seraphiia · 20 hours
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Reunion in Askr
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seraphiia · 20 hours
He finally meets her gaze, and her brow furrows. All those words, all that rambling, and yet Celica still found herself no closer to understanding why he thought the way he did.
There was only one certainty: pain. And he's doubtlessly drowned in a sea of it.
"...Legends tell that the dragons bestowed magic upon humanity to bring them further prosperity. To allow them to harness miraculous gifts, and reach heights they could never have achieved on their own."
Eyes flicker back to his arm, and she begins to clean the rest of the blood. "Magic was meant to make the world a better place. One where people wouldn't have to needlessly suffer, where they could be equipped to handle the difficulties and hardships of life."
She reaches a particularly raw wound—torn and mended flesh still thin and red from healing, her movements growing much gentle as the cloth runs over it. "There is nothing good about the pain magic inflicts. Nothing justified or holy in its abuse, or its use to harm others."
"Casting light along a dark path. Fueling the flame of a warm hearth..." The reddened cloth is set aside as deft fingers begin to trace the shape of his wound. Light flickers along her fingertips, and without the need of a staff, the glow of a healing spell emanates from her hand.
"And mending wounds." Eyes meet his again. His gaze, for all the chaos she has come to know it for, now falls eerily... empty. "Magic is meant to support, and bring happiness. No one is sinless, and nothing is perfect—but they don't have to be defined by those imperfections."
care for us
mission board: recovery / infirmary prompt.
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seraphiia · 9 days
She hums. "Indeed. Isn't it natural, to miss a friend after you part from them?" Carnelian eyes flicker over to him—to his characteristically quiet, yet oddly meek demeanor. Perhaps it was her company he didn't enjoy as much?
At his next question, she begins to glean a reason why that may be.
"Oh." Celica briefly turns ahead, gently maneuvering her horse around a cluster of rocks along the road. Her voice, however, takes on a twinge of amusement as she continues, "Why would that be the case? Is there a reason he should mind?"
The queen glances back at Felix with the beginnings of a smirk, chuckling a bit as she decides to spare him any further teasing. "But he is, yes. A wonderful man, and very talented swordsman, too. He doesn't hold the moniker of 'Hero' for nothing—I think you'd enjoy sparring with him."
They begin to approach the lake she decided on for their outing, Celica guiding her horse into a slow trot. "But you have nothing to worry about. Alm isn't a fragile person. He's perfectly fine with me spending time with my friends, regardless of the gender." As they come to a stop, she smiles. "Ah. Gorgeous, isn't it? The sun touches the surface of the lake so beautifully at this time of day."
Mission Board: Showcase / riding prompt.
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seraphiia · 9 days
"Is that so?" She smiles, "You're a friend of Celine's, then. She told me before. Of the whole... Emblem concept? That there's apparently a reflection of me in the land you all come from."
Honestly, she still doesn't quite know what to think about it. As if the people of Valentia placing her into Mila's role wasn't already daunting enough, it was almost unfathomable to think that her reputation had spread to another continent entirely without her knowing.
And that she was apparently venerated so deeply, when she hardly felt that she had done anything to deserve such treatment.
"...Are dragons worshipped, where you're from? The Divine Dragons of my homeland lived amongst the humans, and even communed with them, but we still held them on pedestals as gods. You feel..." Celica pauses, searching for an appropriate word. "Much more approachable, in comparison."
fight or flight
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seraphiia · 28 days
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He was her warmth, she was his peace.
Hi, hi! Here I am with a new pinned for Celica, and some preliminary details.
Generally, she comes from about a year or so (though definitely more than that) after Shadows of Valentia, having come to Garreg Mach to better prepare for her role as the One Kingdom's Queen. As such, she leaves Valentia in the hands of trusted advisers, and decides to attend the esteemed Officer’s Academy to hone her authoritative and combat skills.
Miss Celica has been here for quite a while, but hey, we're just vibing at this point.
(Mun guidelines below the cut!)
Tagging & Posts
The only thing I would need tagged involves mentions of heavy drug use, but other than that, I’m good with whatever! And if you’d like ME to tag anything? Please let me know.
My post formatting is minimal at best. I use both small and regular text, depending on what my partner’s preference is. I’ll always be happy to match, for accessibility purposes.
As of now, she is in a romantic dynamic with Susanne's Alm.
While I am not open to sexual NSFW on dash, if there is enough ooc comfort and communication, I am open to discussing and possibly writing it elsewhere. Possibly, lol.
Celica is canonically in love with and married (post-Gaiden/Shadows of Valentia) to Alm. As such, shippings with him will always hold priority. I am, however, open to testing other situations in PURELY AU settings, with sufficient chemistry and ooc communication! I don't like to force ships, nor is romance a priority for me (unless it involves the hubby ofc).
Celica is open to men and women, and since she is 20 (18 upon her arrival, and should honestly be YEARS older by this point but we shrug), I would prefer any AU ship partners to be above the age of 18.
For any ask memes that involve shipping, I will always consider them AUs.
Perfectly okay with unprompted asks! I only ask for your patience if it takes me a bit to respond to them. Life, and all.
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seraphiia · 29 days
Activity Check (May) - Passed!
Total Skill Points: 94 → 95
[Monthly Point]: +1 point allocated to Riding ( Riding: C )
[Ethereal Ball 2024]: Claimed Whisper of Ivy.
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seraphiia · 1 month
[ Forestberry Jamwich ] - A recent mainstay across Fódlan, this sandwich combines sweet jam made from Fódlan’s summer berries with a savory paste made from ground Dagdan peanuts.
Andrei is certainly not hungry anymore after an evening of intermittent food and drink, but it seems the same cannot be said for Cranberry, who starts squealing again upon walking past one of the street vendors' stalls, bright eyes fixed on the sandwiches on display.
"I'm not going to help you finish that," Andrei gives a warning that the pigeon obviously doesn't understand. He looks back at the sandwiches with a sigh. It's not outside his budget, sure, but Cranberry is certainly not going to fit an entire sandwich in his tiny stomach. Some of it would have to go to waste, unless...
Andrei turns towards the next person who approaches the stall, a young woman around his own age. "Were you looking to purchase one of these?" he asks, before taking one of the teardrop crystals from his brooch. "I would offer you this to split a sandwich in half with me, if you are willing," he says.
A sandwich of berry jam and ground peanut paste was an unfamiliar concept to Celica, and she could only imagine how the sweetness of berries and earthy flavor of the nuts would mingle. Sweet and bitter was a tantalizing combination, but this seems as though it would be a bit different.
But before she can call over the vendor, a young man grabs her attention instead, offering his crystal for half of a sandwich. For a moment, a twinge of pity hits her. Did he not have enough gold to buy one...?
"Of course. I wouldn't mind that at all." She smiles, offering him one of her own crystals before turning to order a sandwich from the vendor. When she turns back to the man next to her, she belatedly notices the pigeon with him. "Oh, how adorable! Is this a friend of yours?"
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seraphiia · 1 month
Katarina isn't sure how long she had been staring at the glass in her hand before she abruptly realized that the woman at the bar beside her was the queen of Valentia. The drink itself, she held delicately between gloved fingers, the color she had been watching sink and disperse through its fulgent water now inverse of where it had begun; her gaze has long since slipped past it to nothing at all as she worries to herself.
Recognizing her had been an easy thing-- she is far, far and away from the associate of her liege's with the least repute-- but now that she has, what does she say? Even with the want to, she struggles, tongue turned leaden and useless.
"If--" Lips close on the word and blench. "Th-the, um... if..." She swallows, dryly, and finally manages to stick the landing, sort of. "If you're trying to decide what to drink, the... the sparkling water is very pretty." After a moment, she raises her own blue-hued glass pitifully.
The flutes of sparkling water were a veritable rainbow of colors, and Celica finds herself both impressed and awed at the display. She is unsure which flavor to go with, briefly wondering how a mix of them would taste before she hears a soft voice at her side.
Celica glances at the girl beside her, and as she speaks, the Valentian finds herself reminded of Genny. Rather shy and tongue-tied, but always gentle and earnest in her sentiments.
She smiles, "Oh, the blue, hmm? I believe I'll go with that then, after such a glowing recommendation." Celica plucks up a glass of her own, the color similar to the other woman's, and lifts it. "A toast, to good drinks and new acquaintances."
Her hand lowers, "I'm Celica, of Valentia. Might I have your name, and perhaps your brooch, if you'd care for an exchange?"
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seraphiia · 1 month
[ Sparkling Water ]
"Surprise." Mitama has only just arrived and already, she feels somewhat exhausted. Still, there is no reason to let unfortunate encounters damper her entire experience. Mitama smiles, holding a glass out to her fellow priestess. "I hope that I am not burdening you with another beverage, but a familiar face was nice to see."
And here, she finally feels comfortable enough to allow her smile to turn playful. "So, having a dazzling night with your beloved? How many horrible puns has he made so far?"
Celica turns at the familiar voice, one she hasn't heard in quite a while. Expectation becomes confirmation as she turns and meets the stardust gaze of an old friend, a smile naturally blossoming across the queen's features.
"Mitama! Oh, it's been so long!"
She is careful of the glass in the other woman's hand as she gently wraps her arms about her in a hug, giggling as she draws back and accepts the flute of sparkling water. "It's been amazing, thank you. Though not quite as dazzling as those pretty eyes of yours."
Another laugh, "And come now, he hasn't been so bad with them... so far."
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seraphiia · 1 month
[ Garden ] - Need to get away from the thick of the party for a moment? Step outside of the dance hall, where Garreg Mach’s own vaunted gardens await, gracefully decorated to take on new life for the duration of the evening.
A small break from the excitement outside is in order. The exterior gardens still have some individuals wandering about, though there are much less eyes present. Yuzu can sigh in relief, not having to worry about a heavy amount of attention on her. There's not many areas for seating, but the samurai doesn't mind strolling through nature. The beauty truly contrasts from the inside's golden glamour, yet she supposes that both locations have their boons.
It is in this collection of fauna that Yuzu stumbles upon a familiar Valentian. That must be the princess - or no, it's...
"Queen Celica! Might you recognize a Yuzu, back in Valentia?" Yuzu brightens up, but a hint of guilt sneaks into her voice. Yes, she and her close allies have fought for her cause back then, but she does not recalling the royalty's coronation before departing for greater heights. "What a surprise to find other once more, and under such different circumstances."
"Aye...does that brooch contain a teardrop? It looks similar to mine," Yuzu presents her own as proof, the crystal glistening in moonlight. "I believe that friends are exchanging their given brooches on this night. Though, I'd understand if that...doesn't suit us, after much time."
As with any party, Celica eventually got to the point of needing some fresh air and rest from the festivities, deciding to take a short break in the gardens before heading back in. The hour was beginning to grow late, and she figures it would be a good time to leave soon.
The Tower with Alm, perhaps, and then the comfort of her room...
But those musings are interrupted by a new—yet vaguely familiar—voice, and when she turns, it takes her a moment to recognize the face.
"Oh..." The woman's explanation certainly does much to help, "...Oh, yes! Of course. Yuzu, I remember now! We fought alongside each other on my travels... and your skill with a blade was a great boon to our cause."
She hums, "A surprise it is, indeed! But a happy one. I hope you've been well, since your departure from Valentia."
Upon having her brooch pointed out, Celica glances down, then looks at the near identical one pinned to Yuzu. "They are, yes. A charming game to help the partygoers mingle, I think. People do have a tendency to be shy during these sorts of functions."
Distantly, she hears the cheers of what she assumes to be a drunken man, and chuckles. "And some? Not so much. But yes, I'd love to exchange with you, old friend."
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seraphiia · 1 month
She walks in arm-in-arm with her beloved, eyes bright as she takes in the splendor of the ballroom. No matter how many times she's attended this event, Celica would never cease to be amazed by the effort put into preparing the ball every year.
A warm smile naturally settles across Celica's face as she watches other partygoers and couples stream into the venue, the hall gradually filling with laughter and chatter.
Champagne glasses clink in the distance, and the delightful scent of food briefly draws her attention.
"Oh! I wonder what they've prepared this year... shall we go see?" She coos to her husband, gently tugging him towards the refreshments table. "Come on! I won't hog you for the entire night, promise."
The teardrop crystal on her brooch glimmers under the dazzling lights, as Celica's own laughter mingles with the chatter—she had a feeling that this ball would be an enjoyable one.
Black Feather: Emma, Edelgard White Feather: Sakura, Alfred String of Pearls: Alm Small Bell: Teardrop Crystal: Laslow, Python
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seraphiia · 1 month
Celica hums, "I see. Amendment, then: you've barely dressed yourself."
That 'judgy' comment would be let go. For now.
She would not begrudge anyone for expressing their own personal style, but there was also a time and place for everything, and Celica had the inkling feeling Griss had done this mostly to draw a reaction from others. Still, the detail of him making his own clothes is a new, albeit surprising, one. "I never would have taken you for a tailor, though... interesting."
He steps closer, and she fights the urge to step back. "Yes. Remember the rats? And the fights? I'd have expected you to start a commotion by now, but would really rather you not. There isn't always fun in chaos, you know."
To his abrupt question, her gaze shifts to the fruit tart he had practically left demolished, and Celica slowly shakes her head. "...Erm. No thank you."
[ Fashion Police ] ( hi griss my good """friend""" griss )
While there was a non-zero chance of seeing him, Celica is still surprised to see the nigh shirtless man near the refreshments. His barely there shirt has the queen clicking her tongue—leave it to Griss to blithely ignore conventions such as public decency.
"By the Mother. Even for this occasion, you decided not to dress yourself? Though... I suppose you should be the last one I would expect to be setting good examples."
For a moment, Celica's eyes flick from side to side; scanning every nearby server, silently seeking out one of those accursed rats she may have missed. He wouldn't get the jump on her this time.
"...Anyway." Gaze turns back to him, "You seem uncharacteristically docile. Nothing here grabs your interest, I take it?"
He knows the sound of disapproval anywhere, and he loves it. Glancing up from where he’d been picking at (desiccating, really) a fruit tart on a napkin, Griss finds that it’s his favorite priestess who’s come to chide him and his lips peel back in a lopsided grin. It was almost like she liked it as much as he did!
”What do you mean I haven’t dressed myself?” He steps back from the table to open up his arms and present to her the netted shirt that hardly covers much of anything, but certainly more than his usual attire - which is no shirt at all - and the tattered coat that looks, intentionally or not, a size or two too big. He looks down at himself like he doesn’t know what she could possibly mean, and when he raises his head, it’s with a nearly-believable pout.
”I got all the right stuff on! And besides, I made it all. How’d you get everyone callin’ you ‘Caring Princess’ when you’re so judgy all the time.”
He lets his arms fall back to his sides, and with it the facade of hurt as he gives Celly’s own attire a once-over. The saturated red fading to white calls to mind a murder victim bleeding out, and he admires especially how it looks like whoever had done the deed had hit all the major arteries to get it soaked like that.
Then he blinks back to the present reality, and lifts his attention to her face - rosy-cheeked and very much alive, unfortunately.
”What?” he smiles slyly and steps closer. “‘Surprisingly docile?’ That almost sounds like I gotta start making a scene. You want that?” And he points abruptly at the destroyed fruit tart. “‘Cause I don’t.”
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seraphiia · 1 month
Her eyes light up a bit more with each new dish he rattles off, and Celica finds herself nodding in keen interest. They always ate rather simple meals at the priory, and back in Ram, hearty, homemade dishes born from the bounty of the land. But even after her years spent away from the castle, she hasn't quite lost her taste for the savory and refined.
"Oh, that all sounds delightful! And sounds about the same as what Zofia offers, though I doubt you can claim to have tried dagon filet."
She smiles, her voice carrying a hint of pride. "It's made with the meat of a sea dragon that lives in the oceans between Valentia and Archanea, and is positively delicious."
"Perhaps we could do a cultural food exchange?" Her hands clap together, "Cook some dishes from our homelands, and make it all into a hearty feast. We could even invite our friends."
moved from here / @seraphiia
"It's nothing, just happy to share!" Words of gratefulness couldn't match the joy it brought him to know she was having a good time and how his little action had only made it better. There was always a special something about bringing joy to others that made it feel like it was for himself too.
Perhaps seeing someone he had never seen eat—nor was able to—before holding food close had something to do with it too. Strange as the sight was, fondness was found on sharing something as simple as a bun with her.
"I can tell you a bit about it then! Let's see... We have dishes with vegetables, some with seafood, there's also fruit, hm... a bit of meat too. You could say we have a little bit of everything, Firene like Zofia used to be is a land of plenty after all." And the food was delicious, perhaps it was because of his overall enjoyment of eating save a few things, but he wouldn't say no to some nice food. "As example of dishes, there's onion soup, bean and veggie consommé or apple pie to say some."
Taking a bite of his own bun, Alfred covered his mouth as he chewed it. Once he was done he hummed as a proud expression formed on his face.
"There's also potato soup! I'm not a chef at all, but that dish i would say is one i'm pretty good at. Maybe i should prepare it for you one day, if you'd like."
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seraphiia · 1 month
"Yes, yes... you've always been a bit of a meathead, haven't you?"
She says, with nothing but fondness and love. He knows that. Alm was one of the sharpest men Celica knew, but she had to admit that his love for meat was hilariously stereotypical... as such, she couldn't help but tease a little.
"And of course." She giggles, taking a moment to chew and swallow her food, "I would hate to pull you from the festivities early, as much as I might want your company for myself." Plus, there were friends of her own she wished to reconnect with, and perhaps even new acquaintances to make.
When he pulls out his string of pearls, Celica reaches for her own brooch—pinned to her dress, and decorated with a glimmering teardrop crystal. She unclasps her brooch and hands it to him, taking his own as her prize.
"Indeed I did. It's a pretty little bauble, but I think I like the look of these pearls even better."
@seraphiia, continued from here:
The lineup of food was mostly the same as last year's, it seemed—at least, she's fairly certain. She was a bit distracted during the last ball. (And thank Mila the servers are actually human this time.) As such, it's easy for Celica to gravitate towards her favorites. The pastries, the tart, the savory... all of it was waiting to be tasted and sampled, but her beloved interjects before she can. He points out the sweet buns, and she hums. "Oh, I love these. The cream, the cherries, the almonds... goodness, I'm starving just thinking about them. It's a shame you don't care for sweets, love. You're really missing out!" "But," She playfully pokes his cheek, "Perhaps a visit to the tower later might make up for that? We could both use the fresh air, the time to ourselves..." And every other couple that wanted to confess or fool around, most like. Still, she couldn't resist the romance of the scene.
"you know me," alm shakes his head, but there's an undeniable smile hidden in his voice; the laughter that shines in deep emerald green. "i prefer my food with some meat in it."
maybe if the sweet buns were a little less sweet and not full of sugar, he'd probably reconsider giving them a try. but then again, he supposes they wouldn't be called sweet buns any longer if they weren't sweet.
"later." his expression softens. always, always for her. "i wouldn't miss it for the world. and! i finally get to properly experience it this year."
after everything that happened during his first ball, alm half-expected for something just as crazy to happen this year. but so far, this feels mundane. no one has been shrunken down. don't take him wrong, though —— he's happy to stand at his full height.
"but before that..." alm retrieves a brooch from one of his pockets. it depicts a string of pearls. "you did receive something like this, too, right?"
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seraphiia · 1 month
"Patience... well, I have help with that, sometimes." Oh, blessed Mila and her grace. "But I have come to find your company pleasant. I'd like to think we're at least friendly? Unless you're the one tired of me."
She wouldn't blame him at all. She was a royal, from a family that certainly hadn't done Zofia right over the past several years. And even Celica knew there were aspects of hers that could be taxing to the people around her. Not least of all her tendency for stubbornness, or shouldering burdens and keeping things to herself.
At least, that's what Mae had told her. And Conrad. And Saber—
...But Python's little snort pulls her from that line of thought, and she frowns a bit. Maybe even pouts a little.
"Come now, was it really that funny? We all take tumbles! I'm only..." Human. She likes to think so, but these days, with the powers and the reverence, it's hard for her to feel that way. "A person. One that makes mistakes, too."
Celica scoffs, her brief moment of melancholy passing. "But don't count on a repeat. I might not have a memorable show to offer, but I do have this." She gestures to the teardrop crystal pinned to her dress, "If you were searching for one of these baubles, I'd be more than happy to exchange mine with you."
[Champagne ]
Celica approaches the archer with a smile and silent offering of the second champagne flute in her hand, refraining from sipping from her own. "Python! I'm glad to see you here. I hope you've been enjoying yourself?"
A moment of pause as her smile slips into a smirk, "Maybe almost as much as you enjoyed watching me fall off that surfboard, hm? Quite hilarious, that."
Python takes the offered drink with a smirk of his own. "Still not tired of seeing this old snake slithering around? You've got a lot of queenly patience, Boss Lady." He raises the glass to his lips just as Celica speaks again, which turns out to be a mistake. The memory of his country's illustrious goddess incarnate tumbling into the ocean in an awkward bundle of limbs and splashing water is still far too vivid in his mind's eye. He snorts. Champagne bubbles and burns up toward his nose in the back of his throat, turning his voice hoarse as he attempts to swallow it down. "Nothin'll match that. Not unless you're plannin' on making a scene and a half on this dance floor." A pause. He clears his throat, though it does little to soothe the sting. "Making a light show like you did with that wave would be pretty exciting. And if you fall on your face again afterward, then hey," His smirk widens, "Maybe it'll be even more memorable."
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seraphiia · 1 month
"Oh? How intriguing. Zofia prides itself more on looser, flowing fabrics. Silks and tulle and linen, to not only represent our wealth of blessings, but to honor the Earth Mother that bestowed them upon us. I would be happy to tell you more..." Because Celica could never pass up an opportunity to speak of the home she loved.
She extends a hand, "Perhaps during a dance? A new song is about to start up, and..."
Her other hand lifts up to tap the teardrop crystal on her chest, "It would be the perfect opportunity for an exchange too, if you're inclined."
[ Fashion Police ]
"Edelgard! Your dress is stunning."
Celica approaches, a flute of champagne nursed in one hand as she holds the skirts of her own dress with the other, white ruffles trailing gently along the floor. It would be quite rude not to greet her own House Leader at this event, but more than that, Edelgard was a friend she simply wanted to show appreciation for.
"But really, I should expect no less from such sharp and savvy woman. I hear the fashions in Adrestia are rather high class. Zofia's also been known to boast a famed designer or two."
Crimson pools at Edelgard's hips, laying strong against the beaded embellishments from top to bottom. She dons this dress as a representative of Adrestia, finding herself gravitating towards its decorative style and enticing appearances.
Celica has always been kind and inviting— Even now, as she greets the Imperial Princess, she does so with the very same friendliness as before. Her attire encompasses a beautiful display of fabric; its color befitting.
"Your own dress is just as mesmerizing, Celica. The movement and fabrics suit you well," she says with a smile. Warmth leaves her side. "I will say, I would pleased to hear more about Zofia's fashion. Well versed in Adrestia I might be, I seem to lack when it comes to other places." A short laugh whispers against pink lips. "They are made a specific way. I always find myself gravitating towards these sort of bigger, well-tailored pieces."
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seraphiia · 1 month
"My, I only speak from the heart! That dress is stunning, and you yourself are quite the beauty. A very complimentary pair." Celica was especially fond of the shade of this woman's hair. She quite adored pink. "But, thank you. Your own words are very kind."
Quite the high compliment coming from you.
The woman spoke as if she knew Celica in some context, but the Valentian can only assume that her own reputation preceded her. This monastery housed many monarchs and scions of royalty after all, with her being among that number.
"Indeed it does." Celica hums, "And I think it's lovely, I do. The festivities are always so vibrant, so... lively. Clashing emotions and personalities... this is what life is about, I think. What the blessings of peacetime and love can bring."
It doesn't escape Celica's notice that the woman doesn't answer her earlier inquiry about a date, but it was also not her place to assume to pry into this lady's personal business. And so, instead: "My name is Celica, by the way. Might I know yours?"
[ Gossip ]
Celica lightly sips her drink as she watches the other partygoers, noticing something a bit different from last year's ball...
"Quite a few couples this year, aren't there?" She giggles, "I wonder what new ones will spring up from tonight's shenanigans."
Her comment is aimed at the woman beside her, in the hopes of sparking conversation. The lady was quite a beauty, and Valentia's queen couldn't help but be drawn to such a magnetic presence. "Have you come along with someone, Miss? Vision that you are, I can't imagine that you're alone."
To be approached by one Queen Celica of Zophia—well, it's almost enough to make a woman feel important.
"Vision? My, that's quite the high compliment coming from you." The praise is parried appropriately, turning it back upon its giver as is polite. Though it bears worth mentioning that Poe does not make a habit of lying, so it is doubtlessly a belief genuinely held. "You flatter me!"
"You're right about that, though. Well, occasions like this do tend to spur a sort of boldness in those nursing crushes. And the champagne certainly doesn't hurt." She reasons, chuckling as she swirls her own glass indicatively. Poe is no stranger to spotting these things from afar—even last year, in all the commotion, she had witnessed similar. "It's a beautiful thing to watch in motion, don't you think?"
From afar, the implication stands in lieu of a direct answer, from a girl who does not consider herself in the thick of it.
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