SHSL World-Maker
21 posts
Hi, I'm Servant. Enjoy my Crack and ask me about the shitty AU's.
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servants-dr-crack-aus · 2 months ago
Every time i start a new vido game:
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servants-dr-crack-aus · 4 years ago
Souda: Hey Komaeda... Is it possible that you have another nationality?
Komaeda, standing in front of the Puertorican flag with a Guiro in hand and a foto on a nearby table of him as a child dancing salsa: What ever gave you that idea?
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servants-dr-crack-aus · 5 years ago
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So, Minecraft AU.
Each class has two main worlds (One vanilla and one thats moded). Komaeda and Ouma's classes don't allow them into the main worlds, instead they have a secondary world so they sometimes play with them but mostly leaves them alone. Ouma and Komaeda get upset after finding this out.
Komaeda and Ouma are sulking together before Naegi came over to talk to them. He asks what's wrong and once they tell him, he invites them into his classes main worlds. Nagito is good at building and Ouma is great with a bow.
Nagito and Junko work together for the builds.
Nagito is like the MC Youtuber Dream when playing Minecraft.
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servants-dr-crack-aus · 5 years ago
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FF!A Ko dislikes Servant
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servants-dr-crack-aus · 5 years ago
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Fixed a few things.
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So, I have created;
So, in short: One of Nagito's parents comes from a Spanish speaking place/Country, so he's half Hispanic and even knows Spanish himself. I chose Puerto Rico for said parents original home.
Au info: Nagito's parents took him on frequent visits to Puerto Rico, to see his grandparents and Cousins that are over there. Nagito's parents died when the airplane they were on got Hijacked and smashed in by an asteroid, everyone else died while he was the only one to survive. The reaosn they were on that airplane in the first place was to go to his grandparents funeral.
His uncle wanted to take him in, but, he refused. He just stayed in his home with his servants taking care of him during that time. He still visisted, just by other means that weren't airplanes.
Nagito has a guitar, some maracas, panderetas y Guiros in his house, things that originally belonged to the parent that came from Puerto Rico.
Nagito knows some dance styles taught over there, because his cousins love to share with him what they were taught, and got helped my their older family members.
Nagito misses the sounds of the Coqui's, so he often puts a 10 hour video that's just sounds of Coquis.
Please, don't attack me for this AU. As a Hispanic myself, I though it might be fun to do this with Nagito.
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servants-dr-crack-aus · 5 years ago
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So, I have created;
So, in short: One of Nagito's parents comes from a Spanish speaking place/Country, so he's half Hispanic and even knows Spanish himself. I chose Puerto Rico for said parents original home.
Au info: Nagito's parents took him on frequent visits to Puerto Rico, to see his grandparents and Cousins that are over there. Nagito's parents died when the airplane they were on got Hijacked and smashed in by an asteroid, everyone else died while he was the only one to survive. The reaosn they were on that airplane in the first place was to go to his grandparents funeral.
His uncle wanted to take him in, but, he refused. He just stayed in his home with his servants taking care of him during that time. He still visisted, just by other means that weren't airplanes.
Nagito has a guitar, some maracas, panderetas y Guiros in his house, things that originally belonged to the parent that came from Puerto Rico.
Nagito knows some dance styles taught over there, because his cousins love to share with him what they were taught, and got helped my their older family members.
Nagito misses the sounds of the Coqui's, so he often puts a 10 hour video that's just sounds of Coquis.
Please, don't attack me for this AU. As a Hispanic myself, I though it might be fun to do this with Nagito.
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servants-dr-crack-aus · 5 years ago
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Here guys, have a quick drawing of BBA!Nagito
Also pls search up this fanfict on Wattpad called "Korekiyo x Chiaki the love story". One of my DR sibblings is making that Crack writing and I want it yo be spread around. You'll figure out who I am.
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servants-dr-crack-aus · 5 years ago
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So yeah, Reserve Course student Ko AU.
It's crack, like always.
Special thanks to the Hajime in my DR family for doing this with me spotaniusly.
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servants-dr-crack-aus · 5 years ago
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Have this shit
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servants-dr-crack-aus · 5 years ago
Everyone say hello to BBA!Nagito- In Gacha club cuz I'm too lazy to draw him yet.
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So, quick Summery;
The BBA AU or "Bad Boy Aesthetic" AU is simple. You take character A, who is a normal, kind and nice human being with interests; and make them look like or similar to a stereotypical Bad boy/girl.
Basically, I created this AU when I was making OC's. One of my OCs, Anni; Is a tomboy yet she does look girly. I believe things like personality don't always reflect on the persons choice of clothing, it's in the way they act. I used Nagito as a first try with the AU and I like how it ended up.
BBA!Nagito's storyline;
Nagito is the schools 'Bad boy' yet he's not a bad guy. He was three childhood friends (Ouma, Togami and Mikan) and has a sort of friend-enemy relationship with Mondo. He likes quiet places and salty foods, his hobbies include writings, reading and riding his motorcycle(gift from Mondo). The baddest thing he does is get into fights defending people. He uses his 'reputation' to intimidate others into leaving someone alone and fights off bullies. After a fight, he takes the person that was bullied to Mikan to get help, yet Mikan often gets frustrated with him since he often gets hurt.
In this world, It is Komahina. Hajime is the so called 'Popular boy' and has a following, rip Hajime.
Here have a few more images.
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I truly have no regret making this AU and applying it to Danganronpa characters. I'm thinking of appling it to other Fandoms.
Also pls kill me, Designing Hajime in GC made me want to die. Akusnwkahenskuwbsie.
Screw you Hinata >:/
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servants-dr-crack-aus · 5 years ago
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FFAgent!Nagito being a good Dad and an Asshole of a friend.
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servants-dr-crack-aus · 5 years ago
I did a bad thing
I won't tell you what I did
Just know it was a bad thing
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servants-dr-crack-aus · 5 years ago
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I'm about to do something bad, I can feel it-
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servants-dr-crack-aus · 5 years ago
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Guess who was so bored they tried to make pixal art of FFAgent!Nagito in Minecraft? This fucker!
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servants-dr-crack-aus · 5 years ago
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I made Monomi! I might make the tiny sprites of the characters next or some pixal art.
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servants-dr-crack-aus · 5 years ago
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I build Monokuma in Minecraft, Imma do Monomi next!
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servants-dr-crack-aus · 5 years ago
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My new reaction Image: Scared/Terrified Togami
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