serendipityinautumn · 2 years
I’m not dead and have actually been writing. I have twoish stories in the works and have the goal of finishing the second chapter of If You Can Take it Back by the end of this month. It’s like halfwayish done. The important scene is done which was very satisfying. Here is a little excerpt from it: 
She shot me a joking smirk, a finger against her lips “Maybe, maybe not? We’ll see what happens. Are you going to get lucky?” I surreptitiously glanced over at Lily, shaking my head. “Nah, y’know me, can’t sleep around to save my life.” It was a joke but it came out bitter. The words soured on my tongue. Mary fixed with me a gaze so fond it nearly bowled me over. “No, you don’t really do casual.” Mary murmured softly, adjusting my necklace. “She’d say ‘yes’ if you asked –” “Mary, please, just… I can’t, not tonight,” I interrupted, holding her wrists gently.
What is it in relation to? Who knows but I’m very happy with how the rest of the scene turned out and you might finally get some answers!!!
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serendipityinautumn · 2 years
I was supposed to be over Lily, not under her. 
This. This is the best sentence I have ever written. Nothing will top it. 
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serendipityinautumn · 2 years
hello lovely! I've been stressing about my upcoming exams recently and I was just wondering whether you could write some marauders headcanons about their work ethics or study patterns (or legitimately anything that may get in the mood for revision tbh). Thank you in advance :)
#relatable so here you go
James is a morning person, so most of his work is done in the morning.
Honestly before breakfast this boy will have revised an entire chapter is he even real everyone hates him for how cheerful he can be when everyone else is still half asleep
His notes are messy, but somehow he manages to get down all the important information while also being distracted in class. It’s a mystery how he does it and when asked he will only waggle his eyebrows and make jazz hands and say “magic”. What a nerd.
He likes to walk around and recite things to himself until he remembers
He likes to go for a run and recite things to himself until he remembers
He likes to recite things to himself in the showers
The weeks before exams you can find him dragging his notes everywhere. Are those notes in your shoes Potter? Why yes they are 
Remus on the other hand, studies best in the late afternoon and evening
He’ll just flop himself down in the library, claim an entire table for himself to spread all his stuff on, and systematically goes down his readings, scribbling out things he finds important
You have to chase him out of the library because he gets so caught up in what he’s doing he forgets the time
His notes are pretty illegible but they make perfect sense to him, and they are so complete everyone wishes they could read it (Sirius can)
When exams are coming up his prefers to revise by teaching his friends about it when they’re hanging out together. They’re not complaining, free explanations, tell us more professor Lupin
this boy is a mess tbh. He stopped making notes after someone told him how beautiful his handwriting was, and now when he writes anything he tries to copy James’ handwriting.
He spends most of his summers reading all his school books and whatever extra information he can get his hands on, so he has the advantage of a wide general knowledge to build on.
He has an eidetic memory, so he can really soak up things and spit them back out on the exam, without having to put too much effort into it. His grades are stellar, obviously. It’s not fair, screw you Sirius
When exam time is upon them, he’ll spend most of his days lounging around, or casually reading old essays from his friends and making remarks on them.
Contrary to all of his chill behavior, he always has trouble sleeping around this period, (partly because the complete lack of stimulation outside of studying, and partly because he worries he’ll not do well enough to live up to his family’s expectations) so often you’ll find him curled up with a book at night
Peter has the most organised notes in Gryffindor tower, maybe the entire school. His handwriting is impeccable, he has charmed his notes together to make a book he can carry along - it’s wonky but it works. They’re color coordinated, annotated, have little graphics and timelines in them.. If Peter had a blog it would be studyblr. At the beginning of each year, he’ll sell his notes to the highest bidder of the year below. My little shit I love him
He works best late morning and early afternoon, because he takes naps in the late afternoon and he also likes to sleep in in the mornings
He starts revising as soon as classes start. He gets super bad performance anxiety during the classes themselves, so he makes up for that by revising afterwards and having his friends check over his work so he can be extra prepared
He makes giant History of Magic timelines to attach to the walls of their dormitory. It used to be glow in the dark but it drove Remus up the walls so he removed the spell and now it just sort of shimmers occasionally 
in the weeks leading up to exam time he’s so stressed. SO stressed. He goes to the kitchens pretty much every day to stock up on his favourite comfort foods, and the house elves make sure to leave some lavender tea on his bed stand at night so he can relax. Still, sometimes he and Sirius will sit up together, reading or chatting very quietly
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serendipityinautumn · 2 years
Lily: Every time I almost trust you, you do something like this! Are you trying to push me away?
Jamie: Really? Is this what we're gonna do right now? [runs hand through hair] I don't want to fight with you tonight, it's exhausting.
Lily: But you go and fight with Severus all you want, uh? You always have time to fight with him, don’t you? God, this stupid fucking school rivalry you have! Hasn’t it hurt enough people?
Jamie: We’re never going to move past that are we? You will never truly forgive me for that. Will you?
Lily: No, Jamie. I forgave you months ago. You’ve grown. For me, that's enough. I don’t think you’ve forgiven yourself.
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serendipityinautumn · 2 years
me with if you could take it back
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serendipityinautumn · 2 years
Does anyone else ever go through that thing where you just can’t remember the title of something for the life of you? I read this fic about percy wealsey and oliver wood and I love it. I cried the first time I read it. It is beautiful and amazing, but it’s been deleted (I can’t find it on ao3). I have searched through my history and everything. I’m almost positive it was by alrightginger who I know has deleted all of her fics and has also written percy/oliver content before. Percy and Oliver had a relationship in Hogwarts and reconnected after the war. It’s from Percy’s perspective and he gets invited to Ron’s wedding to Hermione and takes Oliver as his plus one because apparently you can’t go to weddings alone. They end of hooking up after the wedding and continue to do so until a quidditch gala where they fight over if they are dating or not. Percy has all this guilt over Fred and feels like he doesn’t deserve anything. There’s a bunch of internal dialogue about what he can take from Oliver. Percy goes and talks to George and it’s very emotional and beautiful and I did cry. I don’t need to read the fic again because I do have the plot memorized and multiple lines memorized as well. It’s just not knowing the name is killing me. If you know it, pls comment or message me. I will love you forever. I will write you something in your honor. Thank youuuuu!!
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serendipityinautumn · 2 years
Park Dates
We once laid on a bench over there
With my head in your lap as you played with my hair 
Your hands drew circles on my wrist so casually intimate 
And the sun left nothing bare
You have left, taken by some spiritual quest and fell prey to the dangers of miscommunication 
I miss you now while stuck in this crowd even though that memory has since faded 
But the ring you bought me always fits and I still wear it. 
I got broken up with a bit ago and am ok, but I went back to the park where we once had a date to celebrate my birthday. It was bittersweet because what once was happy is now a bit sad. I’m not heartbroken. However, it’s all just a bit sad, so I wrote a poem about it since that felt naturel. I like it and think it’s pretty. 
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serendipityinautumn · 2 years
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I’ve started writing a story based off the painting above which is called “The Death of Marat” by Jean-Jacques David (pronounced with a heavy French accent). Marat was a French Revolutionary who ran the newspaper Ami du Peuple or Friend of the People. He played a pivotal role in the Revolution during the Reign of Terror and was responsible for ordering the executions of many nobles and opposition to the new government. The list in his hand of people who were to be killed is an illusion to this. His murderer was a woman named Charlotte Corday who was a member of the Girondins and felt that France was heading in an extreme and dangerous directions. She then asked to see him and stabbed him with a knife. My story differs in many ways from this, but I took inspiration from women in the revolution and how they became exposed to politics and started to become active members within it. This is not fanfiction but instead my very own story with my own characters which is very exciting and only a bit scary. Also, for a man who spent all of his time in a bathtub, he had a rare skin condition, he has awfully muscular arms. 
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serendipityinautumn · 2 years
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James & Lily ♥
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serendipityinautumn · 2 years
Hiiii!! I’ve started the next chapter of If You Could Take It Back. It’s only four/five scenes, but the shortest scene is 900 words. I have been quite busy because the last few months of school are always busy and I just haven’t found the time/motivation to write. However, I have plans. Once my exams are done, the next two chapters should be up shortly. My idea for the next chapter is to have it focus only on Christmas break. There will be some stuff between Amelia and Jamie, maybe some Sirius and Jamie stuff, and of course some Jily stuff. This chapter is sort of a middle ground where a lot of the conflict and issues from the last chapter are processed but not necessarily resolved. As an apology for not giving any updates for the last two months here is a brief snippet. 
If you haven’t read If You Could Take It Back, go and check it out here.
She reached over, putting her hand on top of mine and a wave of nostalgia flooded over me because this felt so familiar. This easy intimacy and comfortable closeness. A far cry from the raised voices and angry words of last night. Maybe, that had just been a nightmare, but I could feel those words clawing up my throat, climbing into my lungs, choking my airway until I had to pull away. I needed a buffer zone – a no man’s land – where both the past and the present couldn’t haunt me. Lily nodded, standing up and going towards the door.
Have a good evening!!!!!
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serendipityinautumn · 3 years
Another fun fact is that If You Could Take It Back started off with a goal of like 16k words. It’s 10k and I have 12 scenes left. I don’t understand how this happened. 
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serendipityinautumn · 3 years
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serendipityinautumn · 3 years
I told you to look out for an update and here it is. The first chapter of If You Could Take It Back is out, and I’m so excited. I’m embarrassingly proud of it and these ideas have been in my head for so long. It feels insane. AAHH!! This feels surreal. Anyway I really hope you enjoy it. 
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serendipityinautumn · 3 years
New Fic Soon!!
I’ve come up with a plan. So If you could take it back is taking a bit to write, so I’m going to upload it in installments instead of one huge one shot like I originally planned. Thankfully the story already kinda splits itself up really well. I have one last scene to finish and then it shall be up, so look out for an update or two by the end of the month!!! 
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serendipityinautumn · 3 years
Hellooo. I know it’s been a bit, but I just returned to actually writing things today because apparently I’m a busy person which isn’t fun. However I’ve finished a scene finally and here is a snippet of it. I’ve had this dialogue in my head since the beginning and I got to use it and it’s all very exciting. I have a date in an hour and have yet to get ready so adieu. Also I said I would get this story done over a week ago, but school get a bit hectic and didn’t make time to write. 
“I meant it,” she called out. Her voice softly echoed off of the walls, and I paused, forever at her beck and call. “Meant what?”I enquired, desperate to know. “That I loved you.” Past tense. Loved. Final. And the weight that had been pressing against my heart moved lower, nestled between my kidneys and my lungs, grew around my ribs until I couldn’t tell where I ended and it began. “You mean everything you say, Evans…That’s the problem.” I turned my head. I didn’t want to see her face – to see any foreign emotion that would cause me to gravitate into her orbit. My footsteps were hurried, almost a light jog. It felt like fifth year all over again: the confusion, the skittering heartbeat, the feelings bubbling up to the surface. Yet, the pain was different. The knife’s edge duller.
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serendipityinautumn · 3 years
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how this works:
february’s theme is romance for valentines! and all of the prompts will be dialogue surrounding kisses bc... romance????❤️
example prompts: "i want you to kiss me. for real, this time.", "it’s not like i’ve thought about kissing you, or anything…", "well, if anybody were to kiss me… i would want that person to be you.", "are you sure you’re ready for this?" "i've been ready.", "don't speak, just... kiss me.", etc.
everyone will create a jily graphic/edit/art/fic based around the theme.
i’ll match everyone into pairs who will receive the same prompt.
you’ll have until the end of the month to post your creation.
how to enter:
reblog this post until january 31st - then i will message you with your partners name and a prompt for your creation. [i get asked a lot so just to clarify, you and your partner are creating different works, just with the same prompt, but are paired because it’s nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of and bc i think its nice to exchange things idk]
put what you plan to create in the tags when you reblog this post i.e. #writing, #edits
(optional) follow the jily challenge blog.
when posting:
tag your partner and #jilychallenge (no space) within the first five tags.
your caption should include:
JILY CHALLENGE | @yoururl vs @ yourpartner  theme + prompt
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serendipityinautumn · 3 years
Ok so I’m going to give my self a due date of feb. 4th for If You Could Take It Back. Is that the same day as results on whether or not I move on to the semifinals for this summer program? Yes, yes it is. Does that mean I will be a ball of stress that day? Also yes, but I need a distraction for that day and what’s a better distraction than Jily. God help me. I’m just going to be checking my phone the entire day. Also, do I have a speech comp. that day? I don’t know. 
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