selfmadepinko · 10 months
i don't expect a lot of votes on this but i wanted to see if there's a lean towards one of them in my mutual circle at least. idk i was curious
if you don't dislike any of them you don't have to vote
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selfmadepinko · 11 months
this worship of ~old money~ aesthetics & people that everyone started rinsing on every internet app lately is so crazy covid happened like yesterday how are you this thick skulled stupid bro hello?? hello??? you should see red and blood death when u see these people idk the fuck is wrong with you
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selfmadepinko · 1 year
I think the government should fund trips to see ur tumblr bestie
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selfmadepinko · 1 year
check your fate!
one two three four five six
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selfmadepinko · 1 year
Ok I’m really curious
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selfmadepinko · 1 year
Daily checklist of affirmations:
Nothing wrong with me
Nothing wrong with me
Nothing wrong with me
Nothing wrong with me
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selfmadepinko · 1 year
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Day 849: 🐢 & [Luffy from One Piece]
Requested by: ArgyPargy on Patreon
Ko-Fi | Patreon
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selfmadepinko · 1 year
also if you wanna combat the "women in the past only crossdressed because of misogyny!" you have GOTTA read chapter 11 in Transgender Warriors where leslie feinberg does such a good job constructing an argument against this kind of radfem reductionism
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selfmadepinko · 1 year
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selfmadepinko · 1 year
also idk what transgender child needs to hear this the salon/barber will not give u a cool emo haircut you gotta do that shit with scissors and a razor at your sink
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selfmadepinko · 1 year
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selfmadepinko · 1 year
that image of donald trump with the like, 4 dozen hamburgers is still the funniest thing in the world
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selfmadepinko · 1 year
if i ever write something set in the united states im just going to do zero research whatsoever and make stuff up to sound cool it’s equality
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selfmadepinko · 1 year
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cadmium red 🔥 all oil on wood panel, by me, 2022
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selfmadepinko · 1 year
i took her to my penthouse and i made her a cookie but i eated it 😥
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selfmadepinko · 1 year
im about to test the limits of discord nitro
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selfmadepinko · 1 year
at this point I wish advertising in general was just literally illegal. Word of mouth only. Maybe exceptions beneath a certain net value like if you’re a startup or a family run business but if you’re already making a billion dollars then making even one single commercial or banner campaign should be a crime and I mean a crime like the CEO gets investigated on national television and goes to prison forever and everyone agrees they’re a sick fucked up maniac
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