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[ID: youtube comment from Hal Sawyer:
My favorite relic English still used everywhere is the word "the" used in phrases like: "the more I look at this, the stranger it seems, or "the bigger they come, the harder they fall". This "the" is not the article of any noun, it is a different word, a conjunction descended from the old English "þā", pronounced "tha" which means either "when" or "then". Back in early Middle English the structure "if - then" had not taken over and if you wanted to express an if - then relationship you said "þā whatever, þā whatever", meaning "when such-and- such, then such-and-such". "þā" sounds almost the same as "the" and the spelling of the two converged, but the meaning remained totally different. "the more, the merrier" literally means "when more, then merrier" or "if more, then merrier'; same as centuries ago.
end ID]
this is so cool
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In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
‘O’ Allah shower Thy blessings on our Master Muhammad ﷺ in such a measure that earns Thy pleasure and shower Thy blessings on our Master Muhammad ﷺ exceeding that measure which has earned Thy pleasure and shower Thy blessings upon our Master Muhammad ﷺ for ever and ever ‘.
Sayyiduna Mughira ibn Shu’ba was one of the great Imams of the companions, an elite.
Sayyiduna Mughira is one of the five people who buried the Prophet ﷺ, Although he is not related to the Prophet ﷺ he lived in the same house and was regarded as family.
He is from the 5 whom: washed, shrouded and buried the Messenger of Allah, ﷺ
In his words; “I am the last person to touch the body of the Messenger of Allah.”
We would get people who after hearing such a statement would start shouting “SHIRK! BIDAH! KUFR! What do you mean to touch someones’ body?”
As expected, this incident would cause an uproar to the unorthodox, who would deem such an act as extremely unwarranted veneration.
Look at the understanding and Manhaj of the Sahaaba; Sayyiduna Mughira was boasting about touching the beautiful body of RasulAllah ﷺ.
Sayyiduna Mughira; “When the Prophet ﷺ was buried, I just threw my ring down into the grave.”
“Oops, my ring!” he cried, as though it was an accident.
So He then descends into the grave of the Prophet ﷺ and he begins to touch the Messenger of Allah, ﷺ.
He takes his ring and climbs back out.
SubhanAllah, what an intelligent man he was.
An intelligent man he was out of his desperation to be the last one honoured to touch the Messenger of God ﷺ.
May Allah increase our love for The Prophet ﷺ and those who loved the Prophet ﷺ, Ameen.
Narrated by Shaykh IOE.
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SubhaanAllah, everytime I read/ listen/ or get informed about the blessed Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), everytime, I always learn something new.
Its just so beautiful. Every single moment of it. Its one of those things, probably the only thing, where you actually feel present when you experience it in any form whatsoever.
Another thing I've noticed is how its made the heart so much softer. Learning about the Prophet (S.A.W). How the companions (R.A) interacted with him (S.A.W). How the companions (R.A), irrespective of their gender, stood up for him (S.A.W). I mean, its not an easy thing what the companions (R.A) did at Badr, Youm al Furqan, when they, without a doubt in their hearts, charged at the Quraysh after the Prophet (S.A.W) announced "Ya Mansur, Amit!" (Oh you who God has made victorious, slay!).
From the dedication of Bilal (R.A), the ferocity of Hamza (R.A), Ali (R.A), Omar (R.A), the steady servitude and companionship of Abu Bakr as Siddiq (R.A), to the enthusiasm of Mu'adh and Mo'idh (R.A) in the hunt for Abu Jahl, and this is just up until Badr!
If anything, listening to the Seerah refreshes and strengthens the emaan so much that one wonders who it is we are trying to appease when the modern world throws accusations and we're left stuttering. Listening to it has left me at tears more times than anything else Alhumdulillah. It makes me want to do at least one thing which, on the Day of Judgement, will cause the Prophet (S.A.W) to be happy with me. May Allah Allow us all the honour and taufeeq of it. Ameen.
We hear and we obey. [24:51]
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*petting my cat* please cure my depression cat: *prrbhbphr* me: thanks
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how merciful is Allāh, watches you disobey Him, so He causes regret in your heart, then He inspires you to seek His forgiveness to forgive you, then He be pleased with you, so He changes your bad deeds into good deeds.
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Seven things that you, as a Muslim, will regret when you reach old age:
Your lack of exercise and unhealthy eating
Your negligence of the Arabic language
Your shortcomings towards your parents
Your lack of family time
Your abandonment of the Qur'an
Your few good deeds
Your vision in life which wasn't dedicated to the Hereafter
What use is the wealth, children and status that you end up accumulating if it will all end in heart-wrenching regret?
Spare yourself of tomorrow's agonies.
Make those changes today.
Via Habibi Halaqas
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لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّهِ .
do not despair of the mercy of Allāh. - Qur'an
maybe He has something great in store for you. maybe now is not the right time to reveal. but soon it will. you'll be amazed. your tears will flow out of contentment and love for Him. then you'll realise that you've finally tasted the sweetness of patience.
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The Scottish speedrun surgeon never fails to amuse me. 300% death rate in a surgery hall. One of life's greatest mysteries and deaths greatest successes.
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