senkusimper · 2 months
circles - bakugou x reader
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pov: a villain attacks and you rush into a building to save people, but said building collapses.
i wrote this while listening to "circles" by pierce the veil ,, now be sad like i was <3 i don't know if i wanna do a pt 2 to this so take the ending however you'd like
The rain pounded mercilessly on the crumbling cityscape, each drop adding to the sense of urgency. The sky was a dark shroud, lightning occasionally illuminating the chaos below. You were in the thick of it, a hero in your own right, focused on saving as many civilians as possible from the collapsing building.
The training grounds at U.A. High School were bustling with activity. Students were honing their skills, pushing themselves to their limits. You and Bakugou were no different. "Y/N, don't just stand there! Move!" Bakugou barked, his explosive palms crackling with energy. You rolled your eyes but couldn't hide the smile tugging at your lips. "Relax, Bakugou. I've got this." You activated your quirk, effortlessly dodging his blasts. "Tch. Showoff," he muttered, but there was a hint of pride in his eyes as he watched you move. You didn't notice, too focused on the training.
"Everyone, stay calm!" you shouted, your voice barely audible over the sounds of destruction. Your quirk flared, lifting heavy beams and debris off trapped individuals. The building groaned ominously, its structure weakened by the relentless assault.
A child cried out from beneath a pile of rubble. Without hesitation, you sprinted towards the sound, your heart racing. You used your quirk to lift the debris, revealing a terrified little girl. "It's okay, I’ve got you," you said soothingly, lifting her into your arms. "We’re getting out of here."
You handed the girl to a nearby civilian who was able to run, urging them both towards the exit. The building shook violently again, causing more debris to fall. You spotted an elderly man struggling to move, his leg trapped under a fallen beam.
The cafeteria was buzzing with chatter, but Bakugou and you were in your own world. You sat across from him, a mischievous glint in your eye. "So, BK, what do you think of the new training regimen?" you asked, poking at your food. He grunted, not looking up from his meal. "It's tough, but we need it. Can't be weak if we want to be pro heroes." You laughed, the sound making his chest feel tight. "Always so serious. Lighten up a bit, will you?" He finally looked up, his eyes meeting yours. For a moment, the noise of the cafeteria faded, and it was just the two of you. "You talk too much," he said, but his tone was softer than usual.
The ceiling above you started to give way. You gritted your teeth, pushing through the exhaustion as you used your quirk to lift the beam and free the man. "Go! Now!" you urged him, helping him to his feet and directing him to the exit.
As he hobbled away, you heard another cry for help. A young woman was trapped in a corner, surrounded by flames and falling debris. The ceiling above her was moments from collapsing. You took a deep breath, summoning the last of your strength. "I can do this," you whispered to yourself.
You dashed towards her, using your quirk to blast away the flames and debris. "Come on, we need to move!" you shouted, grabbing her arm and pulling her to safety. Just as you reached the exit, the building shuddered violently. The ceiling gave a final, deafening creak before collapsing entirely.
The training grounds were empty, the moon casting long shadows across the field. You and Bakugou stayed late, determined to get stronger. "You don't have to stay, you know," you said, wiping sweat from your brow. He scoffed. "As if I'd let you get ahead of me. Dream on." You smirked, launching a playful attack with your quirk. He dodged effortlessly, countering with a blast that made your hair stand on end. "Nice try, BK," you teased, breathless but exhilarated. "You're not half bad," he admitted, a rare compliment. You blinked in surprise, but before you could respond, he turned away, hiding the faint blush on his cheeks.
Outside, Bakugou was locked in a fierce battle with a villain. Explosions lit up the night as he fought with every ounce of his strength. He heard the deafening crash of the building collapsing and felt a cold dread settle in his chest. "No... please no," he whispered, blasting the villain away with a powerful explosion.
After a particularly grueling training session, you both lay on the grass, staring up at the sky. The silence was comfortable. "You ever think about the future, Kats?" you asked quietly. He was quiet for a moment before responding. "Yeah. 'm gonna be the number one hero." You smiled softly. "Of course you are. And I'll be right there, too." He turned his head to look at you, his expression unreadable. "Don't go getting yourself killed," he said, the words heavier than they seemed. "Same to you," you replied, your voice equally serious.
Without wasting a second, he sprinted towards the wreckage, his heart pounding in his chest. As he neared the building, a flash of movement caught his eye. A civilian, struggling to free themselves from the debris. Bakugou didn't hesitate. He blasted the rubble away, pulling the terrified person to safety. "Get out of here!" he barked, shoving them towards safety.
Without wasting another second, he prepared to charge into the unstable building. "Shit..." he muttered, his voice barely reaching his own ears. He was about to enter when a firm grip tightened around him, yanking him back.
"Hey!" Bakugou growled, struggling against the capture weapon wrapped around him. "Let me go! She’s- Y/N is still in there!"
Aizawa's eyes were stern and unwavering. "The building isn't stable, Bakugou. If you go in now, you'll just get yourself killed."
Bakugou thrashed, trying to break free. "I don't care! Let me go!"
"You need to calm down," Aizawa said firmly. "We can't afford to lose you too. Rescue teams are on their way. We have to wait."
Bakugou's eyes blazed with fury and desperation. "I can't just stand here and do nothing! Y/N is in there!"
Aizawa's grip didn't falter. "I understand how you feel, but this is the only way to ensure the safety of everyone involved. You have to trust the rescue teams."
The simulated city was eerily quiet, the perfect setting for the latest training exercise. Aizawa had planned for a building to collapse during the exercise, adding an element of urgency and danger. Bakugou and you were paired together, tasked with finding and rescuing a dummy representing a civilian. "Let's make this quick," Bakugou grumbled, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "I don't want to waste time here." You nodded, equally focused. "Agreed. The dummy should be somewhere in that building." The two of you moved with precision, entering the building and locating the dummy within minutes. Just as you lifted it, the ground beneath you shuddered. Aizawa's voice crackled over the intercom. "Building collapse simulation initiated. Evacuate immediately." The walls began to creak and groan, debris falling around you. Bakugou's eyes widened in realization. "Shit, we need to move!" Before he could react further, you grabbed his hand, intertwining your fingers with his. "Come on!" you urged, your voice steady despite the chaos. You started running, pulling him along with you, the dummy secured under your arm. The building continued to crumble, large chunks of debris crashing down around you. Bakugou kept pace with you, his grip on your hand tightening as you navigated through the collapsing structure. He could feel the heat of the explosions he was ready to use to clear a path if necessary. As you neared the exit, you glanced back at him, a determined smile on your face. Bakugou felt a surge of something unfamiliar but powerful – trust, maybe, or a deep-seated respect for your unwavering courage. He smiled back for a moment. Just one moment. With a final sprint, the two of you burst out of the building just as it fully collapsed behind you. The rush of escaping in the nick of time left both of you breathless, but the adrenaline made it feel exhilarating.
Bakugou's body trembled with rage and helplessness. His mind was a whirlwind of memories – your laugh, your determination, your smile. He couldn't lose you, not like this.
As the minutes dragged on, each one feeling like an eternity, he watched the rescue teams work tirelessly, pulling civilians from the wreckage. Every person they saved brought a flicker of hope, but you were still nowhere to be seen.
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senkusimper · 2 months
katsuki bakugou x addict!reader headcanons
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TW: Mentions of drug use, relapsing etc.
ignore most of this, it's just me projecting i guess !!
Bakugou is incredibly perceptive and notices the signs of drug use early on, even before you openly admit it. He confronts you directly and forcefully, demanding to know what’s going on.
Initially, Bakugou reacts with anger and frustration. He hates the idea of anything or anyone having control over his loved ones. He may yell, curse, and vent his feelings, expressing his disappointment and fear through anger.
Even if he is angry, his primary concern is your safety and well-being. He becomes extremely protective, monitoring you closely and trying to keep you out of situations where you might be tempted to use drugs.
Despite his usual disdain for studying, puts in the effort to understand addiction and the best ways to support someone through it. He reads up on withdrawal symptoms, treatment options, and ways to offer emotional support.
Bakugou offers tough love. He makes it clear that he won’t tolerate excuses or lies, but he is also unwaveringly supportive when you genuinely try to quit. He helps set up a structured environment, eliminating triggers and creating a routine that keeps you busy and focused.
Bakugou stays physically close to you, knowing his presence can be a grounding force. He takes you to your therapy or support group meetings, waits outside if necessary, and ensures you follow through with your recovery plan.
If you relapse, Bakugou reacts with a mix of anger, disappointment, and renewed determination. He doesn’t give up on you, but he makes it clear that you have to keep fighting and that he will be there every step of the way.
Bakugou encourages you through his unique brand of tough love, pushing you to be your best self and not let the addiction define you. He celebrates your victories, no matter how small, with genuine pride, albeit in his own gruff manner.
He sets firm boundaries to protect both you and himself. If you are high or lying about your use, Bakugou distances himself until you’re ready to be honest and seek help again. This boundary is not out of spite but a tough reminder that trust and honesty are crucial in your relationship.
Bakugou constantly reminds you of your strengths and potential, motivating you to overcome your addiction. He may share stories of his own struggles and how he overcomes obstacles, using his own journey as a hero to inspire you.
Bakugou involves trusted friends and professionals in your recovery process, ensuring you have a strong support system. He recognizes that he can't do it alone and encourages you to lean on others as well.
Over time, Bakugou learns to be more patient and empathetic, understanding that recovery is a long and challenging process. Your relationship with him grows stronger as you navigate the ups and downs together, building trust and resilience.
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senkusimper · 2 months
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senkusimper · 2 months
bakugou is absolutely a goof at times.
sure, he is mostly stern and big ballin’ shit.
but the moments he gets a little loose, hes a goofball. but he also annoys you.
“baby.” he says, standing behind you. he leans against the island table and stares down at you while you cook whatever meal you both were craving.
“what!?” you shout, looking back to him and he has a shit eating grin. you wanted to pop him right there, but he started to giggle a little.
“you so fuckin’ pretty.”
or he likes to give head doogies, putting you into s head lock and pressing his knuckles into your head.
“get the fuck!—“
“my little knucklehead.”
or especially when it comes to social media, tiktok especially. he does whatever little dance you bring to him but does something weird. he can never be serious in them.
hes a hidden child at heart, always doing something to annoy you. (this also includes rough housing, you might land a good smack on his good arm and hes laughing in pain, immediately hitting you back. just to get the same spot hit.)
and bakugou wouldnt trade this for the world, knowing he can finally get past this rough exterior.
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senkusimper · 2 months
katsuki bakugou headcanons but they're randomly generated
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bakugou believes in ghosts and insists on trying to summon one at every sleepover.
it was supposed to be a chill sleepover at bakugou’s house, but as always, he had other plans. y/n, kirishima, denki, and sero sat around the living room, watching as bakugou set up his ghost-hunting gear with an intense look of determination.
"alright, idiots," bakugou said, lighting candles and setting up a ouija board. "tonight, we’re summoning a ghost for real. no screwing around."
"do we have to do this every time?" y/n asked, half-amused, half-exasperated.
"yes, we do," bakugou replied, glaring. "ghosts are real, and i’m gonna prove it."
kirishima chuckled. "come on, man, you don’t really believe in this stuff, do you?"
bakugou's eyes narrowed. "shut up, shitty hair. now, everyone, hands on the planchette."
reluctantly, they all placed their hands on the board. the room was silent except for the flickering of candles and the sound of their breathing.
"spirits, we summon you," bakugou intoned seriously. "give us a sign."
nothing happened. they waited. bakugou looked around, eyes darting suspiciously at every shadow. suddenly, denki yelped.
"something touched my leg!"
"quit messing around, dunce face," bakugou growled, though he looked a bit paler.
"uh, bakugou," y/n said, pointing to a corner of the room. "what’s that?"
everyone turned to look, and there, in the dim light, was a shadowy figure. bakugou’s eyes widened, and he took a step back, bumping into the couch.
the figure moved closer, revealing itself to be...a coat rack with bakugou's hero costume draped over it. the room burst into laughter.
bakugou bullies kids on roblox.
it was a quiet afternoon, and y/n found themselves lounging on the couch at bakugou's place, scrolling through their phone. bakugou was unusually engrossed in his laptop, muttering to himself and occasionally smirking.
"what are you up to?" y/n asked, peeking over his shoulder.
bakugou glanced at them with a mischievous grin. "i’m teaching these kids a lesson."
y/n squinted at the screen. "is that... roblox?"
bakugou nodded, his fingers flying over the keyboard. "yeah, these little brats think they can mess with me in a game. i’m showing them who’s boss."
y/n couldn't help but laugh. "you’re bullying kids on roblox?"
"it's not bullying," bakugou retorted, eyes still glued to the screen. "it's called establishing dominance."
just then, a kid’s avatar on the screen typed, "no fair! you're cheating!"
bakugou smirked. "get good, loser," he typed back, before launching another attack on the poor kid's virtual base.
bakugou sucks at saying tongue twisters.
it was a lazy afternoon, and y/n, kirishima, and bakugou were hanging out in bakugou’s room. kirishima had come up with a new challenge to keep things interesting: tongue twisters.
"alright, bakugou," kirishima said with a grin, holding up a card. "let’s see how good you are at these. say this one: 'she sells seashells by the seashore.'"
bakugou rolled his eyes. "easy. 'she sells seashells by the she-saw—'" he stumbled, glaring at kirishima and y/n, who were already snickering.
"oh, come on, man, you can do better than that," y/n teased. "try another one."
bakugou huffed and snatched the card from kirishima. "fine. 'peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.' 'peter piper picked a peck of pickled pepp—'" he fumbled again, his frustration growing.
y/n burst out laughing. "you’re really bad at this, bakugou."
bakugou's face turned red. "shut up! i can do it! just give me another one."
kirishima handed him a new card. "how about 'how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?'"
bakugou took a deep breath. "how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wo—" he stopped, growling in frustration. "damn it!"
y/n and kirishima were laughing uncontrollably now. "it's okay, bakugou," y/n said between giggles. "not everyone can be good at everything."
bakugou glared at them, but there was a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "whatever, you idiots. i'll get it eventually."
"we believe in you," kirishima said, clapping him on the back.
bakugou is very willing to eat inedible things.
it was a quiet evening, and y/n found themselves hanging out at bakugou’s house. they were in the kitchen, rummaging through the pantry for something to snack on. bakugou sat at the table, scrolling through his phone.
"there’s nothing good in here," y/n complained, holding up a dusty jar of something unidentifiable. "what even is this?"
bakugou glanced up and smirked. "no idea. probably something old as hell. lemme see that."
y/n handed it over, watching in amusement as bakugou inspected the jar. without a moment’s hesitation, he twisted off the lid and scooped out a bit with his finger, popping it into his mouth.
"bakugou, what are you doing?!" y/n exclaimed, horrified.
bakugou chewed thoughtfully before grimacing and spitting it into the sink. "ugh, definitely not food."
y/n stared at him, wide-eyed. "why would you eat that? it’s obviously ancient and inedible!"
bakugou shrugged, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "you gotta be willing to try new things. can’t be a coward all your life."
y/n laughed, shaking their head. "you’re crazy, you know that?"
here is the link to the random hc generator, have fun with it!
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senkusimper · 2 months
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senkusimper · 2 months
you can't just say perchance - bk+reader
pov: you misusing the word perchance
exhibit A
ever since you were paired with bakugou katsuki for a joint training exercise, you realized that tolerating his explosive personality might just be more challenging than facing a villain. as you both sat in the training room, strategizing for the upcoming exercise, you couldn’t help but notice how he bristled every time you uttered the word "perchance."
"so... BK... perchance we should start with a frontal assault?" you suggested with a hand on your hip trying to gauge his reaction. you saw his eyebrow twitch.
"you sound like an idiot."
"sorry i thought-" you started but unsurprisingly bakugou cut you off, in a very bakugou fashion.
"thinking ain't your strong suit, obviously" he retorted, rubbing his temples.
the exercise proceeded with bakugou leading, his explosive quirk echoing through the training grounds. despite how harsh his demeanor seemed, you were intrigued by his determination and skill.
exhibit B
in the days that followed, you couldn't help but tease him by randomly slipping the word "perchance" into your casual conversations. each time he'd shoot you a withering glare or correct you with a grumble. it had started to turn into a game for you, with bakugou becoming increasingly more exasperated and you finding more creative ways to misuse the word.
one afternoon, during your lunch break you had seated yourself with bakugou, kirishima, denki and sero. you guys were casually chit chatting, talking more than eating your lunches.
you noticed the red head eyeing your onigiri. you smiled a bit and held one out to him, "would you like one kirishima?"
kirishima smiled, "no no it's alright."
you were persistent however and he caved in; denki also tried to get some of your food as well.
"that's not fair! how come he gets some???" denki turned to you, shaking you by your shoulders slightly.
you shrugged your shoulders, not knowing why you felt like offering up your food but you saw the way he stared at it, it's just one. "perchance."
you jumped when the table shook as two hands slapped down onto it. the culprit? bakugou. he looked so fed up, his head hung down and you could see his eyebrows furrow. "you can't just say 'perchance'."
you started smiling slightly, trying to hold back a giggle. "right right sorry, BK. it won't happen again."
he scoffed and sat back down, rolling his eyes. lunch continued and by the time everyone else had finished eating, you found yourself so full and with one onigiri left. lightbulb.
"perchance, bakugou, would you like the last onigiri?" you held up the little ball, looking at him innocently.
he slammed his tray down with a scowl, "i swear to god, if you say perchance one more time—"
exhibit c
the days went on, and your use of “perchance” continued to drive bakugou up the wall. it had become a sort of game for you, though bakugou wasn’t amused.
one evening, as you both worked on your hero essay revisions in the library, bakugou seemed unusually pensive. after a long silence, he cleared his throat and turned to you, his voice oddly hesitant.
“uh, listen. perchance you might want to… go out sometime?”
you blinked and paused for a moment, surprised by his choice of words. you tilted your head to the side while smiling, "did you just use 'perchance'?"
you could see the light blush creeping up his cheeks. "yeah so what?"
"actually, bk, using ‘perchance’ here is kind of... off." you stifled a laugh, "you should use 'maybe' or 'perhaps'."
bakugou rolled his eyes and turned his head away from you "just answer the question."
........................... "perchance."
he stood up, arms crossed and huffing loudly.
"i'm joking!" you put your hands up in defense, "yes i'd like to go out with you sometime."
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senkusimper · 2 months
drummer bakugou things
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he has a drum set in his dorm room 100%. probably an electronic one so he's not crazy loud
this man puts feeling into every hit ngl... if he's pissed? he'll probably break the snare or crash cymbal
he uses drumming as a way to express himself and his emotions (me too bro)
puts headphones on and plays to whatever is on shuffle, is very creative
he can 100% spin his drum sticks and do other cool tricks with them
probably has a tiktok or yt where he uploads faceless covers of his favourite songs, most recent upload is probably a drum cover of hollywood baby by 100 gecs (lets say its just him tryna flex all his cool little tricks)
probably listens to/plays a lot of ice nine kills, pierce the veil, the oral cigarettes, bmth, three days grace etc etc etc.
when he was asked to drum for the festival he knew he was the only one who could do it but he was CRAZY nervous because he never actually plays in front of anyone, he always just keeps to himself
let's say that perhaps you play guitar or something, he might consider making music if he knows you well enough and you'll probably have to ask him first. would probably still be uncomfy performing on stage but wouldn't mind just releasing tracks. this entire thing was just me expressing the fact that i would enjoy a fic with a drummer bakugou. thanks for reading this yap sesh <3
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senkusimper · 2 months
bakugou texts - pt 1
i'm giving in to my urges, he's just like me fr
im probably gonna do more idk
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senkusimper · 3 years
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senkusimper · 3 years
short rando Senku HCs bc I can
- whoop whoop this man HATES and i mean H A T E S when people always tail him when he’s walking. Like get off his ass god damn.
- Senku will NEVER have an s/o, at least not until the world is back to normal so if you try to shoot your shot he will shut you down immediately. 
- Senku be the typa person to have lots of dandruff bro, modern era AND the stone age. mf scratches his head and it just starts SNOWING (Im sorry not sorry)
- Can Senku cook? Hell no, he burns everything he touches. 
- Senku is lowkey a Pro GamerTM and would slap kids in League of Legends before the world got stoned.
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