caster extraordinaire! I AM NOT A WEASEL!!"
The sliver haired boy that I now know is named Azul began to chuckle- "Aren't you a spunky little fellow?" turning to face the shorter boy with red hair he continued "Riddle, if you'd be so kind...?"
Riddle turning to Azul with a nod began - "Furry miscreant. I will abide no rule-breaking. You will be judged by my hand." In a voice that seemed to stern for his own appearance.
Then, both Azul and Riddle whip out what looked like heavily decorated pencils, encrusted with jewels. The both began giving chase to grim, who began shooting more fire.
"check it! See how strong I am!"
"haa!" Riddle releases a stream of magic, that nearly hits the beast.
"whoa, whoa, whoa"
"how very brazen of you to go on breaking rules in my presence" Riddle challenged the beast who seemed to begin panicking.
"Shall we make this quick then." With a push of his glasses Azul continues "I'm afraid we don't have much time to spare"
"You can't stop me from getting into this school!" Beginning to once agian shoot off fireballs in the two boys direction. Both boys slip out of the way easily- but Grim uses their need to dodge as a distraction to run.
Turning away from the chase going on you turn to face Yuuka, who seems to be watching it all with a stern expression.
"are yee alright? you seemed quite out of it earlier"
Turning to face me, they seemed to pause- looking at my face before speaking. "I'm - I.. I'm just disorientated. this is all a bit too much"
"yer' tellin' me" turning back to face the chase to see that Riddle and Azul had managed to corner the beast.
"Off with your Head!"
"MYAHH!" Suddenly a red, black and white heart collar appeared around Grim's neck. "GRAH! what is this what've you done to me!"
"The Queen of Hearts Rule 23; 'one must never bring a cat to a formal affair.' Your very presence here is a violation to order. You will vacate these premises immediately."
"Mah?! but I ain't a cat!- grrrah! - I'll just burn it right off! - huh!?... what gives? my fire ain't workin' "
"until I deign to remove that collar, you won't be using any magic. You're not but a pet cat now." Riddle seemed to comment with a smirk painting his face.
"me-MeYeow!? I ain't nobodies pet nothin'
"Oh, you've nothing to worry about there. I have no desire to keep you as a pet. The collar will disappear once you're removed from campus."
Azul walked up to the side of Riddle with his hands crossed behind his back and commented- "ah-Ha, good show as always Riddle. Your signature spell locks down any magic, It's quite handy... I've just got to have... respect for it." Azul's words causing Riddle to look at him in suspicion.
Suddenly Crowley appeared in my vision, posturing himself before us and pointing a finger at Yuuka's face. "Yuuka! was I not clear that you are expected to take responsibility for your familiar-"
"he's not mine."
"what's that?! he isn't yours!?!?"
"I tried telling you on the way here... you didn't listen."
Clearing his throat crowley seemed to back up. "o-oh! is that so? then I shall have it expelled from campus. I shall even save it from being served as stew. My, I am gracious today... Someone take it away!"
"NOO! let me go!! you fools better remember my name! Cause I'm going to go down in the annals of history!! Just you wait!" Then he was carried away outside of the ceremony, to be thrown out of the campus.
"well that was quite the unexpected fracas. I hereby declare that orientation has concluded. housewardens, please escort your students back to the dorms. hmm... come to think of it, I don't see housewarden Draconia.."
"and that surprises you, dude's a total recluse" Sneered the cat boy as he leaned off the wall.
"wait a sec did anyone even invite him?"
"If you're that worried about him missing out, maybe you should have invited him yourself." Remarked the handsome blonde.
"maybe.. but I don't know him too well either." Suddenly whispers arised from around the room once more.
"Draconia, that Malleus Draconia? THAT Draconia?"
"so it's true he really does go to school here?"
"Ah. Just as I'd expected. I figured I'd come down and see for myself whether Malleus had made an appearance. But once again, he was evidently not informed that his presence required at an official ceremony." Said a deep voice which originated form a boy with black hair, and magenta hair lights.
"You have my sincerest apologies. I assure you, this oversight was in no way intended as a snub" Remarked Azul he pushed his glasses up his nose."
"I mean you must admit, he is not exactly the easiest person to strike up a conversation with."
"No matter. All those who where assigned to the Diasomnia dorm, follow me. I just hope he doesn't sulk about this."
After his last words, students began to trickle out the mirror chamber.
"Well you two, this is a most unfortunate turn of events. I'm afraid you will not be attending Night Raven College after all. Surely you realize that I cannot very well admit two students with no magical ability to my academy" Holding a hand over his heart and lowering his head slightly in condolences.
"But worry not the Dark Mirror will see you home safely. Now Yuuka step into the gate and visualize from when you came"
As they stepped up to the mirror, Crowley began to recite "O Dark Mirror! Return this soul to where they belong!
Yuuka casts a look back to Crowley, who seems to be frazzled yet again. "L-let us try this again... O Dark Mirror! Return this soul to where they b-"
"There is no such place" The Mask in the depths of the mirror interrupts.
"What?.." Crowley uttered softly in suprise.
"there is no such place in this world where this soul belongs. None."
"how can that be?!" - bringing a hand to his head for a moment he motion for me to take Yuuka's place before the mirror.
"that won't work."
"huh. what do you mean by that.!?"
"I died before I woke up in that coffin.- I- I'm suppose' to be dead."
#twst x reader#twisted wonderland x reader#twst#twisted wonderland#disney twst#gender neutral reader#x reader#twst yuuka#httyd#fanfic
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I've fought dragons, little boys are nothing
Twisted wonderland - nonbinary / gender neutral reader
A Viking taken from the world of How To Train Your Dragon, forced to navigate the complexities of the modern world. Having only been a Viking for two years before the village chiefs' son introduced a new way of life. Having tamed a dragon and forged a bond with such a beast, only to be ripped away from their dragon. How will they navigate the fact they may not wish to return home? What if they had died before entering twisted wonderland?
_ _ _ _ means a change of location
this stories masterlist!
Prologue - 1,100+ word count
Awakening in a black box, was not my idea of an afterlife. I had bravely and fiercely against the berserker tribe after war had been waged between our tribes. I had earned my place in valhalla by dying in battle, yet I'm in some wooden box.
Hearing the sound of wood burning and the yowls of some feline. I began to ram my body against the lid of the box that laid before me. Breaking out I turned in time to see a beast of sorts backing away from another coffin as someone burst through the tattered remains of the lid.
"NGahh! you're not suppos' to be awake!" Yelled the small beast at the person who'd burst through their coffin before turning in my direction. "Mrah! how're you both awake!- Nggrah! what ever- one of you! give me your uniform!"
"what..." whispered the unnamed stranger
"why'd ya want mah uniform little one.."
"Cause! I'm Grim sorcerer extraordinaire!, and I'm gonna be the best sorcerer to ever exsist! and I need you're uniform, so GIVE IT!"
At the end of his sentence he leaped from his hind paws conjuring flame in the midst of his paw, readying to attack me. Quick to move I rushed to the stranger in the room, grabbing their bicep and pulling them away from the Grim the beast.
"huh...why're yo-" they mutter as I rushed them along.
"we need to get out o' here, I don't have mah weapon or mah shield- and that beast seems ready to burn us to get the uniform he wants" Came my rushed reply as I pulled them along as I ran through the hallway, the courtyard and than into the library.
"come on.. hurry up" pulling them behind bookcases to take as cover we saw the beast run in- ever so slightly out of breathe as it's head craned around the room searching for us. As the beast turned to leave, the stranger beside me sneezed loudly before covering their mouth and nose.
"MmmGrAH! there you two are!" Came the yell of the little thing as it aimed it's blue flames towards the back of the bookcase we were hiding behind.
"Now! give me yer uniform! and make it quick I-! ACK - MeYOWch! that hurt what gives!"
"consider it tough love." came a smooth stern tone, looking around the bookcase I saw a man draped in black, with the mask of a crow. He had feathered shoulders to match, his eerie yellow eyes. In his right hand he held a whip, which was tied laid tied around Grim's squirming body.
"Ah! I've found you both lovely!" crossing his arms over his chest before speaking once more. "My, You two were ever eager to make your debut. Nonetheless bringing a poorly trained familiar with you? That is a clear violation of the school's rules."
"As if I'd serve some lowly human! Now lemme go!"
"Yes, Yes, rebellious familiars always say that. Do be quiet won't you?" He finished my tying a bandanna around Grim's jaw to silence him.
"mmprh! mmrph!"
"dear me. of all the students I've dealt with you both are the firsts with temerity enough to open your own gates and step out of it." - Moving his arms to his side and swaying them to emphasize his point. "Does the very notion of patience of illude you both?"
"no matter your orientation has already begun. let us return to the mirror chamber"
His words stirring confusion within my mind I felt the need to speak up. "what'd yew mean students."
"You awakened in a room full of gates, did you not? All the students at this campus arrived by passing through such gates. Although typically the students have enough restraint to wait until I have opened the gates to leave them." Giving a disapproving stare to the both of us at the end of his speech.
"something set my coffin on fire.."
"hmn. the culprit seems to be that familiar of yours-" Quickly interrupting I spoke "He's not mine"
Frowning at my interupption he continued angling his response at the stranger next to me "You're the one who insisted on bringing it, so curtailing it's behaviour is your responsibility! But now is not the time for such prattle. The two of you have an orientation to attend! Go on now. Make haste!"
As he walked forward leaving the library for the courtyard, the other 'student' next to me spoke up asking a question I had myself.
"wait!- can you tell me- us who you are first?"
Stalling in his movements for a moment he turned back to us, tilting his head in question at me, only for myself to shake my head.
"Hm- have the both of you not fully regained consciousness? The time space teleportation must have addled your memories...." Tapping his foot in contemplation he hummed before answering. "This is Night Raven College. It is an institution for students over the world who demonstrate a rare aptitude for magic. It is the most prestigious academy of its sort- in all of Twisted Wonderland. - And I was entrusted by the chairman, to be Headmage of this academy"
"Magic?" was repeated from both my own mouth and the one besides me.
"only those who the dark mirror perceives of having a great aptitude for magic are admitted to attend- and those who are chosen are brought through those gates, which can appear anywhere. A black carriage carrying one such gate would have came to meet you."
"the black carriage serves to collect the students chosen by the dark mirror. And as you know sending a carriage to meet someone on a special day is a time honoured tradition."
"time honoured where." I question under my breathe.
Ignoring my comment Crowley walked forward continuing through the courtyard, dragging Grim with the whip in his hand. Following Crowley in step, I remember that I was still holding onto the stranger's bicep and let go before walking ahead of them.
_ _ _ _
As Crowley marched towards the doors of what is presumably the mirror chamber, where orientation was taking place. I slowed my place to stay a few steps behind and pulled my cloak further over my head- steeling my resolve for what lays unknown behind those doors.
Only for Crowley to throw them open and begin yelling "I most certainly did not!" A resounding crash of the doors hitting the walls spooking the stranger beside me.
"Ah. Speak of the devil" Drawled the voice of a short lad with red hair and red eyes to match.
As Crowley marched further into the hall ascending the podium in which a floating mirror rest in middle of- Grim waddled along behind him. Myself and the stranger following as well until we stood near the edge of the podium.
"if you must know, I was searching for the two new students who'd failed at showing up for orientation." turning to face us before placing a hand upon his hip - "you two are the only ones left unassigned to a dormitory"
Part two
#twst x reader#twst#twisted wonderland x reader#twst x gn reader#x gender neutral reader#httyd#twisted wonderland#disney twst#readerinsert
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I'm not human, I can't be
FEMALE READER - Twisted Wonderland
Prologue - Prologue part2 - part 3
1,500+ word count
Prologue part 3
POV - 2nd person
As you, Yuu, and Crowley came to stop at the gate of your new lodgings- you began to wonder if even the cruelty of humans applied to other humans. If when they had no animal to hunt, no forest to burn, they would begin to burn one another for their own sick and twisted enjoyment.
"Uh.. you want us to stay here..." Came the unsure reply of your newest companion.
"isn't it delightful? Right, scoot inside now. The both of you. There you go." Was all Crowley had to supply in response to Yuu's enquiry.
Walking into the dilapidated dormitory the theory of man's cruelty turning against one another came truer. How a human who called himself gracious and kind, could house two adolescents in a hobble of a home such as this when a cave would be better.
"This should keep the elements at bay for the time being. Now, I should return to my research. Do try to find some way to busy yourselves. - But! don't let me catch you wondering the campus!" With a flourish of his cape, he made a swift escape from the newest charges of Night Raven College.
Seemingly as soon as Crowley had left Yuuken had found his voice and the ability to voice his true feelings. "this is a sh-t hole" Though it seemed in the end his own words shocked him, for as soon as he finished his sentence he seemed to jump in place.
Walking off from your enforced new company, to travel deeper into the dormitory where the further you seemed to step, the worse it became. As you traversed deeper into the dorm, you began to hear the pattering of rain against the roof- then you felt a drop of rain fall upon your head. Looking above you, you saw a large hole that went straight through to the roof, jagged in it's edges as if a large mammal- perhaps a bear had fallen through.
"hmm. these humans and their 'homes'.. are rather peculiar"
Continuing to walk further into the depths of the dormitory, you could hear crashes and some yells from the front of the dorm then from the second floor. Deciding it was a human problem- so ultimately not yours, you kept on your way until you found a room filled to the brim with antiquities and curiosities. Walking further into the room, you came across golden lamps, an apple ripe and red, a crystal ball covered by an old moth eaten blanket, and finally a small handheld mirror decorated in golden embellishments.
Picking up the mirror by its carved handle, you rose it in your hand till the mirror was equal to your face. Peering into the mirror only to see a face so unlike the one you'd seen in the rivers, throughout your child- a face so alien it repulsed you. As you continued to look into the mirror at the features of your new face it seemed as if your chest began to constrict upon itself, and your head feeling as if underwater.
Reality of this situation began to hit stuck in a body that is not your own, trapped within the confines of a human society. Left to depend on human man, who seemed quick to commits acts cruelty against his own- if leaving in you this squabble of a dorm was any show. Dropping the mirror from your hand, as it landed upon the floor you hands came to your face and began to grip and pull as if attempt to wipe away the skin upon your face. As you began to fasten the pace of pulling at your face you suddenly heard a cacophony of crashes and yells, pulling you out of your panic temporarily.
Walking to the front of the dorm to investigate the sounds as so you don't have propel back into your thoughts. Arriving at the front of the dorm you saw Crowley, a dishevelled Yuu and Grim standing waiting for you. There were a few buckets on the floor that was used for catching the rain, though the loungeroom seemed cleaner- though it was only the lounge and coffee table that was in better shape.
Seeing the small feline panting and laying upon his back on the floor you turned your gaze towards Crowley.
"incredible, I've never seen someone bend a monster to their will quite the way you have Yuu. I must confess, my educator's intuition did sense something about you after that brouhaha at orientation. I could tell you had a certain animal trainer-y, beast master-ish quality to you. Oh, yes. That said, I......" Trailing off at the end of his speech, seemingly to debate to himself on his next words.
"would it be possible for grim to stay with me?"
"WHAT? a monster stay here?.."
"woah, did you just..."
"please sir!"
"hmm.. I suppose I cannot deny your plea, Very well"
"MYAH!? Really?!"
"let me be clear! under no circumstances would i admit anyone to Night Raven College who has not been selected by the Dark Mirror--- especially NOT a monster!" - "Nor do I intend to allow you, Yuu. To freeload until you're able to return home"
"Hrmph, Never shoulda got my hopes up"
"now, allow me to explain, it was the dark mirror that transported you here. therefore this school does bear some responsibility for your well-being. So I will allow you to remain in this dorm free of charge. However, the both of you will need to pay for your own food, clothing and incidentals. As to how you'll do so, pennliess as you two are... Ah. Ah ha. Yes, A fine plan"
"what are you plotting" you mutter in return to his still endless rambling.
"you needn't seem so on edge. I'm simply asking you both to complete a few odd jobs around campus, to earn your keep" Moving his head to Yuu, and posturing his right hand on his hip with an ever so slight lean, Crowley continued- "From what you've done here Yuu, I can tell you know your way around a broom. So what do you two say, Yuu, Grim to working together as a janitorial team- with of course [name] assisting outside of classes."
Taking a pause for dramatic effect before angling his answer towards grim "If you agree to that, I will make a special exception and allow the both of you to remain on campus. I'll also allow you access to the library so you may study, and research ways to return home. How boundlessly charitable I am. Ah but only when work is over for you, Yuu."
"whaaat?, what kind of deal is that?! I wanna put on one of those sweet uniforms, and be a student. Not sweep up people's junk!"
"if you're not satisfied with this arrangement, I can arrange to have you thrown out of the campus again. Beast"
"Myah!, all right fine, we'll do it!"
"not like I have a choice...."
"Wonderful! than I beseech you both, to work hard as the newest members of Night Raven College's janitorial staff!"
- - - - -
Stirring in the mattress of the old rickety bed, you opened your eyes taking a quick surveillance of the room before removing your self from the sub-par bed. Hearing grim yell in the room across the hall, you heaved a sigh before removing the board you'd placed across the door way- and left for the kitchen. Whilst on your way to your kitchen you heard the skittering of Grim's paws against the wooden floors, the voices of the ghosts Yuu had introduced you to last night and Yuu himself engaging in conversation.
Running into Crowley in the loungeroom, Yuu a few steps behind you still trailing down the stairs.
"Good Morning, the both of you! Did you sleep well?"
"Not at all! When I sprawled out on the bed, the mattress fell right through the frame! Exactly how ramshackle is this dorm!?" Taking a breath and spreading his paws out grim continued "AND! worse yet, we got woken up by ghosts!"
"I slept fine..." came your mumble as you went to sit on the lounge.
"uhh, yeah I slept fine too"
"I am delighted to hear that you've both adjusted so well, despite being sent to another world! Now, speaking of moving on. let us discuss your assignment today, Yuu, Grim."
Nodding along to Crowley's words, Yuu moved to take a seat on the lounge beside you- causing you to snarl inaudibly.
"your job today is to clean the campus, that said the campus is vast and without the use of magic- it'd be quite the herculean task to clean it all. Therefore today I'll have you focus on the area spanning from the front gates of the academy to the library. And Yuu, I do expect you'll keep a close eye on Grim, lest he cause another incident like yesterday.
"yeah, understood"
"good, do not fail me. you may take your lunch in the school cafeteria, I eagerly await the fruits of your labour. I've left your janitorial uniforms on the kitchen bench. Also yours is there too [name]" And with another flourish of his cape he sped off from your little ragtag dormitory.
Beginning to cross his paws over his chest, screwing up his face and stomping his hind paw Grim began- "hrmph. I ain't cleanin' nothin'! I'm here to study magic! so I can be blastin' of spells left and right! like BAM! POW! FWOOM!"
"we'll study after we clean- anyhow Crowley left our uniforms on the kitchen bench" Yuu attempted to placate.
- - - -
#twst#twst x reader#twst x female reader#twisted wonderland x female reader#twisted wonderland x reader#x female reader#x reader#twst yuu#twst grim#Shere-Khans daughter!reader
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I'm not a Human, I can't be
FEMALE READER - Twisted wonderland
2,400+ words
"italics" in quotations are unnamed characters speaking
italics in a POV is thoughts
--- is change in time
___ is change in location/memory
Prologue prt2
POV - Third person
As Headmage Dire Crowley marched towards the doors for the chamber of mirrors, dragging grim whom was still caught in the whip, followed the two students only a few steps behind.
Before entering the chamber they overheard-
"Maybe he had a tummy ache"
Which caused Crowley to throw open the doors to the chamber causing a resounding crash to sound out.
"I most certainly did not!" Argued Crowley aiming his reply at a short boy with white hair, and deep red eyes.
"Ah, Speak of the devil." commented another short boy with red hair and a pair of matching red eyes.
As Crowley walked towards the centre of the room where a mirror float in the midst of a podium, the three stragglers in tow he replied "if you must know, I was searching for the two new students who'd failed at showing up for orientation."
"you two are the only ones left unassigned to a dormitory"
Walking next to where the mirror was placed he turned and ushered [name] up closer to the mirror. "Step up to the mirror and be quick about it."
POV - [name]
Stepping closer to the mirror in the midst of a room dominated by humans... I kept my composure sharp and to a point, less I be found out and restrained like the only other non human here.
A mask appeared in the vast depths of the mirror, surrounded by green flames.
"state your name"
A pause of silence swept through the room before the mirror began again.
"Ah, yes. What an interesting soul she has. A visage made of magic pure, hmm. Magic runs through her entirety and yet I see no dorm befitting of her."
Yet another pause ran through the room, though this one far much briefer, for an uprise of whispers spread from every corner of the room.
"wait did the mirror just say she?"
"why'd the carriage pick up a girl? or did she like break in and steal someone's uniform?"
"idk dude, but i hope she's hot"
"wait- she doesn't fit any dorm? then why did it bring her here?..."
A startled squawk like sound echoed abruptly from Crowley's throat before he ran his hands over his midsection briefly as if to straighten the fabric. Quickly mumbling to himself about the situation, he cleared his throat then spoke.
"hm. Are you suggesting the student selection process has made and error- for the first time in its century of existence. and chosen a girl?" He seemed to have guffawed at the mirror as if it were going to respond to him, before quickly switching to face [name]. "haa. would you mind taking off that hood ms. [name]" Slightly reaching his hand in her direction.
With discomfort seeded in my veins I slipped the hood over the back of my head to rest upon my shoulders, revealing my face to the humans that surrounded me. Moving my eyes along the expanse of Crowley's face as to survey the reaction and whether or not I would need to fight this man who stood a head taller than I. His unnerving pure glowing yellow eyes seemed to pause and widen before he raised his hands, the motion causing me to stiffen and move in position to run.
Crowley having raised his hands to do a shooing motion towards [name], seemed to pause seeing her stiffen. "hn. alright shoo- back up a bit. You the other one step up and make it extra quick. I'll hold your familiar whilst you do so" before softly mumbling "atleast this one should hopefully go smoothly.." to himself.
Whilst I backed away from the mirror, making sure to position myself so that once the birdman- Crowley attempts to attack me I'll be able to escape swiftly as humans are.. rather slow...
Whilst I preoccupied myself planning my escape, the boy I ended up following earlier had walked to the mirror and been asked the same question as I.
"Enma Yuuken" Came his reply, in a unsure tone as he seemed to fiddle with the sleeves of his uniform.
"The nature of your soul is.."
"unclear to me" came the half done verdict of mask in the mirror.
"What did you just say?"
"I sense no magical power from this one. Soundless. Colourless. Shapeless. Utterly Vacant."
"Therefore, he is unfit for all dorms"
"haaah?. Are you suggesting the black carriage went to receive one student who cannot even use magic and another that is a girl?" He seemed to ask both the mirror and himself for the second time with under half an hour. "that simply cannot be! for such grave errors to be made twice in one selection?!.. How could this have happened?."
"mmph mnnphh" switch my gaze swiftly to the 'not cub' I saw as he broke free from the restraints the headmaster had placed him within.
"ME! Let me have these students seats!"
"Not so fast, you hyperactive weasel!" quipped Crowley as he turned from facing the mirror to where grim stood a few steps away.
"unlike the either of them I'm a boy! and I can actually use magic! So let me be a student here!"
"Look I'll show you my spells are the cat's meow!" Was all that grim seemed to shout before a yell of-
"Everybody get down!" was heard from the short red haired boy you'd seen before.
As soon as I had crouched close to the ground, I could feel the heat of Grim's fireball shooting over my head as he spat multiple out, in multiple directions.
"AHH! HELP! I'm on fire over!" came the distressed shouts of the other boy you'd seen before. Though the his scream for help seemed to fade out as my breathing quickened in pace and it felt ass if all the air in the room vanished from my lungs.
The screams and declarations of panic sounded as if underwater when they entered my ears as all I could hear was my own breath and heart beat. My body still crouched from avoiding Grim's attack, felt as if it was collapsing in upon itself as my breathing seemed to fasten in pace. Black dots seemed to swim in the corners in my eyes and before I knew I collapsed upon the ground.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"focus [name], you cannot let your prey escape your view." Reverberate the voice of my father in my ear, his tone low and steady as we watched the lone, young wild boar foraging before us.
Keeping my eyes focused, I simply chuffed in return before lifting my hind legs off the ground every so slightly and leaning my front legs forward getting ready to strike.
With a slight growl, I swiftly lifted myself off the ground into a run before pouncing upon the wild boar. My claws only managing to sink into the lower half of it before it squealed and began its attempt to escape-
- - - - -
"hn. your first boar. although you could have been better. I must say well done [name]"
My father had said as he circled my kill, seeming to sway his head in approval before turning towards where I stood a few steps from my first big kill. At his words I grinned the blood the covered my muzzle and washed out my mouth glistening in the sunlight as I sat tall and straight.
"though you were sloppy. you need to improve your aim cub. or else you'll starve" Then he seemed to pause as he picked up one of his front paws to look upon his sharpened claws. "you're lucky that one was weak. and alone. If you attack like that when they're in a herd or stronger you'll be dead."
"I'm sorry, father" I murmured back as my head lowered in shame, my shoulders becoming low and tense.
He then took a seat next to the dead boar, his body domineering over it, before giving me a once over out of the corner of his eye and ripping in to the boar with his teeth.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
POV - Third Person
As the fire's surrounding the hall began to diminish, [name] seemed to stir from her lapse of unconsciousness. With her eyes opening she lent back on her arms before rising to her feet. Having awoken in time to see grim being removed from the chamber of mirrors, though seeming lulled into a stupor.
"I feel kind of sorry for him..." Yuu whispered as he watched the door.
"Well that was quite the unexpected fracas. I hereby declare that orientation has concluded. Housewardens, please escort your students back to the dorms. Hm.. come to think of it, I don't see Housewarden Draconia of Diasomnia anywhere."
"and that surprises you? Dude's a total recluse." Commented a tall boy with brunette hair and lion ears.
"wait a minute did anyone even invite him...?" Commented the boy with white hair.
A handsome tall student with blonde hair that faded into purple at the ends tersely replied "If you're that worried about him missing out, maybe you should have told him yourself"
"maybe but I don't know him too well either...."
"Draconia, like Malleus Draconia? THAT Draconia?.."
"So it's true, he really does go to school here.."
As the whispers amongst the hall arise a small boy with black hair and magenta highlights appeared near the podium centre- "Ah. Just as I'd expected. I figured I'd come down and see for myself whether Malleus had made an appearance. But once again, he was evidently not informed that his presence required at an official ceremony."
"You have my sincerest apologies. I assure you, this oversight was in no way intended as a snub" Remarked a silver haired student, with glasses on the bridge of his nose.
"I mean you must admit, he is not exactly the easiest person to strike up a conversation with." Remarked the boy with red hair, his tone confident and sure.
"No matter. All those who where assigned to the Diasomnia dorm, follow me. I just hope he doesn't sulk about this."
- - -
"Hmn. Well Yuuken and [name], This is a most unfortunate turn of events. I'm afraid you will not be attending Night Raven College after all."
"surely you both realise that I very well cannot admit a student who is incapable of using magic or a female student to an all boys magical academy. But worry not! The dark mirror will see you safely home."
"now you first [name]"
POV - [name]
Crowley announcing my name awoke me from my stupor, causing a jolt to run through my body. I quickly surveyed my surroundings as my shoulders stayed hunched, before looking back at where Crowley stood.
"what did you say..?"
An exaggerated sigh and soft shake of the head was the only response I was given before he placed his hands upon his hips and looked upon me with disappointment in his gaze. "I asked you to step towards the dark mirror so it can send you home."
Stepping towards the mirror, I paused and waited for further instructions from the birdman.
"Visualize from whence you came then step into the gate"
Closing my eyes and breathing in I thought to the jungle, though specifically the cave in which my father had raised me during my years as a cub.
POV - third person
Quickly clearing his throat and spreading his arms by his side he recited "O dark mirror! return this soul to where it belongs!"
Clearing his throat "L-let us, er.. try this again. O Dark Mirror! Return this soul to where it belongs!"
"where they belong does not exist, not in these times"
Dropping his arms and stepping closer to [name] Crowley spoke "How can such be?! are you sure you were visualising your home..?"
Turning towards Crowley [name] furrowed her brow before sternly replying "Of course I was Hu- Crowley. why would I wish to stay here of all places."
Guffawing at the blatant disrespect from the girl, he simply instructed her to try again.
_ _ _ _
After the mirror had been unable to send [name] home once again, crowley had ushered Yuuken before the mirror only for the mirror to deny the request to send him home. Though unalike to when [name] when before the mirror, The mirror stated "there is no such place in this world."
Due to repeated failure in sending the two of them home, Crowley moved the company of three towards the library to further investigate the oddity that the two of them were. (-{name side note}: the library being the place in which I had originally had seeked shelter from grim with alongside grim... human's are odd with their need to name everything...)
With an air of suspicions Crowley turned to Yuuken before further enquiring with him on his home's where abouts. "just as I'd expected. Nothing. Not only is your homeland not listed on any maps from any point in history.- Now, Yuuken are you quite sure you come from such a place?"
"that wasn't some sort of lie.! or jape...! Because if so the only explanation for your situation Yuuken would be that you came from another world.. or even summoned here from another dimension."
"Another Planet?"
"show me everything you brought here with you - and [name] show me what you have aswell.. since you seem to be unable to recount the name of your hometown as of yet-" beginning to whisper to himself he questioned the matter of whether or not the space time teleportation may still be affecting [name]'s cognitive abilities.
"do either of you have some form of identification? A drivers licence.. a school ID? or even a shoe?" Looking the both of the adolescences before him up and down he realised "you both seem a tad empty handed..."
"as you've said I've got nothing.." [name] nodding along with agreement to Yuu's statement.
"well this is quite the predicament, I cannot have someone without any aptitude for magic bumbling about my magic academy-" "as an educator I loath the idea of expulsing an adolescent without a cent to their name, or any ability to contact their guardian."
His expression seemed to smooth as an idea came to mind. "However due to [name]'s magic aptitude, I could make an exception, and bring in a new era for NRC with the acceptance of it's first female student!"
"as for Yuu.... hmmmm... Ah! There is a vacant building on this campus upon which you both can board in, whilst in the meantime as a group we shall investigate other ways to send you both to your respective homes" Placing a hand over his heart and angling his chin upwards and to the side he remarked "dear me I am but a gracious man indeed! A model educator, one might say!"
"well than I suppose I should take you both to your temporary boardings!" He seemed to pause for a moment, clearing his throat "though it is an older building, it has plenty of character one may say..."
Part 3
#twst#disney twst#twst yuu#twst x reader#twst x female reader#twisted wonderland x female reader#twistedwonderland#twisted wonderland x reader#Shere-Khans daughter!reader
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I'm not a Human, I can't be
Twisted Wonderland - FEMALE READER
Shere Khans child is forced into a world revolved around the idolisation of villains. Upheaved from her home in the jungle after the death of her father at the hands of the man cub Mowgli, given human form and forced into the throws of human society - she must find a way to survive the trials and tribulations to come.
The Wattpad Version of my story
The Ao3 Version:
Tumblr Version:
#disney twst#twisted wonderland#x reader#fem reader#twst x reader#twisted wonderland x reader#twst x female reader#twisted wonderland x female reader
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I'm not human, I can't be
FEMALE READER - Twisted Wonderland
1,500+ word count
Prologue - This is not me, This is not my body..
The light patter of paws and tussle of clothes echoed in the hall, causing [name] to stir from the slumber she had been lulled into.
As her eyes opened, all that surrounded her was a deep darkness a sight that alarmed her for she had not experienced such since she was but a cub. The unsettling lack of distinction in the dark caused her to raise her paws outwards, with a deep growl arising from within her throat.
Though as she moved her 'paws' she heard the sound of two pieces of fabric rubbing against one another, heightening her growing panic. Having stilled for a moment she flexed her 'paws' only to not feel the familiar fur bristle between her paw pads and instead feel human skin touch upon her.
The unusual feeling of human skin causing her hands to scramble to her own body feeling nothing but skin touching upon skin that laid under a thin lining of fabric before she heard a resounding hiss from beyond the darkness she laid in.
The crackling of fire burning through wood echoed in her ears, surging a fright through her causing her to piston her body forward against the dark wood that lay before her. Causing her to fall forwards with her arms coming before her body to brace her fall-
"NYAH! you're not suppose' to be awake!"
Echoed out from beside her, causing her to whip her head to her side only to see a small furred beast that looked akin to an overfed cub. The cub like creature being grey in colouring with white fur upon its' chest and within its ears laid blue flames. The appearance of flames causing [name] to maneuverer backwards, although far more clumsily than usual.
"GyAhh -what ever give me your uniform!"
The cub's words only caused further confusion to stir in [name], a furrow deepening her brow before she opened her jaws-
"what are you speaking of cub."
She bristly responded before rolling her shoulders and moving to a crouch- her body angled defensively as she gave the surrounding room a once over seeing an array of human coffins. Though the coffins far more structure than what she had seen the man tribe that lived on the outskirts build for their dead- still simple enough to recognise. Her eyes catching a door way illuminated by outer lights.
"mrah! Your clothes! give me your clothes! and don't call me cub, Human!"
Came the swift aggressive reply of the 'not cub' whom stood before her.
"My names Grim! And I'm gonna be the best sorcerer to exist!"
Before he conjured a fire ball within his left paw, causing [name] to jolt from her crouch to her feet before scrambling towards the doorway she had viewed before. To escape the 'not cub' Grim who could conjure the flame of man within his paws.
Shouted the small feline beast before he promptly stomped his hind paw he was standing on- distinguishing the flame in his left paw. Letting out a low growl he turned to the other unopened coffin in hopes THIS human was not awake.
Rushing out the hall filled with coffins upon feet that felt alien to her, [name] came to a stop after leaving the doorway as she found her self standing in a hallway. Hearing the 'not cub's' shout from behind her she spun on her heel and rushed down the hallway before reaching the courtyard.
Taking a moment in the courtyard to settle her breathing she spun her head side to side, surveying her surroundings- finding no one. Seeing that she was alone she took the moment to look down at her body- a body that was not her own.
POV - [name]
As I glanced downwards to where my paws should have been I saw human he-ands? I think they call them- along with a human body to boot covered in one of the odd coverings they wear. The covering- or uniform as that 'not cub' called them was black and purple with gold detailing's.
"what has happened- "
I whispered to myself unsure of what had occurred to curse me into this human form.... had that man cub- Mowgli done so? was this his was to rid of me as he had done to my father? to curse me to a form that was not my own.
My breathing becoming uneven as my hand wondered over my clothed form before reaching my neck and face- which felt so sickeningly human. Where fur once lay now lay the disfigured skin of man.
Suddenly harsh breathing echoed through my ears as a human dressed in the same uniform as my self rushed past me running into another building.
My eyes following their form the entire time before I hear the familiar yowling of the 'not cub', causing me to whip my head back towards the noise-
Seeing the small beast that could wield the flames of man I turn tail and followed towards where I saw the human run to.
"where am I?"
Came from the human man before me, he stood with his back facing me glancing at the building surrounding us. I took steps towards his form before blue flames filled my view and the beast arrived once more behind me.
"Foolish Human! Did you really think you could slip away from ME?"
"MrrrGrahh! both of you lousy humans are here!"
"Now unless you two want to be burned to a crisp- one of you take off-"
A whip came forth and captured the 'not cub', the whip being held by a man that looked akin to a bird?
"Me-Yeow That Hurt! What Gives!"
"consider it tough love"-The bird? man raised his shoulders posturing his head higher before continuing "Ah! I've found you. Splendid. I trust you two are the new students?"
Crossing his hands over his chest as he spoke with a sigh evident in his voice "My, You two were ever eager to make your debut. Nonetheless bringing a poorly trained familiar with you? That is a clear violation of the school's rules."
"As if I'd serve some lowly human! Now lemme go!" cried that strange little 'not cub' before I could supply the bird man with a reply.
"Yes, Yes. Rebellious Familiars always say that. Do be quiet for a bit won't you.?" Bird man said as he domineered over Grim.
"mmrph mmmrph!"
POV - third person
"dear me. of all the students I've dealt with you both are the firsts with temerity enough to open your own gates and step out of it." - uncrossing his arms and sighing he continued "Does the very notion of patience of illude you both?"
"No matter- Your orientation has already begun. Let us return to the mirror chamber."
"You awakened in a room full of gates, did you not? All the students at this campus arrived by passing through such gates. Although typically the students have enough restraint to wait until I have opened the gates to leave them." Came the reply of the man dressed like a bird, with feathers upon his shoulders that rustled as he sighed at the question of the student besides [name].
"that little one over set fire to my coffin.." came the cold reply of [name] as she pointed at Grim whom sat still in the bird mans whip.
"huh. The culprit appears to be that familiar of yours." Came the reply, which accused the student that stood besides [name] of owning the small beast. Causing the student to hunch their shoulders and slightly shake their head before the man continued on with- "You're the one who insisted on bringing it, so curtailing it's behaviour is your responsibility! But now is not the time for such prattle. The two of you have an orientation to attend! Go on now. Make haste!"
"Wait- can you first tell me who you are?"
The question causing the man to give a visual response of shock by movie hi supper body ever so slightly. Before he moved his body to face [name], slanting his head to the side in question- only to have her shake her head in agreeance to the second student inquiry.
"Hm- have the both of you not fully regained consciousness? The timespace teleportation must have addled your memories...." came his hum of a reply.
"Well, these things happen, I suppose. I shall explain it to you as we walk - truly my magnanimity is boundless." Then he swiftly turned on his heal and left the student and [name] to scramble after him.
Reaching the midst of the courtyard her cleared his throat before saying "This is Night Raven College. It is an institution for students over the world who demonstrate a rare aptitude for magic. It is the most prestigious academy of its sort- in all of Twisted Wonderland"- "And I am Dire Crowley, I serve as the Headmage of the college."
"only those who the dark mirror perceives of having a great aptitude for magic are admitted to attend- and those who are chosen are brought through those gates, which can appear anywhere. A black carriage carrying one such gate would have came to meet you"
"i don't remember that" came an inaudible mumble from [name].
"the black carriage serves to collect the students chosen by the dark mirror. And as you know sending a carriage to meet someone on a special day is a time honoured tradition."
"time honoured where." Came the brisk reply of the second student before the struggling of Grim could be heard as he was dragged along by Headmage Crowley.
"Now, let us attend to your orientation!"
Prologue part two
#twst#twst yuu#disney twisted wonderland#twst wonderland#x reader#x female reader#twst x reader#twst x female reader#twisted wonderland x female reader#Shere-Khans daughter!reader
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My blog
Hey! I'm Alex, this will be my writing blog. This blog will contain fanfiction for fandoms I'm interested in. I can also be found on Wattpad & Ao3 under the same username (severedeerdonut) that I use on this platform. This blog will contain stories I've written and that I share cross platform, aswell as Tumblr exclusive scenarios, drabbles, one shots and other content.
You can find the fandoms I will write for below & their co-inciting master list(s):
Twisted Wonderland
Obey Me; Shall we date
One piece
Aphmau SMP's -(mystreet/MCD)
Tales of arcadia
Ocs and random
I am open to asks, if you have any requests or even queries.
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